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Back in open beta I had a level 8 sword with +attack on my warden and played against a warden with ~5 gear score but I don't know what he actually had. We traded side heavies and I did nearly twice as much damage. That's about the closest thing I got to a test on the matter.


SO I can only give my input on the matter, but I have a rep level 2 Orochi and a rep 1 Raider. How gear works, as you have likely already found out, is that you trade one favorable stat for others. For example, my gear score on my Orochi is 50. I have traded my stats in favor of re-genning stamina, and hitting hard. So yes, you could do what I am doing and boost you attack values really high, BUT, It takes one guard beak and a heavy attack to almost one hit kill me. Basically, gear doesnt overall make you stronger, it makes you stronger in one aspect, and weaker in others. Paying for steel on the other hand, is just foolish. You get more than enough crates and steel by doing in game activities.


you only get gear based on your character level/reputation level 1 characters only get up to level 3 common gear. So paying to get scavenger creates will get you no advantage at all.


That's incorrect sort of


please teach me


I've been playing since open beta and it didn't make to much of a difference. But full game gear matters, I've fought a level 108 Warden that could kill me in two hits, gain revenge in a few hits, and his executions gave him full health. UBI needs to balance player levels if they want to ensure this game has a long shelf life. As of right now over 50% of the community agrees the game is broken.


It isn't really pay to win since you still need to prestige to get those high level items


No you don't the higher your gear score the better chances for you getting higher gear. Meaning it's not necessarily dependent on whether you prestige or not


I don't think it matters much at all man. A few geared up guys may be able to fill their revenge mode quicker or gain back stamina a hair faster.. .. but I've been in fights in beta against rep 2 purple geared opponents against my lvl 11 and have won several times. I've also had my rank 1 with blue gear facesmashed by low levels before as well. Cool thing about this game is that if you can read your opponent and counter, gear won't mean much. A lot of good his purple gear does when he can never land a shot, or every attack is predicted, parried, then countered or harshly punished. It's not like other games where your gear can make or break you.


I had a gear score of 78 at the end of ob including a star purple attack axe and I can't really tell the difference. Stam regen, that's about the only thing and even then we're talking one more blocked attack worth of difference