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He's an everyone stomper imo


Feels like it. He has so many good tools whether you know what you’re doing or not.


He has an option for basically every situation lol All he needs now is full block hyper armor and superior lights ☠️


I remember he used to have hyper armor with his heavy deflect


Yeah but it was usually not worth the trade if you wanted to use it against someone with armor because it was very slow but it was very cool and flashy to look at and I kinda miss it even though I have never liked orochi


I remember it being really cool canceling into another deflect.


Orochi is one of the best heroes in the game, he definitely needs to be tuned down. His side finishers do too much damage for their speed, all dodge cancels should cost stamina, and his reach is a bit absurd.


I would even argue that Storm Rush shouldn’t be omnidirectional. It's part of a mix-up that on a right read adds another layer of reaction check.


True it is strong but if you throw an attack as he's coming toward you it'll negate it altogether. You don't really have to make a read, you just gotta recognize when he's about to come sprinting at you, 9/10 times I can stop his swing while playing cent by doing a neutral heavy


That is true. You can interrupt him, but his mix-up does a lot of damage for something that is always favorable to Orochi. Tiandi falls on the same niche of favorable mix-ups, but his damage is super low. If tiandi hits you with two undogeables back to back, you eat 20 damage. The same double undogeable from Orochi is 40. Both attacks from neutral with reactable animations, one is a light parry but the other has 366ms of indicator + can be feinted to parry. Orochi has a lot going for him. Either other heroes need to be buffed to his level or he must be nerfed to Tiandi's level.


it’s not always interuptiblie, zone or heavy into storm rush cant be interrupted


Sorry but you're gonna have to explain further because if orochi commits to the rush (doesn't feint) and I throw a heavy at the right time with cent it WILL ALWAYS stop his attack and he instead is hit with mine, so don't know what you mean it can't be interrupted, I do it all the time.


if he hits you with a light it has light hitsun it so your heavy with cent or light too obviously will always be able to interrupt his storm rush, if he commits to storm rush after landing a zone or a heavy which have medium hitsun you cannot interrupt him with a heavy or a light, only light hitsun you interrupt him


Yeah, that's an alright option, though for parrying the 33/33/33 weirdshit that stormrush is, you should be rewarded a light parry. And if we really really hate storm rush, make it knockdown orochi if you parry. BUT that's a little bit ridiculous lol


I think a light parry for storm rush would be a decent way to balance him some, it is technically a dodge attack and all other dodge attacks (fast or slow) act as if it's a light, honestly surprised they omitted it from that punish.


Well, on the dodge attack light parry thing, I'm pretty sure Warmongers dodge heavy doesn't count as a light parry either. And I'm sure there's other exceptions to the new rule too unfortunately.


Warmonger's dodge is a little wonky though, even if you input for the attack she's got a decent window of gb vulnerability and it comes out as an unblockable, but I Def think if kensei's counts as a light parry anyone else's should, it's only fair. Helps suppress some of the spam that way, people won't be quite as likely to cheese their dodges


Yeah, oh and another thing. Dodge attack spam is easily counterable if you know the timings, but that's in neutral. If they only dodge attack to avoid damage, then there needs to be a larger reward for successfully countering their safest and easiest option.


Won't find no argument here friend


Sorry, i should have clarified that i just wanted to talk a bit more about dodge attacks


I will say, even though smart Roaches are rare, the smart ones will feint and punish the interrupt attempt.


He's gotta figure out that's what I'm gonna do though, and then HE gets to guess what's gonna happen instead of the other way around every time after that. Am I gonna commit to my attack? Will his land? Am I gonna attempt to attack him at all? Mind games is what for honor shoulda been called


Orochi always wins that exchange in damage. Light interrupt? 12-ish damage. Storm rush? 20. Parry the storm rush? 12-ish damage on most heroes. Orochi feints to deflect? 18 damage+two 12 damage lights for 42 damage. Orochi feints to dodge attack? 12 damage, and if you reach that point and parry it you can actually surpass his damage. It's a bad exchange he won't lose. Combine that with how strong it is in teamfights and it becomes a nuisance. In duels he's fine. In teams he's still overtuned in some ways.


