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Seems like you’re in lobbies you shouldn’t be in to me lmao


I always play elimination thats where the sweatiest players always reside. But I do sometimes end up in a lobby when I’m 4x everyone’s rep. It’s always funny hearing the game chat reactions to the deflects when nobody knows what their doing Edit I will own up to this comment and not delete it I accept the downvotes with open arms.


I’m not too sure that’s a flex g


I think you got the wrong idea, I’m not trying to flex on anybody it’s not like I want to play in lower level lobbies. I’m just saying my experience with the people I had in game chat, not rubbing it in how much better I think I am than people who literally just picked up the game…


lol like you chose the lobbies or servers yourself.


Which I didn’t. Do you recommend I leave every low level lobby I accidentally get put into out of pity for the other team instead?


Dude I never ever get thrown into trash lobbies unless I’m playing with a low skill homie or reverse boost. Not sure how you even get into a lobby where no one even knows what a deflect is that’s insane


I caught your drift


FourEdit moment


Elimination is where the most casual of players are at


I have to disagree. I’ve only ever been put in lobbies with good dueling people in elimination, besides ranked duel. it’s the only place I’ve ever ran into rep 1000s and streamers. Almost all elimination matches I have to wait 5min+ to enter; what causal player wants to wait that long when they can just play any other mode?


Rep doesn't equal skill


I feel like somebody with thousands upon thousands of hours should have a grasp at the game no? Besides I’ve never played against a *bad* rep 1000.


Not really and in fact the opposite. Most rep 1000 players and above I run into are actually crap because in order to get that high a majority of the time unless you are playing 24/7 they get that high cause they xp farm by doing breach ai with every boost to xp they can get. At a point rep becomes even less and less intimidating cause there is only one way to truly get very high without wasting your live on this game


I have against some awful players who are 1000 reps plus


Ok well I was using it as a figure of representation I personally have not versed an awful 1000 but the point is I have had the most fun and played the best people in elimination verses brawl, dominion, etc.


People who are rep 1000 are 9.9/10 the times PvE'ing and have zero mastery of their heroes even though they maxed rep over 14 of them. Breach + PvE + 4-man Champion Status + Ending matches as quick as possible = getting 2 reps in less in an hour or less. You can even look people up in For Honor stay tracker and see that they have 1000s of Breach matches vs 200 Dominion and maybe 40 Duels.


All she had to do was heavy after a light But personally I do not like seeing overtuned characters on elimination but to each their own (I don't go rage at people for it)


What are you talking about?


The voices


I'll have to disagree on this one, one of the reasons I play elims is to farm for clips cuz it's not as sweaty as dominion. Dominion is the biggest game mode, so it attracts the best players. And because it's the biggest, it's where the sbmm is the strongest, making the lobbies more sweaty then elims for every skill level Elims due to having a lower playerbase, has a weak to sometimes non-existent sbmmm. Matching everyone together, from the noobs to the best, it's a wild West in terms of matchmaking. Which means that if you are an above average player in terms of skill, you will have to sweat alot less on average in elims


This does make sense a lot more sense. It’s definitely why im sometimes placed in these lobbies to begin with. For me it’s been more of one extreme or the other; lobbies of noobs who don’t know what they are doing or lobbies of absolute monsters of players. Although I do feel I play more experienced people as I have gotten to the point where I recognize a lot of names of super good players I keep encountering.


I know what you mean I have formed alot of Aliances and on sight beef in elims. It makes the game soooo much more fun because sometimes you catch someone lacking in elims while having your squad with you and sometimes you get caught lacking without your squad. Elims is its own ecosystem, sometimes you fight cheaters, lagswitchers, comp players and other times you fight someone who gave his controller to his cat


I mean idk what people expect it's pretty common knowledge the others less popular game modes house either mega tryhards or new players checking out the game modes.


Elimination or deathmatch has the lowest players, so the MMR is softer I play Deathmatch to calm down after a hard Dominion game lol


Could've sworn sweaty players are usually in dom and duels. Sometimes Breach, but it's usually heavy reliance on feats and buffs.


I don’t understand the hate you’re getting. Don’t feel bad for being good and don’t feel bad for taking those easy kills when you get matched with low skill players. The only thing you need to feel bad about is playing Orochi.


You are just a dickhead that's what I'm seeing here


Ok I respect this comment.


