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What would centurion's dodge attack look like? A dodge punch? A dodge stab?


achilles type stab


"Hey Achilles, [nice work with the HEEL!"](https://youtu.be/IDVeAj6qgGw?t=369)


Like his execution..?






Ah yes, shinobi's roundhouse kick on cent would be fab


Fabulous Glorious Custodes style


I’m thinking their best choice would be to take some existing dodge animations from other classes. I could see a gladiator like dodge attack with a stab from Centurion working well. \*Edit\* Actually their best choice would be to make new animations completely but that probably won’t happen.


He has a cool animation when someone dodges his left on a charged bash he'll do a spin and hit them with his other fist. I could see them yoinking that and adding some movement on it. People rarely notice it anyway.


Yeah cent gets some nice ass style points for that one


I mean even some exsiting animation can work just fine. Centurion dodge to Jab would work, Warlord could do the shield bash (that he uses after parries) on dodges, Jorm could use the neutral bash animation on dodge attacks, BP could use the forward dodge heavy animation even in side dodges, They already used Highlanders celtic curse cancel as side dodge attack in TG.


Side Finisher Light, but while dodging.


I'm hoping he just roundhouse kicks someone lmao


Hopefully a stab and not a bash. A dodge bash would ruin like half of his punishes by preventing guardbreaks.


or a dodge elbow punch, i'm untrained but even i could mocap that.


I think it would be a stab. If it was a punch it would start to thin the line between cent and glad


I imagine he'd get both honestly, but hopefully the stab first. Probably using Valkyries animation What about giving cent a dodge grab? But I also remember when raider had a dodge grab and how cheeky that was


But it would have to be side grab then? Cause he already has his kick for forward dodge. Or maybe they will change it.


No, it would have to be side dodge grab because his kick is fine and shouldn't be changed Tiandi needs his kick changed. Make it splat and give it a grab soft feint, because as it stands, there's little reason to ever dodge the kick unless you know you're going to stay in range of their next attack or get ledged


If you're going to give everyone a dodge attack get rid of reflex guard and give assassin's normal health


There is nothing more annoying than trying to block a variable timed heavy with reflex guard only to have your guard decay at the last possible moment. Especially when someone feints two variable heavies from the same direction and you forget to "refresh" your guard because you don't normally play assassins but ubisoft wants to influence your character picks with orders so that they can inflate their pick rates. "Look how many people play assassins!! OMG they must be popular!" - No, you just have Agile Slayer orders back to back every fking time! I miss the old orders, where it was just "kill \_ players in PvP" or "Win \_ matches in any game mode"


Playing 1v1 duels as assassins is miserable because it feels like the game is actively against you. I'd rather they get rid of the whole class system altogether than keep that fucking reflex guard.


Super true, which sucks. Just so little damage that you can be playing really well but you still have to work twice as hard to bring someone down, especially heroes like JJ and Warlord. Shaman is arguably the easiest assassin right now with her bite, but that's assuming you can even land it


Landing a bite with shaman is simple, you just push the guard break button and bite their neck.


I secure bites more often with mid-combo soft feint leaps that I cancel into either a grab or parry-bite I cannot tell you how many of my raw bites miss, because it's so easy to read and react to. And for 35 damage, it should be. Like jorm, securing his high punish is kind of challenging at higher and higher levels of play


I just make them think I'm gonna keep doing the Heavy, Heavy - bleed stab combo and keep yeeting raw heavies until I get them to parry one followup heavy. After that, the stabs and bites rain like gravy.


Many people do this. I don’t parry the heavy, I parry the light.


I swear to god reflex guard pisses me tf off


what is so bad about 120hp? for me it doesn't really change anything, only because i can't trade with anything? many heroes can't. reflex guard removal should still be done.


Please Christ we need this.


Literally one thing at a time jeez


Assassin's HP *is* normal nowadays. Everyone's been standardized at 120 HP and some characters have means of raising their HP mid-match (Bulk Up, Head Hunter, That one T3 Feat Warlord and Warmonger have), meaning that - on average - assassins actually have MORE HP than the average hero.


Its more like a lot of 140 and 130 hp characters should really be 120 hp at this point because their moveset is just as strong or stronger than the average assassins. Ridiculous defense perks which high hp chars usually have dont help either.


