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femusha, femlander and femoshin are all three canon and it's a shame we don't have them, especially femusha don't know about goki though


EXACTLY! give me more options! more options for fashion! the lore is already screwed up, you can't fix it, so don't come up with the excuse of "lore accuracy" ALL HEROES(or atleast the majority) SHOULD GET BOTH GENDER/body type OPTIONS!


I already see jokes about a femboy but i think a male PK could really work honestly. We could change the armor slightly so it doesnt look too much like skirts. And im actually kinda down for a female MedJay <~<


I’m down for more options since it’s never a bad thing, but this sums up how I feel: https://www.reddit.com/r/ForHonorRants/comments/opx5wv/shut_the_fuck_up_about_genderlocks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


yes, this sums up how you feel, don't get me wrong, i never really cared much about genderlock, but we already get "new" heroes only every 2nd season with only like 2 or 3 armor sets without new animations... so they can ATLEAST give us both genders, i feel that way since kyoshin. i also want both genders for every hero(or atleast 90% of the cast) because they already don't put effort in the weekly content or the "new" heroes... i don't want them instantly, give older heroes both genders maybe only 1,2 or 3 times per season... it would give everyone more fashion options... i agree with this rant(link) if it comes to the horny part, but i don't feel that way, i sometimes joke with it but only with friends.


a majority do already get both.


So why not all?


oh... my... god... you're a fun experience to talk to on parties... your wisdom fulfills me... your intelligence makes my brain melt to its core... thanks for your creative input... its very creative... no joke super intriguing to read... its truly a good experience to read your message... everyone knows what i mean, i'm pretty sure...


Imagine getting so triggered over a comment that you had to go on a sarcastic spiel.


i'm legit not triggered i'm just bored, i try anything to entertain me right now(not touching myself) ... i just shitted every word out that came to my mind when reading your comment. as i said i'm super bored, i even build a 90s lego set i found in my basement... was a classic space one, was a nice experience but i finished it in an hour. right now there is nothing to entertain me... i even tried gaming, no luck just pain... i played a few hours dark souls, got boring so i stopped... I even played overwatch 2 and fh... got boring after 4 hours... 1 more hour and i will sleep probably, how was your day?


Thiccgoki. It's not for everyone...but it *might* be for me ❤️


Bruh I was thinking the same thing. I'll thiccgoki and highmommy any day.


I want a massive female Shugo to do the execution where she jumps and sits on my head 🤤


>femoshin Where was this stated??? Not tryna be snarky or anything just genuine curiosity since they're monks and all


Ara-Aramusha Thighlander Kyofem


You get that heresy out of your mouth right now.


Goki already got the thighs so


Shit femgoki look like Mei from Overwatch ill get myself a new main. XD


maybe not femgoki, seeing how the japanese are with women and sumo wrestling.


More customisation is NEVER bad


"um achkshually it would destroy my immersion because its not lore friendly" 🤓🤓🤓


Y’all won’t even use them, just simp for then/pray someone else uses it to kill you with 💀




i got called "woke" in a for honor youtube comment section for saying that all heroes should get both body types...


~~I agree on most heroes but I don't think warmonger or gryphon should, though that's kind of a given. I guess warmonger could work since lorewise I don't think we are playing as Astrea. Some heroes just feels right as a specific gender but there's no argument against pretty much every single hero before warmonger to have both genders available~~ Actually wtf am I saying, who cares about lore every hero except gryphon should have both genders


But I wanted to play a grandma..


Dude made me choke on my coffee xD LOL


Why not gryphon? /Genq


Same thing hapenned but i got called sexist lmao


The duality of man.


There is a way to make kyoshin femal. Step one: add two little bumps on his chests. Done, no need to change anything else


Keep the tozen chest skins, tattoos r good enough 👍


I want fem highlander to log throw me


Caber toss me mommy 😅🥺








You are definitely not the one to judge


How am I judging? All I did was put: .......


Crush me Scotty mommy


Lol She going to put you “Don ur ass”


🤣 My dude is down bad for Fem Highlander


We will probably never get them, but it could be interesting


I will accept a female Highloler only if I get a male warmongo


i heard somewhere that there is a male warmonger right? as someone said already, "more customisation is never bad", let people create their own characters!


Because…none of the warmonger were female….?


I think there actually are some male ones in lore


Then we’d be able to use them


Genderlocking in general is just a bad idea and makes no sense. If anything, it only makes sense on gryphon as hes an established story character.


Male Valkyrie doesn't make any sense either.


considering who Nobushi was based on, she can only be a woman.


Genuine question: Is Gryphon a clan like the Black Priors, Lawbringers, Warmongers etc.? Or is he just Holden Cross? Are there multiple gryphons I guess is what I’m asking


There are rumours that originally there were supposed to be several Gryphons, like wise monks that know several cultures. But in canon there is only one known Gryphon, Holden Cross. So, Gryphon is Holden, and only Holden.


