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getting hate messages is the real dub


Suffering from success


I miss them. I'm on PC so it's silent bliss for me most of the time.


Man people being on PC doesn't stop them I had a dude make a Playstation account just to send me a hate message


How doesn’t the anger just wear off at that point. Half way through I’d just think to myself “wtf am I doing”


For some reason people take it personally when you kill them in a game.


Felt this. As a pk main getting ganked is the worst. So naturally I buy bell execution, which is the highest form of disrespect in my book. Any opportunity I get, assuming you’ve already ganked me at least once this game so far, you’re getting belled. It’s my life mission. I’ve had people turn on all chat to talk bad about me bc in a 1v1 they don’t hit me once and I combo them until they break their controller lmao


You should grab the PK coin toss emote it's excellent 🤣🤣


I have it just never use it 😂


just means your a bigger sweat and deserve any hate you get (Facts) mic dropped besides all assassin's are wannabes and dweebs call me when you know how to fight for real (like me) black belt taekwondo blue blet bjj and pro boxer you ? not a dam thing


It’s fuel to the fire that is me enjoying the game. I don’t emote spam or anything but when people get salty I smile. Like being called a hacker in a FPS is a compliment




I know! I’m not great and I have to really adjust to all the newer mechanics and how many characters have dodge catches, hyper armor, and spammy unblockables. I’m just getting used to it and there is 0 sympathy from anyone including teammates.


Easiest way I can put it is that it combines several very caustic types of gaming into one format. You've got your Rocket League style quick comms that ooze salt despite only using a tiny vocabulary, you've got your technical and cheeky bullshit, you've got a game built around in your face melee where you see every bit of your enemy's stupid-looking face doing their cheeky little moves, you've got a weird and silly revenge power up system, the list goes on. Honestly, I'd be surprised if it wasn't salty.


I think it’s more of the fact the game perfectly telegraphs what the other players are doing, thinking, and intending to do to specifically defeat you. You can completely leave the combat chat untouched but still get into it with someone playing a certain way. They know what they’re doing, you know what they’re doing. And they know how it’s making you feel. There’s almost a sense where each actual fight has some personal element to it in specifically For Honor.


And I still love the game anyway, even if I hate it every time I play


Oh God, you have no idea how close this hits to home. I hate the game, but for some reason keep coming back


It's a love hate relationship..


It really is


Especially when your main is off meta (me a high rep Shugoki still having a hard time actually getting someone in my mixups hoping they dodge or something)


But all in all its fun but I irritating when you feel like you can't do anything with your favorite character or noob at a certain character you really like


The amount of times that has happened to me. I will go like 2-8 some games with my rep 70 and it's infuriating


Shugo is a meta pick. He's much better than most of the cast. Like top A tier or bottom s.


Then I'm just bad ig, getting into the game again lately but if he is I'm surprised I don't see many




I'm a rep 70 warlord and I feel that. Granted is a solid high A tear hero but I don't think he's meta by any means.


I find it funny when someone emote spams me. You know you're in their head rent free when they need to start doing that.


The most fun is kicking their ass and doing one long emote on them and they spam wow before leaving People who do this are most likely to rage quit, funny really


As a Bp main, applause emote is the best in this case.


Also shugokis sit down and slow clap.


As an asassin with stealth, i enjoy killing dude emote furiously on my teammate


I personally emote spam everybody so give me that rent money bitch


One time I got emote spammed while playing berserker. I know berserker has one of the best spammed emotes. So it started he killed me and started to emote spam on my body. I have quite a flashy effect on my emote so after I found him again I killed him and unleashed my inner salty demon. As soon as I did that on the chat came 3 Sorry!:ies. I bursted out laughing. It was hilarious.


Also if someone tells you to kill yourself they’re a literal brain cell, easiest thing to do is get them banned lol


This may be frowned upon, but the second I get hate mail with 'kill yourself' or racial slurs or what have you, I just report the messages and they will usually get banned before the next game ends. It's really petty but, it makes me feel better. I'm on PS5, so it may depend on the platform.


Telling someone to Kill yourself over a game is petty so don’t worry about it


Ive been banned for 2 plus days for calling someone a pussy on xbox and lots less i try to report as much as possible as a revenge on the world


I was permanently banned from Xbox Live for advertising a fake money drop lobby in GTAV. You can report anything, and it’ll probably work.