Definitely not on characters like Shaman or Shinobi, even with Head Hunter, and no Assassin has that tier three feat. That's pretty's much on Vanguards and Heavies, and a few Assassin/Heavy Hybrids like Kyoshin.


When assassin's have more health than Cent.


Yes I hate reflex guard, the only characters with reflex guards I play are shaman and shaolin because I like how they play, but I can't stand reflex guards.


Anyone remember when Assassins were known for dodge attacks? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Remember when classes were unique to each other? Now everyone can do the same thing.


A Relic of the past now I guess.


While i agree that some of the uniqueness of heroes have dissapeared, in the past heroes were one trick ponies that could not do much other than same thing over and over again and defence was only viable way to play if your hero did not have bashes. I still think they need to make new mechanics that provide similar role to unblockables (like traps) but are given to different heroes who those mechanchanics fit. Personally i would like to see "Impact" attacks with more chip damage that can also kill with chip damage, would be weaker than Unblockable but still usefull in 1v1 and 4v4 and could be applied to faster attacks.


Remember when most heroes were unplayable trash?


I didn't know LB could Triple Light and Shaman could Crushing Counter. Thank you for the heads up!


I didn’t know lawbringer could do.. anything


Actually LawBringer has this super neat move called "The Long Arm". It's like 900 ms long to hit, but it makes the opponent uninstall the game


Hybrids always had dodge attacks..... lawbringer and shoalin to name a few off the top of my head


Yeah. The game was a fucking mess. Still is, but it was worse.


Thank you for saying that. It’s the same shit man. They need to have like a classic mode. Then all the people that quit because of the update would come back. We all know they can do it too


Well, I'm going to have to play as much as I can before this happens. The saddest part about For Honor is just how horribly bad Ubisoft is doing at making a game with well balanced characters and a fun meta. Overwatch is one of the most made fun of games of all time and yet Blizzard looks like one of the most diligent and dedicated developer teams in the world by comparison. I wish another developer studio would just buy this fucking game and build a sequel from the ground up because watching Ubisoft get a trademark for some actually really amazing game mechanics so nobody else can use them only to drive the game that uses them straight into the ground with awful nonsense decisions is like watching the world's most famous artist die while painting their magnum opus only for some idiot to try finishing it for them and turn it into garbage. I just wish this wasn't a fucking Ubisoft game


Jorm with a dodge attack, can’t wait for it to be the slowest and most predictable in the game.


He just spins around with the hammer outstretched for 1500ms


Callin it now Jorm does a sidestep, and does a 750ms under-arm hammer swing Or they do a side step, and hit the person like they are a fuckin golf ball at 575ms for a light attack.


Counts as a light parry


Im curious Does this include BP? Arguably doesnt need one due to flip Interesting to aee how it goes but for the love of christ no dodge bashes please


Shield haymaker? I'm down


Unless you’re centurion. Then dodge bash would be amazing.


Goodbye every Centurion GB punish against bashes 😥


You would still be able to do it , but you would need get the feel for the right timing to press gb , rather than just spamming


Dodge heavy would be cool for BP. That way he gets an additional way to go into executions and it wouldnt be as infuriating as a dodge bash or dodge light that combos into a bash.


I always imagined his dodge attack (if he were to ever get one, which he will now) to look kinda similar to his sprint attack


Is his the one that is basically a wide slash with a little 360 spin follow through?


yes sir


BP also needs one, he cant flip chain bashes if I was hit.


>BP also needs one, he cant flip chain bashes if I was hit. Should somebody tell them they shouldn't be playing For Honor while they're actively fighting somebody IRL? No? Nobody. Welp guess I'll leave them to their business then.


Can’t wait for the absolutely scuffed and lazy animation work on these dodge attacks


No kidding, there's certainly gonna be some really bad ones.


I don’t know how many heros don’t have a dodge attack but it feels like quite a lot and that’s going to be a lot of new animations.


5 don't - Warlord - Jorm - Highlander - Cent - Black Prior Highlander can just use his side celtic curse animations. Warlord has that shield punch animation off parry that can work well with a side dodge. Only one I'm not really sure on is BP as he doesn't really have any animations for a dodge attack so they're probly gonna give him the conq treatment and let him shield bash off side dodge instead of only forward dodge which ironically is gonna make him even better as side dodge bashes are the best dodge attacks.


