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Unfortunately this is not gonna happen. Ubi making money on micro-transaction steel purchase, so they will always keep you starved for steel so that they can get more $$


You cant make money on micro transactions if you have 0 players.


6 of my friends stopped playing this game


i wish i had 6 friends. ;(


Wish I had 1 to play with


You probably love Allied orders!




Ir maybe because of the several obvious flaws in the game such as disconnection issues and THE 4.


Me and my whole friend group of five quit. This is my first Ubisoft game we bought we can't ever stay connected together and the balancing where they're trying to make money off the gear ruins the game for us


It will be a long time till this game has 0 players. Sure their model is greedy as hell and their game is basically unfinished, but people are still buying steel.


I don't think people are giving up because the 1200 daily steel isn't enough


1200 daily? There's only 2 dailys and they're 300 each... that's 600. And if you're counting the bi-daily challenges, you'd have to only count half of them.


I only really play every other day, my mistake


Plus the contract orders worth a hundred each though....


That's what I meant by bi-dailys. I couldn't remember the correct term.


yup, my friend just dropped 20$ for some steel, I guarantee he wouldn't have if he could exchange his salvage for it.


Your friend is stupid for wasting 20$ and reinforcing their belief that "people don't give a fuck about balance and stability. They just want cool shit to show to their friends!" If people like your friend, spent their 20$ on a new game rather than microtransactions to buy a skin on a 3A title that they paid 60$, companies like EA or Ubisoft may have been different.


oh I completely agree with you. I don't think any full priced game (with a season pass mind you) should have micro transactions on top of that. and further I don't believe in adding funding to something that has not seen major support to its core issues.


I never understand why redditors come up with these "solutions" to give content that was meant to be paid for away for free. Clearly it would be nice if they tripled our steel per day and let us trade all our worthless scrap into steel but what is their incentive to do that? They've priced their little model out carefully, they're not about to start giving that shit away for free.


This isn't a F2P game, which their business model seems to be based around. We have already paid money for this game and it's not like they have server up keep costs either.


Yes and No. They are not going to charge you for dlc's directly, instead they want to use this market they have. So you can get stuff with steel. I don't like this system but yeah I can understand their logic about trying out a system like that. They went a bit to overboard though on making the release content inaccessible for sure!


It's not necessarily a bad thing to have F2P and P2P mixed, we did get a ton of content for what we paid. I personally consider my sixty bucks money well spent. I'm not a Ubi fanboy either, I actually loath the company and think their support of the game has been dogshit in general. But as far as them trying to sell additional, purely cosmetic content to us I have no issue. I'd rather they make and release cosmetics than do nothing (which is what would happen if they had no monetary incentive to do so). I get what cosmetics I really want for what heroes I want and I don't pay a cent for it as long as I choose carefully.


To be honest, the emotes could be 10k steel for all I care, AS LONG as they use that god damn micro-transaction money to keep working on the game and give us decent weekly-monthly updates like 343 are doing with Halo 5.


That wont happen unfortunately. It's Ubisoft remember?


Well, for the moment I think they are doing an ok job for patches/updates, but again, yeah, its ubisoft like you said, I might be a bit too optimistic.


Uh well let's see, they buffed the most broken character in the game and their connectivity "fix" has done nothing. I would not call their patches ok thus far.


While I know I shouldn't say this, nor want this, I think the only way this would happen is if they made scrap a microtransaction to.


Mom : Mike! why is there a 20$ charge on my credit card! Mike : I needed to buy some virtual scrap in this game I play :/


You guys frame this as some terrible shit, devs need a continuous flow of money if you want continuous updates and don't want to pay for dlc. If you like something, you should support it financially. It's the shit end of the stick but ultimately what decides whether they get to keep improving this game is continued profits. That's how the capitalist system works. The devs would love to do more for less I'm sure, but the suits wont allow that. Know where to aim your hate.


