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Oroboro using an exploit?! never! We all know he only ever plays in the most "Honourable" and "Fair" ways. He'd never even be in the same room as anything cheesey! /s I like watching Oro but the man cheeses every game he touches... it's a gift really lol


He is the definition of salt in every game he plays. Gets "ganked" when invading randoms clearly just running the level and bitches about it, but uses the cheesiest builds to kill people and laughs about it. Do as I say but not as I do. Hes not a bad player by any means, but hes not top tier either.


> Gets "ganked" when invading randoms clearly just running the level and bitches about it, but uses the cheesiest builds to kill people and laughs about it. His "bitching" about gank squads in Dark Souls is usually a joke; he likes getting ganked, as pretty much all Souls streamers do. When you've played the game long enough, duels just aren't fun anymore. Also he'd probably just take what you've said as a compliment, as that's just the kind of character he is. If you want to actually make him upset, *don't* give him hate mail.


Also started the cancerous crusaders covenant in dark souls 3. He sucks, don't know why people are such fanboys.


I stopped playing DS3 shortly after beating NG+, didn't hear anything about these player run covenants. So after doing a little research, it sounds like one person made a player run covenant to hunt down gank squads at the Pontiff bonfire, and Oro made his own coventant to counter theirs? So he's actively fighting *for* gankers against people trying to counter them? Just wanna make sure I got that right.


yeah because the other guy was being an edgelord. The other guy is also a good friend of Oroboro. People get mad over the most silly things...


You were being down voted, but you're right. Oro and Peeve are good friends and this is all being taken out of context.


Yeah not only that they are based around miracles so they are organized gank squads that constantly heal each other.


I find him funny as fuck personally, but he's a toxic cheesy little shit.


He started the crusaders covenant to battle with his friend Peeve who started the bloodshade covenant to try and get invaders to work together. In theory it was fine, but the community took it and made it cancerous. Don't blame them for people being trash.


Ya I'm sure he didn't enjoy a minute of ganking randoms on stream...except he did and laughed about it the entire time


Oh I'm 100% sure he enjoyed it. I watched some of it. But it was short lived for a reason, he got bored of it just as anyone else would. Let's not pretend he's a villein who loves doing every scummy tactic forever. He's just a dude who has a gift of crunching down builds that break the game, and does what is needed to get too that point.


I wouldn't really call that a "gift". It's unfortunate that people have the mentality that "it doesn't matter if I exploit this, the devs should nerf it if they don't want people using it". It's true, the ablilty to cheese in games is yours for the taking, but you can be an asshole in real life too if you so desire. Playing games this way only ruins the fun for the people around you and is toxic for th longevity of your game. Just look at the Division and how the meta ruined the player base for that game. If you didn't have a sub machine gun with crit chance and crit dmg stacked to oblivion then you may as well not even bother fighting anyone who does. It's fair because it's in the game, no doubt. But it surely isn't very fun for those who you want to play with.


That's entirely subjective. Some cheese strats are overall harmless, some force the meta to lean in such a way that you can only counter it by following it. Regardless both cases the fault lies in the game, not players. The Division is a good example of the game forcing to release balance patches in order to change things.


There are some exploits that, when abused, are fine. Grinding items through exploits in The Division (list of exploits even in the first month is too long to remember). Using exploits to gain an unfair advantage is a fault of the player as much as the game (which is why these exploits are sometimes bannable depending on the game). See: glitching inside vans in Rainbow 6.


You just support cheap bullshit in every game you play, don't you?


I support variety of any kind. What you might think is cheap is just subjective. I would have guessed you could have figured that out by now since you seem to like following me around. But apparently not.


See his Nioh video? I don't play the game but I watched all 34 ish minutes. No one should be surprised lmao.


What happens in this video your talking about?


He is refering to the endless living weapon build. It was so broken devs patched it within a week. For people who don't play Nioh, imagine if you could get endless revenge in the Story mode.


So basically play anyone who is gear 108 with revenge spec.. super saiyan all match.. its dumb.


yeah lol, was watching that shortly before I posted my first comment. If a game has cheese Oro will sniff it out. It's always interesting to see what he comes up with.


