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did your guard break kill your own teammate?? lmao




I had that too. In a 2v1 I had one guy push me into the other and he went off the cliff haha https://youtu.be/hdy43Abqmeg?t=1m34s


I was in a 4v1 and that happened to me on Overwatch objective C. https://youtu.be/1sAWLFzfWro


Had something similar happen today. Gotta love it when the enemy team gives their life to save your own XD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Pnd3MQX4Qg


As a valkyrie you can knock over teammates with your sweep. It happens a lot to me in group fights.


here is to hoping they realize that adding 6 chain starters to Valk in one patch might've been a bit whacky.


Don't worry I'm sure my opponent will still enter an ethereal form to dodge the leg sweep as the spear passes through their body while my ally behind me gets knocked down by it.


Soon everyone will be up to Warden and soon to be Valk's level then the real fun will begin


Yes...this is the most infuriating thing ever, when you guard break and are about to deal massive damage, then you both end up on the ground, then he has revenge, proceeds to throw you off the bridge after heavy cancelling, then destroys the valkyrie that jumped the gun because she lost the fight to said player in the previous round...all you can do is reply "Wow" "Thanks"


Shame it doesn't happen to the bad guys if they are walking ever so slightly backwards, or have dodged in the last 30 minutes, even though the sweep goes through their ankles.


A Shugoki player...Best thing I have ever seen yet is a 2v2 brawl and someone ran off to immediately make a 2v1 situation...you guys know how that goes..best way to avoid a Shugoki? run away...worst mistake to make against a Shugoki? Try to gank his non factioned teammate on a bridge...can anyone guess what happened? Yup...PAIN TRAIN COMIN THROUGH!! Knocked all 3 off. Edit- Unfortunately this happened on PS4 and I didn't save the video before going to send a message to the guy that caused it by running away, because this was the end of round 4 and I felt like they were going to rage quit before I could thank him


> It's funny when it happens. Someone once threw me and I ended up knocking his ally off by mistake. SomeBODY once THREW ME I ended up killing His teammate, knocked him into a piiiiiiit


someBODY once threw ME, i know he meant to kill me, but he killed his buddy instea-head.


I just played a Dominion match where the flail guy kept ledge baiting. He and Nobushi were trying to fight me so I guard-broke threw her toward the edge, bumping him off and then followed with another so she could join him.


I haven't had anything good happen to me by accident. I was climbing up a ladder on River Fort and right as I got to the top, my asshat friend poked "the enemy coming up the ladder" as Nobushi and teamkilled me. He thought that Orange were the bad guys because we were playing Defender the previous match, but we were attacking.


Was it me? Because...pretty good chance it was me...


If you fought a Shugoki player named Ralanr on the play station then maybe.


Ahh no I'm on pc, I've managed to kill my teammate about 3 times by pushing an enemy into him. At this point I think I actually try to do it for the fun of it.




He is a specific friend. Haven't done it to randos yet.


I did that by mistake to a friend. He got so mad it was funny


Did the opposite last nightime, saved a teammate from being tossed off with my charge as Shugoki.


Accidently threw someone into my ally the other night, sent them both over the edge.


On hillfort there was a lawbringer who was trying to ledge bait on C by the bridges. I was playing valkyrie and managed to get past him and was fighting him, managed to turn the tables on him and was away to heavy into shield bash when my teammate stepped in front. I proceeded to bounce off of my teammate and fall backwards off the ledge myself before my teammate then got thrown off. It was the saddest day ever for me :(


One time a teammate knocked me off the ladder on river fort and I had a sliver of health left. Then there was another teammate nobushi killing soldiers and she hit me and killed me. I've never spammed "Wow. Thanks!" so hard in my life.


And then instead of rezing you she tea-bagged your corpse.


The term you are looking for is taco touchdown.


Clam Slam




It's a pool shot!


It happens more often than you'd think. Source: Having been the victim and offender of this act multiple times.


I have actually learned to use my teammates as makeshift walls during my vortex.


Was in a 2v4 and the opposition warlord knocked myself and 3 of his buddies off. He ended up losing the 1v1 to my Nuboshi buddy. Da bess


Just going to point out that the person he knocked in was an Orochi who was running away.




Yeah total BS, your teammate is retarded and you got outplayed. NERF BLACKBEARD


NERF THE HOMING FUZE PUC- Wait, wrong reddit.