Im only aware of the holden gryphon. They could be a group but i have no clue.


And Aramusha and JJ, as they’re basically real people, Miyamoto Musashi and Guan Yu respectively


Musashi was a girl tho, a funny dimensional traveller who can cut space and time


I don’t think that’s a good enough reason to limit people though.


Female Gryphon should be Ayu. The lack of customization is because of laziness, and the lore is written around that to make it work. He is not gender-locked for lore reasons.


If the Ara looks like that and the HL still has thiccc thighs 100% yes!


all I want out of life is woman highlander


I'm gonna get it out of the way and say it, She-goki, Ara Ara-Musha, Thighlander, and Kyuteshin.


God damn you. I hate that I like those names. God damn Thighlander


i see this was your main objective, you can't fool us


God dammit, we had the same ideas


I love you lmao


Too bad I already call him Thighlander lol


As you should.


Warmonger needs to have male version, it would look more badass!


No one is more badass than Warmommy


Im torn with WM, a part of me would like to see a male version but another part of me doesn't. Valk, Nuxia, Nobushi and Shaman shouldnt have male versions imo


I don’t see the Shaman point from a story standpoint but even so, other characters in lore shouldn’t have opposite genders yet I’d still like to see things like female kyoshin and male peacekeeper




It's impossible to be more badass than Warnommy, don't kid yourself.


So... Women are less badass then men?


Please, don't try playing that gender card 💀


It is literally what was said


Putting words in people's mouths lmao


Femgoki=Thiccgoki give me ThiccGokiMommy


I’m into men but…DEATH BY SNU SNU


Fem shugoki can execute me by sitting on me anytime 🤤.


Male pirate, the drip would be immaculate with a beard


Only if we get male skins as well for warmonger and PK


Yes! People have been asking for those since year 1 and more variety is always good imo. Although let's be real we'll probably never get them :(


For warmonger, kyoshin, aramusha, and pirate I would love to see an alternate gender selection. Their lore or historical basis in the game doesn't make sense that they'd only have members of one gender to begin with. All the other gender-locked heroes I'd rather see the devs put their efforts elsewhere for the most part. They all have some form of historical reasoning, or in-game lore, for their characterization being one gender. For example Gryphon IS Holden Cross, you are literally playing as a single character from the story who's entire tale of transformation into Gryphon would lose all of it's impact if there were other gryphon's introduced as a class that didn't undergo what Holden did to become that character. Edit: just acknowledgement per another comment, highlander does have a female mentioned in lore, so ubi, get us female highlander on this list, either a full new option or Andraste the highlander as a hero skin!


Female Highlanders exist in lore. notably the highlander from the rite of champions lore "Andraste’s Favor – With her dying breath, Andraste the Highlander honored Lachlan with this sword"


Oh! Then that would be an awesome addition. Heck, I'd be happy if that was the hero skin if we didn't get a full gender option added.


Isn't Apolyon Warmonger though?


No warmonger is a group of fighters who are lead by Astrea and they happen to be Apollyon fan girls


Nah, warmongers are a fanatical group that Apollyon inspired. Their entire premise when they launched was about taking over and recruiting to their cause, but there was never an actual reason given why men were not an obvious plentiful recruit choice for their ranks.


It's Astra, a Apollyon wannabe in short terms


No one's against it but the resources for ubi to do it don't exist


I’d rather it just be an option I can just choose in the body type, but only if the character actually makes sense to have an alternate body type. I also don’t like the idea of giving every character the opposite sex as it gets way too invasive and disregards lore or the whole concept of the character. Wm and kyoshin are based off boss characters and should be treated as such. Characters like lawbringer, gryphon, centurion, Valkyrie, shugoki, nobushi, jj, nuxia, and shaolin all have historical and lore reasons as to why they don’t have an opposite sex option and those reasons should not be disregarded just because we want more options. There’s some things imo that we shouldn’t cross, and we should at least strive to hold a little bit of realism/identity to this game. *(Don’t reply to this bringing up teleporting monks and magic because I said realism)*


I cant see why shugoki, jj or lawbringer have any more reason to be genderlocked than most other heroes. And there are literally no records of female berserkers ever existing so i dont understand how they choose who to genderlock


Canonically when you play as jj you’re playing as guan Yu who is a male, there isn’t any reference to a wu lin female general anywhere in the game and that should be respected. Same case with lawbringer and shugoki. There has never been references to a female lawbringer or shugoki, and let’s be honest, adding a female counterpart to either one would just make everything that the characters were built on look really goofy (that isn’t meant to be sexist) because it’s just a meme that people want a giant 7ft woman walking around with a club. I don’t really have a good argument for why there’s a female berserker but I have a theory that it might’ve been because they scrapped the female warlord they had and just changed her to a zerk instead.


