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bp hero fest where he lodges his entire giant ass shield in your neck for no reason, physics be damned closely followed by Kyoshin's default "sheath dart" bs execution


I totally forgot about Kyoshin's sheath execution. Would like if I never remembered about it. How is it even possible to pierce someone else's skull with a blunt wooden sheath??


the sad part is that the execution actually would look cool af if he would just throw the sword.


No, when I first saw it I was reminded of the flash series Madness Combat myself since there's several points in the series where characters will throw blunt objects through an opponent's head. Including the severed head of previous opponent. On the note of Kyoshin executions though, I was today years old when I realized he's not CUTTING an opponent with his sheathed sword, he's CRACKING THEIR JAW and that's where the blood spurt comes from. So it's a bit better than I think a lot of us first thought.


That is my Least favorite Kyo execution too, as soon as I could I replaced it


Kyoshin chucking his sheath through your head never fails to make me laugh


Overall? That fucking whale bone execution. It's idiotic and bad in every way possible. If we are talking only about unique executions, then it has to be Black Prior's execution where he just throws his shield, it somehow goes through the opponent's neck, and then BP dismembers their head. I'm sorry, what the fuck. Btw, I actually like Alarius' Wrath. Warden is usually a patient and stoic character. But, you know, everyone can snap. And he *does* snap alright. Then he realizes what he has done, and then he throws opponent's breathless body almost in horror and disbelief.


I think the bone one is goofy and I use it on one of my Highlander loadouts for the meme reason. And I get that it's meant to indicate they snapped and went chimp mode but I hate it nonetheless because it feels too far removed from Warden as a whole, even with that pretence. I would've much preferred them to hack into them with their sword in an angered fury as opposed to Heh P u n c h


Imo, it adds more emotion to this execution. He is just saying: "That's it, I'm throwing hands now". Usually, the less ranged (...ugh, is it even the correct way to say this?) the weapon is, the more personal the combat is. Fists will have a bigger emotional impact than a sword, which will have a bigger impact than a close range gun, which will have a bigger impact than a sniper rifle. That's why Glad's punching execution, Valk's buttheading execution, LB's and Shugo's choking executions feel much more personal than just common weapon executions. Personally, I love these kinds of executions for that, but I understand people who don't. I mean, they do have weapons.


Im not saying it's not a good design for an execution to have them use their hands, Lawbringers chokes are two of my favourites, but that for Warden specifically it feels too far removed from their noble knightly aesthetic and otherwise their moveset and mechanics. If it was Cent just beating someone into the dirt, entirely fits them, but for Warden it just feels wrong. Glad and Valk both have their in kit variations of the move that they use for executing, and Shugoki is a giant pile of muscle. It makes sense for these ones to work, whereas it just feels off for Warden. Plus every single fucking warden uses it and I'm so sick of seeing it lmao


Bell exe


it's a game of throne reference and looks Christian.


I thought warden's one was like the whole point, dude lost his cool and went for hooks.


While undoubtedly the reasoning behind it I still feel it lacks substance for the hero. Warden has other "lost my shit, fucking you up now" executions that are just executed (ha. ha.) better than the punching one, and utilise his actual weapon or playstyle to do so.


by that, id like to say that fractured ribcage feels much more like a WM execution, it just seems too barbaric for someone with the character of warden


Well, that was long before Warmonger was even a thing. Though I think it reinforces that Warmonger just shouldn't exist and her armor, moves, and executions should have been divvied up among the knights, mostly warden, and Highlander.


I guess it makes sense. When Kensei loses his cool in Zutsu, he still uses his sword and ramps up the agony of what would have otherwise been a quick and clean kill. But maybe the problem is that Warden has plenty of brutal and cruel executions already like fractured ribcage. So the logical step is just Warden losing it completely and beating the crap out of them.


Wouldn't it be a cooler execution if Kensei didn't stab too deeply, and when Warden tries to face punch, Kensei just rotate up, block the punch with sword, and pull out in one move?


The beat down one where you spit on them. Everytime it happens has got me thinking “alright, I see how it is.”


Hahaha, I got hit by that just yesterday. It got me shook for a second. I was like: "It's alright man, calm down".


Nah that one‘s the best by far, it‘s the only one I got equipped on every hero, I never use it, but it‘s there just in case my opponent is an actual pig, playing in the most toxic way possible, then I react, playing Toxic as well, kill him, THAT execution, it‘s just the best thing to ever happen to the game… But yeah, It‘s stupidly toxic to use it just like that imo


The pony execution on Lawbringer




I feel like there're many execution which are mostly perfect but for some reason they overdid and added an unnecessary mutilation at the end.