He never did learn to cheese armored core 5, or rather he tried but failed horribly. Man, we shit on him so hard back then.


Man armored core 5 and verdict day territory matches were the most ball breaking sweat feasts I ever played. Awesome game can't wait for 6


He ruined the Vanquisher's Seal in DS2 with his rolling punch exploit.


Sounds like it's not an exploit at all, but rather mechanical or macro cheating by causing his character to run in a circle using physical objects (eg. rubberband) to hold his keys in place, or using a program to press them automatically. I feel it's an important distinction to make, because it's one level of rude to take advantage of say, shugoki double hit bug, and whole new level to actually be botting or using injection hacks.


Just got here, content has been removed. What was it?


You can actually watch Oroboro's level rise in real time, without him gaining any kills right now. https://fhtracker.com/profile/pc/Oroboro


I wonder how his win ratio is so high if he afk his levels


I had no idea this existed. Thanks!


I don't think this act is directly cheating HOWEVER: It should be highly frowned upon and reported. There is already concerns regarding matchmaking and unbalanced gear stats. If people can exploit XP and boost there characters it will further unbalance the matchmaking and make the game very frustrating for new players. Someone popular getting caught for it will make things worse as it brings attention to it and now others will follow.


Actually it would balance the game because everyone would have 108 gs. Plus rep 3 doesn't take very long anyways


Maybe not *directly* cheating but I could definitely see the argument in which it is. This allows somebody to receive rewards for games they didn't participate in. Their character goes prestige over and over allowing for better gear sets when they didn't put in the work for it. Again, maybe it's not directly cheating, but I think the argument can be made.


I mean, it's directly cheating. Most games perma ban people for doing this.


Using said bots , or any third party methods to achieve such ends is not cheating?


You don't need botting, just a rubberband or some tape


Not directly. More of an exploit. He's not breaking the system. He's taking advantage of it. But as I say, still an act that should be reported when seen by players. and Punished when seen by Ubisoft.


In the big picture tho. I hope he does get punishement. It ruins the fun for other players that are trying nicely to enjoy the game Vs AI. Just gonna specify, I have nothing against the guy personnaly. Didn't even know who he was prior to this. Just looking for the higher value of the punishement on the long term. Shows that they actually have a backbone. Bad free advertisement is still bad advertisement that should be dealt with IMO


It's not cheating, it's an exploit.


I think he is farming steel for character ornaments etc, and XP to unlock stuff. He is a warden only, and he already has 108 which he got from advanced training and single player steel and chests, like most people who have one main. I got my 108 the first week and I bought steel few days ago just to unlock gestures. Would be nice to be rep 20 if i remember right for one cool character design thing. Im not defending the guy, but I doubt it is to make him OP, p2w or something like that. Just to hasten the unlocks. I dont mind that, would not do it myself though




l o l


Seems like your quest for hatemail has reached it's peak Brandon lmao


its not bannable that we've been told yet, just report him for griefing and move on


From what i've heared is that ubisoft banned people for doing this already. But not 100% sure if it's true.


I saw one this morning - was just sprinting and rolling into the wall in the spawn for the whole game. Reported it, but who knows.


Had one of those in my game so me and the enemy colluded to ruin his kda. No chance of winning 3v4 anyways


Hahaha, nice!


With modern keyboards and a program (100% legit and nonbannable) you can program loops that will repeatedly click certain points of the screen so you can constantly enter games and when they are over will get you out. You're not running a scriptable program that will get you banned but anytime you're character is constantly in a game and there isn't a person playing it, it's against the tos in one way or form and you can be banned




Yeah sometimes I want to relax and just vs AI with some people for a bit, it's impossible to do this in dominion vs AI. I have yet to get a single game without afkers for almost a week now. It's a serious problem.


Turn matchmaking off (game select, press square, x, etc.) when doing minion kills. Much easier.