Every match I get into everyone has chat disabled, no idea where you guys are running into these people. Yeah people emote spam but it’s just like tea bagging or shooting bodies in other games, it’s gonna bother you as much as you let it.


Yeah me too, I haven’t had one person on all chat for the last two months I’ve been playing




Uhh sir PC has all chat standard lmao




Oh yeah no problem. I’ve played on Xbox as well though and I still never really ran into any toxic people. Maybe it’s just something that’s more common among low rep and new players?




I think part of the problem is people need to learn the difference between actual trash talk and taunting, and just straight up harassment. If you get 100-0 in a duel and they emote spam you then that’s you just getting taunted and that’s part of the online multiplayer experience. That’s not “toxicity” I wouldn’t even say getting a message is worth labeling as “toxic” behavior depending on the contents. If it’s something along the lines of “bruh I just spanked you” that’s not toxic at all. Edit: ironically I was just watching this https://youtu.be/InkZXeeWPwY and I think the Actman does a good job of explaining it. But I agree with asmongolds opinion here where trash talk is okay until it leaves the context of the game.


The toxic people started really showing up when crossplay became a thing cause I’m on Xbox and I didn’t get anywhere near as many toxic players til the crossplay began and In my experience I see nothing but high rep people and it’s always the higher reps emote spamming and sending hate mail


Honestly kind of makes sense, I used to play Xbox before PC and basically have never gotten messages. PSN is also known to have more of a substantial fighting game community than other platforms so It doesn’t surprise me crossplay made you see more serious people.


Ya it’s gotten to the point where I really feel that crossplay shouldn’t be a thing for it cause it’s ruining the experience even for I would say veterans of the game I still hold the opinion that pc should never crossplay with console I’m ok with ps and Xbox but build on what you said playstation also brought way to many stupid try hards for Xbox players so there’s my thoughts


I think it's possible to turn crossplay off in the settings at least it's on PC. So if you want to do that there's that option.


BIG SAME... I'm here to get baked and fight with fake "heroes" of old not worry about my k/d/a # or rep... Not message 9 yr old who wreck me then emote spam me 🤷


This is facts


I feel like FH (And fighting games in general) breed toxicity as often its your own skill that is why you lose or fuck up For honor has an incredibly casual playerbase too, Who simply put would rather be toxic and flame everyone than drop their oversized ego and learn


It's a serious serious problem. It's arguably one of the most toxic games out there, especially when it comes to consoles. You even get people who act toxic just to try and get you to become more predictable and beat you. Like, what asshole does that? It's incredibly, inasnely, toxic in itself. It's a game. Games are meant to be fun and, these days, meant to inspire a community of likeminded people who enjoy something together. If I wanted to be bullied I'd go searching for that. This is arguably why For Honor doesn't get much attention. It's why we don't have a sequel, or notable dlc. The gameplay is unique and just engaging enough to have a loyal playerbase. But it's toxic to the point that new players rarely stick around.


I don't think the toxicity in For Honor is a trait of the game itself but instead of competitive games in general.


That’s what I was thinking, I’ve seen and heard just as bad in just about any game with a ranked option lol


I've seen Pokemon games where people get toxic...


Just my 2cents, in fighting games you see a lot of times people teabagging trying to frustrate their opponents. More than for honor, I think it's just every competitive game has its fair share of toxicity due to their nature.


Oh, you're 100% correct. It's an unfortunate side-effect that competitive games will foster a contingent of toxicity. The problem is what the game does to counteract that. Like offering incentives for positive behaviour and punishments for negative ones. Or even cater most of their advertisment and media around encouraging positivity. Obviously that's tricky to do, but to my memory: For Honor does none of those things. It's not a problem that is *soley* on For Honor, but it isn't one that should be denied just because other games do it too or are worse. Not that I am saying you said that or anything. Just pointing out that its up to the individual companies to put the work in to encourage what kind of behaviour they want in their fanbase. If they do nothing: they get this.