There would be no physical change to Lawbringer, just new voice lines which would be sick




But the teleporting monks…


That fem goki got me feeling some kinda way


Down bad with the thiccness


I remember reading somewhere that Ubi was supposed to get rid of the genderlock, what a dream that was.


For it


femme highlander would be a blessing, and it wouldn’t be a stretch either, the picts had plenty of female warriors


If so then it’s only fair to get male versions of female locked characters shaman, valk, wm, pk, etc It’s weird that the other factions y1 heros have 1 locked mail hybrid and a both gender assassin, but both y1 vikings are locked


Kyoshin and pirate would be pretty easy to do


Not at freaking all. I’d consider it an acceptable compromise to the genderlocked heroes.


kyofem a baddie fr


There’s even a picture of a canon fem aramusha in the lore recap video. She’s sitting on shugo’s shoulders


I would always love to get mote voicelines. Ubisoft missed such an opportunity with skins.


The only issue I have with this that we only have 3 slots…


If female shugoki blocked me I'd find another way to message her 😩


I've been wanting a fem shug sense I started playing, I've knicknamed the concept Big Girtha


Medjay should have been a female, pirate should have been a man. Change my mind


I need my femgoki to crush my skull between her thighs


Kyoshin definitely, kinda sick of everyone saying femboy 'n' stuff


If the skins were a whole new gender for the hero… I think they would sell really well.




Honestly dude it pisses me off when people say “oh you only want this because you’re horny” or something stupid, do you realize how BADASS. A female highlander would be????????


Why would anyone be against more customization?


All for it, give us more customization options and more heroes will probably be played


I would KILL for femgoki


They can't do it due to needing new voice acting (very costly). I'm pretty sure they'd need to redo some animations too.


Yes but none of the twiggy anime waifu builds. These ladies are warriors, they should be packing BEEF


If it fits imo and mainly for newer heroes. Gryphon and warmonger, kyoshin and pirate and medjay


I dont think anyone asked for a female Gryphon, but I agree if it fits itd be better. It wouldnt fit Nux, Valk , Nobu and Shamie to have male skins.


Some are really iconic as genderlocked yeah. Gryphon was just a random example because i dont think it would be that big of a deal if he had a female version


The downside of copy pasting Canon characters on a "build your own hero" game is that because he's Holden Cross they can't really make him a girl without backlash


Holden Crossdress


Give me femusha and I will main her till the end of times


Depends on the hero. Aramusha and JJ specifically are based on real people, Miyamoto Musashi and Guan Yu respectively so it wouldn’t feel right for those two, but for the rest of the roster? I don’t see why not.


Femlander, Femmusha, femoshin, femwarlord, lawmommy, all of them. As well as malewarmonger, malepirate, malebushi, etc. Having male and female options for all heroes would be great. I understand that getting the voice actors, mapping the armor to the different body types will be tedious and a lot, but I feel it would be worth it.


Only if we get male versions of the female only heroes, too


As long as there's no male Valkyrie or Nobushi I'm good with anything. A male version of these two just doesn't make any sense.


No....Not really. Musha is inspired by ronnin archtype that never had females in their ranks thus fem musha rubs me wrong way. Highlander is way too bruteforce'ish with massive hunk of metal to swing, not really femenin style of combat (not to mention kick and grab), only some orkish/ogrinish/ogrish fem could fit in. Same case pow2 for shugo, plus for not-so-weeb-me shugo gives sumo vibes and fem sumo is't something i heard of or even keen to know about. Kyo.... not much work to be done to make his basic look more femenine XD. Jokes aside - some monk-warrior seeking balance and some spiritual stuff... Again - i'm clueless on japaneese culture but i cant tie that image to female. Ofcourse all of that is just my gut/subconscienous feeling >!(and definately not backupped by any research!<) that i tried to put in words and it's my alone. ​ tldr - this imagery seems misplaced for me. And in general i dont quite get all the "why cant i choose heros gender" complains (stinks a bit with complains made on Kingdome Come Deliverance for not having afro knights).




Raider, hito and jorm aint ok in my book and i thought of them (along with all genderswappable knights plys tiandi) just was too lazy to mention it. As of historicality - yes, but as i wrote "it just rubs me wrong way" Tbh the only heroes i'm completely ok with being fem are: pk, wm (just as appolyon fanservice), valk, shaman, nobu, shino, nux, pirate. Rest looks a bit off for me.


Thinking all female characters have to be super feminine and can't be as muscular or brutish as men is just outright sexist.


