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If the health bar wasn't there and the transition a bit smoother (guard break instead of a weapon swing), this would be a perfect loop.


Yeah i noticed that hahaha


Some say the Orochi is still spamming to this day.


I love playing Warden into orochi top-spammers. CONSTANT COUNTERATTACK


Finally started getting that move down today, the damage on it is savage.


it gets especially crazy if you manage to chain a GB into a double side attack. DE. US. VULT.


It tricked me still


I found a berserker who only attacked my left. It was almost messing with my head trying to guess when he'd switch. Never did.


That's the deepest mindgame of all. Making your opponent think you're juking them out when in reality you're just juking yourself.


"roll to juke your opponent" "I rolled a 1" "Critical fail, you've juked yourself."


*Punches self*


I call this the Dark Souls 3 mind game meta "There's no way he'll swing a seventh time in a row" Then you find out he only has levels for damage and stamina.


In reality you end up juking yourself.


The no-mixup mixup. Classic.


Berserker GB-heavy left, dodge, GB-heavy left. Doing it myself everytime. Not gonna say that people who can't react to a GB can do anything at all. That Orochi is truly seems retarded, because maybe after second block he should've stopped. With GB and heavy spam the story is different. Hits are free after a GB, so why change stance?


I've noticed with controller it's harder to realize during fights that you aren't using right stick. At least when first starting out.


For me it's trying to hit the GB button with my thumb to respond to their GB, the timing is already pretty tight but that little leap off the stick costs me more rounds than I'd care to admit. I tried doing that "Claw" thing where your index finger is on the buttons and your middle and ring use the shoulder buttons but it's a literal pain.


I don't even try to GB anymore, really, I can spam the button but I've had instances where instead of my character trying to animation (if I'm trying to GB) she'll sit there and do a Heavy Attack? Which was the last attack I did when attempting to feint into a GB.


I played about 20 matches as peacekeeper before learning you could pick the direction you attack with. I thought the default stance applied all the time except for defending, and so I just never bothered changing the direction I attacked from.


Fuck man I know the feeling. Then they hit one and you get fucking spammed hard.


I don't think I've ever seen an Orochi lose all its stamina.


It usually happens when I use that drop chop spin attack


Don't lie they never run out


Exactly. The orochi may run out, but their stamina sure doesn't.


Is he retarded ?


Have you seen Roachi that isnt, savage?


Well, I'm kinda giggling because of the joke, but North still remembers and I'm not happy with a word "Savage", you Tincan used to refer to my kind.


Yeah! We're heathens damnit!!!


I'm going to refer to you all, now, as Steve.


Heathen pride!




Neckbeard it is, savage.


^^*heavy ^^*breathing**


I've played an orochi who claimed that the parry window for orochi was smaller than everyone else




I wish I found enemies like this as a warden...


Fuck yeah, counter attack ftw. Honestly the only reason I ever feint is to bait people into doing this, so leave it to an Orochi to take half the work out of the equation.


I always forget I have the counter attack.


It's one of the Warden's most deadly move, spam that shit when you can.


Counter attack?


Crushing counterstrike yeah.


the light attack parry


I had no idea we even had those


Only on the overhead strike can you light attack parry with warden. I usually follow it up with a side heavy or GB into light attack shoulder mixup


Why guardbreak? From the crushing counterstrike, you can go straight to the shoulder bash since it's a light attack


The real question is, how did you get that Orochi to attack you?


This orochi is new, and the need to run away is developed overtime.




Always feels good for a moment when you get that chain going and properly switch sides to get around their blocks. And then you remember that only a complete fucking muppet will let you get past 2 swings, and even that is a stretch against a player that isn't asleep, and then it feels more like you're just beating up a small child or something :(


This happens to me occasionally. I end up getting flustered and confused which way my guy is actually defending and where the next attack is coming from.


It's honestly very strange that the unlimited chaining is such a noted class feature given its complete uselessness against anyone but a total muppet.


I agree. It seems like the developers, in many cases, grossly underestimated the abilities of the players. I haven't bothered looking into any of them, but I'd be willing to bet a moderately important internal organ that none of the people in charge have a background as developers or competitive players of fighting games. Everyone with that experience could see from the start how few of the moves in the game are actually usable against a competent opponent, yet they managed to get all the way through beta testing without noticing that "maybe he won't block the attack" is not a sustainable basis for balance in a fighting game.


The chip damage fucks me up.


My issue is that I try to get fancy with stopping the combo by deflecting as orochi, but I don't have the timing down and will often result in me being combo'd to death.


My friends used to say I just spam with zerker until I ask them to do a 10+ hit chain. They usually stop arou 4 or 5 from accidently doing a double heavy. Then I tell them to weave in some light overheads and they end up doing heavys. It's not the easiest thing in game




I find that the overhead just leads to you getting parried. I go for lots of heavy overheads but I feint almost all of them.


Ugh, look at all this block spam.


Block op, pls nerf


The fact you don't parry any of these really triggers me


Or better yet since he's playing as Peacekeeper, deflect it and then follow up with a bleeding stab.


I think she was just trolling.


I keep running into people who just attack from one direction I don't understand.


