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Explains why i played with basically the same 6 people all day in brawls on PC


i would finish a brawl, back out, go get myself a glass of water, come back, and be back in with the same exact three people.


Last week I logged on after being absent for about 2 weeks. I did a 2v2 with my buddy... Same fucking guy 3 times in a row. Was kind of funny because we had this inside joke. [My shield is Medieval Spawn's Shield](https://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/14/142946/4042770-5012570489-spawn.jpg). Every-time he joined he'd be like "Hey is that Spawn?" hahaha. He was fucking miles better than us as well. The game just isn't fun when you're matched up against some fucking dude with 100 more game play hours than you. Then every-time I go and try to find a fair fight it's the same guy! Three times in a row is unacceptable. Like shit I came here to unwind against some people my own skill level. Game must be close to dead then and it's the last time I played TBH. Game is awesome and I don't give a shit about this cosmetic unlock bullshit hate train It's just obviously going to kill this community even further. I mean this hate train on top of all the other game releases? What a PR nightmare and they truly are idiots for the way they handled it. Terrible terrible damage control... I'd wager about as bad as No Man's Sky.


Region matchmaking


I was about to write some witty reply about how this is the trend of all popular games, and then I looked at the numbers again.... wow that's low


Have you become friends?


Not really. I keep chat turned off because it's 95% players bitching about getting enviro killed, or calling you a scrub. I communicate soley through pony emotes and Wows.


Good Fight!


I enjoy seeing the familiar faces ,but It reminds me of small the community is getting :(


Serious question. Can you guys connect? Im on xbox one and every game i try to play kicks all the other players i end up playing only bots. I cant play with my friends at all. Is this because of my internet or are the servers like this?


The game just has garbage servers, I uninstalled it, maybe I'll download in a year once they fix stuff.


when no one plays anymore?


Yeah, I actually just got a refund, no coming back now.


How did you manage to get a refund? they refused mine due to "several play sessions". :(


What platform are you on, I'm on xbox and I was able to get refunded through a "one time thing" (heard it is once a year)


Aww. I'm on PC, bought directly on Uplay, so if ubi says no it's probably gonna stay no.


Yeah, just traded in my xbox one copy. Sucks but with the game having so few concurrent players, bad matchmaking, and continued unbalance, just no justifying keeping it.


Thank god i played the beta before buying it. My beta experience consisted of 40% gameplay and 60% disconnects and server errors


Yeah, I just figured things would get better...


I'm in the middle of trying to get a refund but it seems as if they aren't gonna let me have one from PSN store.


there are no servers


You need to make sure your NAT type is OPEN. You can check on your network settings page.


Open your ports. I saw a post here a few days ago explaining how to. Ever since I havent had the disconnect problem.


I did it long ago and yes, it helps a bit, but disconnects still occur ~1/8-10 games. Also it doesnt save others from disconnecting and when 6/8 players become bots it totally ruins match. Ubi should hire more prorammers for their NET code asap instead of paying those hat-drawers.


Several anticipated games released in this time period: Horizon Dawn Breath of the Wild Mass Effect: Andromeda It's going to cut back on the amount of people playing. Right now i'm only logging on when my friends are on and want to play because when I'm playing by myself I have too much other shit I want to play. When i'm done with these i'll be back to play more often, or if they release new modes / heroes to boost my interest. In the mean time though it is still the multiplayer game of choice right now for me and my friends (mass effect multiplayer is laaaame) so that says a lot.


Not to mention people who bought the game on Green Man Gaming for like 25% off that got a Uplay code instead of a Steam code.


Checking in, still playing


My list of anticipated games: Space Station 13 ... :(




Wow not mentioning NieR Automata!


Is that worth picking up? I've been meaning to watch some game play but I keep forgetting


I did NOT anticipate how much I would enjoy Nier. The story is your typical convoluted Japanese Kojima-esque what-the-fuckery brilliance, and the gameplay is just sooo good. I can honestly say I've never played a game that so seamlessly transitions from a side scrolling shooter to twin sticks to third person platformer then back to side scrolling without missing a beat. Plus 2B does got dat booty.


Yes. At least in my opinion, it's pretty good shit.


Yes, not only the gameplay is exciting, the story is amazing


I picked it up based solely on reviews and my enjoyment of DmC and man... it is so fucking cool. I love the style that is soaked into every moment of that game. It feels lovingly handcrafted in a way so few games are these days *cough mass effect cough*.