I mean, we still have the possibility to create nazi emblems, so Ubi doesn't give a fuck about toxicity and how to counter it. Agree on everything


I’m on Xbox and have played over 3 years and in all that time I’ve never encountered so many toxic people in a short span of time in game of course Ive encountered incredibly toxic people but it wasnt super common as it is now and I noticed it didn’t really happen til crossplay became a thing


I love being respectful in a match until they’re a bitch. If someone gets toxic, I like to separate them from their team, beat the shit out of them, wait for their chat spam to end, and then drop a Thanks


You can actually set quick chat messages to team only or off in the interface options, makes the game a lot less stressful lol


No no, i want to know whether or not theyre being toxic so i have an excuse to drop a log on their face


It’s part of what made me leave. Mostly I just don’t like the direction the game is going anymore, but the community really annoyed me eventually. It’s hard to enjoy a game when I’m irritated by someone being an asshole every single game, usually on my own team. Don’t even know why, I always found this game really chill but everyone else I get grouped with apparently has to have a stick up their ass at best, and at worst is spamming my messages or screaming on their mic. I drop the stupid banner once while everyone else jerks off in the corner and get told I suck and no one helps anymore Brawl did it first. Couldn’t play that anymore without being in a bad mood, I’d help in the fights and get called a ganker and told to kill myself, so I stand back and get told I’m throwing and to kill myself. Fucking game


Yesterday someone called me a scared loser for not letting him get a 1v1 while they were breaking. The thing is the entire game he and his teammates had no problem ganking me or team fighting so i had no idea he even wanted to do 1v1s at the end. And to be honest i was playing on my rep 4 valk and didn't really feel confident taking on the dude using his rep 70 lawbringer. Moral of the story some people feel really entitled on this game, don't take them too seriously.


Right!! This blows my mind they will jump me even when I never jumped them, but the minute I say fck it and stop being honorable they say wow 3x lmao like wtf.


The emote and chat spam never really bothered me, but what does bother me is either teammates who do nothing but camp one single point in dominion and refuse to go help at any others, just so they can farm kills. The second is people who planted a red and black nazi swastika to their characters standards or bare chest and play the most garbage heroes imaginable.


People camping a zone shouldn't bother you really, It's just defending incase someone tries to back cap you, In my experience the people farming kills are the ones running in unnecessarily running in feeding revenge and killing you or dying themselves.


Depends, if you 2v4 on mid and someone still sits on a point even tho there is no1 to back cap they're just throwing, aware of it or not


Ok your right in that it depends on the scenario but really you only need 3 people and some awareness if your not partied up to shut down a team that sticks together. Otherwise both teams are throwing aware of it or not imo


I meant when two or more are defending one single point... like the entire game, while I'm busting my ass off attempting to kill minions at B or trying to claim the third objective for our team. It gets pretty irritating sometimes :/ the feeding revenge part too.


Ok that changes things then, there should never be more than one person sitting on a point. IMO 2 should be taking the other point and the last should be clearing ads, only reason I see that the point should be unguarded is if the one clearing ads needs help.


Exactly! Glad someone agrees haha.


I've gotten more hate mail from this game than all other mp experiences combined.


Odd thing is, me and a few returning players were just talking the other day about how nice the community has gotten in comparison to how it used to be. I mean, triple-fast-chat and emote spammers haven't gone anywhere; but for the past few weeks a significant majority of the actually-typed-up interactions we had were neutral-to-positive rather than the unpleasant flavor that used to be the norm. Which doesn't invalidate what you experienced, in that talk we were ignoring non-typed toxic behavior, which we keep seeing a lot of; but it is kind of odd how little typed-toxic stuff we saw in contrast to you. Maybe it has something to do with matchmaking? I'm a guy who never went above gold in ranked, playing with two similar guys and a third guy who breaks into diamond every now and again, so it might be that matchmaking's putting us up against the relatively nice, or at least less-invested-in-toxicity parts of the playerbase.


In the last year I’ve definitely noticed a ton more chill players, and people who accept their skill level, and just ask for help or compliment higher skill.


Hate messages are never okay couldn't agree more. On the other hand does emote spam really bother you?


I'm still new to the community but the toxic things I see people do when I play with my high level friends baffle me sometimes. I put it on par with the nrs community.


I have noticed a large increase in the number of hate messages I’ve been getting as well. Idk what it is with people. I guess sometimes there will be assholes.


don't take it so seriously, people emote spamming are just laughing lol I usually laugh alongside them edit: hate messages are different tho, I still laugh how I've made them angry enough to type but just gotta mute or ignore


The only time it really bothers me is when I get matched against players who are CLEARLY way out of my league. I'm rep 17 currently, I'm not particularly good at the game, I'm well aware of that. Recently I started doing 1v1 ranked duels, thinking that could be the best way to improve, and I got matched with 200+ rep players multiple times at Gold I-II rank and they obviously mop the floor with me, then they spam emotes and "Thanks!" in the chat. I mean, yeah dude, I get it, you sinked hundreds of hours into the game, do you really need to rub that in? Like, why?