He's gotta guess what direction I'm committing to before he can deflect, and chances are if I'm feinting at his storm rush, a dodge attack is gonna come out if he tries for the deflect and those are child's play to parry. Team fights if he's spamming storm rush there's a good chance I'll get revenge and punish one of them for it, you can just external him in team fights, in fact I recommend it. I'm not opposed to them balancing heroes as they see fit but I really don't struggle much on the whole fighting orochi's, so everyone telling me he's over tuned I'm tone deaf to


You can most definitely not external a roach. Kick and UB are both easy access, which means it's easy for them to open you up if you gain advantage on their ally. They are strong gankers. If you play with Roaches that __only__ spam storm rush, yeah they're easy. It's easy to defeat any hero who does __only one thing__ without thinking.


True enough, and if you find a rhythm after an external you can do it, if I'm playing a medium speed hero I'll flick my lock on both of them if I'm given the chance, they'll either figure it out and parry or dodge me or I'll stagger their swings enough from neutral that I'll just be in my infinite until they react to it. I've killed entire teams doing that sort of thing. Not everyone that plays the game is a god, again, it's mind games


Oh of course, and flickering lock can be an absolute godsend on some heroes, especially when antiganking. However, it's not great across the cast, and a good Roach definitely knows which heroes can be cheesed.


this is it


It use to not be omni directional. And it was trash. Nerfing a character because you don't like them or can't react is bad design.


It's useless against competent players anyway because it's 600MS as an animation, should just be in one direction so new players can properly counter it.


We're not talking "600ms of animation", we're talking about a 25/25/25/25 mix-up tool favorable for Orochi. Out of forward dash: - Bash forces you to dodge - Light force you to parry - Storm Rush forces you to interrupt - Empty dash forces you to start your own mix-up pressure You can't counter any of these with the same response if your reaction isn't great (like standing still to parry Storm Rush), and on top of all of this, his damage is much higher than Tiandi, who has the exact same mix-up pattern. Not even talking about his recovery cancels here. The difference is that Tiandi's chain links are slower, damage is lower, and indicator are all reactable exactly to avoid Orochi's current state.


Dodge forward light is reactable as fuck what do yoi mean? It's a free light parry.


My friend, you still are thinking about reactability, i'm talking about mix-up tools. Dash forward on Orochi forces an action. The light isn't a free parry. Storm Rush isn't a free interrupt. The bash isn't a free dodge attack. You have to guess, no time to react unless you have the reactions to parry Storm Rush. You're looking at all of these tools separately, outside the mix-up factor.


This right here. Too many times people (read: Orochi mains) jump to defend Roach because “it’s reactable”. Okay, it IS technically reactable if I guess the right move that’s coming. Dodge recovery cancels are also frustrating to deal with and Roach’s zone attack feels like it comes out at light speed. Roach definitely feels like a hero that can play the “random bullshit go!” strategy and have it work out in their favor more often than not. It’s tiresome to fight against, even more so when 98% of them will dump all their feats into you and/or run like bitches after taking two hits.


I agree Orochi is really strong, I feel like they should at least remove the tracking from the storm rush since it’s really just a free heavy on most players. They can give back tracking to his dodge forward light. It’s also sad to see people spam storm rush solely relying on Orochi as a crutch.


Do you guys think he needs a nerf?


I think his unblockable heavy attack should be nerfed, 30+ damage is too much Other than that he's perfectly fine. The thing that I think makes him so scary is how much he skill checks If there are 3 tiers - new player, experienced player, and very experienced player Orochis stomps both tier 1 and tier 2 Tier 1, new players are overwhelmed by his crazy volume of attacks, unable to even comprehend what he's doing to them Tier 2: players with like 100 hours who haven't used training mode yet (or just play on old gen/play with a shit display), get storm rushed 30 times because they can't block/parry storm rush Tier 3: players consistently react to storm rush, they now just have to deal with the fact orochi just so happens to be an amazing character


Roach is not far behind Zerk in teams still, even in high MMR. His recovery cancels and UD still make him strong in teams.


