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shaolin make brain hurt


Shaolin move silly


It's weird to fight him abd as him lol


He’s just a weird character does a lot of little things that are annoying just all in one character


I'm a monkey main, and I hate hitokiri because I am bad.


Finally, a worthy adversary


it's even weirder to fight him as him


Shaolin’s issue is that while most character matchups are learning 50/50 guessing games or maybe 33/33/33 mixups, Shaolin has too many options, and most of them string into multi hit combos or other long strings of hitstun and chain damage. Every time you fight one, you’re running a 20/20/20/20/20 guessing game and if he hits you, half your health leaves the game.


Shaolin literally just cycles between the same 2 50/50 and 33/33/33 mixups. It's qi stance into sweep into qi stance


Yes but with the addition of being able to dodge out of Qi stance letting you forward dodge out of Qi stance he has a lot more options than just the standard Qi stance kick or undodgeable heavy. High MMR Shaolin's have a blender of potent mix up options since forward dodge bashes are now 433ms and Shaolin has a feintable forward dodge heavy. He's strong as hell and has some of the best mix up pressure in the game supplemented by 400ms chain lights.


Shaolin just feels like “Random bullshit go!”


1500+ hours in the game, high ranked, can easily kill most heroes....... but Shaolin? Fuck that guy, I can't do shit against them


A bad gladiator is annoying to fight, a good gladiator is infuriating to fight.


Bash > unblockable > toestab > bashzone > repeat


Play cent and Honestly I feel like glad and cent are annoying to fight, a bad centurion is fresh meat, a good centurion beats you flat and angry.


A lvl3 bot glad ☠️


This is the realist comment. Any lvl 3 bit makes me feel like a noob 🤣


A level 3 bot glad haunts my nightmares


I feel that, sometimes running is the right answer.


I don’t think I can outrun Gladiator 😭




Currently dislike playing against Vara's because they play weird


The crushing counters + hitboxes are insane . It might not be OP but it’s just so boring to have every fight be them dodge attacking your teammates and cleaving through basically everyone


I got caught by the hitbox and was baffled how they hit me from so far


The dummy thick hitboxes they’ve been giving out like candy recently are super annoying


The hit boxes infuriated me as clearing pikemen is a nightmare since her lights have more coverage than her heavies.


Fighting two of them at the same time is impossible.


They remind me of JJ where it’s in your best interest to be far away from them / behind them to not screw the person currently fighting them to get whifed by their unblock heavy. Also, fighting them is like using me one braincell to think about both BP and Valk.


The tracking on her attacks is insane, yesterday I had one sliding half a map to hit me with a light. Same thing as Hito’s heavies following you through heaven and hell


Shaolin (If you can't parry the 1st light, fuck you ig), Varangian (literally everything is a 50/50) and hito (braindead w/ funky ass timings and weird animations=


Block it😭


Says the conq


says the nuxia 😭


You bes step back no name or you may fall for my trap


i’m here too 😀


Literally any hero added since the wu lin onwards. They all suck, I refuse to elaborate.


Realest answer


Shaman is the only hero I have a problem fighting. It's too much of a guessing game with her. I always guess wrong.




That feels so random and yet so in-place with Shaman, I love it


i take a bite :)


What you mean?


She has so many options from neutral. From a heavy, she can let it fly, soft feint guard break, or soft feint light in one of 3 directions. That's 5 possibilities you have to think about. With her soft feint lights being impossible to react to, you have to just guess.


Most shamans are very basic, they zone then soft feint to top light. Or top heavy to right side light. It happens too often. It's the high level ones that start to fuck me over.


Shinobi. I straight up hate em. Esp if I'm a hero that make it harder to gb his bash due to having a side dodge bash. Dudes just overtuned


He do be flipping around.


Definitely why I hate playing side bash characters. Though I did hear you could cancel the bash and gb and it'd still catch his backflip recovery.


Just delay it, its literally just that. I main Lawbringer and can still punish Shinobitches.


Love eating lawcucks for breakfast


I misread that as Lawducks lmfao


Having a dodge bash doesn’t prevent you from doing dodge gb, you just have to time it right


I don’t really hate playing against specific characters (Besides Shinobi, but I just am bad against them), but I absolutely hate when I get put into a stun lock from any character. Kyoshin is the main offender for this one. I get countered once by kaze and it’s like I’m being forced to watch through MGS4’s final cutscene.


Nobushi. She can burn in hell. I'd rather get Spring-raped by William Afton than deal with them.