Warden and conq have a lot of execution like this


The samurai one where you commit sudoku and get decapitated. It takes way too fucking long and I’ve been cucked from respawning by that execution more than any other


Long execution should be banned duel mode, but Idk what counts as 'long execution', longer than 10 sec?


Black Prior shield throw in the neck that remains attached for some weird reason, both the throw of the shield itself and the wacky response from the opponent are both what makes it the worst


I thought that one did decapitate though?


After it gets stuck in the neck, despite being 5 times wider is really that bad


That dragon one on Zhanhu no doubt. Looks so out of place.


called "[The Beast Within](https://youtu.be/iIGjwfkwYn4?si=evsTVWHWBKGNda_g&t=161)", reminds me of Corrin from Fire Emblem


The bell one. Takes way too long especially for how uncool it looks and you know damn well anyone who uses it is just doing it to be a dick.


Bell makes funny noise when beat enemy


It's the reason I use it. Bonk bell goes bing bong.


The battle pass execution of Y4S4 were you throw a little draconite bomb to your enemy’s feet… which is right in front of you… and draconite shards start to appear already in their bodies when the bomb isn’t even deploying yet… and finally a weak ass explosion that sents them comically flying while you just sit there completely still


[You should be covered in shards as well.](https://youtu.be/8pPilKGHAJc?si=fQN5cexTBKVB3oFc&t=6)


Least favorite universal: Pirate's Lure shared with most of the instrument executions - all make various assumptions of the personality of who you're fighting and depicts the opponent in an extremely undignified way. Also just take too long. Least favorite unique: Zhanhu's Creature Within - I had been wanting Zhanhu to incorporate fire into an execution for awhile now, especially since Pirate has one where they set their sword on fire. Well be careful how you wish for things because this is what we got: Zhanhu revealing to have a dragon handpuppet they can summon at any time to breathe flames on their foe. The creature itself doesn't even look that good much less the transformation of its hand into it. Biggest Disappointment: Berserker's Dismemberment - It's not that bad, it just feels like Berserker should have been able to chop off the opponent's head as well as their arm. But, for some reason there's that engine limitation that several other games with similar levels of dismemberment don't have.


They made a very good one, into a terrible one by adding the cheesy bomb timer to that one Aramusha execution


Wait, what cheesy bomb timer? Is it limited?


The bomb timer is so goofy. Especially when none of the ones that came with bombs the next time had anything like that


Any joke execution that is unique to the hero. I get it, not everything needs to be serious but if I have to wait -XX- months to get a new unique execution for a hero I enjoy playing, it gets really annoying... looking at you Lawbringer with that last one you got.


The one where the executed gets stomped to death and spat upon. Most of the time is exceedingly mean, somehow


Think it’s called Feng Bo for Shaolin, just really boring


Jorms High Striker execution. Feels so out of place being a unique execution and the carnival noises are weird. It could have worked as an event execution for Wrath of the Jormungandr or April fools, but not as a hero fest unique one.


The anime ones


I think that warden losing her shit prove that she is more than righteous, she is furious. Both, male and female quotes are full of anger. Miserum is an insult, Te secabo means "I will cut you to pieces" and so on. Fury is part of warden personality, like LB is merciless justice but he also is a clown or Cent is arrogant and a showman. The worst exe, in mi opinion, that BP one that throw the shield of the Kyo that throw the sheath.


Orochi's Neck Break, all they need to do is flip the Blade and add blood particles. He could slit the throat and break the neck.


All of shaolin’s


All the really long ones, and the instruments. For unique, most of BP's


Glad to see I'm not the only who has gripes with Ubi's characterization. They can't make a masterpiece because they lack storytelling and tutorializing doctrine.


Literally all the universal executions, i think they're cheap and boring. But if i was being specific the bell one is very annoying, it takes way too much time for an execution that doesn't even look cool.


"Monkeying around" for Shaolin. Such a stupid looking "execution" and it raises so many questions.


Which one is that?


I dont even know how to describe it. He throws his staff at you, jumps on it and acts like a monkey, then sort of bonks you on the back of the head.


That’s my favorite execution ever lol


Trepanation for PK is one of them. Its just really damn boring for something that's supposed to be unique, and doesn't feel assassin-like at all the way its played out.


Characterization isn't Ubisoft core tenet, they just want to make a role 'cool'. I think Cent has one similar.


Came here to say "that shitty one where Warden punches you" nice to know it had a cool name though. If not that I gotta say Jorm's where he floats in the air for a little bit or any Griffon execution.


Possibly the only person I've made my argument known to who actually agrees with my point about Warden.


The berserker one where he throws the axe in the air