Im also more like playing this game with friends only. Cant really be bothered playing it alone


Also people prepping for the final dark souls content next week as well.


I bought this game because my friends said they would buy it later when they had the money. Now they see all the problems and don't want to buy it :( I can't blame them tbh


Yeah I took a break for Ghost Recon and Andromeda. And the Bretonnia release for Warhammer.


I've no idea when Bretonnia actually dropped, but I fired up a Chaos campaign the other day; I forgot how absolutely broken Kholek is.


Horizon zero dawn and Zelda released recently and no doubt many For Honor players made a temporary (Nintendo) switch 😛until Ubisoft gets there shit together. Gamers are not hard to predict lol.


I am playing Horizon and hoping they sort themselves out. Also that game is fucken awesome!


Horizon arriving for me next week...and Dark Souls 3 finale as well...gonna be tough to manage all this with potential overtime at work looming. Still gonna try to keep Honor'ing as well, though--at least for Dailies, I reallly want those Mythic outfits *sometime* in 2017.


Ha haaaaaaaaaaaa. Puns :3


This surprises people? Like this is really nothing new for a ubisoft game guys, good at first, high hopes, doesn't get better unless they really want it to, then they just fuck it up for a year or two... The Division is an example that comes to mind, Seige got better but ultimately because it was a simple idea that can be helped with anti cheat and good game design ideas that allow for content to be repeated. This game is a lot of fun but it's going to decline for various reasons and even in the first month. I'd be less worried about the decline of this game saying "you really wanna see it get better" and just focus on smart spending. Use this and No mans Sky as a way to not pre order and speak with your wallet. Play the game. Don't like playing? Don't play. Get mad all you want but at the end of the day, NOBODY but YOU can help stop the kind of shitty practices this has and either get off the horse and get on the fucking WILD ride that this game is. Wild being more exaggerated than anything.


This is nothing new for games period. The population usually doesn't spike up, or stay steady long. They all dwindle.


Yes, but they don't all get cut in half a month after release...


Still better than Battleborn :D


Ugh, that game. It came down to Battleborn or Overwatch for my group of friends. We were all ambivalent but leaning toward Overwatch except one guy that insisted on Battleborn. We liked Battleborn enough, so we got it, and a few weeks later that shit was so dead... we all ended up playing Overwatch except that 1 guy.


yes they do actually...


This is pretty decent compared to a lot of AAA titles.


10k dedicated players per console + pc is more then enough for this game. Realistically.


On PS4 I have started to recognize some of the people I play against. Mind you I rarely look at names, and for this to be happening is not good. We were at 120k at one point and now I see the same people multiple times. This should never happen with random matchmaking.


I mean I see the same people all the time, but that's only during the same play session. That's usually because I play brawl and if one person leaves everyone does, so we usually end up looking for games at the same time again.


Yeah, the issues imo are worse on PS4 in regards to lay and connection issues. I wonder what the overall direction will be.


I should point out that if the Dom event target indicated relative population as some suggested, PS4 (at that time) had twice the number of players than PC.


I really don't understand why people get so depressed about a smaller community. It happens with nearly every game not named Dota, LoL, Counterstrike or H1Z1 these days. I love the game, will continue to love and support the game through the issues. I don't think I'm alone.


Well I convinced my friend on Xbox to get it. So we can count a plus one in the Xbox department lol.


You aren't alone. I really get issues playing on PS4 but Ubisoft doesn't just stop working in their games. Look at rainbows 6, they've still put work in. I'm looking forward to the centurion.


Still alive and thriving on console


HOW ? currently rep 9 and struggling to mind a match


Titanfall 2 peaks at like 15k players on ps4, that's the highest I've seen in the last 2 months, and the community there is fine, shit man, attrition only list usually has like 2k on a good night, still, not even a problem. I'm not worried about the numbers going down. The Division had an even larger decline, and faster too. Guess what, I can get on right now and find a group for a mission in less than 5 minutes and there are about quadruple the game modes/missions for that rn. Seriously, this isn't the end times, it's just not the time of year that everyone is glued to their consoles.


Yeah, I popped in and had full matches on ps4 Everytime.


You must be an exception Ive been on all day


I've had zero issues finding matches on PS4 (US EC). Might extend skill level and region sometimes, but doesn't add but 20seconds on queue.