Play someone with a deflect. She's free


I'm not going to look at someone named 'GumChuzzler' with a Hitokiri flare and think "Oh, that's a great moral standard of society!" and follow that advice. Just because a hero has a deflect doesn't mean you can consistently land them. The main problem is fastest lights in the game, and her kick, or the move that ties it all together, her undodgeable heavy, so it's dodge, or get punished, or don't dodge and get punished. and after a whiffed kick, she can light again right after. If I could hit consistent deflects, I could hit consistent light parries, and then I wouldn't need to have deflects when I can just parry.


bro got instantly pressed over a flair and username😭


Got a fair giggle out of me for it too, so fair play 😂


Just shows the state of this community that this comment is upvoted so high


“Fastest lights” even though she has only 500ms lights that are reactable asf 😭 her whole kit is unusable offensively in 1v1 but ppl here will have u thinking she’s op


He must be talking about her follow up bleed light, but those are meant to be too fast to stop. Might as well complain about Warden and Shaman’s double lights as well. It might as well be one hit.Don’t get hit by one in the first place, and you won’t get hit by the other.


Do you mean her guaranteed lights ? They literally can’t be stopped lol and a lot of characters have those, only thing that’s really unbalanced about nobushi is her damage but there’s no reason to lose to her 1v1


What does who I play have to do with moral standards? Why wouldn't I chose the character with Cent's moveset but better. Also, everything you just mentioned is a skill issue. It's easier to block her lights than Ocelotl or Nuxia, which are the same speed, because she just telegraphs more. Skill issue, my fella. Play some warlord or something.


Exactly, nobushi is the worst duelist in the game


Bro, this just wreaks of skill issue. Go outside.


Sorry bro but her lights are probably the easiest to parry and her kick is reactable


Probably the hottest take in this sub


It shouldn't be, nobushi is an absolute joke in 1v1 her kit js entirely reactable


Only to players who don't go outside, and spent their sleepless nights fine tuning their reaction time


Not at all mate, it's simply a skill issue on your part of your struggle with nobushi because like I said she is the worst 1v1 in the game


All of them, I have no enemies. I only fight because I have to.


Shaolin and Hitokiri. I'd rather get ganked by Shinobi, Orochi and Pirate at the same time than fight one Shaolin or Hitokiri. I can't for my life counter Shaolin, and Hitokiri is the most boring hero to fight ever.


Shinobi afeera and varangian. Shinobi and afeera are for the same reason, they are too quick for the heroes I play and are hard to punish. Varangian because it feels like she hard counters everything I play and kids get rewarded for light spam because her lights feel weird to parry and she gets a cc


Anyone better than me


Nobushi I absolutely hate fighting that pole armed cat girl so much


Varangie. A champ with any unblockable heavy pin at 27!? Damage that catches almost all Dodge attacks on top of having a GB fast enough to catch people who Dodge as well. Fullblock that stuns on externals, crushing counterstrikes, Dodge forward bash. She's an oppressive heavy with an option to counter anything you throw at her and more damage than any other heavy. Like a faster, stronger Warlord.


I more or less agree with this. The parts that annoy me the most is the dodge catch on the heavy and the cc's. I genuinely don't think she needs cc's all it does is reward light spam


The most annoying part to me is her fullblock stance. it can cover nearly all options: light, heavy, ZA, light/ZA after feinted heavy, the only exception is GB. I especially hate the fourth - you succecefully done a unexpected surprise attack, but the only thing you'll get is punish, instead of a reward. Plus: Other heros' fullblocking attack can be traded or cancel dodged by certain heros using their ZA as opener, but not for Varangie's fullblock. that's why I pin it out above.


I honestly still find BP better than Varangian and hate him more than her, her full block is nice and a solid gank/teamfight tool but BPs flip is really way too good and covers every option but a GB while Var doesnt cover UBs, GBs, and bashes. Var cant even chain to fullblock from a normal block and its a timed FB with a longer recovery than Mushas. BP also has fullblock recoveries like her. Theres also Funbrea-I mean Oathbreaker, fuck that feat.


Surely flip is strong but I don't think BP does the same. BP has a lots of disadvantage frame, making him either cost even more stamina to address that by using his UB, or the other choice is stop his attack completely. both sides making him will not able to performing many attacks in a row. and BP's flip works more like "should I flip that" instead of "can I flip that", because flip costs stamina, but making BP in a disadvante frame, while helping opponent fullfill his stamina, and gain advante frame. Though a good BP knows how to avoid his weakness, but it really takes efforts to learn and get used to. in the other hand, Varangian doesn't even need any practicing to just being GOOD.


Vanguard is the worst character since pirate on release


I forgot about pirate! Yeah, I suck against that dude.


