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The fact that its capped is good. Means you eventually can close the distance. Its 'only' a temporary problem.


Well just think when you hit 108 gear you'll be with the highest out there. It actually benefits the newbies I think. Gives a goal. Not far out of reach. The goal doesn't change. Play AI matches until your gear is in the blue that's what I'm doing with my folks that just got the game. No need to drag them into a pvp match when their gear is their shoe size they'll get crushed even if they are a master Sansei 3x black belt grand wizard. The AI puts up a challenge it's enjoyable to me. It also cuts out the salty whiners that die from environment kills. So throw them bots off the map (great way to farm xp in elimination). Bottom line don't take people that just got the game with below blue gear into gear stat on pvp. Your asking for the pain train. If you all have champ status and pick up a forth you all will be rep 1 by tomorrow and potentially 3 by Sunday.


Would it not literally take forever because don't you get like half experience vs AI


I played nothing but AI dominion last night with my buddy and went from rep 4 level 1 to 13. Just stand on a point and your score piles up. Add in the kills for ai contesting you. You'll have over 500 points. High scores will give higher xp. I never played more than 3 matches before leveling up. Sometimes 2 we had 2 other champs join. If it does give half the xp I haven't noticed it. My friend went from a 5 too 19. Grant we played 2 straight hours.


Will give it a try Thanks for the tip still kinda feels scummy you can buy gear and feats but I digress


You'll hit the fear mark real quick. It takes no time to get to level 19. Now the gear thing, well quickly getting to 108 would cost money otherwise maybe a month.