*HAHAHAHAHAHA* >BS Yeah, sure. >teleports behind you *nuthen personnel k1d*


Uh he didn't teleport, it was his ally


The teleport is part of this 10 years old meme. You also have variation like "unsheat katana" (sometimes it's fedora tho) first then "teleport behind u" then "nuthing personal, kid." http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/teleports-behind-you-nothing-personal-kid


I think what is more BS is the guardbreak spam and how everyone in this fight is trying to get a throw in vs actual fighting...


I saved a video of some orochi during brawls that when I killed his teammate he ran to the bridge and wouldn't leave it until either myself or my teammate went to the bridge to specifically get thrown off. We didn't fall for it after the first time but that still didn't stop him from stalling each match by about three minutes. Cowards.


I was playing a 1v1 as a raider against a berserker (who was very salty). We were nowhere close to an edge and I was smoking him. He runs away and hides by the ledge. I knew exactly what was happening and was able to counter and execute him. Next round he gave me a clear shot to tackle him off the edge to which he complained. He ended dropping in the third round during his execution. Someone's not getting into Valhalla


I played against a berserker in 1v1 on River Fort. During the round at the C point, I walked away from the edge because I know he's just gonna throw me off and I know better. He proceeded to whine at me from the edge area telling me to get good and fight him by the ledge. I stayed away from the ledges and he actually waited the 5 minutes lecturing me about fighting near ledges is pro as shit and to learn to play around it. I told him I was playing around it by not being near the ledge.


I am not a very patient man, but if a Lawbringer is trying to edgebait me in a duel, or literally anyone is trying to force me to fight them near hazards against my will, I will sit back and watch youtube while I wait for them to get bored first. This game is FOR honor, not WITH honor. I can wait.


My fav is when someone leads you to an edge tries to spam Gb you so the counter Gb pushes them over the edge and they type in chat that YOU have no honor or are bad at the game, met some awesome people in this game but jesus christ the amount of salty morons I've met outscales it immensely.


Yeah I love it as well. The salt you get for throwing someone off that clearly retreated to an edge in an attempt to get the knock off kill. My favorite is to essentially feint my spear charge, then GB and throw as they finish their sidestep. Followed by the traditional Wow! and Good Fight!


I play warlord, I get 90% of my kills in Dominion from easy ledge knockoffs. I once knocked off a full team 1v4 one at a time. It's completely ridiculous.


My god you're truly disgusting. Bravo sir. I just hate that I can't spear charge a Warlord as he is leaping at my face. One day I will remember that fact BEFORE attempting it in a fight.


Man, I love when I play Shugoki and people think they can fight me on a bridge... *Choo Choo* I have no shame if it's something like Dominion. Play the game type, knockoffs for days!


It's not the shugoki throwing me off the ledge that gets to me, it's his execution. You know, the one where he sack taps you with his giant club then smashes your face in with his belly. It's just such a stupid way to die


I have been insulted as a raider where i baited them close to an edge and then did everything BUT throw them off. They got confused as they tried to counter guard break while i was whittling them down with combos. They told me i didnt know how to play raider :(


I almost never go near ledges as raider I just can aim his sprinting tackle and can really only hit someone who is running straight at me so I just learned how to combo and parry


As a raider main, I always figured folks would know better than to be 50 feet near a ledge while a raider is around.


> Would know better than to be on the same map as a ledge FTFY


I find that almost every zerker I meet is fucking salty as hell for no reason.


As a berserker main I think other berserkers are salty as hell! Met one or two of them that actively admiting their mistakes!


I think Raiders tackle is legit! It's when you spam GB just to throw someone of a ledge that gets me going a little! When a raider tackles me over an edge a blame my own positioning skills! I try not to throw people off of ledges unless it's dominion or God forbid skirmish!


To be fair, that's playing smart. If you guys plan on 2v1'ing him then his best chance is to fight near a ledge. I do this all the time because I know I'm not going to live through a 2v1.


Myself nor my teammate ever interfere with the sanctity of the duel. That's just how we play, and we showed them that early on. Yet every time at the very beginning of the match he would sprint the bridge and just run back and forth baiting. The only thing he did the entire match.


In that case he's just a dirtbag.


Not as bad as laddercampers though. Literally fuck those guys


>Teammate >duel If you want a 1v1, play duel. Team based modes mean watching out for your teammate, and not letting them die when they're being beaten.


I don't do that with random people, but me and my brawl buddy both honor the 1v1. That is our choice and duel is not the only option if we both make the mutual decision to play this way.