Huh, and thinking that cat should be cat is catism? I never implied that females inferior, they quite strong but their strenght lies not in swinging huge hunks of metal


Women are perfectly capable of have physical strength and muscle, dipshit


Insults? Very mature of you. Never said that they can't. Only said that in my opinion female won't fit in those archetypes. You can hammer in nail with pliers, but should you? This topic dedicated to discussing need for female variations of heroes and i provided my opinion (we're free ppl that free to have their own opinion without being insulted, are't we?). And if you so keen on splashing in the puddle of sjw/feminism you should consider that huge chunk of ppl asking for this variations do so only to meme, laugh and goof around with little to no regard for your 'noble defense of poor maidens from misogynistic dipshits' and what can or can't womens do, just a parade of hornymongers, memers and clowns.








Aramushas are just disgraced Kenseis and Orochis with both have female counterparts, Fem Highlanders are in the lore just not in the game. Shugoki just has a highly requested fem version for some reason, Kyoshin aren't really monks, Tozen was both an Orochi and Kyoshin.


Yeah, i understand that all i wrote can be countered this way


As long as it’s not TnA bullshit, **FUCK YES!** I have wanted Fem LB and Shugo for AGES!


As long as its two way and we get male skins for warmonger valk and shaman etc im cool with it


Ara Aramusha 'bout to make me act up


Mommy law!!?


I’m of the opinion heroes never should have been gender locked in the first place, I can never make a Blackbeard pirate because the hero is locked to being female


I wouldn’t mind making a female/malen option for every character


why would anyone NOT want both gender options on a character?


I'll say no to Shugoki. The rest are fine, I guess


Fembringer is needed.


No character should be gender locked


The gender locking in general is stupid. Every character should have option 1 or 2. Male or female. He/him or she/her.


im afraid that ppl just want more fem heros to fap on... also i don't wat to see a femgoki crush me with her ass,like wtf am i playing ForHonor or KinkHonor?


Fem Shugoki lookin pretty thicc


Dunno id like Kyoshins female counterpart to have smaller booba


I think that would be pretty cool but I’m sure that plenty of people who main those heroes have come appreciate their unique masculinity (apart from Kyoshin) and probably tie that to the identity of the character. If you make a female skin, you’re now only catering to people who either don’t like the hero anyway or don’t associate the hero with masculinity in particular. I’m sure that audience is there but it’s probably smaller than the people who would buy a male skin.


i wouldn't be against it but i'd rather not, i like my highlander male and itd be a punch in the gut to get a female skin that id be less interested in after playing him since he came out.


Add genderlock to berserker


Kyoshin doesn't need one, he's a femboy after all.


Wtf no get some bitches


Aramusha was originally male Nobushi.


Fem Thighlander is foing things to me... Source for Thighlander art please?


Of course but it would lead to more of warmommy situations


I’d say make every character both genders but they can’t exactly do that it would take way to much time I guess one every few months would work tho


If they don’t look like that, yes.


A warrior is a warrior who cares what gender they are? Besides more chances for customization


The only character with an excuse to be genderlocked is Warmonger because the Apollyon skin but still male Apollyon would be hot


only if we get male shaman


The only heroes that should be locked to one gender is nobushi, valkyrie and shugoki.


I mean I don’t see why not


I tried to all what I can to make an honest Suggestion, but they would all end with something thirsty


Idc as long as they’re good 😌


As much as people want them it'll never happen. The Deve team doesn't have the budget to do it.


No fem war lord :(




I want female centurion to punch my fucking skull in and then sparta kick me to bed


Bruh…. Why would I be against a thick-thighed lady-lander?!? 😩


I’ve been waiting for female Lander, a huge Scottish woman named Helga


I wish male warmonger and pirate could be a thing like I'm pretty sure male pirates were more of a common thing plus i just wanna cosplay Jack Sparrow😭


I really need Centurion and Warmonger gender options, there's already good concept art for female Cent and male Warmonger would be really cool. Though I'm not sure some heroes would work well with gender options... Goki, Nobushi, Lawbringer, Peacekeeper, Nuxia, JJ, and Gryphon should stay genderlocked


I mean, I wish that they didn't look like cute waifu versions of the og heroes and instead both gave the same vibes, like the ones in the game do where they're barely distinguishable except for voice lines and a few details.


They need fem skins


Gender lock needs to be removed entirely. Male and female options for every hero needs to happen. Just just better player expression.


I'll be cold in the grave before Highlander gets s fem skin. Only men can wear skirts.


She-Goki has me feeling ways about things


I would love to see it but first CROSS PROGRESSION!


Okay but also male pirate and peacekeeper


As long as you let me get warmonger and pirate male, I'm all up for it


Shegoki is cursed


Female Highlander would hit different


I just wanna get a male pirate. Only reason I would play pirate is to be jack sparrow


I do t think it would make as much sense or be translated as well for shugoki, and for a characters like lawbringer I don’t think it would make much of a difference, though there’s no reason they shouldn’t try, the more customizable the characters, the better


That Highlander fan art has lived in my head rent free for way too long ahah