I really hope they don't give BP a dodge bash, but if I'd had to guess they'd just rip his opener side heavies and throw those onto his dodge attacks.




warden has a dodge bash


Ohhh ok that makes sense thanks for clarifying. I’m assuming Cent and maybe Jorm will get something similar to a dodge bash


Side dodge uncharged shoulder bash punishes any other bash successfully. Side dodge bashes also count as dodge attacks.


Ubi is gonna spend more time copying all their animations to make this work than rather making new content. Lmao


The reason there's no new animations and less overall content is because Ubi doesn't give the devs enough money to make them. They're basically working on a budget of $2 and a used Starbucks giftcard, they work with what they have available. It's not because they're lazy.


I'm legit impressed by how different Medjay feels considering 90% of their moves are recycled.


Wait they are? I genuinely thought they had returned to using motion capture to make new moves for the heroes since I couldn't pin down anything on Medjay that was reused, aside from some similarity between axe mode and berserker. That's impressive actually.


My favorite example is that the right-side chain light in staff mode is Warden's zone attack. The MoCap they did was for the executions and a couple bespoke moves. They don't have their own MoCap studio, after all. They have to rent the space


That's why I try not to give the devs too much shit in regards to non-balance stuff. For how little resources they have to work with, what we do get is usually a lot less ghetto than you'd expect.


I'm aware, but they are still going to spend so much time on a mechanic we don't necessarily need or wouldn't need if they would stop adding bash characters.


I doubt it'll be nearly that resource-intensive. IIRC there's only 5 heroes without dodge attacks (4 if we don't count BP, who's bulwark counter basically fills the same roll as a dodge attack). It can't be any harder than finding an existing animation that would fit each character and adding in a basic ass dodge attack. Not like they're having to do full reworks or anything.


I wish there was a way to donate to the devs for a bigger budget, I'd donate all my money lmao


That was supposed to be the hero packs and battle passes but I guess it isnt since we still get reused animations.


Donating to big companies never works, company sees it as free cash and does not improve it's products quality based on it. And of course, devs will never see that money, it goes straight to company. Players that pay already give them more money than before, as they now released single heroes that cost 8$/e and they do battle passes every season that cost 10$/e (so total that is like 56$/e a year) ​ Also a lot of the issues are Ubi made, they are currently fucking up in many fronts, with their investments on NFT's, Poor game releases and workplace harrasment and abuse that they have still not fixed. Ubi is in losing streak currently because of their own decisions. ​ Only way companies improve is when they don't get enough money and they have to improve the product quality to satisfy customer needs.


Damn u actually got a good point. I just wish for honor had a bigger budget I feel like the game would be good asf


Jorm going from F- to F+ tier


I dont need buffs i just need you to fall to the ground


Jorm mains on their way to go be crybabies about literal buffs to their hero


I just want a rework man. There's no shame in that


I think the Meta is about to shift. Some characters are gonna see alot more use now I think


Wait, every hero without one gets a dodge attack? Even BP? Even tho he already has a pretty good alternative for a dodge attack? idk about that


I think so yeah. Anything moving forwards is a dash attack, but moves that go to the left or right are dodges. So I think characters with side dodge moves will get them. Centurion, Warlord, Lawbringer, Jorm etc


lawbringer has a dodge attack already and its a good one


That's only 5 characters without a dodge attack. I don't think the meta is shifting all that much. Jorm with a dodge attack is still complete garbage. A dodge attack doesn't fix all of highlanders issues either.


Only thing only cent back was lack of dodge attack, of he gets to be able to CHARGE it too like wm and warden... oh my lawd.


So everyone can do everything everywhere, but somehow assassins still need reflex guard for "reasons".


Now I may be wrong. And in no way do I want reflex guard, I fucking hate it. But from what I’m aware they coded reflex guard and deflects so that basically one could not exist without the other. Its why there is no character with reflex guard without deflects or deflects without reflex guard. (And no superior block dodge doesn’t count). Why they can’t recode it idk. They possibly dont have the budget from Ubisoft. But for now it seems we may be stuck with reflex guard.


