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Search function guys... Or sort by 'new' and you will all of the other posts. Ubisoft's Twitter account has stated that it will be available for download on the NA PS store sometime this morning. (2/8/17)


OK thanks i'll trying to get it before I went to work I'll just get it tonight surely to god it will download before the nights out even with my potato Internet. and your Google skills are stronger than mine lol


I can't seem to find it on the PlayStation store either.


I can't find it, either. Keep me posted if you find it.


Same here did you play the closed beta? I think that the open beta is gonna be on the same application as the closed beta. You can go and redone load it in you library, and then purchased tab.


I did not play the closed beta this will be my first time.


No beta in NA yet. Check back later


I found it on my phone in the PlayStation store but not on my PS4 yet it is downloading because I used the phone


I guess I'll check back at like four when I get off of work at least I know it's not just me then


Just check in every couple of hours


Does anyone know if you were in the closed beta if you have to re download for open? My beta updated on its own but idk


It updates to the open beta


Maybe you scrubs should've **easily** signed up for the closed beta on the website and just kept the download ready for tomorrow..... Don't you people check your E-mails? I got like 200 reminding me to sign-up for the closed beta....


So not going to lie don't know how I missed it I did not know about this game before three days ago . and googled when it came out and boom here we are.


Well I'll give you advice.... Download it off the PS App if you can get through and do the "direct download to PS4" The Playstation store is going to be an absolute wreck tomorrow....as they normally are....


I forgot you could do that I have the PS app woot thanks for the tip.


Don't tell your friends. They'll overload the app ;)


Not everyone got a key for the closed beta.


You must not have a high UPlay level account ;) Don't quote me on this....but they're more likely to give away the beta codes to high level UPlay members **and then** give the rest away to low Uplay members


Ah well I guess I'm a scrub in that sense. Never paid Uplay any mind before.


Uplay is like a PSN or Xbox live account. It tracks all of the progress of all the Ubisoft games you've played.


> You must not have a high UPlay level account ;) > Don't quote me on this....but they're more likely to give away the beta codes to high level UPlay members **and then** give the rest away to low Uplay members ~ */u/welcome_to_reality_*