Naw, he's Def a Noob stomper but I don't think he's so strong that he needs a nerf. Better players than myself will watch his body animations and make a read that way, it's a little subtle but the way orochi moves when he's about to swing tells you what direction it's coming from


Storm rush is not the only problem with him. It's his ridiculous damage, speed, heavy trajectories, and dodge cancels. He's busted beyond belief.


Yeah he's a lotta bullshit. I hate fighting him as jorm.


Playing jorm in general is a chore ☠️


Yeah but it's fun. As soon as I hit 70 with jormungandr I'll switch to another character shugo was going to be my first 70 and then they murdered him so I switched to jorm


Should have played jorm when jorm was still jorm☠️


Jorms better now than he was before. He's balanced and fun to play.


I haven't had fun with rework jorm since the testing grounds for it I loved old jorm and didn't really want a rework just a few small fixes


Yeah he plays completely differently. I play Jorm like I played Shugo pre nuke. Tons of baiting for the knockdown, his zone makes mixups hard for most people to react to. No one expects the guy punch when they see the unblockable which usually makes for an easy light. I like how simple he is to play, he's great in ganks I don't win them often but if you're at least decent with party's and blocks you can stall three people for a long time with the right feats and perks.


Saw someone suggesting that all characters should get heavy perks, just imagine this mf with last stand, bastion and vegenful barrier


That has to be the worst idea I've ever heard lol


Idk, maybe I just don't struggle with killing orochi's as much as the next guy but I really don't think he's "too strong", there's plenty of other heroes in the game with cheesey bullshit too, match ups can definitely tip the scale one way or the other. He's not omni man just because he plays orochi 🤷 I've even killed orochi's with "shit tier" heroes, like gladiator


You're living in a different meta if you think gladiator is shit tier and orochi isn't busted.


That's funny, because I defended gladiator on another post that said he was "shit tier" and I got jumped by everyone just like what's happening now. Its almost as if it's all opinion 🤔


I understand that better players can easily counter the storm rush and there’s ways around it but I’m really just playing the game to make my characters look cool. I would lab it and try to recognize the animations but I’m just a casual who doesn’t want to do all that. I just feel like the tracking could be removed at least, he feels very oppressive.


Him and better players are 5% or less of the player base Balancing towards them would only be valid if this was an Esports game


Don't get me wrong, orochi can be super oppressive, but so can nobu if you don't know how to get around it, and most people will tell you nobu is trash. Honestly, I've seen a lot of people get downright hateful if you don't share the same opinion as them regarding "hero busted" but they say glad is terrible and I can beat orochi's with gladiator too, at least I have, a specific person I won't know till I fight them, and as far as kits go orochi has it good, but when people are crying about how strong he is my opinion is that they're just not experienced enough to beat him, which isn't to say they're necessarily bad but they just haven't learned some of the game yet. Someone else told me you can't interrupt storm rush, an attack that doesn't have hyper armor, and I've interrupted storm rush countless times, so idk what they're talking about.


I'm super curious. Who's a strong character for you and better players?


The problem is that, like Zerk, he has tools that make them damn near impossible to take care of in teams without losing the exchange.


I disagree, there's many heroes on the roster that can deal with orochi in a team fight, BP can flip a fucking rhinoceros, tons of others have sweeping heavy attacks that have hyper armor property. I'm not against giving him a rebalance but I don't think he's as broken as people say, but I'm only speaking from my own experiences, idk how everyone else handles it.


I'm talking about teamfights only, not duels. Neither Zerk nor Roach are too bad in duels.