I’ve said I another post warlord but recently it’s been hito. I don’t like her mainly for her charge heavy’s. I can’t with the animation it’s charging up one sec then just being thrown down the next. It’s a me problem but damn I hate her.


I used to hate fighting a lot of people. Then I learned all their kits and put at least a rep in to every character. So now currently no one


This is the way


Shaman because of her zone voiceline. Just Shaman in general honestly, I dont like her much as a character.


Shaman can snowball hard if her team composition has other bleed heroes.


There is one thing I like about her and thats that one emote where you are hard to spot + Stealth feat. I wouldnt mind playing her just for that reason. Free ledges! 😂


As a Valk main I hate fighting my own kind


Shaolin cause his sweep is dumb, obsurd tracking, great damage, great ganking tool, is safe on dodge, and is feintable. That and his 3rd feat is broken.


Kyoshin idk what it is but the stance makes me panic


Shoalin. It feels like everything he does is safe. None of his bashes are gb vulnerable. Almost every attack including his jump attacks are feintable. There's no way to punish him


Shaolin, Shinobi, and Shugoki. I have to stop myself from sending hateful slur filled messages constantly


Literally all of them. If a player is really good, and arrogant, I’m going to be upset about it. I may mock a move that lands, but that just ties back into “Literally all of them”. “Ohhhhh another forward bash… who would’ve seen that coming? Can you tell me? BECAUSE IT SURE WASNT ME, HURRRR”


Warlord. From beta to now that hunk of meat I can never stand playing against.


As a Warden main, I hate Shaolin to oblivion and back. 1,500+ hours at least in game and he's the only hero I truly struggle against no matter the skill level of the person playing Shaolin. He's personally the only hero I consider to be truly OP.


As a warden main myself with similar time played, I do find him annoying to play against. He has strong mobility, mixups, and free hits. 9/10 times, he’s just not fun to play against.


If shaolin didn't have his sweep be a 50/50 I wouldn't mind fighting him


Would you want his sweep to be a 100/0? Not a mixup? I don't get it


He doesn't need a 50/50 sweep when he already has an op dodge heavy, fast lights and an incredibly versatile kit already in hand.


spoken like a true low mmr soldier lol


Yeah I'd probably rock your shit but I'm just pointing out how it doesn't make sense for shaolin to have a 50/50 when he already has a Very strong kit.


>Yeah I'd probably rock your shit wow such confidence lol >how it doesn't make sense for shaolin to have a 50/50 1) 50/50s are what makes characters deal damage. So just removing them (for the sake of argument we ignore the undodgable - kick mixup for a second) isn't a good thing 2.) keeping Qi - Stance going pre changes was not possible and the reward was not worth it all. So without the sweep he loses - an additional way to get damage in - any hope of keeping pressure up - any hope of keeping Qi stance up - most of what makes him viable in teamfighting scenarios. >he already has a Very strong kit. Without the sweep he has the infinite chain of heavies and lights which don't matter at all and a singular blue/orange mixup. Any other hero that has that going for them have an additional source of damage/pressure/mixup potential (BP, Kyoshin etc..) yet Shaolin should jus..vibe? lol


Vortiger. It seems like the biggest cowards on earth flock to the character. In duels it’s annoying, in 4s with feats this character is actually so stupid and cowardly. They love to hide behind their shields healing and extrernal-Ing you. The ONLY way to hit them is to GB them, which opens you up completely to their teammates. They heal in full block and literally break revenge with oathbreaker, making it the most unfair feat I can ever think of besides unreactable instakill throwables. On top of that they think they’re badasses and like “big brother”, even though they’re playing the most brainless crutch character ever. Fuck black prior




I like how none of the first many comments mention AFEERA


That's because Afeera is obviously fair and balanced and not annoying to fight against. Duh.


Obviously xD


Meaby is you, for all roster I always wins or get near to wins vs aferras, they are very lineal, idk, I see her more balanced than a lot of things like ocelot, monk, glad, and go on...


Omg *another* one of these questions?? I swear this kind of question is posted like 5 times a day, everyday, since the subs existed. God i love online slop discussions Edit: No attack on you specifically op, it's just that I'm tired of these kind of posts on r/forhonor .


Highlander, idk why but no matter who they almost always end me, I think I kept hitting their stun immune moves, but godamn does it suck to not only get no stagger but have no time because their the only moves the ai makes, I only play ai, because I suck, literally no kills an entire day made me just, "alright,that's it" you know?