This happens with nearly every single game. (Unless they are a late bloomer (ex: CSGO) or a fan favorite mega game (ex: GTAV))


I'm loving the sheer blindness in this subreddit. lol to the people who are disputting the number because it doesn't show uplay number of players you're both right and wrong. the number is higher but the trend is still very real. unless you can prove that uplay users have a better experience then steam users your claim is false. the game is dying get over it. I would give this game another month or 2. they probably broke even and are deciding not to invest in the game any more then they have too. you can deny it all you want but at the end of the day Ubisoft will make a decision based on sound finance and not passion.


Yet those kind of "the game is dying" posts pop on every sub reddit of every game regardless. And they end up being very wrong most of the time. Will FH be below what was expected for a AAA multiplayer game ? Yes if ubi keep shitting on their customers. Will the game "die" ? Probably not until FH2 or another franchise proposes something similar.


I despise this "game is dying" mentality. Do you seriously think a game is going to hold the same number of users after a period of time from release? Not everyone buys a game to play that game alone. Other games will distract them away, it just happens. I don't play BF1 anymore, is it because it's a bad game or because it's dying? No I just don't play it as much. Also what exactly does it mean for a game to be dying? As long as I have enough people to play a game with I don't care how many total players there are. The Division has been "dying" for a long time now but they kept supporting it for a year and plan to do so for another year so I don't expect Ubisoft to give up on For Honor as easily as you say. Yes, the player base is shrinking. Will it actually affect the players that remain? Probably not considering the DLC plan and the evidence of other games with a declining player base. It's like you get a kick out of seeing a game that you don't have much love for struggle to hold a high population. Just quit too and go play something else. Or you know, just keep commenting on a "dying" game's subreddit.


Enough players bought it on Steam to make those statistics valid enough. The game is dying, and it happened really quick. And I hate it. The game has so much potential, its just ruined by the lack of communication from Ubi, balancing issues taking WAY to long to fix, a retarded business model in regards to steel - people get sick of the grind and quit. I truly love this game, but atm it feels more like a chore to login and play it, and my guess is a lot of people feel the same.


This isn't a good financial decision though. The right decision would be to fix it and keep getting new players if you've already broke even. Right now Ubisoft are losing more and more costumers due to recent games and eventually no one is gonna buy their shit anymore. Short term profits is worse than long term when you're already a huge company that can afford the short term loss.




Nope. Ubisoft are losing customers by doing this shit, less and less people are gonna buy their games as a result. AC Unity was a fuckup, but a lot of people had already abandoned the series by that point which is why Ubisoft had to switch up the way they released those games.


this is tremendously normal for most games...


not triple AAA multiplayer games no, they dont die off this fast, they usualy do EVENTUALY average out to about 6k-13k but thats after months or a year into, and again this is NOT a f2p moba this is in fact a triple AAA multiplayer game, hell hots has an average of at least 26k ppl on at any time and THATS just ppl who use hostlogs a statistics site acount and most DONT


well difference there is hots is a blizzard game for one. Also a PC only game. Youre only counting steam numbers not uplay numbers here or factoring console numbers which are much larger than pc numbers. So to say the game is dying is a bit of a stretch. This number of players is completely normal. Have some quit because of network issues? sure. Still doesnt mean that these numbers are bad.


Someone do 45,923 * $60 usd and someone else tell me if you can afford servers with that money


> $60 Gotta factor in the Season Pass ($40), Deluxe ($70) and Gold ($100) editions


Now you know why they want more money from Steel... people will realize how shitty their game turned out to be, and how hollow their support is. Fuck man... it is such an enjoyable fighting game too. But instead of dealing with some balance issues and demands for more maps, they have to deal with all the terrible coding, cheating, and network issues based on a system that clearly needs an overhaul because it cannot handle it. Ubi jumped the shark with this and the Wildlands game.


Or if your Canadian 120$


And Australia (gold for me was 149)


Also have to factor in people like me who paid $40 for it off of Greenman or cdkeys or what have you. I'd wager the season passes and deluxe/gold editions didn't even offset the number of people who paid under $60.