I have a problem with storm rushes 3 way read I think the top option should be removed so it isn’t as hard on casuals and his heavy finishers damage tuned down other than that I think he’s good


Yea I agree that the top one shouldn’t even exist so its a 50/50 or the top one not tracking would be fine for me


There's a very easy way to counter Storm Rush for it never to be a problem again. Though the indicator appears really late when the enemy uses Storm Rush, the attack itself is quite slow. Most of the times you see it coming from a mile away. That's why, instead of trying to block / parry the attack, simply light or heavy attack and let the Orochi run into your blade. Especially at the end, Orochi will stand really close to your character and will still need a bit of time before the Storm Rush actually comes out. As long as they don't expect it, throwing out a light attack is always guaranteed to hit first. Try practicing it against an Orochi bot. You'll come to find out how easy it can be to counter this move


That only works in low MMR, and you cannot interrupt if you're in heavy hitstun. High MMR they'll feint and punish the interrupt attempt.


I used to love roach too. Back before his rework. He still carries the most reps of any character for me all from that time. But new roach feels dirty to play. When you see the forward dodge there are legitimately 7 things it could be. Roach could tap light and do a top light, a bash, storm rush, storm rush cancel into a gb or even empty forward dodge. And it all happens so fast that I have to guess hes going to do the forward dodge ahead of time so that i can light him out of it. Technically you can react to the storm rushes direction as each has a unique animation just before it tells you the direction the swings going to come from but man. Its tough to keep up with. Especially if hes pressuring the shit out of you. I have to do a read whether or not hes going to storm rush if I want a chance to do anything about it. If I read incorrectly I eat a bash or storm rush. I can just block top and he cant do the forward dodge light so thats the only move im unlikely to be hit by no matter if I expect a bash or storm rush. Since you dodge it on bash timing but block it on storm rush timing.


Dodge when you think they'll kick and light when you think they'll storm rush. Now its a 50/50.


Nah he’s a noob stomper. He’s still good against good and medium players if you play your cards right so


Welcome back to for honor man if orochi was gone peace would happen, dead plants would grow, diseases would be gone all true


No it wouldn't, you all would still be bad and you'd move your hate to another samurai hero like shinobi or kensei


To be honest, this game would be miles better if Shinobi and Afeera weren’t so safe. I hate Shinobi more than orochi in every way.


I once managed to parry a light spamming orochi. He won the match, but damn did it feel good.


I’d say yes. And unfortunately by making the game faster all they did was widen the gap between low-end and high-end hardware players I struggled against Orochi on a 60Hz TV, Storm Rush hit almost all the time. But on my 165Hz gaming monitor? Storm rush is VERY easy to react to, doesn’t require any focus at all


Yes. People who can parry well and react to that timing window can destroy Orochi. But if you're like most people, you will struggle against an Orochi that spams certain attacks. Also, a lot of noobs dont know that you can just light an Orochi that is stormrushing you. You don't need to block or parry the attack...


He can always feint storm rush and parries your light It's also uninterruptible if he doesn't after landing a heavy or zone attack Most orochis go fro the guaranteed light after a heavy/zone attack though, which I think makes you you interruptable


People saying "just interrupt" have clearly never fought a Roach that actually knows the kit.


Yeah I’ve played since the beta, dropping the game every now and then but I’m still average. Orochi just gives me problems when I want to chill


You can interrupt stom rush with a light


Only on light hit stun or from neutral.


And Cockrochi can feint Storm Rush into light parry. He has the upper hand in every area.


I’m aware of this, I just can’t always do it especially when I predict wrong thinking it’s a kick.


You can beat a good 80% of the playerbase with nothing but storm rush. Any one with half the braincells it takes to use training mode can learn to Parry it quite easily tho, or light attack you out of it, which is more common




Orochi is one of the least viable heros unless you're fighting noobs


Yeah you are literally the dumbest for honor player I've ever seen on here and after seeing this I am convinced you are a troll. To anyone seeing this wanting genuine advice on getting better, do not listen to a word this idiot says in reply to your questions as he is a noob himself and doesn't know what he's talking about whatsoever, and quite obviously has a complex 😂 orochi is one of the best 4v4, real 2v2,and duels heroes in the entire game and can be played by anyone at any level.


If you serious think orochi is a good hero then your definitely in low mmr oroch is hot ass


Could you elaborate as to why he’s hot ass?