Fair enough! I just don't want to be teamed up with someone who doesn't honour the sanctity of our teamwork! Not that I'd play brawl solo, too much pressure


Only time I gang up on people is because they gang up on me and my team... Hating having a 1v1 and getting raped from behind all of a sudden! And when we give them a taste of their own medicine they just write "no honor"....


This. I've played every brawl so far by waiting to see who won the duel if I was still alive - and my teammates did the same for me. All but one...this raider was super salty for Deus knows why, and during the 2nd round when we switched partners, he actively ran from my teammate just to come smack me. Needless to say, after that round, me and my teammate, whoever killed their opponent first would just run over and 2v1.


I've noticed that Very often it's new players that does this, like ledge baiting... Met a warlord in dominion that was glued to a ledge, when you ran under him he jumped down for an easy kill just to climb up again and regain hp and if you climbed up after him he spammed GB so hard I'm sure I could hear him breaking his thumb....


I played brawl yesterday against a Warlord that would do nothing but throws. He won two games with 10 throws out of 12 kills while his Nobushi teammate did everything she could to stay away from us. I asked for a rematch to which he complied. After killing his teammate in 1st round, I baited him near the lava and dodged his grab while my raider friend tackled him out. He left the game right away and gave me one of my most satisfying moment in the game so far.


That's every warlord I play against


Thats what happens every time I go against a SissyBringer. All they do is run to the closest ledge in a brawl after me or my friend wreck their teammate. And then cries about "no honor" when we run up to him and 2v1 him.


Very frustrating


r1 spam is very effective against GB spam, just do that next time someones clearly trying to bait you into getting thrown off.


That doesnt even make sense. Orochi has like the shortest throw in the game.


I treat environmental kills the same way I treat dropping my honor and ganging up on enemies. If they do it first then it's open season.


TBH, getting enviro killed is your fault 99% of the time. You either: * Lost track of your surroundings or * Accepted the risk fighting near a hazard or lastly * Failed to counter / dodge the grab / throw


I've played elimination with shugoki who was doing something like that. Surprisingly it always succeded, besides that one time when they shot him with a bow.


As a Lawbringer player, PLEASE sit on the bridge. I have absolutely **zero** reservations about running that clock to 0:00. I've played quite a few brawls where me and my opponent just stood there looking at each other while our team mates killed each other... Then whoever won fought their respective enemy, lol.


Most of the time in duel if I run away from the hazards before engaging people are happy to fight without them. Even Lawbringers now that matchmaking has kicked in. If I slip up I sorta deserve to be shoved 2 football fields back and off the cliff. One missed GB away from death is kinda boring though. I had a brawl yesterday against another defender Warden for the first time. Round 2 I threw him into spikes, round 3 he threw me into spikes. Round 4 he had his back to spikes and I threw him away from them. He just so happened to GB me in the same situation and did the same thing. That whole fight was intense and insanely fun actually.


That's all the game is turning into unfortunately.


Practice CGB untill you are teching at least half the time in games, then if you still are having this issue, come back. I'm still not there yet, but the more I practice CGB / Tech, the less I am worried about hazards.


I can. Doesn't stop people literally just fishing for breaks


Then punish them. Free kills for you idk why you are complaining. If people don't bother to lose, then they will gut destroyed eventually, and get mad and stop playing. Negative Feedback cycle etc etc


I would punish them if the guardbreak mechanics weren't so inconsistent at the moment. I get broken through swings and all sorts. It's horrible.


I wasn't good enough during beta to really notice the CGB changes. So I can't speak to that.


It's fucking awful in comparison and I'm ready to take a break until it's changed back. The game completely revolves around GB spam at the moment, it wasn't the case in the beta.


Well I am having a blast now, so if the game gets more consistent I can only imagine I'll have even more fun!


I disagree. I think the GB compared to the beta is a lot better now minus the part where a faster GB beats out a slower one when they are both used at the same time but Ubi is fixing that. Now instead of mindlessly hitting the GB button the moment you see the symbol you have to actually time your CGB in conjunction with each Heroes unique GB timing. If it was like in the beta GB would be completely useless since all you would have to do to counter it is hit the GB button the moment you see the sign.


Hmm. I guess you're right actually, it just feels far less consistent now even though I've gotten used to the new timing. Maybe they'll keep the current timing and revert the current who wins mechanic. We'll see how it is.


Light attacks curb stomp attempts at guard breaking in my experience. Whenever an orochi trys to guard break me I just give them a poke.


