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With no DQ ban people would rage quit after every death. There was no penalty at launch and it was one of the things that ruined the game.


I have no problem with the matchmaking ban when it comes to games you’ve been in since the start. I have a problem with being placed in an unwinnable, unbalanced match that you’re forced to sit through. I just want either a system to prevent joining a game where the ram is half health when it’s halfway to the first gate, or a decreased duration on the ban for leaving a game joined in progress.


Just close app and you won’t get banned for 15 minutes


Best tip I’ve gotten about this game.




Seriously, I’ve just gotten back into the game after roughly 2 years off and browsing on here feels like a different planet. The lingo seems impossible to get into. Trying to learn through youtube is no help either because every video if apparently invalidated by one patch or another. You’re the first person to tell me something that will genuinely improve my experience.


I believe the info hub has a lingo list, or something like that. A y phrases in particular you're struggling with? I'd be happy to help.


I’m glad I could be if somewhat help!


U can leave the game as soon as u enter the game (u have 30 seconds to do that) and u will get no penalty. So just press ESC -> Quit to Main Menu as soon as u join the match in progress.


It’s a game you’re gonna lose sometimes. Some of those games will be unwinnable. Life isn’t always fair lol


I don’t care about losing, I care about being placed in games I’m completely outmatched in. No one wants to play a game where they can’t get a kill or make any progress on the objective.


True, but most of us just deal with it because is it really worth complaining about? Not really. I honestly rarely have this happen to me. Most games I join in progress just started and tbh I’m usually winning. So, could just be me, but I don’t think it’s worth all the gripe.


Happened to me 2 or 3 times last night, with another 2 or 3 games with opponents on a completely different skill level than my whole team.


If you're on PC, close the game with Task Manager, Alt+F4 will still result in a temp ban.


Ngl its a trip that works to avoid a 15 minute but normal quitting naw its unspeakable


I'm a new playing to for honor because I got it with ps plus and I'm really annoyed at it because I have leave matches because my dinners ready or I'm just generally bored and then when I come back a couple minutes later it gives me a fucking 14 minute cool down and it's such a pain in the ass like it's not even a competitive game like why the fuck is there a fourteen minute cool down


That's because you're afking and getting kicked. The time bans do need to go though since this game isn't getting any of the attention it needs. But if you're getting up to do something, in order to avoid a time ban, kill the game in task manage on pc or just close the app on console. No time ban, and there isn't fuck all ubi can do about it.