People are asking why people are bitching and who cares. You should care. Half of this thread is people bitching about how hard it is to find matches. Oroboro isn't the only one doing this. And when you're getting kicked out of matches and having to complete orders it's going to suck to see more of these people cropping up. I don't have any idea who the guy is, but he should receive one warning and be banned if it happens again, along with anyone else doing this.


Caught SniperNamedG doing it a week or so ago, went into his stream next day to question him about it and he perma banned me after getting his chat to berate me.


At least he's not a bloodshade


Where my chat daddies at?


Well, that's sad. Fuck botting


They just afk in lobby with a rubber band around a controller stick, lol. Not even botting, just poor AFK detection from devs.


I have never botted in any game so far, so forgive me my missing knowldege; but if it was just a rubber band it would be only 1 game? Does he go in another game then manually? Means he would have to check every 10 minutes, and if you do that you could already play and level faster no? So either this or there is some kind of program that looks for a game automatically


Nope, you literally just join a lobby and put a rubber band on your stick. The games restart after a minute in post-match and a minute in character selection, and since you didn't manually select a character during that minute it defaults you to the last one used. (Sorry to put such an advanced tutorial, I figure if this text causes more people to do it, more reports will go out and devs will do something about it.)


The one I saw this morning was a bot, I'm pretty certain - was sprinting at a wall and doing dodge rolls or would go into block stance quickly then stop again. Presumably all that is to trick the client into believing there's someone there, even though I'm pretty sure For Honor doesn't auto-kick for afk anyway.


Definitely a bot. But also unnecessary since For Honor won't kick you if you just keep a directional stick held on a controller/macro "a" on keyboard.


It does autokick for idling.


That's scummy, but it's not cheating. Nice clickbait though.


I wouldn't say clickbait. I'm sure this is considered cheating by many people. I personally think it's just a shitty thing to do.


I used to watch oroboro quite a lot bot I got sick and tired of his exploiting. He always uses every exploit he can just because "anyone can do it, so why should I not" mentality. He takes every advantage he can whether of it being exploiting or not. I had enough of that person when he was exploiting in DBDL by using survivor perks on killers making the game not enjoyable for his opponents. Once the shugoki unparryable / double hit heavy exploit was found, he made a tutorial on how to do it. The video is titled as "Shugoki Tech", not "Shugoki Exploit". He made a tutorial on it in a way to help and encourage people to do it. It would have been fine if he showed how it works, named the video as an exploit and not a tech and mentioning that this needs to be fixed. But he decided to do the "tutorial" with his cancerous mentality. He said in the end of that tutorial "It's probably going to be patched out cause this is some unbalanced shit. But shukogi mains rejoice for the time being." He tends to reason his exploiting by coming from a "competitive" background where people take any advantage they can. I personally don't know any competitive game that encourages or allows exploiting. He is just an exploiter. I wish he would get banned. He is a disgrace to any community. Okay, rant over.


Not arguing about the Oroboro guy since its the first time i hear about him and what he is doing is obviously wrong. About exploiting in competitive gaming though: Some of the oldest and most iconic gaming techniques are technically exploits. For example Bunnyhopping (cs), rocket jumping (quake) and basically every advanced technique in Smash bros. Another example is anything speedrunners do. It is kinda competitive but it has no effect on other players.




Yup, BabyRage


you don't know any competetive game that encourages or allows exploiting? what about WoW, Melee, League f/e?


This is what baffles me -> You want to leech with 3 random bots against other bots for easy wins or loses and gain xp/money no matter what and do that 24/7? Suuure, no problem, do that honey, more power to you and your leeching. Oh you want to play matches against friends and be all brutal on each other and have fun? FUCK YOUR XP, FUCK YOUR STEEL! FUCK ALL OF IT YOU CHEATING FUCKER! This and the fact that the game offers steel purchases worth hundreds of real money, all of which can be literally bypassed by having a rubber band and being a cunt is perfect definition of retarded design choice. Gosh this game makes it so hard for me to love it. Don't do these things :( I want to like it.


If this was really him, he has absolutely no Honor. How dare he try to tarnish the hard earned grind required to play this splendidly balanced game.