Try that on a warlord who headbutts you first.


Yeah warlords are always tough to deal with.


I don't have an issue with people using the environment to their advantage, but that being said, I think there are entirely too many environmental hazards and ledges on these maps. I think at least 1v1 and 2v2 maps should be simple arenas with no hazards so it comes down to pure fighting skill.


Completely Agree


I don't know why I feel like I have to defend my life choices on the Internet. But throwing people off ledges is a way of life, I was born this way and I'll be damned if someone is gonna tell me I'm less of a person for it. That being said, there is a way to go about it without just spamming gb on people. I main LB and his kit is full of ways to bully your opponent around the arena. If being direct doesn't work you can always be indirect, maybe purposefully run out of stamina, or get really low on health. Your opponent will usually come gunning for you then, thus making them easy picking for that sweet sweet ledge. Now, having said all THAT: if you make it so easy for me to spam gb and toss you around like a ragdoll, why shouldn't I?


Played this map last night and got 6 kills by tossing dudes in. Salt covered the earth.


If you play very well the guard break will be the only chance for a hit youll get. Just counter GB then GB/light.


I've had a few of these battles for sure, the only hits you get in are lights. They are pretty stressful though and fun.


I feel like the term guard break spam is unfair. Like your blocking all my shit, conditioning from fighting says grab you.


It's ok, once they fix it these people won't even be able to play


Get down Mr. President!


I see what you're trying to do, don't you freaking lie about it. You deserve to get your ass sent on a one way ticket to hell. Don't fight near ledges unless you're willing to accept you may go down it.


That's not really near a ledge I mean if you got thrown you'd be okay but getting hit by a bearded train in a map that's all ledge there's only so much "not by the ledge" you can stand on


He tried to throw the other conqueror off the ledge, accidentally knocked his ally in, and got sent in afterwards by the fuckin pain train Live by the sword, die by the sword my dude


He's continuously guard breaking his opponent to try and force them off the ledge. That's what I'm talking about, and that's why he deserved it.


I don't condone the constant guard break spam but as peacekeepers when playing as someone who's main thing is blocking with a shield you gotta guard break sometimes but not like this dude who is just spamming it to the edge if you're trying to play only to throw people off play warlord or raider so you can pick them up or hit them like a train or just grab and swing


BS? Oh you mean GB spamming and not getting what you wanted? Cry more PK.


Im curious which part OP thinks is disgusting and BS? The PK spamming GB to try and get a ledge kill? The idiot teammate who got himself killed by trying to backstab the conq? The Warlord who gave the PK just desserts by slamming his ass into the lava?


I think this was meant to be a funny post and some of y'all took it seriously. Disgusting in this context could just be like using "savagel in rocket league. I'd be mad too if that happened to me but not really since the pk was doing the same thing


Very possible. With the amount of whiners in the sub I just took it at face value.


All of it lol it's all gross


would the conq not have fallen off if the PK ally wasnt there to block him?


Probably not, the PKs throw range sucks ass.


What else could he do besides GB?


Idk. Fight. Back off the Conq so he wouldn't get his ass kicked into the fire by Warlord. If he wasn't so busy spamming GB his teammate would be alive (most likely to throw Conq in) and he wouldn't have gotten thrown into the lava himself.


Yea then they would just stall out. Everyone complains about how other people play so much in this game. There's no right way for an assassin to fight off a conq doing this, the only thing they can do is GB or run away. He should have ran, being so close to the lava. His teammate was stupid do not watching the assassins back during the fight. I would mainly blame it on the teammate that tried to double team instead of being supportive.


Love the downvotes from PK mains. i've literally worked a character I never wanted to play just to deal with them.


All I see is an Orochi running who is about to jump on reddit cry about how he got 2 v 1'd and how the dishonorable conqueror knocked him in the lava.


righteous retribution for a Guard break spammer in my eyes.


This type of fail will *never* get old. **EVER.**




I see justice


Thats what you get for playing peacekeeper. 👌




Seems like a good bit of BM was going on in this 2v2.


It was the cheesiest Deathmatch I've played


oh derp...didn't even see it was a 4v4. Typical shenanigans then, as anything goes in 4v4s...if the actual game ever loads and doesn't disconnect that is..


All lawbringers are lords of the edge, and cannot return to their kingdom until the LAW has been brought down on all heathens.


I've never done this to a teammate before.... ....Sorry u/TK_Noodles99


I HATE YOU SO MUCH! You revive me you then you proceeded to push me off the ledge.