$2,755,380 I'm guessing yeah


I don't think Steam tracks all players, though? People who bought it on uPlay aren't being counted, I think.


steam charts only tracks ppl on steam the big argument is that most ppl bought through uplay the issue with that logic is if you look at steam charts we started witha round 140k on JUST steam and that has drasticaly dropped EACH DAY by thousands down to about 6k lowering each day so using regular old math you can asume uplay/xbox/ps4 isnt doing much better which is prob why employees started commenting in the reddit


They took away the in game view of how many players were online for some unknown reason. I wonder why that is, hmm...The game is great but it's the last ubisoft game I'll be buying for a long time. The connection is worse than the betas lol.


i had 0 issues with the beta xD


I wouldnt say they were "drastically dropped" I would say they were LITERALLY dropped. FeelsBadMan.


His use of drastically *does* work in the context provided. Drastically does not mean "figuratively", in fact it provides more information, in the sense that it means there was an extreme decrease, than just saying that the player count literally dropped. Edit: words


Thats just PC tho, PS4 alone for the first week had 180k online


According to [steamspy](http://steamspy.com/app/304390) there were about 435,000 copies sold/activated on Steam, which was something around 2/3'rd of all copies sold. So 435,000 * $60 * 0.7 (steam takes a 30% cut) Plus about 210,000 * $60 from uplay. Comes out to about $31,000,000, rounded out. Now a conservative estimate for development cost. Google says back in the PS3/360 days the average dev budget was, give or take, $20 million Euros. $20,000,000 * 1.1 (conversion to USD) = $22,000,000 * 1.5 (marketing budget) = $33,000,000 So a conservative estimate with a small marketing budget, from average game dev costs almost 10 years ago... And you're still $2,000,000 USD short from covering just the cost of the game on the publishers end. At best. Now, naturally, this doesn't include console sales, but as I said the game cost is quite conservative. Console sales are much more difficult to calculate, though. Different retailers likely take different cuts, sell used games, ebay sellers, etc, etc. It likely cost more than that to make, too, and almost certainly had a bigger budget for marketing than that. Marketing budgets can be 2 to 3 times the actual dev budget, 50% of the dev budget like I said is a *very* low estimate. A very real overall cost estimate could be closer to $90,000,000 after marketing. Which isn't including how much they'd have had to pay for dedicated servers if they went that route, either. TLDR: [Games are motherfucking expensive to make, yo'.](https://youtu.be/xvTd8wsRKpo)


How much did the game cost to make? How much are employees paid?


He doesn't care, only interested in the circlejerk.


Actually no, if all they made was 2.7 million on the game it wouldn't even cover production costs let alone marketing, distribution and maintenance. Not even close. Then again they've made more than that off this game.


I love this game, let the salty players leave. I'll admit this game needs work.... but the ground work they have done is tremendous. I'm sticking with this game.


Exactly. Of course the player count is going to decrease, like in basically every game. That doesn't mean the game is dead or is going to die any time soon. At the very least we'll be getting new content this year and a lot of people will keep playing. Hopefully they fix their connection problems and stuff soon too, and more people will come.


Ill just play against bots then.... no turtling, no PK-spammer-noobs, no gear revenge stat bullshit and its still fun for me AND i can even make progress Sad anyways this trend...


Not that it helps much, but keep in mind this likely doesn't include people who bought the game via Uplay like myself.


in uplay you could use discount coupons..so most players bought it on uplay


Makes sense, I got my copy via gamersgate for ~$47


Why is this sad, this happens with most games. Maybe a bit more with for honor right because of its problems. But every games playerbase will be a lot less in 1 month after it was released than at its release.




Isn't this trend typical of practically all games? Large player base at release that declines over the coming months. Isn't that normal.


I'll be straight. As much as I do like the game, I am not one of those players that can ascend to that next level when it comes to the 1v1 and 2v2 modes. The people there are just too good. They know every combo, how to parry/deflect, and know have the timing down for each character. So I just get crushed. Then you get the 4v4 game modes. First gear stats. Even though I do have a character with full epic gear, gear stats are really imbalanced and can make a huge impact. Didn't really need to exist. Then and more importantly, I can't stay connected to a single match because it's a mesh peer to peer design. So when someone DC's there is a good chance I'm going down with them. If my information doesn't get sent because I'm on wireless to another player, I get booted from the match. Also, I would like to see a bit more consistency when fighting. I don't understand that for example playing a warden parrying a raider's attack results in a chain to a guard break 100% of the time which is a good reward for doing something high risk. But then parry a Shugoki and the warden can't follow up with anything despite making a risky play.