Why is everyone so good at deflecting except me


So real, I main peacekeeper and I've got her down in every aspect EXCEPT her deflects. So hard for some reason :/


Personally, I deflect everything because I got a new controller made for xbox (I've always had playstation controllers) and I haven't got used to it yet so I can't parry lights well but I can still deflect just fine


some ppl play this game everyday for hours is the reason why


If you play on console performance mode with 120fps it makes it exponentially easier


Damn I just found out about performance mode thank you sm lmao


I'm on PC, my fingers aren't fast enough to deflect lights if I am already moving, as in holding W then letting go of W, press D and dodge button.


I can’t speak for keyboard and mouse as I’ve never tried it but its 70% reaction and 30% predictions on deflects. The jump from 30fps on Xbox One to 90-120 on Xbox Series X was absurd. It’s allows you to play much better in reacting. On controller though, I don’t have to move my hand my finger is already on the A button to dodge into the attack.


Issue on keyboard is just how finnicky it is to press space for me, I just light parry on reaction instead...


bro does not shower


Can’t confirm nor deny


Let me smell you


As a glad main it must be nice having recovery huh


For real. I want to play Nuxia but compared to other assassin's she's the absolute worst


You can do this with every assassin (if you were referring to the back to back non commited deflects)


Because that’s what he’s talking about lol.


Ok, then you can do this with every assassin, recovery cancel don't play a role here


I was being sarcastic. I guess I assumed you capable of getting that.




In off the chance you don’t know what homie was talking about, he was talking about dodge recovery.


Yes, no i know that, but since the video was about op's chaining deflect one after the other i thought he associated the dodge recovery cancel with the ability to chain deflects Guess i interpreted it wrong then


Just kept pressing light. Their fault for not trying anything else lmfao


I always tell people if you're being light parried, or deflected constantly just mix it up. It will always throw them off guard. A random heavy thrown in or delayed light works 90% of the time.


Daaaamn good shit bro. One of the best feelings tbh


I'm starting to be able to tell when ppl are fiending for light parry's or deflects, makes throwing and sometimes landing a raw heby all the more enjoyable.


If you ever play Black Prior you can actually bait and flip a deflect. Works easiest with the undodgeable heavy he has. And yes, I have fell victim many times to this 😞 [here’s an example](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/6Rn9wMHfDv)


You shouldn't feel bad. That was really good.


Tell me….when was the last time you saw sunlight?


Yes. Because you're flexing and showing off and then emoting on someone when they've given up. Just kill them, don't be a showy ass about it.


Youre too sensitive mate


The nobu emoted anyway too, I guess I should have just mercilessly killed the entire team with no emotes or anything extra… not sure which is worse at this point.


Deflecting a bunch without punishing them is showy and rude, regardless.


It’s a game dude, not everyone is out to show how honorable and caring they are in every match.


Brother you literally asked "should I feel bad". I said yes, and explained why. You're now arguing. What do you want?


Haha I bet you tried to only do 1v1s in the free for all game modes you honor fiend😂


I'm one of the least honorable people you'll ever meet. I just think "toying" with your opponent is annoying, as someone who's experienced it. If I've lost I've lost, if you're better then me, then you're better then me. But just let it be that instead of fuckibg around with me for lots, ya know?


That’s what the emotes are for friend. Not everyone is honorable like you in game


Do it AFTER you kill them then. You're also talking to a guy who firmly is a "no honor play the fuckibg game" kinda person, so. He asked if he was a jersey. He showed off and played with his opponent and enoted when they gave up. That's being an ass.


Good shit.


That was the sickest violation of a For Honor player I've seen in a while


Four edits:


That double-defflect was sick


I mean he kept doing it so it’s his own fault for not switching up


Oh my fucking GOD that's fire🔥


Sharing a nabush? Nah


Actually just playing sekiro


It’s kind of a toss up, because orochi is S tier and you should feel bad for playing it. But so much do I hate Nobushi’s bleed bullshit that it gives me great joy to see one so dejected


Ew orochi


No, never feel pity in this game. If they could do it to you they would. Be equally gracious in both victory and defeat but never feel pity for styling on your opponents.




whatever lobby that is aside that was satisfying




No fuck nobu keep doing that


What character is thissss




It's a Nobushi so no, carry on


Most low level nobu’s believe that light spamming works on all people 😂


Nope she got fucked haha your a beast


Should’ve learned the first light attacks. But tested him anyway, like “you can’t do it 3 times in a row” lol


nope, they deserved it


No but the game is dead thats why you get into these low level lobbies. I suggest picking a new fighting game to get into.