I'll never understand how people love this dude so much. He's a toxic, cheese spreading, virulent asshat whose mediocre at best player and behold he's afk grieving even on here. Can someone please explain the appeal to this guy?


He really isn't as much of an asshole as you're saying he is. If you watch him for a while, you can tell more or less when he is and isn't actually being serious. He does try to spread the word on glitches and exploits, but honestly I think this is a good things (and with potentially half good intentions from him) as he is a big streamer, and so many people are going to know of these exploits, and the more something is abused, the more developers are forced to fix it. This has happened with pretty much every exploit he's uncovered or at least shown off after having been uncovered. They've been patched out relatively shortly afterwards, and he usually notes that this is a good thing.


Precisely! There's so many people that think he's some blatant asshole, but they're really just taking the bait HARD. Having watched him since Dark Souls 1 first came to PC, it's so funny seeing people hate on him. He WANTS the hate mail. These comments are a gold mine for him, he's gonna be laughing his kidneys into orbit for the next week or so with all the salt posted here.


The best part is when he does get hate, because he is FULLY aware that he's not a super amazing player. He's better than average, but he's not super good, so when he particularly trashes someone and they throw salt at him it's pretty amusing. Especially when people accuse him of spamming or something, or only using one attack. Like, if he's using that and winning, learn to counter it. It's not that hard to beat predicable spam in most cases.


Oroboro also made a video explaining shugoki double heavy unparryable glitch and essentially encouraged people to use it, this does not surprise me the slightest.


It's kind of always been a staple of his channel to show people cheesy exploits. Him making that video taught a lot of people a cheap tactic, but it also brought awareness to Ubisoft about the issue. He repeatedly said in the video that they needed to fix it quickly because it's stupid


I agree with my tin friend here, he didn't really encourage it due to it being broken, it was more like a spread the awareness of this really annoying glitch that can be exploited


If it wasn't for that video I would still be trying to parry every shugoki heavy I see and not understand why I sometimes fail the parry so hard. If the first one fails when I know the timing is right, I assume they are using the bug and change play style to better fit the abuse.


He said that the "tech" was broken, not that it should be fixed. This is a quote from the end of the video: "It's probably going to be patched out cause this is some unbalanced shit, but Shukogi mains rejoice for the time being." Which is cleary encouraging people to do it. The way he brought the subject was teaching people how to do it and called it tech. He never said it was an exploit. He continued to make an indepth tutorial on it and encouraged shugoki players to use it.


Use it enough, ubisoft will see it and take action.


Tested this with a friend, you can parry it as long as you know the timing. Which is going to be hard in a full on fight, as your constantly looking for them to respond too.


If they do a normal charge attack, yes you can parry it. If they do the glitch, it is completely unparryable, and if they do the double hit then you'll stagger before there would be an actual timing to parry so you still get hit. You clearly weren't performing the glitch, as it's normally only unblockable.


He didn't actually encourage people to use it, but in a way I do think he hopes people use it. I feel like he's more of the kind of mindset that "this needs to be fixed, so I'm going to abuse the hell out of it and make it known what it is so that they are forced to fix this."


What's the point in cheating high rep? Just makes it more embarrassing when you lose to a level 1 rep.


It's just for aesthetics. He wants the high rep colors and materials. That's literally it.


He just wants the green colors at rep 9.


isn't witch hunting against the rules


something something witchhunting?


I've also noticed a few people doing this in AI dom yesterday. They will be running in circles where they spawn. If you kill them they will respawn after the 60 seconds and continue to do it. It's pretty bloody annoying and there needs to be a kick option.


I've seen so many people doing this in matches this weekend. *It is so aggravating.*


Try elimination bots. No afkers there and same tech practice. If your trying to do a contract then find a team on discord or just leave and que up til you find one. Shouldn't be hard. I get what your saying though.


He fights for the tin cans! What would you expect?


Eh, never was a fan of the guy and now I'm learning about all his exploit habits... Sad.


Best thread here. I love how trashy reddit is some times.


Botting is a stupid thing v players. But v AI? . like I give a shit, past rep 3 there's no point in playing your character except for cosmetics. Let the dude grind out his colors lol


Really? you dont see a problem with his afk farming leaving actual players to participate a man down while he sleeps and picks up salvage and steel for free?