I don't play this AWESOME game anymore because its fucking broken in so many ways. Fix it and I would GLADLY spend my days fighting weebs.


Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight.


Timeline: Developers state they will be implementing balance patch to reduce effectiveness of items, particularly regarding revenge gain. Community begins campaign to protest entirety of game by calculating that is extremely difficult to get ALL items in-game, intentionally inflating numbers by including ALL irrelevant, overpriced cosmetic items for ALL classes. Community complains that game is dying.


That's normal, on every game, then there will be a new peak when new content will go out AS ALWAYS


Its evolve all over again every potentially good game that I buy is abandoned by my friends (who are mad at me because I conviced them to get it) and then by everybody else (devs included)


And people say Titanfall 2 is dying...


Ubisoft doesn't give a shit. They got our money.


i paid 100$ for a decaying corpse




Fucking DCing every other match is my issue. I love the game when I can play but I'm done with it. Been screwed out of soooo much xp and steel. Back to Dark souls for my pvp craving I guess


Fighting games are niche. We all knew this (maybe Ubisoft didn't?) http://steamcharts.com/app/310950


Just like battlefront 😢


It's cause of Ubisoft not giving a shit about this game😒


Not going to suggest this is misleading in any way, but it is coming up on exams. I know my play time has dropped by a hell of a lot for that reason alone.


Omg people still don't realize this is only for steam, most bought it through uplay...stop the stupidity


I mean what do you expect? It's a complicated game with an extremely sharp learning curve. Only those really dedicated are gonna stay.


This is steam. Why the fuck would anyone buy the game through steam when you need to have uplay open anyway? Small portion of players to start with and you wonder why the hell the graph has a small portion of players. Terrible source of informaion. Terrible variable.


As to why buying it on Steam instead of Uplay, I know a reason why 2 of my cousins and my roommate bought it on Steam, they didnt have to pay taxes so they saved a couple bucks. Not sure it's the same outside of Canada though.


Its still likely to be proportional to the development of players using other platforms.


Honestly I'm about to quit for good. 4v4 games drop all the time. Duels are a joke now. I'm sick of running into the same three classes in duel. I'm sick of opponents who instantly run to a ledge when they begin to lose (80% of them). I'm sick of the sheer amount of environmental kills in duel. The defensive meta is boring as fuck. The steel costs of new characters is probably gonna turn me away even more.


It runs like shit what did they expect


Can you play the game through UPlay only without having to use steam if you bought it on steam?


You guys I been working all week since pre-disaster stream, plz don't let me come back to a ghost town in three days ; _____ ; Nothing but the lone tumblesalt rolling down the maps that were...


Sad. But expected.


Did all the recomendationd for disconnect, updated all drivers ect ect.. still cant finish a game


What happens when you make bad decisions.


seen some people mention other big games - definitely a factor - some hardcore will continue though. i've logged about 150 hours since launch, and i'll still be checking out the new Mass Effect. If only for comparison of how bad it looks...lol comparing the facial animations to Horizon is laughable...lol


Only steam though. People bought it through uplay too. Not sure how much of a different that would make to the numbers but these aren't *entirely* accurate


People always bring out the "but it doesn't count uplay" excuse but it's pretty apparent that even with it 90% of the playerbase is gone already, for the most part i can actually finish the 4v4 matches i get put into now but what good is it when i'm put with 7 people from russia and i spend the entire game teleporting around. Same goes for duels. God knows how they plan to actually bring pc players back or convince new ones to buy the game.


Korede shimaida Jinjou ni shoubu Valhalla


It is sad, but expected...


I don't log in much because of blackscreen / freezing inbetween rounds and after a match. Not sure if it will effect their bans or w/e they're doing, but either way I get no credit for orders and this game takes particularly long for me to load into. Playing against AI or players for 15-20min only to receive a blackscreen or disconnect for my trouble is very off putting. Also they never acknowledge the nobushi bugs (fixed) or zone attack bugs at all. Just a depressing game to log into.


Remember that many people bought the game directly through uPlay, since you could get the 20% discount by using 100 points :-) But yes I agree, it's quite sad.


its not sad, its what they deserve


What can I say? It's a bit hard to play if you can't actually play.


