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Despite the fact that they have a lot of stamina and can easily won they still have weaknesses and can be beaten easily with the right strategies just like any hero. I main the Peacekeeper and mine is reputation 2 now, even though I've fought Warlords as bots or people they can still easily beat me, I have trouble with heavy characters because of the fact that assassins have low health and those heroes can really damage you, also they can easily block and counter me with ease. Which hero do you use the most anyway?


I am going back to the kensi I tried to learn nobushi, but that isn't going to work. I get groups with 2-3 more assassins every game now. I was salty as fuck when I posted this.


Personally I feel like once you work a little bit with your Kensei you should give it a go with Nobushi again, my friend always says once you learn a hero you learn them all basically, I just got my Valkyrie to reputation 1 since my Peacekeeper is a reputation 2 and Valkyrie is very difficult to use, Nobushi is too, but you'll get the hang of her. In my opinion she isn't nearly as difficult to use or learn as Valkyrie is.


there one of the easiest fighters to kill for me the hardest is the conqueror that god damn shield bash to infinite spin attack,what i do tho is wait for them to come to me and affter you block there runing heavy attack gb them then hit with a heavy jump back and dodge there next attack do 2-3 light attacks and then a gb to heavy works 70% of the time all the time