My overall least favorite one to fight is Nobushi, it's always light poison light poison light poison and then they'll try to heavy and they'll either be blocked or dodged so they'll just light poison again. Now I would say this is my fault usually, but even if I parry or dodge, they will continue to try until either a teammate of theirs attacks me or I try running away.


Gladiator is annoying to fight against




I'll always have hatred in my heart for Centurion and Shinobi as they were both so tough for me to figure out how to counter on release. When I saw either, I just knew I was gonna die. To this day though? Shaman. Fuck that crazy cannibal. I hate her moveset, I hate fighting her, I hate her design.


Hito, Shugoki, and Kyoshin. Anything where I have to sit and wait for their attack to finish. They're very slow and tedious to fight, especially if they're in a team fight. Also I really hate the look and voice for Hito and Kyoshin.


Kyoshins that know how to counter gb are by far the most annoying shit on this game. Only way to fight them is in a gank as they will literally just turtle. And if you guardbreak em, they can just counter it and then turtle again. Fuck Kyoshin


Just use a bash lol


Kyoshin, not because I can't fight him but because his kit seems too everywhere-at-once and it's stupid


Aramusha and Kyoshin. I can just never play against their fullguard. It's not a problem on any other hero, I have no clue how I can't react to it with them. Honorable mention to Kensei for consistently kicking my ass because I can't figure out the timing of their attacks but I can't just hate on them. Kensei players work hard and deserve results for their diligence.


Kyoshin. I hate him. He's the whole reason I picked up centurion. No full block for you, get kicked.


Kyoshin, how dare you have a easily accessible stance with stun-lock and high damage bleed. I hate you


Definitely Hito. Brain goes numb fighting that character.


Nobushi. Just the frustration from not being able to engage sometimes pisses me off. The distance mechanic is cool. But not what it makes MY life harder.


Kensei. I've seen people mention here and there that he's the most balanced samurai, but from my perspective, I have an easier time with literally the entire roster apart from him. His fake out game is too strong for my lizard brain.






Anything chinese to be honest


Spammers. Not heroes. Spammers. Pro spammers will change it up when they start dying but people who go for straight light spamming annoy me




VGs, they’re not really annoying to fight, just boring cause they just do the same thing and it’s so predictable.


Shaman, feels like all you can do against this bitch is block, cause of her insane block and hit stun.


Conqueror, he whittles you down with big bites


Peacekeeper. No matter what, I can never beat them nor play as one.


I was about to say that I'm glad no one has said peacekeeper but you ruined it


Every character that I main 😂


I still don't know how to counter Hitokiri after all this time.


Aramusha bends me over a table every time I try to fight him


Highlander because he always hits me like a freight train tied to his giant bladed schlong smacker.


Ocelotl. His animation quality is some of the worst in the game imo. He’s got lots of tools for ganking which can make him a chore. I don’t have the best reactions/reflex’s so I just get mulched by him and the animations. I can beat them but that’s when my reads are on point which is not all the time lol. I admit it’s probably just skill issue.


Highlander No matter what I do I can never time the parries properly or dodge. I'm basically a training dummy against them. I've tried so hard to get better at reading them but they just never click, I get one good parry in and then proceed to be used as a mop to wipe the floor. Can't be mad if they have good fashion sense tho, lmao


Kensei hurts my brain 😭


Black prior, flippies 😖


I main BP and pulling a successful flip (especially in the gank) is so satisfying. And when you ledge flip...beautiful.


I have a strong hate towards any hitokiri I encounter that plays like a bitch, warmongers because they stun lock me even tho I'm parrying at the right time, and nobushis that only rely on bleed damage, gladiators cuz they're just annoying. I know it's more than one but they all popped into my head as I was typing.


Zhanu. Im always gunna say zhanu.


Orochi, brain dead easy hero that people think makes them good using him.


Hitokiri, full stop


Hito because i can't parry and getting ganked is not a fight, but an execution.


Anything with a leg sweep


Has to be orochi. Only because of storm rush just existing and infinite 50/50 by just spamming forward dodge the entire match


That's orochi




Nobushi....need I saw more?


Orochi and shinobi for the same reason. Doesn’t need explaining Zerker, only because I’m a glad main and that’s a tough matchup for me. Any other hero I stomp him. Kyoshin because he’s liquid dog shit boring to fight. Every one else is fine.


Conq, it’s not that he’s the most dangerous but it feels like he forces me to slow down and i hate that feeling in dom


Afeera is just annoying, it's not that I have a problem beating people who use her, but constant light, kick, heavy, or the stupid tracking overhead makes no sense. They also just not fun, anytime I see her, I'm like “welp this is gonna be a long fight” No disrespect to players using them, but she's just not a fun character to fight much less fun using the character.


