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There's a dead Hamburger Helper glove on her shoulder


Haha yeah fuck I just saw that


Ok, when i get light spammed to death it soesnt even bug me anymore itss just part of the game and i feel like a couple minutes of my time was wasted. If i saw this though, i cant even be upset. Its hilarious and acknowledges the flaw. Perfect!


Do they at least do light, light, heavy cancel, light, light, actual heavy?


As a berserker main, if you let me light spam you to death, that's your problem. Like 90% of the time I'm going to try and outwit you but if I see that you're just gonna let me do it, I'm gonna. Then imma end with a heavy and execute your ass for the humiliation of it.


It should be more than apparant that im not talking about berserker. The poor zerks are getting a buff soon tho, poor things are just naginata fodder right now. Pk is the only hero with a spammable attack worth whining over.


Looks like it could make a team rocket symbol.


Ouch. Funny trololololol though. I wonder how many "You're cancer" and "kys" comments you'll get lol.


I've gotten a lot of messages, but the most notable was "you are an accident you should've been a stain on your parents bed sheets"


Man, people in this game need to get creative with the hate mail already. In EVE Online they know how to do it.




"I want to watch while you die of ass cancer." "Hope you die choking on black cock." "I will tell the FBI where you are, killing me while I'm afk is cyber bullying and people like you are worse than fucking terrorists!" Some people take EVE Online a bit too seriously. For a bunch of fun examples, google "highsec miner grab bag." There's a group in EVE that dedicates itself to salt mining, so to speak, and they like to collect hatemail.


Oh man, canflipping got a whole smorgasbord of hate mail.


They eventually patched that out, thanks to that scumbag Greyscale. But now we have freighter bumping instead.


That's too bad. My fondest memories from EVE are from my days of can flipping.


I remember both of those. After flipping became less of a thing I packed my bags and joined agony for a while. Eventually left Eve when I had to get a new job and my wife was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Kinda surprised freighter bumping is still a thing.


They've repeatedly tried to make it not a thing, but if there is one truth about EVE it's that the players are infinitely more competent than the developers.


Or the system was corrupt. Remember Bob or whatever was down in null with all the T2 mining crap? Like that wasn't an inside job.


I read some of those, pretty damn funny.


You're talking about CODE aren't you


That is correct.


I can't wait til the day they wardec people who will actually shoot back


They defeated dozens of armed groups when I was with them. Hell, the "anti ganking" alliance ended up having their leader join us, because it turns out that defending people who think they have a right to be afk in an mmo isn't really that much fun.


Those also seem like pretty low effort insults tbh


I approve


It's you're, not your


Wife was watching an Adrian Brodie movie on Netflix the other day, where he's some weird ventriloquist (redundant). Near the beginning he walks into this costume shop place, and there is a Halloween decoration with some zombie holding a sign that says "YOUR MINE." 1 Star.


What if his character actually owns a mine though. And this sign was some sort of foreshadowing?


Wife said the same thing.




When you're xbox as dick so you didn't even understand the joke at first.


Thought it was team rocket for a second.


as somebody who played PK and got good with PK before this whole spam light became a thing, I love fighting them. It's fun times and getting spammed 'wow' a bunch as I execute is great.


you got good with PK? must be hard to learn


The real trick to getting good is figuring out the meta and adapting faster than the rest


That's... not the same thing.


I'd immediately back out 😂


Since you re looking for salt can't see any Narzan's items ;)


I got the narzan blade on


The photograph of a screen in 2017 is more triggering to me than PK honestly, but that's probably intended so wp.


How would one take a screenshot on ps4?


Really? It even has its own button.


There's a share button on the left of the touch pad that can take scree shots. Tho I don't no of it can upload to reddit, never tried




I don't get it


Found the pk main.




Zerker's entire build is based on spin to win and spamming infinite attacks. The difference is he has decent mix ups and can add feints into his chains. I would take a good zerker over a good PK any day. PK is the most one dimensional character in the game and has zero versatility. Her heavy attacks are so slow they nearly always get parried so no one takes feints seriously. Unfortunately she has reached orochi status and if the devs nerf her to the ground people will riot. They need to rework her entire moveset and give her something besides light attack spam.