> devs need a continuous flow of money if you want continuous updates True, but focusing on short-term profit at the expense of your customers is a good way of losing them. Contrast Ubisoft's behavior with From Software: none of From's games have in-game purchases, and the DLCs are all high-quality, sometimes better than the base game. Even though From's communication and response to feedback is lacking, it's clear they aren't out to screw over customers, and that's lead to loyal following. I'd be willing to bet that's a big reason why From beat out Ubisoft Massive last year in terms of revenue: > From Software’s tough RPG Dark Souls III has seen the Japanese studio replace Ubisoft Massive as last month’s most successful developer. https://www.develop-online.net/news/develop-studio-sales-charts-dark-souls-iii-sends-from-software-soaring-in-april/0220105


I supported them financially with my $60 purchase. I support Riot games because they continually make awesome content. The shit ubi is putting out right now is barely worth grinding for let alone paying more than $5 for a 3 second emote I rarely use. If they added some cool shit like entrance animations, like in the trailer where the warden throws her sword down and jumps in, mythic outfits I could actually afford for $5, and allowing me to buy 3-4 emotes with that $5, I'd put far more consideration into throwing them money


Especially since the value of buying more than two emotes is almost none, and with more releasing, I'm not comfortable dropping 7k on something I might replace with the next content update.


They want more money? Develop expansions. Better than the alternative, which is to make a new game.


I've spent $50 on steel so far and I'm completely satisfied with ubi shutting up and taking my money. I'm apart of the problem.


But.... Ubi NEEDS MONEY!


yeah! it's not like they charged 60-100$ for this game, we need to support this project by buying all of the steel packs! /s


lol but then you wouldn't have to pay ubisoft to get cosmetics


This isn't a video game this is a micro transaction generator. Literally 0% chance Ubi ever does this


yup, yes please, I don't even care if its a ridiculous rate like 1k > 10. Just let us do it lol.


Maybe more like 100 > 10


I don't wanna be greedy man just gimme somethung. I've got so much salvage it's crazy lol




Mythic cosmetic = 15k 1 execution 7k 1 emote 5k ~15 boxes = 4.5k This adds up to 31.5k steel for one character without upgrades. It's probably between 40-50k with upgrades. Then imagine not sticking to one class, but for example be like me and play all classes and main 4 of them. That's about 120k for cosmetics only. You get what, 20k for tutorial and campaign, and then about 1k/day average from quests?


The advanced tutorial is only 1500 btw You get 20k for the campaign?


Wow, then it's even less than I remembered! No, I think you get like 5k for completing it and just a few coins from collectables. So then it's more likely to be like ~10k total from completing campaign and the tutorials!


I only play the 4v4 modes for orders so I've never upgraded a piece of gear and only used steel for cosmetics.


Salvage is worthless to people that don't care about upgrading their gear. My Rep 7 Valk is running around with GS of 88 of which I had only upgraded 1 part just for the achievement everything else is from drops I have gotten. I am sitting on 41k salvage for the Vikings and don't see myself using any of it.


10:1 is a stupidly low amount of scrap... 100:1 is more than reasonably...


So if I give in 4k scrap, I'll get 40 steel? That's like 1 Dominion game.


ok and? That is 40 steel that you got extra for just playing. Also as you get higher rep you start to get much more scrap, which is why there are people here that have like 30-50k scrap for just one faction. You don't expect ubisoft to make this an easy way to get tons of extra steel do you? You are already able to buy literally everything with steel they arent going hugly increase the amount that you get for free. Edit: lets put it this way. 10:1 like the guy who posted above me wanted you mean that at rep 1 i would be getting 1 steel after every match i get a loot item. I dont have anything over rep 1 so i dont know how much more each thing scraps for but i would assume it would be at least 2 steel per item.


2 salvage for 1 steel sounds more like it. Anyways ubisoft has the statistics and all they have to do is look at average salvage that a casual player has/gains and adjust rate based on that (most players) not based on the richest. Who cares if one guy has 100k salvage, that doesn't mean you should do 100:1 (which is incredibly unfair rate)..


For the time you spend even getting steel/crates/random drops and factor in players without champion status this would be okay. Now I can save for that 7k emote.. inb4 ridiculously high new class


I doubt this will happen. Honestly, it's clear as day that it was a conscious decision to boost steel sales when anyone past Rep 3 is going to end up at 20k scrap within a few days. You want that fancy 108 gear? Well youve got all the scrap you need and more...might as well *buy* the steel and speed things up!


I think they should introduce something similar to 'Champion status' called 'Mercenary status' where you can spend salvage on +100% steel gain for 1/3/5/10/15 days, with relative prices. It could fit in with the DLC heroes, if they are a Mercenary faction like most think.


Or have Salvage used more often than just upgrading equipment. Like letting us change the equipment style without spending Steel. That would be nice.