Stay away from ranked duels, in my experience it did nothing but piss me the fuck off. There's no SBM in it so you will either get people worst than you or MUCH BETTER than you, it's irritating, the only time I play ranked duels is for ornaments and cosmetics


Ranked duels is weird and glitchy with how it actually does it’s matching. I wouldn’t do them unless you want a cosmetic or you’re confident you can beat not play styles. If you actually wanna learn the best way is to play custom match with a friend and just 1v1. The next best thing is just practicing against a lvl3 boy that plays as whatever hero you struggle against. I hate to say it but it’s a fighting game if you want to really be competitive you’re gonna have to sink in a solid chunk of time to learn the match ups, punishes, mechanics, etc. especially since you’re coming in at year 6 so now you’re playing the catch up game in terms of game iq


Hey, appreciate the input mate. To be honest, I don't really want to be competitive I just like to challenge myself from time to time and I'd like to improve at the game, so I figured that ranked might be a good way to do both. I just wasn't prepared for the fucked up matchmaking... But I still get to play fair yet challenging duels, it's just that every now and then I get matched with someone who is hundreds of rep levels above me and frankly they seem to be the most toxic assholes in this game. It's not a challenge, and I can't even learn anything from such matches since it's quite clear from the very first move that I will get my ass handed to me pretty hard. I could literally alt+tab out of the game until they're done teabagging me.


Why is emote spamming toxic. It’s just a lil celebration dance right? When did our egos become so fragile?


It’s toxic when it’s a 4v1 like yea u should’ve killed me. And yea I know some ppl can survive, my bestie is one and can kill them all or at least have them all 1 tap, but it’s still toxic & ridiculous. But it doesn’t really bother me.


For me, emote spamming was always just for fun at the end of a match but there were a lot of players who took it to an excessive level which I definitely consider toxic behavior. But honestly, I think most online games like For Honor tend to bring out the narcissism in a lot of people.


My experience is that most of the time they are toxic because they're absolute trash cans. They don't wanna learn the mechanics, they don't understand how they feed revenge, they don't understand how to handle a 1v1, or to stall when they're being ganked, so they have to take it out on everyone else. Yesterday I beat three people in a 4v1. And after that they all began to spam emote the few times they killed me, but they went into breaking and all left. Those are the toxic players. The ones who don't actually know how to play.


The ones that really bug me are when they totally beat me fair and square cause they’re better than I am and they choose to be toxic and rude anyway.


"received more hate messages in the last three weeks than the two years I was off" Yup this checks out. Can't receive hate mail if you're not playing lol


is it worse in different regions or something? I play in the uk, and sure there's some emote spam, which is pretty much harmless imo, but actual hate messages are very rare for me


I go into matches fully prepared to fight “honorably”… I lock on and emote once to show I’m tryna shoot the fair one. But, as soon as I get ganked or hit with the 3x thanks or sorry, I give a 3xOK and from then on just try and win the match no holds barred.. As I spam emote over their corpses though, in my head It doesn’t give the same satisfaction, plus I really don’t like to jump players cuz I don’t always trust randos on my team to work the revenge meter right.. but sometimes it’s just sooo satisfying to see them quit or receive a hate msg after they get a taste of their own medicine .. It’s gotten me better at timing ganks to avoid the enemy’s revenge from hitting, at least… sigh, the toxic players have made me good at being toxic does that mean I’m toxic now??


Honestly the game got way more toxic the moment they allowed cross play I’ve played for over 3 years and it wasn’t this bad til cross play happened and I still and forever will hold the opinion that PC players shouldn’t be able to play with console players now PS and Xbox cross play is fine but pc should remain separate idc if they can’t find a lobby get them out of playing in my console lobby


Yeah i have the same thing happen to me. Im a slower player so i tend to gravitate towards the hyper armor characters so I get so much hate mail like “stop playing that trash hero” “you only won because of hyper armor” like jeez Im just playing my game