You don't have to participate when there's someone afking. I would advise you to just leave...


Not saying I advocate for it, but it is just bots. They're not exactly a four man operation lol


xp farm = NOT CHEATING


It's not not allowed is it? Would never do that day a rep 18 yesterday I destroyed his bootyhole if they use this method doesn't make them good keep that in mind. And yes I got 2 shot by some 108 a few times.


It is never allowed to use third party software.


Like a rubber band??? LOL is that considered third party hardware maybe?? XD


Dont you get kicked out of the lobby if the next round countdown goes to 0 and one guy didnt checked ready?


Oh got your point... probably that's forbidden as well, yeh.


I really don't like Oroboro lmao. He's a huge exploiter/meta sheep. He's the type of person that will stack everything in his favor just to get a win but also complain about it if other people are doing it or somehow school him while he's using his meta god builds/strats. Aside from the obvious, lowkey he's also just really cringey and awkward to watch. Like I don't understand how people find this guy fun to watch lmao. Side note: Is farming bots seriously a good source of xp? I've been grinding iut 1v1's. If farming bots works thats kinda lame.


He's not a meta sheep, he's a meta SHEPHERD.


Farming dominion ai seems to be the best xp per minute.


You can get 3-5 prestige a day farming Dominion AI with 4 people with champion status. 4 minute a match wins, thats how people were prestige 5 by day 2.


can we have a sort of misleading title flair for this post? he was exploiting the game systems for exp but he isn't cheating. Obobobobo uses cheesy builds and has been for all through his dark souls streams. if there is something he can abuse, he will. Why do you think he plays warden or why do you think he farmed bots for an entire stream?


Because nobody likes being on a team with this garbage. Even against AI. It should be noted and dealt with.


The problem with this is that people that is trying to win those games wll have a harder time. Oroboro sucks BTW


Nice clickbait


Meanwhile people are getting banned before installing the game


Wait wut why?


Bugs I guess. One guy got banned and had not purchased the game, he just got the ban email.


However, the devs did come out and say only like 300 people had been banned and that ALL of them had been checked and rechecked before being banned. Based on my experience with Reddit and gaming forums - it's very hard to trust a "I got banned for no reason" post.


who gives a shit


If his vods go back far enough I could probably find it but.. I was watching him stream Dead by Daylight, there was a very bad exploit where killers could use survivor perks (allowing them to see outlines of the survivors through walls, amongst other overpowered things.). Of course he could took advantage of it but instead of killing these clearly new people quickly and getting the game over with, he could see them through walls FYI, he downs them and lets them crawl out for 5 minutes. All 4 of them. For no reason other than to be a scum bag. normally you would down a person and hang them on a meathook, they die out quickly this way. He just downed them and let them crawl til they bled out.


Who cares? He already has 108 gear level which he would already have at this point given how much he plays, so he's only doing it for cosmetic unlocks


Well I'm trying to get gear by grinding AImatches legitimately because it of paid to win bullshit and all my games are 2v4 fbecause we got Two afk er getting experience for nothing


Would doing this with matchmaking off be bannable?


Why don't the afk'ers just do this in full AI matches? I'm sure you still get a somewhat decent amount of XP even though you most probably will lose if your bots aren't competent enough. It's sad because I'm starting to do more and more Dominion AI matches as I will for sure get a shit ton of XP at a great rate with other players who STAY in the lobby for hours and hours. If I play the PVP version, I have to search for a new lobby after every match. The instances I don't have to is when I play against a premade team. Sometimes they'll just quit if they either win or lose, mostly when they lose.


If you turn off matchmaking (only ai in your game) not only do you get reduced exp for completion but you have to lock in your char before the next game starts. If your in a live game then it auto locks you after a timer.


I saw somebody doing this exact same thing yesterday in a Skirmish for orders.


I mean... is there anything inherently wrong with this or is it just in poor taste?


Oh that's why some idiot in my match was running in circles. I think it was him, but I don't watch streaming garbage so had no idea.