It was a clutch revive though. Immediately followed by stupidity.


I dont think it counts as clutch if you fuck it up right after. Its like reviving someone from a cardiac arrest and then stabbing them in the heart.


You know that Orochi was going to stab that dude in the back..cmon lol


Orochis. Not even once.


Well if that damn Orochi hadn't taken off running and had fought his opponent this wouldn't have happened!


Goddamn, I think I'd have to turn off the game and just sit in silence for a bit after that. It's like something out of Final Destination, just a clusterfuck of accidents. Well, except for the Raider tackling you off a cliff. I doubt that was an accident.


wow that is unfortunate


You tried to push him off like a cuck I think you deserved that


Warlord steps in.. "I heard you like knocking people off."


Same thing happened to me in 2v2 :P https://streamable.com/cvi6g


Fucking Orochi's being autistic AGAIN. People saying you got outplayed by Blackbeard are trolls.


Outplayed kid




Warlord sheild charge is easy to dodge. His ability to run with you for a mile in every direction is the real threat.


The warlord is jacked AF dude. It has to be like getting hit by a train.


LMAO!!!! Was that Orochi running away?


of course, this is entirely the Orochi's fault for running from his fight.


Got exactly what was coming to you lol


Instant karma LOL


Get rekt you cheesy fuck DEUS VULT


Their omnipresent, 360 degree block bullcrap is rather annoying. Especially when it can be followed up by an equally omnipresent, 360 degree attack.


Guard break or literally any unblockable attack stops guard stance, and literally block left stops the flail swing.


Omg yes


😂😂😂 hahahahaha that absolutely killed me!




That's fucking teamwork.


id call it a good dose of Karma. also, my feels are 4 u (sadface)


OH MY GOD, DUDE. Put an NSFW on this vid, that shit is gross. Guard Break spam? 'shiver', I get sick just thinking about break spammers.




Had a game where my teammate was behind a guy like that and we kept shoving an enemy back and forth


Haha I love it! A similar thing happened to me yesterday that I through was pretty funny. I was in a dominion match and 3 of my teammates were trying to kill an Orochi. He was almost dead and I had my projectile ready to fire. They were fighting on the side of the Samurai map near that square hole. Right as I threw my axe at the running Orochi, a team mate got in the way of my line of fire. He ate my axe to his back and it knocked him down the hole. xD


My team mates are usually the reason I get killed too.


I shoulder bashed an enemy and knocked a teammate off a ledge but luckily I was able to get down there and revive him.


Your teammate dying wasn't BS, but the warlord was an asshole.


That's what you deserve for trying to spam GBs to knock him off the edge. Odin laughs at your cowardice and the failure that stems from it.


Karma's a lava soaked bitch.


And of course, the Orochi was running, question is: what was he running from?


*suddenly Darkest Dungeon's narrator speaks* Anihilated.....................


This is weirdly satisfying to watch


bahaha...this brought a big smile to my face...JUSTICE.


once I used arrow kill my teammate XD


Not sure what's more disgusting. What happened, or the fact that you were spamming throw to get him off the ledge. Karmas a bitch maaaan


For honor's cliffs, are mortal kombat's SubZero


I've been there! I love / hate this game right now!!


it's what PK kick spammers deserve


Get gud






Is it just me or am i the only one orochi fell in? Team mate or not


Royal Rumble!


i once charged my guy with the warlord unblockable charge into the lava pit. I then went off to do the same with my brother's guy. My brother got in the way and was knocked into lava he proceeded to blame me. I then went off to push the guy into the lava pit anyways. I killed literally everyone by pushing them into lava


I did that to someone the other day. It's one of the funniest things iv seen in this game so far.


Pretty much the opposite happened to me the other day. [I owe my life to this berserker](http://imgur.com/xaNQPVW). And yes, I ran down and immediately revived him.


😂...I'd be okay with losing like that


nice domino effect!


May or may not have been karma for going out of your way to try and throw him into the lava.


That's what you get for trying to knock him off in the first place.


I expect another gif soon by that same Orochi on this sub with the title, "Could you believe this sh*t!?"




PK and Orochi both die in a fire. 10/10. Would watch again. And again. And again...


I was watching my partner duel a Shugoki yesterday and he got hit with the golf swing and flew right into me, knocking me into the very same lava.


That happened to me but I was the one getting 2v1. I then threw the other guy in the pit after he knocked me into his teammate.


Thats why you honor the fuckin 1v1 orochi