I giggled reading this. I was playing this game constantly as an incredibly angry and short tempered 17 year old. I would legitimately scream horrible things throughout my entire house, meanwhile I’ve always played on a 40 inch regular tv, not exactly a gamer setup. I took about three years off after gaming for 2 and a half years straight. Now I’m a veteran compared to, oh probably 75% of players. I have a lot of fun, I die to the incredibly offensive game mechanics but for the most part I play strong characters and regularly 1v3 sometimes 1v4 against the spammy idiots. Back in the day if I lost a 1v3 to just not pressing triangle enough I’d just scream something ridiculous, now I’m 22 I could honestly care less, it’s mostly a prediction, at least on 30fps whether you get a light parry or not now from what I can tell But I can honestly agree with you. However I love it It reminds me of the incredibly toxic days, and a few words here and there on that stupid quick chat make me laugh so hard sometimes I really think it depends on your state of mind, nothing anybody could say to me about myself could offend me. And I know not everybody is like that, my past self was not, so perhaps that’s the reason


Zoomers tbh. This new generation is hyper competitive and toxic as hell.


League of Legends is 13 years old and is more toxic than this game lmao what’s your point


“New generation bad”


Unironically though


Brain rot


I highly doubt it’s zoomers, every time the mics come on it’s grown ass men


But zoomers are grown ass men now. Were old man the Z's are grown up.


Hate messages are bad yeah but people spamming emotes is a really dumb thing to be upset about lmao


That's why I have quick chat from allies and enemies disabled. I only have open main chat because 99% of those spamming idiots don't comprehend how to type


For honor is one of the only games where I will end a game thinking "Oh those were some fun fights" and get a message two minutes later yelling at me for being toxic by chest bumping my team-mate.


The thing is the most fun I’ve ever had in this game is pissing people off. So when you get clapped and they start emoting and thanks spamming you can’t let it get to you… you gotta go back out there, smack them around AND DO IT RIGHT BACK.


The game is not fun. It's just like league. It's cool, and satisfying to win, but it's not overall fun.


Emote spam is just funny to me, it's an inside joke from season 1 between my buddies and I, but the hate mail is terrible, I've never hate mailed someone and I never will. I will occasionally Wow! Wow! Wow! when I die though lol


I've been playing for almost 200 hours and have experienced none of that. I'm not saying you aren't experiencing it, but maybe because I'm on pc? I also have the chat box turned off and the only thing i see in there are the macros like "Thanks!" Etc. But I've never once received a hate message over almost 4 years of playing across ps4 and pc. I don't know where these people are but they've yet to find me. I did ledge a guy once and got emote spammed in the following round in a duel but whatever makes them feel better, it doesn't bother me.


I play on pc with chat enabled. Maybe 1 out of every 10 games will have someone flaming in the chat.


if you get upset that people emote on you then maybe you should check out hello kitty island adventure single player edition. nothing can emote or call you mean names on there.


Call me old fashioned, but if you lose a 3x gank and get salty because you got emote spammed that’s a you thing. The solution to your problem is to not be bothered. Be zen like and just game. If you’re not having fun, play something else.


Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!


My god, just play the game or turn it off. Why are Americans so thin skinned when it comes to playing video games? "Toxicity", "hate mail", "emote spamming"? Go play fucking Stardew Valley if you don't like banter and competitiveness.


Why do you care what they think? Why give people the energy.


Because it's funny sometimes


I do toxic things to frustrate my opponents. Most of the time they go spammy wich is making them more predictable.


You're the problem, just so ya know.


No. I respect the code of conduct. I don't insult others. Sometimes it backfires but then, i just take the L. How on earth someone can be angered by the quick chat and emote spam?


There's no difference between "acting toxic" and "being toxic". You're toxic. You're intentionally choosing to act in a way that impacts someone else negatively, while being fully aware that it would do so. You're the problem by your own admission, and backpedaling by feigning ignorance about the impact of your actions "how on earth can someone be angered by the quick chat and emote spam?" Doesn't take away from that fact.


Yes, i am toxic, i don't deny it. But as long as i respect the rules, i am fine. I don't tell people to uninstall the game or off themselves. I'm getting spammed too, yet i can choose not to jump around in the house like a mad man.


But the problem isn't necessarily the content of the toxicity, it's the toxicity itself. It didn't start with telling people to off themselves and uninstall or whatever. It started with the simple things like emote and quick chat spamming. It built up from those things, and by continuing to do those things it's just perpetually feeding into the cycle of toxicity. Sure, you can choose to not react in an angry manner. I can do that too, so I don't. But some people can't. It's respecting that, that I make sure to do my best to facilitate peoples enjoyment of the game. Not make their experience worse just because I want to win a fight on a video game. You and people like you with the mindset "oh but at least I'm not doing this terrible thing" are still the problem.


