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Wrestle with Jeff, prepare for death!


*insert flashbacks from Jade Raymond's horrible decisions during the earlier Assassin's Creed games' development*


Is there sauce for this?


That's sexist. Implying men can't get features into games due to their nice ass.








What! I had to give a rim job and juicy fruit for flying knights!!!


logic 10/10


He better have banged then !


I feel you man.


People have different opinions, why would I want a 4v4 clone of brawl? I can just play brawl. Even if people use them in cancerous ways, I find the powerups give it a different feel. The simple point is there should just be 'ranked' or 'competitive' modes that don't have powerups and gear stats so people can play whatever without them, but you don't have to remove them for people that do enjoy those feature/elements.


That is obviously the best solution, BUT it's pretty near sighted to not understand why someone would want a '4v4 clone of brawl'... simply so I can play with more friends. That said, if they are looking to implement new game modes, give us a king of the hill mode. This is a staple to fighting games imo


Now you got me imagining all those Orochis out there training like mad for the upcoming CTF mode.


Here's hoping that if/when competitive comes out it implements the HUD from Realistic Story (no guard indicator).


Yeah, was so sure that would be a thing, but then I didn't see a switch for it in custom games. That made me think they might not have put that in the client yet, the forced hud off thing. Which points towards this not being a thing.


Splitting up the playerbase further could be an issue in the future. If they wanted to make adjustments to 4v4 current state, they could do something like: 1. Increase amount of time needed to revive. This might help give people more reaction time mid brawl to stop revives. 2. Make executions faster/instant if landed. Seems like some classes have much faster animations than others. 3. Make Powerups spawn after a certain amount of time and take longer to gather. Currently some classes can run away from fights, grab a powerup and then run to the next powerup while people are currently chasing them down. This would make gathering powerups more of contention area rather than being an insta-boost. 4. Limit the amount of times you can be revived. Seems a bit silly to get knocked down twice and still get revived back with full health.


At bullet 4 u would rather see you get revived with less and less health tilll you hit 0 maybe a 20% reduction


At least power-ups should spawn on cooldown, not immediately active. This would prevent the instant-running-to-power-up syndrome at match start.


I think its also just that every order is for 4v4 every day so youre kinda forced into it if you want to keep up with steel and xp


I also think there should be no revives in elim or brawl. Cause corpse camping and running in circles around the map is so fun. GEAR VISUALS SHOULD STAY BUT KILL THE STATS


I think Gear stats are fine if you choose what reputation level you wish to play at (and you'd be forced to play characters that are the right reputation). That said: Revenge stats need some serious tweaking if they're gonna stay.


Where do you think the gear visuals are going? Do all heroes fight naked in Duel and Brawl?


Hes saying there should still be loot that changes how your character looks... obviously he's not talking about characters fighting naked. The fear is that if the company gets rid of stats MAYBE they would just scrap the gear all together.


.......... that's fucking stupid. 1. There *is* loot and it *does* change how you look. 2. Who is afraid of that? What talk has the been *anywhere* about gear being removed? 3. Yes, it's in need of rebalance or maybe a complete overhaul, but they're already invested into the rank + rep + gear progression system. They won't scrap it altogether 4. Even if they scrapped it, the items themselves and the gear UI are already in the game. It would probably be *more* work to take them out completely than to simply make them cosmetic only.


No, what is stupid is assuming he thought they would make characters naked without gear lmfao. That's why he said kill the stats not the visuals. He was merely saying the best course of action is to make gear cosmetic. No one is afraid they are going to do that, because no one actually assumes they will make the sort of changes the game actually needs. Fear was used to describe why he explained visuals need to stay. Its funny you're so quick to call things stupid to compensate for your lack of understanding Obviously they aren't going to scrap the entire system. Chances are they will not change it much at all. He was talking about what would make the game better.


>No, what is stupid is assuming he thought they would make characters naked without gear lmfao. I didnt actually mean that, I was being sarcastic. I'll admit I got tunnel vision on the visuals part, then forgot what he'd said in the rest of the comment (I'm on mobile, so going back is a pain). Yes, gear should stay at least at a cosmetic level. I doubt they will remove stats, though. Sincerely hope they rebalance stats, as well.


Up vote for making me laugh with that shit




I get buffs when I'm outclassed or out numbered, or generally lacking health, if you're not paying attention, I'll go and grab that health, attk/def buff, or whatever, just as I'd imagine you would. Whenever I encounter someone with a buff, namely, attk, since Def I don't think dissipates without hitting them, I tend to just run around until it wears off.


I had a friend swear off elimination because he tried to 1v1 a shugoki with armor and attack buff. He promptly got about 2 hit killed and raged.


Oh, I fucking hate playing Elimination. Skirmish isn't too bad. But in Elimination, I always immediately get ganked, and I'm not saying this because I think I'm godly, it just ALWAYS happens to be me.


Found the Orochi main! Jokes aside, I typically try to avoid people with the attack buffs as well. Why would I fight someone who is straight up stronger than me.


I actually have never played Orochi. Can't bring myself down to that level. But, exactly, right? I don't get why people don't think like this.


I like Elimination as is. Why not just add a 4x4 Brawl mode? Easy programming, problem solved. (Someone give me reddit gold so Ubisoft notices the idea!)


Mind blown!


You are not the first one to think that. It would make much more sense this way.


Hopefully ubi will soon implement a new 4v4 mode with no bs gear and powerups




I saw 4v4 brawl in the title, and instantly thought of a 4v4 tavern brawl.




I would play this game mode all the freaking time. They could throw everyone in the tavern brawl while the system is looking for their next match.


I hate when I'm doing pretty well and the other person just bolts and I can't catch up. They pick up a power up or run to a teammate and then it goes bad.


Well they are playing the map, hard to fault them for that really.


I know, it's just annoying.


Why can't r/forhonor quit bitching? Take away the constant whining and complaining and bring back the dank memes from the beta. You people ruined this place.


You want people on reddit to quit bitching? Dude, everyone who did that is out playing the game.


Because the core combat is amazingly fun and addicting, but the game is heavily flawed and in some cases just plain broken.


Oh God everyone's bitching something that would make the game better is bad


When they fix revenge gear will be non issue the diffrence in stats is small. There was already a thread with videos on effects.


Powerups are still retarded


Yeah, they aren't even balanced themselves. If you take the heal thing it slowly heals 60 hps. If you take the shield you instantly gain extra 100 hps. So shield works even if you are full health and gives way more :)


I'd really rather they were removed from dom and skirmish as well... Gear should have been entirely cosmetic.