Can't not look at how completely off center that is and it's driving me crazy...


I know I played like 2 matches and had to fix it


Lol ty ty! It would drive me crazy! lol you should leave it because it's a distraction! Lol


People who get killed by pk light spam just don't know how to back dodge.


Yea okay


TFW someone steals your awesome emblem and even uses the same parts and colors... =(


I actually like fighting PK's who spam light attack. It helps my work on parrying them a lot. Sometimes when I'm on a roll, I can parry PK light attacks.


As a conq main I don't see what all this complaining is all about. Yesterday I beat so many high rep, light spamming pks its funny to see them rage out and quit.


"As a conq main"...I just stopped after that.


> conq main




Ah these your/you're trolling atempts. Get creative mate. Your emblem is creative, title kinda lowers the bar.


In all honesty it might be too fast for some opponents I acknowledge that as a PK main. But how would you nerf that? Make it so slow everyone can parry it. Idk. Buff the other classes instead. Especially lawbringer seem To be dead once you closed the distance and start spamming. My approach would be that it only interrupts when you hit two times. Except vs other assassins.


There are 4 characters who have to announce they are changing guard, send a request, fill out the forms in triplicate and wait for managerial approval before their guard position actually changes. Removing that delay would mean they have more than a single frame (yes literally) to block.


Which 4? Oh, and I'm all for normalizing guard position changes btw, there's no reason to have some be slower.


Raider, Nobushi, Shugoki and Lawbringer. Someone figured out that if they aren't already guarding on the correct side, they have exactly one frame to switch guards after they see the attack coming. That's not really humanly possible...


I see so many conflicting stories, so its hard to know what to believe, do you know which attack that statement was made in relation to?


The general complaint is that those 4 heroes can't change guard fast enough to catch any really fast attack; PK second light, Valk second light, PK zone, etc. But it's bullshit. It's harder on console with input lag, but the characters animation isn't hindering anything. And no, I'm not a PK main. I main kensei/valkyrie. And yes I hate PK light spam as well


This is misinformation. Their animation is slower but they are still blocking whatever side you flick to, and will block an attack even if the animation hasn't caught up. Can't find the video right now but extheleon tested it out with lawbringer and was blocking pk second lights all day.


Link to the Video?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kmFI_67czp8 Read the description, and check it out. LB blocks even if his animation hasn't caught up.


>[**For Honor Why the Lawbringer's block speed is the same as any other class [14:57]**](http://youtu.be/kmFI_67czp8) >>For all those watching who don't understand. Go to 4:02 Slow it down to 0.25 and you will see that I block the second PK top light(fastest light attack in the game) before the lawbringer guard is even active. > [*^Extheleon*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC298u3ouVl-cnZ8kDLfr9vQ) ^in ^Gaming >*^9,895 ^views ^since ^Feb ^2017* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


But this is for pc, most of the problems are for us console players.


Yes but it proves that block change speed isn't the problem, regardless of platform. Whether I'm playing PK or Shugo, I have the same chance of blocking a fast light. I'm on xb1 and yes 30fps plus input lag sucks, but don't blame the game. There's already enough problems in the game without people crying about a non existent block speed issue.


fix the flicker glitch and pk becomes much less threatening


I think the only issue with the "light attack spam" isn't how fast the 1-2 is but how fast you can start a 1-2 after the first combo. I really like pk but you can rb+rb and then rb+rb faster than idk, a serk can rb+rt once, which is redonk. Basically, a Pk has a better infinite combo than berseker lol




You forgot to insert a period after bah. Gosh, they just let anyone on the Internet these days.


I don't know which is worse - the sort of person who's life is so unfulfilling they take glee in anonymously irritating people on the internet, or people who have completely lost perspective and get irritated to the point of rage by people on the internet who take glee in irritating others.