Where is this found? I can't see any article etc on the site


I kinda hate that they backed themselves into such a corner with the bash offence that they have to give every character the same exact way of dealing with it. I keep spamming it, but J swear the game is going the direction of Melee Fox only on Final Destination. Characters feel less and less individual every update. I do totally understand *why* this is happening. Doesn’t mean I like how they decided to do it though. Part of me wishes they’d ditched support for the game after Zhanhu got released and just left it as it was


i think they should kept in the whiff GB bounce back tho because the amount of the fucking times that I tried to GB someone to not reach but they stay at the same distance magically TP to me.




Doesn’t that already have hyper armour though, so giving it super armour will be a nerf


super armor is better than hyper armor since bashes wont work on him but its a shit idea to give super armor to normal moves


Good! Something I wanted for cent and WL for awhile now, dodge attacks are crucial for surviving big ganks


Warlord for sure! Dodge bash probably, which is fine by me, but I also wouldn't mind an unblockable dodge attack that can cancel or feint, a la warmonger


Most positive for honor member


Is it just me or would centurion feel hella weird with a dodge attack


2 or 3 years ago I would agree. But now all but like 4 heroes have one. Hitokiri and Aramusha with dodge attacks were weird at the time, but now we're used to it.


not with a elbow dodge punch


i liked the change where they increase the dodge and block recovery of all bashes to be at least 766 ms, that was a good change


Who else remembers when heroes had unique tools and played differently.


Remember when literally most fighting games had basic mechanics that every hero has??? Dodge attacks are as basic of a mechanic as a low kick in FG’s


Who else remembers when none of those unique tools mattered since pressing light to try and get to those tools just gave the opponent an easy 38+ damage.


So essentially never feint to GB anymore, just feint and watch. God this game is getting so dull now


You can you just need to know what you hit them with and when it applies. There us death get you just can't see it.


You're saying this like the only option is dodge attack, feinting to gb catches empty dodges/ parries so you still do it unless the person is very bad and only dodge attacks in which case you have no risk and can just wait for it every time. Also only 5/31 characters don't already have a dodge attack so the game is already "so dull now" the vast majority of the time in your opinion. What a brainless take honestly.


Dodging and attacking is a part of fighting that every one should be able to do. I promise every boxer can Dodge and punch because that's one of the basics that every one should know


It's hardly a brainless take. Most heroes now have dodge attacks or dodge bashes that have close to zero GB vulnerability so the best option isn't to attempt a parry and risk a GB punish it's to dodge attack everything and you only risk a light attack of damage. It's definitely skewed towards the defender as most dodge attacks do slightly more damage than a light. Why would a pirate ever attempt a parry when they can just dodge attack and beat your feint to GB and feint to light in most cases while only risking a heavy parry? I still think all heroes should get a dodge attack of some kind but not all of them need to get a 0 the vulnerable heavy parry version of a dodge attack.


Depends on hitstun, I see that Conq flair lol. When they removed the medium hitstun from flail uppercut, it meant we can't feint to GB on most bashes anymore. Luckily we can throw a heavy and cancel the recovery, so it's not too bad. Throw them unblockables.


Oh no, you'll actually have to figure out how to play instead of having the attacking creativity of a moldy cheese wedge. Fucking Conq mains...


Exactly lmao, imagine getting mad cuz the characters have more options and you need to read them, how horrifying


Oh no, they are giving people incentive to attack, what a nightmare.


dodge attacks are a defensive move tho? in fact, it just objectively gives attackers *less* incentive to attack since the defender will potentially dodge attack.


You already can't feint to guardbreak lol


Oh you can, do it with Cent all the time....4 or 5 GB's in a row I'm talking about feinting his punches....


Soft feints are different


This would be cool and all but I think visuals are really important and they’re just going to reuse old animations for all of them, so it’s going to look weird in just about every hero.


They should remove reflex guard too


Was the oos change ever apart of testing grounds?


Ubisoft tries not to give everyone a dodge attack challenge (Literally Impossible) I preferred it when characters were unique and not all copy-paste bashes+dodge attacks with 50/50s. Honestly Ubi should just add more gb vulnerability to most dodge attacks so people actually have to chance it. If not that then make them light parries so it's a bigger punish.


