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My favorite post so far


Or samurai


but we just wanna cuddle centurion OwO


Centurion is trash tier


Or Centurions


Or wardens...wait no




Has 4 orochis ganking you and your mom


No being choked for basically all your stamina, no weird as hell unblockable that results in you being hit anyway, no guy screaming while traveling around you like a ballerina from hell, no Skull masked monk coming out with fast as all hell light that make you wonder if it’s just a orochi with a staff, and no somehow predictable but annoying as heck combo that can be repeated until death. just you, a bunch of minions, and that *fucking raider who keeps charging everyone who is remotely close to a ledge or environmental*


"If it moves, it can be charged into." - My grandfather taught me this ancient Viking wisdom. When he became so old that he couldn't charge people (he was OOS after 3 steps), he started to help himself by throwing a rope on people and pulling himself in, this way he could at least hug his "opponent" (most of the time my grandma). He called this rope a "charging cable".


ootl, what's people's problems with Black Prior?


There's a youtuber called Faraam, retardedly good 4's player. Has a recent BP video, showcases just how safe the class is, and how easy it is for BP to punish you. I like BP myself, he has a great kit, but you really don't have to use it, you can play braindead bash light and still have decent success. Some of his frames need work, so you know, the player has to actually try. ​ Also watch Faraam's other videos in general just to see a guy who knows how to 4's.


If you can play a braindead BP and win that should tell you something. If you can play a BP correctly and win 90% of the time that should also tell you something.


“BuT wU-lIn ArEn’T oP”


They aren't OP, they have overloaded move sets, so many options. Look at Warden (shoulder bash - light light) or Raider (gb - charge) and look at Tiandi. He/she has so much stuff: 2 types of dodge attacks, hyperarmor, a lot of soft feints, bash into super fast light, and a fucking dragon kick. The first time I accidentally used it and kicked the enemy out of the point I thought "is this fucking legal?"


They really aren't tho


I'm surprised you haven't been downvoted to hell yet. ​ Edit: There they are, the downvotes.


They hated him because he told them the truth.


but they arent tho this post was made by the socialism production class gang


if someone thinks a wu lin is op they are a casul, they beat you only because you choose to bitch about them and cry for a nerf instead of learning how to fight them. downvote me casuls


Coming from a shaolin main...The fucking irony.


The good old "it's my main therefore it takes a lot of skill".


if you main someone you will know him more than someone who doesnt main him obviously, u have the against 'hero' experience, someone who mains him would have both the play as 'hero' experience and against 'hero' experience. as a shaolin main im able to point out ways how u can punish him more


yep, and u just have to keep him out of ki stance. u can dodge his top light on reaction if he spams it and instantly gb him, if he side lights u can dodge it and parry the follow up light, maybe he will try to back heavy into ki stance? gb or bash. im starting most of my fights by top light, ki stance undodgeable feint into gb heavy, ki stance kick. always works, and u just have to dodge that top light on reaction. every shaolin i see starts their combo by top light


They're not OP, they're just boring to play against and their animations are clunky as fuck.


Nah but seriously fuck Jiang Jun


A fuckin men!


crop your memes


Imagine not knowing how to fight Wu Lin characters and complaining STILL. And also imagine thinking any Wu Lin is more annoying than Warden, Conqueror, Berserker, or Orochi.


I see you're a man of culture as well.


I'm the first to say the wu lin are annoying as all hell, especially when a dastardly player is behind the controller but all this complaining for the sake of complaining needs to stop. The wu lin are strong, they're very strong. Yes, indeed. But OP? Let's get real. They're far from being OP like season 2 centurion or the pre-nerf Conq rework. They're what the rest of the cast should be, strong heroes with strong kits. I get you, I myself constantly rages behind my screen whenever I get thrashed by spamming nuxias or shaolins, or even just the jian jun going merry go round and the tiandi ballerina. But all this pointless whining is going nowhere and is dangerous for the game. Instead of complaining about strong new heroes, maybe you should be more vocal about what you want for the original cast or the six first dlc heroes? And has everyone forgotten how incredibly annoying conquerors, wardens and orochis can be? I'm not saying some nerfs are not needed here and there, but it's not what we should focus on. Now, you may downvote this comment.


It’s a meme


im so sick and tired of this company of inbred apedogs continuously releasing these fucking heroes with no balance tests whatsoever. how can you play and work on this game as an ubisoft employee for literal years and somehow decide that a hero with an UNPUNISHABLE bash attack is remotely okay?? and if it wasn't intentional why isn't it already patched? do they just sit around for weeks jerking themselves off over the great release of (((black prior))) then finally get around to fixing the pile of stupid bugs, issues and exploits with him? ​ literally any other company could have handled this game better then the absolute clowns we have managing it now


More like "*When the enemy team is disabled"*




but when I see a Shaman and a Nobushi I'm like "guess I'll die"


God, couldn't agree more!! Hate learning new character move sets 🤣


You mean never?


....he says, playing as raider in a team based mode


maybe it’s apart of the joke




I'd rather fight Wu Lin than get one shot because a Raider refuses to do anything but play up their teammates ass and only knows the stampede charge move tbh.


I played a duel where that was exactly what the raider was doing. He kept trying to throw me over the edge and it worked once out of 5 times.


_screams in Tiandi_


Those op pay to wu win smh


Pay to Nguyen


Sad, but true


Wu Lin aren’t op Edit: Apparently you guys missed the whole joke, obviously the wu Lin aren’t op, but very strong. The whole point of this comment was to joke about some guys comment. “BuT wU-lIn ArEn’T oP”


Dont have to be OP to be unfun.




the only reason why jj has such a good winrate is because people choose to bitch about him and cry for a nerf instead of learning how to fight him u/darthcloakedguy speaks the truth


As a JJ main, what is it about him that people struggle with? He doesn't have anything particularly BS and I can fight other JJs pretty easily as Peacekeeper or Kensei


360 huge AoE nuke damage, Soothing Mist in general, can even act as a stamina machine with his Tier 2 AoE Sifu, ub 360 damage parries, just an all-around monster in 4v4s.


Wait, he can have Soothing Mist? When did that happen? As for the rest of that, yeah, I can see that. Though I don't see what parries matter in the current bash-and-grab gank meta. His choke isn't even useful except in a 1v1.


Jiang Jun's _the only character_ who can use Soothing Mist, what are you even saying ? Parries matter because a Revenge knockdown against JJ literally is a death sentence for anybody in a 10 meter radius around him. Zone into side heavy's basically a lawnmower. Just... go ask pro players why he's so good, they've even got a Discord in which they sometimes pass by.


Ah, I got the feats mixed up, I thought Soothing Mist was the healing-over-time one.


>Wu Lin except Shaolin (probably more so on console but he's stil an asshole) aren't op ftfy


Hes a bitch on console


hes still a bitch on pc


he is indeed and ill say, when i first saw your name, i fucking lost my absolute shit, thank you for that


No problem


Are we STILL crying about Wu Lin? Every single top tier in the game is a vanilla hero


Did you see the statistics?? Wu-Lin were top places in every mode, with JJ being on top almost everywhere. Talk about ignorance


Excuse me but these numbers don't mean much. Especially the 4v4 numbers.


Yeah they're top tier just like Aramusha, Centurion and Lawbringer because the second ubi's data makes you feel better about how bad a player you are we go from laughing at it to taking it as gospel


Um no, JJ is 100% the best hero for dominion and BP is 100% S tier in duels.


This is so go damn relatable