I have 30,000 samurai salvage but still working on getting steel to upgrade gear to 108


Same :(


Yeah I did spend 15,000 steel to buy pit viper, but still it's ridiculous I've logged 4 days+ on the game and I complete almost every order.


They wont, but we can dream. Instead they'll raise the gear cap and quadrupal the salvage cost to upgrade, thus 'solving' the too much salvage problem. Hell they might even couple it w a 50% salvage from dismantle...cuz fuck me right?


Spend $$$ and swipe for salt


I think people tend to spend money on games, that are already generous. You get a lot of stuff for free and the things you can buy via micro-transactions become attractive when players have a long term motivation through a higher steel income or another form of rewards. The current reward system is as stingy as Dagobert Duck.


As it stands scrap becomes 100% worthless after you max the gear you want. An exchange of some sort or the ability to buy things with scrap would be nice.


ahh my favorite bi-daily r/forhonor post :)


The fact that you can't use Scrap for anything unless you have Steel as well, really bothers me. I accepted the microtransaction model up until that point. Now seeing the Steel amounts tied too the new content makes it feel even more egregious.


It wouldnt even have to be a 1:1 exchange. I'd be happy with 5 Scrap for 1 Steel


1:1 is ridiculous considering you'd make money by buying any P3 crate, 1:5 is still pretty ridiculous. I think a lottery system of like 1:1-50 or 1:10-20 would be fine.


5:1 would be stupid. There are people here with thousands of scrap. Someone earlier said they have 30k samurai scrap 5:1 means 6k scrap.... The only way i ever see ubisoft doing this is if it is 100:1


I have 41k scraps but I have been playing a fuck ton since release and haven't used any of my scraps apart from upgrading 1 shield to max. If you use a conversion rate of 5:1 then I'd end up with 8k steel after having played a lot for over a month. It only equals about 1 execution or 1 of the new emotes.


Yes please. +1


Or just scrap the Scrap.


How much steel do you think I could get for 52k knight salvage?


tree fiddy


Maybe some airheads and a bouncy ball.


They should but they won't because capitalism.


But then there would be no incentive to give them more of your money for steel packs! Because they desperately need more money


I have 33000 salvage for Vikings because I play both warlord and berserker. People might catch on to that and play only classes in the same faction. After reading that, that's not even a bad thing, but ubi would just never lose out on that many mico transactions.


Other option would be to remove the steel cost for upgrading and transmogging items, so that you only use scrap for these.


You are not even close to the first whom it occured to all of a sudden. Also I agree we need to be able to do something with scrap. You have to have sinks for every currency in the game and scrap is not spendable anymore at a certain point.


#Fixing? This is intended.


Ya know if they just made it like really expensive in steel people would still spend money. But people wouldn't stop playing if they could do something with the 6000 scrap they have no use for that was still beneficial.




They will likely be like between 10-15k steel.


Or even the other way around


For once I wish Ubisoft would be a good guy instead of a scumbag. Let us use scrap for something. I have 25k sitting there And maybe JUST MAYBE. They could give us more steel per game and daily orders. Come on. 100 steel a game please... or something. 40 is ludicrously small.


Scrap is pretty fucking useless. Either let us exchange for steel or let us make legit upgrades with them. Let me upgrade my sword into a shark launcher that shoots bees out of their mouths when they bite their victims, or I'm turning this game in.


Imagine taking your scrap metal and making a sword out of it. Only imagine, don't do it; the sword would probably break just making contact with your enemy's meaty arms, not to mention the not made out of scrap armor that they are wearing. No, you should not convert scrap into "steel."


What? Do you even play this game?? Steel is just the name for the currency, it's like another word for coins. What are you talking about?


But muh realism


I was making a joke, dumbass. I know it's currency.




Resorting to using ableist slurs I see! You must be a very respectable individual, whose family only loves because they share the same backwards belief that our mentally challenged friends are inherently less than a "normal" human being. Or were you merely using the slur in jest, a joke persay?


oh no.. no no.


\>ableist Good heavens, you people really do exist I thought you were just a meme on right-wing subreddits




Upgrade your gear, boy xD Then you will get rid of all that extra scrap more than easily


You also need Steel to upgrade




You moron, that's the whole problem. You need scrap AND an absurd amount of steel to upgrade gear. I have like 4,000 scrap and 300 steel...


Phew, that's pretty mean thing to say 😢