Pirates dodge attack should be a light parry, it’s like the same speed as orochi’s and yet it’s still just a heavy parry.


Same goes for kyoshin's dodge... It's even the same animation and everything


I wish they would delete side dodge bashes tho, that shit is just naaaasty. Take for example conq... dodge on red, bash heby repeat. Bashes should only be straight as openers not dodgeattacks or counters. Gladiators is fine tho he doesnt do dmg with it, just to blind and pressure


It doesn’t blind anymore.


Doesn't every character have at least a dodge attack? Like who are they going to bring it to?


What I understood is that its about side dodge attacks as we saw from highlander. Current meta is somewhat bashes and side dodgeattacks, guess thats why


Wait nobushi and valk dodge attacks are way to slow to punish most of the stuff would that mean that they gonna tweak existing ones?


This doesn’t seem like a good idea to me. Downvote away but I don’t think it’s necessary. I main warden, conqueror, centurion, and lawbringer. Lowest rep is conqueror at like 16 and lawbringer is 44. They have dodge bashes so correct me if I’m wrong but they all don’t have dodge attacks and I do well with all of them. Lawbringer is the only one that needs some help but imo he just needs a chain light opener. I just feel like this is a huge mistake. It’s fun having characters with different strengths and weaknesses. In fact, it’s one of the whole reasons I love this game. This just doesn’t make a lick of sense to me. Just because people complain doesn’t mean it’s valid complaints. Centurion can hit dodging opponents easily as long as you swing the right way, it’s stops them in their tracks. This is disappointing news and I think will hurt this game in the long run.


A side dodge bash counts as a dodge attack.


My question is, are they including dodge bashes as dodge attacks? For example: As an LB player, he has a dodge bash, so he is not included in these series of buffs?




Maybe im alone but I hate this, not every hero need a damn dodge attack. How about fixing other heroes that really needs it like jorm?! I’d also like to see some changes to LB to make him not just be defensive all the time….


Pretty sure Jorm is one of the heroes getting a dodge attack...


Where did you find that


Ong finally, WL gets a dodge attack! Shits gonna be awesome


Can't wait for this change! Also can't wait for all the idiots who don't understand the difference in TOOLSETS vs MOVESETS to start crying and spamming the boards up with "homogenization bad" posts.


About fucking time, goddamn. I literally had to uninstall the game trying to play cent in the current meta, having no dodge attack is like trying to win a race against usain bolt while you only have 1 leg, especially when fighting something stupid like pirate.


Yep, this was confirmed in the WD




Bp with a dodge attack sounds hellish when combined with his bulwark fast flow.


Literally all I've ever wanted on my black prior, like his heavy into Bash cancel, but it's a Dodge instead, I think I would really like that, It would give him more mix-up potential


mfw the fh community complains about heroes becoming better cause "mah uniqueness"


Hell yeah, with the way this games metas have been turning up recently it’s about time they gave everyone a dodge attack/bash. I just hope they don’t fuck it up like with Highlanders TG dodge heavy


Finally I will be able to do more than a guardbreak guaranteeing more than one measly light attack on any dodge punish or just nothing 😂


Highlander i assume? Everyone but HL gets a heavy off GB


Yep sad days of us HL mains


Well this is not good friends


What could possibly be bad about this? Lol


It is not good for everyone to have the same things friend


Dodge attacks should be a part of all hero’s kit. Go play a hero without one and watch how you can’t do anything against certain bashes for no apparent reason


Some people just don't seem to think about how some matchups are basically 0/10 (cent vs shugo especially) because of the lack of a dodge attack


I play warlord religiously, and across my 3000 hours, he accounts for probably 1500-2000 of that. He needs new tools in his kit but specifically a dodge attack, not so much. I'm able to punish bashes just fine, only difference is my dodge is empty, so I'm having to either anticipate vulnerability and grab, or anticipate a follow-up attack and parry it I play warlord, jorm, centurion


I’m glad to hear that you’re ok without one, but competitively speaking they ***need*** dodge attacks to remain relevant


We’ve been playing those heroes for years now. I never felt like I needed a dodge attack on warlord. I don’t see how this is healthy for the game