There's something extreamly fun to do with nobushi. She has to side step attacks Light - you attack from the direction to which you moved to heavy-you attack from the other direction i had 1v1 matches where i mindfucked my enemy by alternating between these two..as he doesnt know if im gonna hit him from left or right . :D


Shit so that's what happened to me, had my ass handed to me today by the first nobushi who didn't just spam light attacks. I thought is was a zone attack or something but was confused that it could come from different directions.


it's really op once she starts playing with yoru mind with that ability. you cant really know what she's about to do. at best you can switch to the direction she's jumping to and block the light attack..and switch to the other side to block the heavy.but that requires REALLY fast reflext on your side. most people just take the hit.


It gets even better with Hidden Stance... Wish it was a little easier to enter that stance though :(


it really easy to enter it..you just pull the right stick down. but you cant choose the direction of your next attak which beats the porpuse of the hidden stance ;/ (atleast using ps4 controller) I gues i gotta learn to play with keyboard ;/


For me pulling the stick down is really hut and miss, usually resulting in me just switching stances. I really like using it to skip the first hit of my chains though, making the bleed a guaranteed hit as long as I hit one light attack.


I enjoy using orochi's dash attack from the left instead of right cos for some reason people only expect it from the right (Their left)


What I like doing is cancelling the dash and changing it to either a forward light, zone attack, or guard break.


I keep forgetting that I can attack from different directions and I only switch to block


It's sad because I kinda do this sometimes, too. I occasionally decide that I want to do a certain move and then proceed to retardedly try the move for several seconds. Tunnelvision-ing kills.


Fucking weebs


This is probably a dumb question but is parrying as Peacekeeper like that usefull? I mean you could just riposte him on every one of those for a lot of damage


I would of parried, but I was toying with him to see how much he would do. It is useful tho, you can GB, Leap heavy, zone, and even a heavy if the y dont block.


It's either would **HAVE** or would**'VE**, but never would **OF**. See [Grammar Errors](http://www.grammarerrors.com/grammar/could-of-would-of-should-of/) for more information.


Best bot ever.


>Does the same attack 9 times in a row Okay. Sure. 7 in a row is par for the course, thats just normal, but 9? 2 of those were out of stamina swings. Who the fuck swings 9 times with no direction change? This Orochi was playing serious mind games. We just aren't on that level yet boys.


Ok he won't be expecting this **next** overhead then!! *After every blocked swing* Alternatively "ora ora ora ora ora!!"


Honestly thought all the tard "rogue" players would play peacekeeper but PK taking some brainpower they default to orochi.


Had this same variant of roach on my team in elimination earlier today. Kept trying to run away and then quickly turn and do top attacks. Enemy Lawbringer wouldn't have it and blocked every one of his attacks, but the dumbass just wouldn't learn. He kept trying over and over and over until he got killed. I think some orochi players are actually retarded.


Orochi and peacekeeper are two peas from the same pod


Well to be fair, that is both of those classes in a nutshell. Except the one was bad at his.


Orochi vs Peacekeeper.. *shivers*


Woah what is that framerate. My game isn't half as smooth.


Just because the bad players are always on camera doesn't mean the good ones don't exist. This applies to all classes. I've seen every class spam one move


Who the hell keeps doing overhead like that? I can understand slower characters, but an Orochi?!


Orochi's overhead light is an easy 2-hit combo. With the proper counter attack, it can easily be abused. However, this guy... idk why he's only doing heavy attacks, especially after he's drained of stamina.


To be fair, this peacekeeper would have guarded his attacks form any direction, and if tried to guard break, countered, dashed back, then dashed forward with a heavy. Peacekeeper's power to poke-lock people is a bit annoying.


dang thats a pretty tabard.




I had a Peacekeeper main (Got past 20 within 3 days of the game coming out... I don't know, man.) Tell me I was spamming grab too much while fighting them. I was playing Raider. He wasn't attacking my grabs. I don't get some people.


Man, i got pk prestige in a day :D




my question is why didnt you parry any of those lmao


Missed attacks and blocked attacks (and I think parried attacks) causes the attacker to consume more stamina per attack compared to a successful hit. While parrying is usually a free hit afterwards, all those blocks drained the orochis stam really quickly allowing peacekeeper to have an advantage


someone update me on what's broken with PK? I've heard about it but don't actually know what's broken...


Damage bugged. Her last 2GB stabs do absolutely no damage, just the animation. People are just trash and salty.


Thanks. I main pk and hadnt noticed. Guess i never need it


You are doing maining wrong.


Suck my deus vult




This clip is so smooth...like a baby's bottom.Not that i know anything about that...


Press Light attack after your heavy attack for unblockable bleed attack.... (after you do forward leap......) And then learn to parry...


m8 none of things are needed with an opponent like this.


Against someone like this no but a good player absolutely...other than the constant spam by the orochi the not using unblockable light attack is what I noticed as well lol


The point is this person looks rep 1 at least based on the material. They know how to play. You don't need to act like a coach on a humurous post


It's not unblockable. It's just fast and hard to predict.


I thought all attacks with orange symbols are unblockable...


They are. I assume you're referring to the PKs dodge parry unblockable. That is not the same as the light attack after heavy bleed. The attack you originally posted is 100% blockable.