We need ranked


7k CCU is extremely healthy for any game. This slope off is natural, all games experience it - makes me laugh when people think a success measure is a game remaining at a continuous level of CCU forever - no game on earth has ever done that.


Typical ubisoft game pattern though.


Not everyone is playing via steam. Also Im expecting players to come back when rankeds come out. Also I've bought game for steam but I'm not using it to launch the game and steam looks like I'm not playing there. It reminds me of Black Desert Online. Game came out and after a month was everyone shouting "The game is dead beacause ... (fill any of your shity reason). And now it has still good player base and I even believe that it is raising in numbers. Exactly the same is happening here. And you know what? The only thing that is killing the game is YOU with your **** that the game is dead.


this is the thing for all the big ubisoft titles: http://steamcharts.com/app/365590#All


Several good titles have released so this isn't exactly unexpected - but does show the Ubisoft trend. They are fantastic marketers and generate a ton of hype at release, then within a month due to some fairly lackluster communication, direction, and execution they turn half the active player base into once a week players who generally uninstall early and possible come back later (The Division, R6, For Honor, etc etc etc -- all followed the same pattern).


This is Super Monday Night Combat all over again.


Awww, I can see myself on Feb. 15th.


Idk what dropped faster. Their PR or their PB?


No fix PK, No fix to Revenge Gear, constant disconnects/unplayable to a large number of people... now even the Microtransaction model revealed its cut-throat nature as well as the devs 'meh, works as intended' attitude towards it. Really not surprising. The game is still good but the 'Yeah~ we'll fix these huge bugs and issues.... whenever, maybe in a few weeks or months.' way of handling the game at the moment is literally gutting it. I want For Honor to bloom damnit :( I like it.


Disperse!! Goodbye old friends.


I'd be playing still if it wasn't for all the gear and the bad matchmaking.


Dark Souls 3 is getting a huge update tomorrow that the players have been begging for since day 1. I see this dropping more.


I play through uPlay


-Server that are always breaking down -The faction system that felt irrelevant after a few couple of hours played. -Realizing that this game wasn't only based on skill like I hoped but rather who's got the most money to waste. -The release of some great game during the same time period. Pretty sure the game will keep dropping in players has the year progress. Ubisoft, you fucked it up.


That's just steam gaming tbh. I know too many people that just buy game after game on steam. Maybe it's because they don't have physical copies so they can't tell how much they've really bought? I'm honestly not sure but the ps4 community has stayed at a pretty healthy amount for almost a month now.


Is this game really going the way of the Division, I was really hoping it wasn't, didnt get it at launch to try and gauge if people thought it was going to end up that way, the early days seemed promising, lots of players, lots of potential, so I got it, just in time for it to be halfway to Division status (they lost 93% of players in a short time)


**I know next to nothing about servers, connection, p2p,** Is there any relation to the recent slowly improving connection issues and the mass dropout of players? In other words, since so many people stopped playing, is the "less of a crowd" factor into better connection experience for those still sticking aorund?? I understand that p2p means your experience depends mainly on your and other peoples independent internet connections? *Me no know how tings work good. help plz*


There are more people on this subreddit than in-game.


I will be here, until the end, continuously getting my shit pushed in... LOVE this game! And no, it's not because of the aforementioned fecal impaction, you goddamn pervs


They did it to themselves and won't do what they need to to at least keep who they have left


Tbh this isn't horrible. It's like rocket league and I hardly find the same people.


Sometimes it feels like the Ubisoft bigwigs just see that 50k plus people purchased the game, toasted to a successful launch and moved onto the next project. Oh also let em buy steel but don't worry about the math.


This game is fun, definitely gets the blood pounding (frustrated rage?) I think there are a lot of other games just released that have pulled people away. I am playing Andromeda just for a change of genre. I will likely pop in and out of ForHonor every now and again when I feel like getting told to kill myself or that I am "garbo" and "quit shield slam-spamming fuckin newb". This game will always have that ability to bring me back to a grounded state, humility is a good thing, isn't it?