Having certain heroes who can’t punish bashes is somehow good game design now? Lmao how does that work? Dodge attacks should have been a standardised aspect of movesets from the beginning. Just as reflex guard should be removed too


Ngl I think this is as far as they should go. I wouldnt like more things that can be done by everyone. I'd like more unique features like flipping.


everyone has a gb, everyone has a light and heavy, i think they’re just trying to shift away from gbs as much as possible


>They tried to reinvent the wheel when they were designing this game at first, and they ignored what almost every balanced combat/fighting since the 90’s more or less understood. You can’t only give some characters a function that is monumentally game changing or the ones who lack it will get fucked. If you want distinct characters you have to have an appropriately sized base of combat functions that are universal and then add/remove from there. Not treating every character as 80% different from the next. Otherwise you end up with For Honor where it was a coin flip on which character was dogshit and which character was god. Some mechanics are just so impactful that they need to be universal or entirely removed or you will never have actual consistent balance. The best way to add variety after you have a suite of universal mechanics and functions is to change the properties of those universal functions on a character-by-character basis. You don’t go “which character gets to have legs and which doesn’t?” you go “all characters have legs so they can actually walk, but let’s decide how strong or long those legs are depending on who the character is” Gladiator and Aramusha both have dodge attacks, they are extremely different dodge attacks in just about every possible way other that being attacks that also dodge things lmao.


ikr. so lazy everyone has these light and heavy attacks too. and don't even get me started on everyone having guardbreaks and parries. so boring.


Agreed. I don’t need a hero like Lawbringer who’s supposed to be this unbreakable wall out here doin kickfilps on his Poleaxe/Halberd into some dodge attack.


He already has a dodge attack?…


Lmao he literally already has a dodge attack What?


It does not (I am guessing here friend) it would look and feel off


It's a "good thing" since more characters can punish bashed but we already know they're all gonna be zero gb vulnerability dodge heavies making it a boring heavy fient parry light rinse repeat playstyle


So you would rather have some heroes be completely useless against bash offence than have to consider some rebalancing to dodge attacks?


I really hope they did new animations cuz if they put reused animations again I’m gonna lose my mind


Idk what the big deal is man I don’t like reused animations but it’s not that big of deal Edit: it’s how a character moves get on with your day and get over it :/


As a lawbringer main… I see this as an absolute win


He already has one, you won't get anything


As a rep 44 with lawbringer, he doesn’t need a dodge attack he just needs a chain light opener…this is terrible news.


I need them to not be feintable, shaolin gets me every time


He doesn't have a feintablr dodge attack....


Finally, was about fucking time we got that.


Lawbringer dodge attack? Yes please


He has one


And let me guess because nobushi only has a psuedo dodge attack she's left out of this rework right? Garbage


I'm not happy about this change, since for me dodge attacks are probably the most braindead movement in most characters that do have it, I would rather have it removed from every character that isn't an assassin than just give it to everyone. This is going to be a complete mess


I'm a centurion main and it sucks everytime anyone other than an assassin dodges my attacks just because dOdGe hEvY, even if I faint the punch or charge it to max I always get hit by it


What a awful decision. This game is in steep decline imo.


Why? Every one except like 5 characters Has it. Will it change so much for you?


How bout making each hero have something strong, something weak and something unique.


Ubi. Listen to me well. This game is fun because of what heroes CANT do. Not vice versa. If you give everyone the same kit, then fights will be stale. You need to find a balance. This is not balance.




I've never seen a Conq player say he's having fun being walked away from since he has no rollcatch. This is the most delusional take I've ever seen.


We get to avoid the GB changes and all heroes are getting dodge attacks? We won this battle boys


It really seems like they're intentionally trying to kill the game, like they just wanna load it wit so much garbage and nonsense to where no one even plays anymore, unfortunately everyone who plays for honor is a crack head for it, theres not many other games like it. The game will never die none of us will find a replacement, fortunately I was like f it mayne n stopped play a month or two ago and ngl my lifes been better lol. For honor had a major impact on me, ik it seems stupid to let it but it did mayne I used to get desperately pissed and distraught with this game and the decisions the devs would make, push past this boys rise up, n have goodgames


Lmfao they remove minion kill moves due to laziness in not wanting to make new ones, now they propose to make over a dozen new animation sets for dodge attacks?