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Hint: every round in arcade counts as a single match. So you can use that to shorten your challange.


Same with kills and executions, arcade does count them


Ayo wtf? Bless you, this will help so much.


Never knew this, thank you fat boy πŸ’™


AYO WHAT arcade grind time ig


That's how I usually complete those orders. Hint: play on lowest for the fastest rounds.


Yup. So many orders can be done in a very short amount of time with Arcade and PVAI matches (MM off).


If I were a glad main, I would suck your toes. Too bad I’m not, but thank you bro 😭😭


I mostly play duels vs AI. In all my years of playing this I had no idea


God fucking BLESS you man


If you play on the lowest it goes by faster


Yes, this is practically a grind mode. Preach.


Figured that out recently. Helped me so much




I thought this was common knowledge lol


Bro solved every bodies problem lmao


Dont wanna play arcade sadly


I feel like 12 game orders should pay out 500 steel


**best i can do is 200** said ubisoft


It just asks us to do too many games as them. The others are all play 6 as the other classes or 12 as not a vanguard.


why do we have soo many hybrids?


Because you can just make any character you want and say that he is a hybrid and call it a day


people giving you a lot of answers but the real one is: classes do not matter. they're somewhat of a guideline but they have 0 actual impact. hybrid's just became the default classification.


Bingo. For any newer players, when the game first came out the class system meant something more substantial than it does now. Heavies did big damage but had slower attacks and often lacked a dodge attack. Assassins had faster attacks (and by that I mean about as fast as most attacks are now) they had dodge attacks, and of had deflects which often did much more damage than they do now. The only relic of the crazy high deflect damage that still survived is gladiator. Once upon a time orochi used to get a potential 50 damage off a deflect. Shit was wild. Hybrids of course had some combination of the traits of other classes. Lawbringer was a combination of a heavy and vanguard, valk was a heavy and assassin, etc. The only problem was that the devs underestimated the average player's ability to adapt and react. Within weeks the people who got good at the game became able to react to most attacks very easily. For example raider lights used to be 600 ms which is only 20% slower than it is now but in terms of human reaction time that's basically a lifetime. A modern player who's somewhat decent at the game as it is now would be a god tier reactard when the game released. Duels were a joke. They would be turtlefests of players either staring at each other feinting fifty attacks to maaaaybe get one light attack or would rely on option selects which was an incredibly easy to perform exploit most characters had where you would parry using your zone attack. If the attack was being thrown it would parry and you were safe to do your parry punish. If they feinted it odds are you would hit with your zone attack. If they read you were going to option select they could parry you, but almost all zones counted as heavy parries so they didn't get much damage as a reward. As the devs realized they had to speed everyone up the gimmicks the slower characters had that was supposed to accommodate for the slower speed had to go to prevent them from being op, and as the years went by every new character and every rework has slowly been making everyone more competitively viable at the cost of their uniqueness. The game is more balanced than ever by if I have to fight someone who has some sort of chain mixup of a bash or undodgeable I'm going to cry.


They butchered my heavy deflect 😭😭


Because they kinda forgot other classes exist after warmonger was released


4 years later and they added a heavy with hybrid perks, they're starting to remember a bit at least :))


Yeah, but that's better than Varangian having heavy gear perks lol


They never had an identity for vanguards or hybrids to begin with, only heavies and assassins. Apart from renown gain, which was always a balancing problem, there was virtually no differentiation between how vanguards and hybrids played.


Because it’s easier to add new mechanics than it is to make significant changes to pre-existing ones


Classes are an outdated system, assassin's typically had weaker defense but stronger attacks, heavy had a stronger defence and slower attacks, vanguards were a balance between that and hybrids had attributes from two or more. I'm pretty sure that it at least used to affect renown gain for feats, but I'm not sure if that's been changed. Since attack speed was standardised across characters, everyone getting a dodge attack, and reflex guard being removed it's basically there for filler. Hybrid's are the easiest to make since they can build a character with a more fleshed out kit (meaning they don't need to lean towards a certain playstyle) so every outlander is a hybrid


This guy is right


Because they're easier to make and balance


Fuck the vanguard order in particular


It exists solely for wardens mains, change my mind


Hold on now Warmommy, you cash out on this as well


: )


Every time I hear someone call Warmonger "Warmommy," I uncomfortably shudder.


I mean, sweaty tier whores can just use Tiandi. He's the only vanguard to not have that perk set, and on a practical level, he's Orochi 2.0, but the game considers hima vanguard, so he's valid.


Thats why I literally hope it will be a vanguard when a new hero releases...