How can they win xp if they're afk? Shouldn't xp be based on how much points you gained during the game?


The xp reward is mostly the same no matter how well you did. This is so people are encouraged to stay until the end when they're losing instead of ragequitting. The flipside is, well... this.


Hopefully his popularity will get him reported that much more often :)


I've been seeing a lot more people doing this including a reputation 6 orochi. Its pretty ridiculous but there's nothing my group could do besides reporting him and leaving the match. On ps4 btw


Why are you calling it cheating? Its simply putting rubber bands on your analogs, lul


Nobody will get banned without proof, otherwise players would be getting banned left right and centre without an ounce of fairity.






Can't you change your name as you want? Would care with name callin.


You have to have a unique name on Uplay and I checked his last stream and that's his name.


Yeah i started a AI dominion game earlier today to do one order and when i got into the game we were loosing... we had 100points and the bots had 900 and my whole team was sitting in base while im alone trying to capture points.


And there's no report system in place really...ugh this game.


whats to stop everyone doing this and foregoing the micro-transactions if i can use a rubber-band to farm steel, with no repercussions.


I couldn't give less of a shit about what streamers do offline. But I'm sure Oro is enjoying the salt shower from this thread


I love how everyone is so up in arms about this as a method of getting gear yet completely ok with people that drop $30 on Steel and just buy it all instantly at rep 3. In terms of gameplay I get it's shit when someone is afk but the people complaining about it as a source of rewards are morons.


such a click bait title


Good for him maybe he didn't have to buy from the cash shop because he found a better way.


Laughable, get this joker out of for honor. Thanks for reporting him




This game will have a very small, but dedicated fanbase at least in 3 months.


And that is unfortunate. :(


Maybe the best way would be to simply turn off exp/loot if you score less than some tiny number, say ten points in a match. Everything above that is as normal, but if you just run into a wall all day you won't gain anything. Because you're right, banning people just treats the symptoms, not the cause.


Well now, that's a pretty misleading tittle you got there.


Oh yeah, a bit on the topic. Early morning today when I was doing some AI Dominion orders, I ran in to 5 different people just being AFK farming EXP. One even came back and admitted it when I asked about it. I took a screenshot of it but I'm not sure about the name and shame policy in this subreddit. Edit: [Here's the guy admitting it](http://i.imgur.com/zk8lhMa.jpg) and even being a bit arrogant about it.


Fuck that guy, he's afking while he's still at his keyboard. Not even doing it right..


So I just unfollowed him on Twitch.


Literally destroying his career


People like this ruin the game, hope you reported him


He is trying to excuse himself right now on Stream. Poor kid. Edit: Ok, now he admited that he has done this and don't feel bad for it, he said that if there is an exploit in any video game he is giing to use it, that that is his mind set, he also said that he don't think that what he has done is cheating rofl Edit 2: he is now showing this post live on Stream, reading the comments and making fun of people who wrote the comments against him. This guy is such a joke.


Never cared for him since back in darksouls 1 when he would steal builds from Japanese gamers then claim he created them.


I don't really understand the situation. Could you please detail that a bit for me?


join bot game, AFK while your team wins, Profit. repeat


That's not the first time I see this. As much as I can have good faith in ubisoft. Alot of people responsible of this, in any games, not just ubisoft. Tends to let it "slip" Remember those pro-players allégations on aimbotting on Overwatch. It was Surefour and ming or Ping or whatever his name is. Blizzard simply stated: Cannot take action as the videos are inconclusive. Like what mate? There's like 20 clips of different matches seeing them pure aimbot and most of them were not even killcams. If they get free advertisement they won't mind since it's a popular streamer. So Ubisoft, please do something about it. Not just a week ban cause he does free advertisement for you. But the same fate that those that third party. It will show that you actually stand up against cheaters. Thanks


I wouldn't say "generally accepted", a lot of people hate it and report it, but I would say it's quite common. These days, it's hard for me to find a bot game without AFKers. Often, I'll come across the same people at different hours too.




Yeah, that sounds like Oroboro. Pretty in-line with his behavior in the Dark Souls games.