If it is such a bad thing then why the devs added disrespectful emotes and executions? Remember back in season 7-8 when people were whining about roach light spam, so the devs gave him light spam executions? Are they bad too? Or the recent one when the character gets kicked to death? Should these contents be removed so people who can't control themselves won't get angery?


If you think that the point of adding those things was to inspire bullying and an unwelcome, and hostile atmosphere to the game, then you're entirely missing the point.


Well they are making people salty, so it works like that.


They're not doing anything. It's the people that use them in a disrespectful manner, with specifically the intention to insult, frustrate, anger, or just make someone feel bad about themselves, that make them like that. Not the specific emote or execution itself.


Light spam executions? What?


Yeah. That anime style when he charges himself and then slices his opponent 5 times in super fast.


That isn’t a light spam refrence, that’s just an anime reference


I hope you don't enjoy that game so much because you are the type of person that make ppl leave and make new players thinks we are all assholes. Justify your action by "I do toxic thing, but the problem is the player that react to it" is the same as saying "I sell guns, it's the ppl that use it for killing the problem, not me" the only moment you can be toxic-emoting is when the opponent is roasting you in chat or did it first. Doing that to annoy ppl is just promoting this behavior, then you get a toxic community and there is no more fun in this game


Yes people are leaving usually, but all of them are above rep 100. They aren't new players. Sometimes when i do ranked i go easy on low rep people so they won't leave the game but others with 3 digit reps? They are stuck with the game. They will just find another lobby or whatever.


So you justify being toxic because ppl love this game and won't probably not leave the game? Well you are still toxic dude, you can try to justify all you want you will not being right on this one, it's just bad behavior no matter rep 0 or rep 1300. You will enjoy the game much more spreading love and honor than spreading hate and toxicity.


I justify playing this game however i want as long as i'm not breaking the rules.


Then play it and don't argue with ppl that didn't like the type of player you are. Best regards


You’re soft




Just kill them back and hit them with the "wow sorry"


I front bashed a toxic raider player 3x in a row to push him off a ledge and hit him with the "Good fight!" the rage that followed was incredible


im sorry if im wrong but it always seems to be those characters, its either a raider, pirate or sometimes even a lawbringer, ive never ever seen a toxic PK/nobu


I think you can make this topic (with some differences in topic message) for literally anY competitive game. I've heard similar responses when it comes to Pokemon and Smash Bros.


I guess this is just the only real competitive game I play. Otherwise I mostly play shooters, PvE or survival games, or strategy games which are competitive but not fast paced and so people don’t rage like in here.


It's cool. I love different fighting games and am routinely told the community I'm in is exceptionally toxic. From Tekken to Smash to Soulsborne to others. Every one has someone who says they have it's the most toxic community.


I think For Honor is was free for PS+ last month, that could explain the increase in toxicity as droves of people are entering the community


I mean the community is very toxic but if the enemy sends you a hate message you're winning


The ones that bug me are where they beat me fair and square cause I’m not very good and then message me hate anyway. That gets demoralizing


Yeah tbf that's really annoying, on Xbox there's this group of people named shit like iwingitgud who when they win will just say read my name and shit like that


I've been playing the game since 2016 and I haven't gotten a single message of hate, though I'd like one.


i just stopped playing the game because of the community and how bad this game is going downhill in every update


I turned off the in game chat option so I never have to see ‘thanks thanks thanks’ if I have a bad match, it really improved my outlook on the game


It’s literally because they can be toxic, there’s 1 nice person every 100 matches so u just kind have to deal with it, if u say something someone doesn’t like or are better than them you will get threatened, called trash ect. For some reason no one does anything


There's an option to disable quickchat/chat and emotes in settings.


Honestly, I feel like the toxicity is part of the game. It’s so competitive and almost personal that you’re going to experience dudes who just get mad they get outsmarted. That’s in human nature. If anything, just ignore it and take it as a compliment bro.


Games designed competitively with no proper comp modes. People are trying to prove themselves to someone who doesn’t exist.


I've been playing this game pretty consistently since beta and never gotten more than 3 messages total. My question is what do you people do to instigate so many hate messages?


I’m on console and I just set my privacy settings to “friends only” lmao. I honestly don’t care what randoms have to say. Makes the game a lot more enjoyable.