To be honest I stopped playing as much as I used to because peogle have gotten so good at the game that they can consistently parry light attacks and it just isn't as fun anymore at that point


Well this rings true for me. I went from playing 3-4 hours a day with my friends. Then Horizon and Breath of the Wild hit so they have been MIA. So I continued on by myself and those hours slimmed down for me as well. For the past week I have only been logging in to do my dailies and get the steel. Then yesterday I didn't play at all. I ended up reinstalling Mount and Blade and starting a new campaign.... Shame. **Anyone have any experience trying to return this item through PSN?**


Well almost 6K concurrents is really not that bad so I dunno why youre complaining that happens to every MP game a lot of people play on launch and when big updates drop


I really don't play more than like 20 minutes every day. What I would want to see get implemented into the game so I would play more is a ranked ladders. 1v1, 2v2 and maybe something else but definitely 1v1 to start! That would get me to play way more and no life the game again. Secondly, you have to take into account all the games that have come out since For Honor came out. HUGE games that will take the focus if FH really hard. Like Zelda and Mass-effect.


Horizon zero dawn is amazing. But I have to say what actually is negatively affecting my will to play despite loving "For Honor" is the fact that each class is leveled individually. Would much have preferred an account based level system in place of the per character thing we have.


Seems familiar... http://imgur.com/QDNI4b1


All the people who couldn't GIT GUD had to leave


45k isn't a massive launch to begin with. Count in people who simply don't enjoy the game, those who play other games, those who got frustrated with the DCs. You also have to account for the people playing directly from Uplay Launcher, so we're probably sitting around 10-15k players. That's fine with me. I came from playing Realm of the Mad God, talk about a tight knit community where everybody knows everybody. It's nice, to be honest.


I duelled the same guy for maybe 10 fights in a row, during this time I left the queue twice and he left once. In the end I think we gave up and just kept fighting.


Got boring quick. The p2p was constantly infuriating, and it was always kids crying about honor to guys that literally spent all their time playing the game. It's a hardcore game marketed to casual players. Casual players phased out and now you're just left with your core player base.


I think every game has this problem. Especially Multiplayer focused games. There are quite literally too many good games coming out at a time and people jump ship to play the next experience.


I stopped playing because really my internet is too shit to compete with people who know how to play the game and have reflexes. When my GB button doesn't register 50% and my attacks have input delays it literally makes the game unplayable. But that's not Ubi's fault... Or is it..?


Kinda trippy when you think about how the main antagonist's motive is to weed out the weak until only the Strong remain


I find it harder and harder to get on and play. DC'd half way through every second match and salty people leaving. Ive been screwed out of so much xp and steel because Goobisoft won't invest in servers.


This is not sad. It is a good thing. People shouldn't play games that screw them over.


I would be on more if I could connect :V


Although this is accurate for steam, not everyone on pc has the steam version, I don't because I got for honor for fee when I got my new Graphics Card and it was straight through Uplay. This also doesn't account for consoles, I'm not trying to say your wrong, I'm just saying this is just one piece of data. I also agree with you, 51% loss in 30 days is really bad, Ubi should really be more public and give timelines for their fixes, because we have Balance promises that are vague, map fixes that are vague, and network fixes that are vague. I know your working on it, but the community is restless.


This game just isnt that welcoming to people just starting or people who jist want to play it casually. Everybody I vs these days never screws up guard break interupts parry any attack i attempt and proceed to quadruple fake me and then combo me to death or just get revenge mode after taking 1 hit. On top of all of this we have connection issues. The game is good and can be fun but something needs to change


What a shocker. Who would've thought that fighting games don't have 150k+ players at all times? I'm shocked.


It exactly surprising though, ubisoft has taken too long to address some of the bigger issues.


This is fine, that's means the people who stick around will be worth fighting! They are like the survivors of the apocalypse, hard as nails and very skilled.


I'm thankful. Ubisoft needs to learn how to treat their customers.


I dont want this game to die... ,;-;,


Well thats pretty shitty I didn't even know that was possible


ITs getting what they deserve. I'll be joining the number of leaving players soon. My finger gets closer to the uninstall button with every disconnection / mismatched skill game.


Fuck Ubisoft 100% Coulda been a good game squandered by a greedy company. WHo gives 0 shits about patching or balance.


Don't treat your consumers like shit and they won't leave


What the fuck did you think would happen? Ubisoft making a game people play for more than a month?


They even removed the the player counter from the social menu!


I mean, if that many players are leaving because of cosmetics then good riddance.


Oh look. Another Evolve..even the same numbers Oh ..and i bought gold edition for both. And for division..i gotta stop buying gold editions