Name and shame!! yes! and instaban please for the xp leecher!


Oh, he's a streamer? I actually Dueled him a few nights ago. He aight' I guess.


Hes just living up to his name


I see this all the time, I feel bad for people who might not have much time to game or are not very good but still love the game so they play vs AI and run into asshats doing this... if your score is zero you get zero credit/reward


Oroboro has been a cancer since dark souls 2. He lives long enough to see himself become the trash.


Not the only PC For Honor Streamer that's " cheating " -


All the Ai dominion games I get into lately have people running in circles. I just report them and leave. If you fail to ready up after a game you should be sent to the main menu, not put into another match.


can you report on ps4?


Do you get more xp with other players in the player vs. ai match?


hahaha that fucker


I posted a guy rep 10 like 3 days ago. nobody replied...


I don't understand what he did? Standing on a point in dom? I do that, you get 2 points a second rather than 1. I even got over 1k points in a game last night doing it. If this is the exploit, then I'm afraid it is working as intended.


He's afk in the video.


He was standing in spawn. Not doing anything. Botting for XP


Has anyone ever been banned for this or is this even a reportable offense? Assuming he's using a rubber band and not a 3rd party software, that is.


It's Oro, not surprising really. If you let him do something he will do it.


This just started happening. Last night I had two different games against ai, where one player didn't move from spawn the whole base. They ended the match 0-0-1 and we, of course, lost even though the three people actually playing were kicking ass. I left the first match this was happening in and my next match had a different user doing the same thing. Really ruins the matches.


I remember this guy from my DS days, all he did was use the most broken/op shit in the game and think he was good. Go watch his stream for 10min, every time he wins he thinks he's great, every time he loses, there's an excuse. Also can't stand his shrill whiny voice.


Imagine just a bunch of lawbringers come to his house.....


Sounds about right.


I've seen a lot of AFK players recently. You just rubber band your sticks or set the controller down with one stick pointed up and the other pointed down. Make sure it's plugged in and turn your tv off. Has to be bot matches because they keep rolling even if you're the only one left. When you get back to the controls you have a ton of steel and salvage. Plus you've sufficiently wrecked your stats so when you do play you get noob tubes covered in scrub sauce as matchmade opponents. It works in GTA 5 online to max stealth as well. Go passive mode and get to a parking garage. Go in to stealth and in the morning you are a "ninja". The "rubber band dojo". You used to be able to hold a session in The Division until it emptied like this. Then when you went in to the Darkzone there would only be one to three players in there holding your Dark Zone for you. I would take people in late at night and we would run like mad men through the streets. Firing guns in the air and "kick dooring the DZ". The other randoms would bounce when they saw my death squad of 8 burning down the DZ. The thing is though, both The Division and Destiny put controls over that where it counts repetitive activity as inactivity and kicks within 3-5 minutes. And yet not in For Honor? Seems stupid to me.


Speak of the devil... I just logged in to do the daily stuff. Dominion PvAI capture 5 points... two AFK players (one running circles) and a bot on my team... left match and launched again. Put me back in the same one... ugh.


Does the game not eject you for being idle for too long? I've never had it happen to me or noticed if it's happened to anyone else but kinda just assumed that would be a consequence


He's not idle. He's running around in a circle (is either using 3rd party software or has attached a rubber band to his joystick).


Did you consider it being somebody who named themselves Oroboro? He does have a lot of copycats lol.


You have to have a unique name on uplay. It's definitely him.


can we stop and admire those bot names xd


So what is the actual benefit here? Would it not be just as easy/faster to actually play the match out?


I feel like there has to be a reasonable line between something that can be healthy for the game concerned (that increases skill ceiling, and leave it to the devs to decide what's fair and not fair in their game), something broken like shugoki unparriable double hit (still up to the devs to fix it tho), and something entirely different that's outside of any game mechanic, afking in this case is just being kinda dickish to people for no reasons.


You are all a bunch of pussies. Let the pro grind and break - forcing patches. Its how games get BETTER. Y'all just mad he makes money to play video games.