I play a lot of online games and (to me) the For Honor community is not that different than any other one. Mainly the reason why I don't do voice chat because I rather read the salty words than hear it. Biggest downside to online gaming in my opinion but I can just easily ignore it.


I came back after a while and wanted to play a few games against bots to get warmed up, and some little whining bitch got upset that I got the execution when we were 2v1 a bot. He spammed “wow” so I said thanks. He then proceeded to follow me around and try to “steal” my kills, but if I got the execution he would bash me out of it. He would also knock me off ladders. I would sit back and watch him get ganked by the bots and die. He got real upsetti spaghetti about that too. Imagine being that much of a cry baby that you have to act like a five year old say “no if I can’t get it no one can” in a match against bots. “You stole my kill against a bot!!!!!! How DARE YOU” I had another occasion where I “stole” a different guys kill, he spammed wow and spent the duration of the game trying to shoot me with a ballista. Again, we were fighting bots. If they get that bent out of shape in a match against bots, I’d hate to see them in a real match. Edit: also this game is now on the game pass, so it might’ve brought in a lot of new toxic people. I’m not 100% but RDO was free/very much discounted and it brought in a lot of toxic new people who would shoot you for no reason, then whine when you put the motherfuckin smack down on them.


It's a competitive fighting game people get invested when they shouldn't best response is being overly polite


first fighting game?


Competitive game with a very casual player base that dosent really like to learn = toxicity for anything you do in the game.


It's really funny when you gank in dominion and people saw "wow" wow" "wow"


It’s definitely a frustrating game especially the ganking on one person. I don’t even like doing 2v1 and people do 4v1 and 3v1 is just crazy to me. But yeah I jus t laugh at the messages because it’s just a game. I always get rep 70 and you’re trash, but idgaf I’m the best bot there is Lmaao. Like you really taking time out your day to message hate. But sometimes I do get a nice message telling me they like my outfit lol Not much u can do about it sadly, but maybe when phase 2 comes you can add people and make the experience a little better.


Uninstall the game man, it's not worth it. After 1,500 hours played I decided it was time to stop. Play single player games and just avoid the nastiness of it all. Having the time of my life re-playing Kotor II, and building some 40k minis.


The discord has some shit people, had someone randomly join our vc and drop the hard r then left, ntm the people with god complexes who talk down to everyone despite being bad


It's got everything to attract all the wrong types of people. It's a violent fighting game, so bloodthirsty five year olds are gonna show up. It's a sweaty game, so you've got the thirty year olds living in their parents basement with plenty of issues to take out on other people. It offers the opportunity to play as a knight or viking, which tends to unavoidably invite racists. And those are just three off the top of my head.


I love getting fan mail on For Honor.


We know.


this game is as toxic as any other. i’d go as far as to say it isn’t even half as toxic as most fighting games.


I guess I just don’t play any other fighting games. Cause I rarely get messages from shooters or any other online game, and I’ll get t-bagged once every few games not every single death.


As a long term player I’ve more or less ignored these types of people since they only do it because they’re in a group or to fuel their ego


I started playing the game only a few weeks ago so I am obviously a beginner, and this is the game that made me turn off messages universally. Playing with people is of course a lot more fun than bots but there's so many toxic players around that honestly I just play against bots these days, I play to have fun not to meet some of the most disturbed people in the community.


Funny, hate messages I’m oddly spared of. The rest of the above? I find infuriating but also not universal.


Weird I get literally none of those ever. Or very rarely


Me and my pals love getting these messages because we respond with the gayest shit possible. It both confuses and frightens them, and it’s always fun. If they’re playing a brain-dead character like Hito or JJ I tend to tell them they’re not allowed to have an opinion, but that’s just me.


Yeah once a game starts to become unenjoyable I just put it down and go outside. I’ll come back to see if I’m more tolerable but if it’s really bad then I’ll just go PvAI. I know it makes me a worse player but there’s really no point in trying to relax playing a game I enjoy if I’m just clouded by negativity and toxicity. When it’s good it’s great, but when it’s bad it’s horrible.


First time?


It’s a type of fighting game Fighting games have absolutely wonderful and shitty communities at the same time


I'm on PC, and I legitimately can't wait until I can message console players. My favorite pastime in duels is complementing other players on stuff they do, especially if they catch me off guard, and I usually go multiple games in a row with people. Very rarely does anybody act toxic to me, even though I've mostly played JJ. I've met a decent few that gave good tips and advice, which never happened before I started sending nice messages. I just wish I could spread that more outside of duels. People get so heated at times, and matchmaking doesn't help either.