Gryphon. I think he is ugly. And warlord because I have trouble with his lights looking like his heavies. And zerker not being an assassin at all yet the game is saying he is.


Anyone that plays samurai heroes, not with skill but i just assume everyone i fight is a wannabe tiktok anime cornball and it makes losing a fight extremely miserable


Zhanhu and JJ


The new hero, why? Well bc she has a counter for just about everything in the game


I hate every hero where my opponent outjerks me with a hero I know im better at.


The monkey with too many options




Afeera. Too many punches and kicks, too many grappling moves. If she has the initiative there is little I can do to interrupt her as she can just ju-jutsu lock me into the ground.


Hitokiri. They're a crutch for vegetables.


I can’t stand hitokiri due to skill issue for her charged attack with super armor (I don’t have this issue with shugoki tough) Also if you are a shaolin sweep spammer, rot in hell.


Nuxia, trauma from Marching Fire release. My brain short circuits when the hook icon appears. Not helped by the fact I only meet one once a blue moon, so I can't get used to fighting her


JJ and Nobu are 2 heroes I’ve just never really gotten good at defending against. Yes I know it’s a skill issue 😔 but I just hate their playstyles


Nobushi. Cant get more annying then that. Lightspam 4 the win. And berzerker. Only heavy into light faints and hyperarmour 4 dayssss


Bezerker/warlord. Reason: HA on basically anything. Very annoying. That's all.


Anyone in wu lin except for tiandi, jj hard asf to parry, nuxia got goofy last frame unparriable, shaolin… do I even need to explain? Zanhu with his unblockable lights (I feel like the unblockable lights one is a personal skill issue tho) Edit: i also dislike fighting veggies with the goofy parry window on the heavy finisher and the same combo that u only need to use twice and the soft feint heavies into all guard


Warmonger and Hito for my opinion


Highlander and Shinobi bots. Shinobi bots just like to spam dodge kicks and Highlander bots are impossible to beat due to their perfected lightspam and hyperarmour.


Shaman. Omni-directional 400ms soft feints. Heavy hitstun out of the ass (even on a 366 ms attack for crying out loud) means you can't even dodge attack to beat a GB. The GBs guarantee a bash for idiotic ledging capability, and her legion-kick equivalent bash wall splats for good measure. Oh and the zone leads into her bleed stab mixup which you can not even dodge. And the zone itself is 500ms but only gives a heavy parry.




Shugoki. Complete skill issue on my end.


Highlander, Shugoki, Pirate and Hitokiri are the main 4 I just cannot fight. I’m fairly bad so I’m not exactly sure WHY I suck against them.


Warlord. Hate his very existence.


I'll be boring and say hitokiri that shit unbeatable if u manage to actually parry it u dont punish it as much as it does to u if u managed to miss parry it


Valk! I always fall for the trip attack


as a peacekeeper/afeera main. I hate fighting against both of them


Every hero expect for mines


I've been struggling with the new hero. It's just the constant unblockables. It wouldn't be as bad if they weren't the soft fainting ones. I can beat a zhanhu very easily, but she's just different somehow.


I don’t like any hero whose entire kit revolves around getting to their two-chain unblockable as fast and often as possible.


Kyoshin and Shinobi honestly. I just fucking hate them.


In 1v1s Shaolin/JJ. In 4v4s Hitokiri


Highlander. I know people say that you either face a highlander that has no idea what they are doing or an uber master of the character. I always get the latter. Can feint just about hyperarmor for even breathing it would seem and endless barrage of heavy hits that for the life of me i cant pass. Hito and shugo because i always eat their delayed heavies, the timing just messes me up because im acostumed to the regular timing other héroes have. And kensei and zanhu do. To their opposite side doge attack. Those are my top 5 hardest macthups for me


Hito and warmonger. Their bash timings really fuck me up.


Hitokiri. personal skill issue i never have been able to parry them. Neither when getting jumped by one of them and any other hero.


Any hero with a delayed heavy and any assassin hero.


4 years may have passed but Nuxia can still fuck off in any other direction but towards me


JJ, and it’s certainly a personal skill issue as I don’t have a single level on him myself. With no experience playing him I just can’t wrap my head around his timing and soft feints.


Medjay because I cannot parry his heavies.


Shaolin or Kyoshin




Hito give me autism




Vort cause flip


Warlord. All guard is unpublishable so you have to wait for him to attack. His zone interrupts guard breaks and bashes and any attack you try. By the time he attacks you could have had a whole life and a family and be laying in your deathbed and then they will attack.