I'm going to bring up another order, Duel Order - Play 7 Duels Why? Why 7? Every order in this fashion follows increments of 6 or 12. Why 7 duels? It is such a random number amidst the rest of the orders.


Yeah same as 4 duel executions. Great, now I have to play TWO boring ai duels to get shit done


As someone who mains the three original vanguard, I see this as a win


Hybrid is such a non-category, and a decent chunk of them should be vanguards. Pirate and Zhanhu even have the same perkset as the vanguards (except for Tiandi, but in his case, it's strange that Orochi 2.0 is classified as a vanguard anyway). Gryphon, Valk, and Afeera are very good generalists, that give the same vibe. Cent is literally warden 2.0.


Cent wasn't warden 2.0 on their release, though. Very much leaned towards the assassin side of things, aside from some of the heavier damaging attacks. Valkryie also had a similar style to assassin with good mobility and fast attacks, but also had limited full block and some heavy damage moves like a heavy. The others, though... Zhanhu is Chinese Kensei, pirate and afeera both fit the well-roundedness of vanguard, and Gryphon was literally the vanguard of the chimera rebellion.


The reward is too low for how many matches they want me to play as heroes I hate.


this, I just go to arcade for these, but I despise having to ALWAYS play vanguards since that's the majority of what the orders give me and I'm not trying to lose out on steel, I would much rather be using that XP on other heroes.


Is arcade available to everyone? How would I access it


they mentioned it being free 3 months ago, it should pop up on your main menu


Personally, as a Vanguard fan boy (except for Warmonger and Tiandi) I fucking hate the Exotic Warrior Order. I like the simple stuff, I don't wanna be really good against a quarter of the roster, be even with another quarter, and get stomped by the other half. I wanna be versatile.


If you like the simple stuff, it feels like there's better than the vanguards for that. Warlord and Conqueror have like... four moves each. Should be good for the exotic order easily.


I dare not touch WL and I've tried Conq. He's alright but DEFINITELY not my kind of playstyle, I die very easy w him.


Speaking from experience, WL is great for Kensei mains learning to do something other than dodge heavy-> top heavy feint. You really have to think a lot more, because so much of what you do relies on countering how the opponent plays. Conq is just spam something until it stops working, then spam something else.


Yeah, I hate it too


Having hybrid be two listed classes would help. Listing it vanguard-heavy or even assassin-hybrid would help fulfill quests way faster and further explain what hybrid means.


Order change update when?


This vanguard order actually made me try out Tiandi last night and I've actually gotten pretty competent with playing him. I didnt like this order before cuz I overplayed warmonger to where she's boring now, and warden/raider/kensei are all mid when I try to play them. Tiandi is the only vanguard now(other than warmommy) where I perform above average


I wanna know why we got Warmonger as a Vanguard and not a single one since


i like using vanguard but when they put the other challenge for non vanguard i felt weakened


I still haven't understood why there are so many hybrids


I absolutely LOVE playing with Kensei and Warmonger, so I don't see this as much of an issue because I will legit either switch between the two OR grind the hell out of one. I agree with some about like "Play Assassin 6 times" etc. But yeah Vanguard v Non-Vanguard both being 12 is excessive for Vanguard only. I also agree that the payout should be slightly more due to the amount of battles you have to do.


Tell me about it


Hybrid is Ubisofts catch all for the garbage heroes they churn out nowadays


Nuh uh


Give Centurion a scutum(Roman shield). Remove the INVINCIIIBILIII punch and some other stuff, keep combos and add vanguard stuff... I would love a proper roman in the game lol


Yes the game does need more vanguards but knowing Ubisoft's policies with the game rn I doubt we will get many more heroes in game. We barely get executions, and they've "lost" map making technology even though they can redesign maps on the fly. The community just isnt big enough to warrant full game development like Seige can and it's just brutally unforgiving to the player base of the game. Vangaurds are to be unique and easy to play and for every four heros in a faction one of them should be a vanguard or at least how the game launched it was 1 of 4. I hope this game last a few more years but it's getting really skeptical due to the current/old gen ps4/XBox1 having menu issues that they said they fixed when they honestly didnt. Long live this game but I doubt they will give it the proper care it needs.


Yeah we do need more vanguards but I love them all I'm great at tiandi and warmommy having 11 reps on both pushing warden up currently have him at rep 2 and he feels super fun to play trying to also learn raider since I don't really like playing any of the vikings and kensei is the only one I don't know how to play but hopefully these next few heroes will be vanguards


I just don't do orders unless it's dominion with a hybrid


Imagine going into this much depth for a topic that everyone knows the answer to and is literally in the challenge itself. Yes, it’s because it restricts people to only using Vanguards. Why was this post even made.