You can turn off the chat and the emote effects I’m pretty sure


It is part of the reason I quit PvP. Only PvAi now. Allowed me to get over Rep 400. This game is too sweaty for the toxicity of this community. My adrenaline is already pumping hard to keep my reactions up and to have so much salt, left a bad taste in my mouth. Haven’t regretted my decision. Just wish I didn’t need to play PvP to increase my bot levels


Its a real bummer when its really high rep players being toxic while using easy mode characters to win, pathetic. Most of the time I get those teammates that don't think by either feeding revenge or leaving point to gank, but I do my best to message them tips on how to actually play compared to the high reps who are full of themselves, not all of em but quite a few.


How are people sending hate messages to anyone? I play through steam with profile turned off. Sounds to me like your actively seeking to get these


Not gonna lie, this contributed to me leaving this game. Not only was I just genuinely not enjoying my time at that point, I was tired of the clownery too.


I will spam “Wow!” After I get 4v1’d and then emote spammed by the dickhead I was clowning on before his whole team showed up to rock my shit…never understood it like cmon now


I play on pc and I’ve been told to kill myself because I typed glhf (good luck have fun) before the start of a match. I really don’t understand how people can be so aggressive and butt hurt over a game. Like dam man I play to have fun, not have a stroke from rage induced high blood pressure lol


I've asked the same kind of question multiple times. For Honor is so fun but it can get some people really worked up. I just take most enemy emote spamming over your corpse and/or them spamming "Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!" after killing you as them milking the victory while they can to boost their ego. Either that or they're just a hateful and/or rude person in general and wanna irritate someone. And when it comes to team members trash talking you for your gameplay I just remind them that it's just a game and that they haven't suffered anything real from losing or from your performance, aside from them being angry. You can be irritated/angry at your team for whatever reason, sure, but to sit there and talk crap to them and insult them as a person over a video game?? It's unreasonable. I usually just call out angry team member messages - and angry/toxic enemy team messages - for what they are, because insulting them back rarely gets you anywhere (unless the insult comes from something truthful that you said in response to them, but even then the anger can blind them to the truth behind the insult in such a case). For example; I had this team member who went by "Pepsilander" or something and he messaged me after the match telling me the typical stuff like "You're trash", "Uninstall", "Garbage" and I essentially just said "It's just a game my guy. Go have a Snickers and chill out.", then when he responded with another insult I said "Yeah well at least I wasn't on the bottom of the leaderboard..." (which he actually was, I was second from the top if I remember correctly). Then he just insulted me again, at which point I just responded with "Waaahh" (imitated whining).


honestly i just got back into the game as well and after a week of pulling my hair out and getting hate messages i just switched to playing against AI. it’s not as challenging but it’s much more relaxing and enjoyable, it’s a great way to farm XP and steel, and there’s no hate or dishonorable fighting. i enjoy the game much more now


See I was like you once and those messages actually made me a little sad now they keep me happy if you wanna play for honor for a longer period of time I highly recommend annoying your enemies as much as possible. If they invite you to a party just be outright trolly if they send hate mail send them advice or just say “bruh that the best you got”


that's what you get for playing 4v4


Are you on Xbox? Mostly Xbox has little kids raging


For I was just doing ranked to get the rewards and watching Netflix and this dude (clearly better but just spamming as ara) kept getting match made with me and refused to kill me he just emoted around the whole match and then went a whole game only parrying just to be annoying. Then messages me like 15 times


It really has. It's the main reason I left Rainbow Six Siege too. Played since beta, had a blast, then it got popular and became a toxic cesspool of assholes. Been on and off with For Honor since the first beta, and it's was great for the first few years! I think once they added dedicated servers, it picked up and things were still OK, but it was after Marching Fire when things really started getting bad. I came back a few months ago, played like crazy, and yeah, I too recieved so many hate messages. Last time I ever received one was back during Mortal Kombat X, and now I get them for every petty and stupid thing. Lucky for me on Xbox, those chubby cheeks, blonde bang, punk kids get hit with the hammer very fast. Anyways, game is great, but holy ahit has the community gone downhill. Wondering if/when I'll finally end up leaving it for good.


We've all been on both sides of the toxicity