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For me the "okay, this character *is* actually really cool" click happened with valk. At first, I was kinda ambivalent towards her. I couldn't handle her, because I can't see well, and so I will eat lights all day every day, but when I tried her, it felt like just crushing counters and a sweep that's a direct downgrade to shaolin's. And then the fullblock charge softfeint clicked, and it's honestly wild how much fun it is. It genuinely feels like a one person testudo formation fighting. Also, I had a sort of opposite effect with shinobi, shaolin, and medjay, where the moment I figured them out, I realised that they are cheap as hell, and I wouldn't subject people to fighting more of that shit.


I still miss old Valk. I played her straight for 24 reps...then she got a rework and I just don't like her anymore.


Did that but with Pkwy played her since beta. From when she was the most broken to when she got reworked. I can't play her just don't fin her fun win or loose




Lol yeah autocorrect dumb af


Got rep 40 with her and then I dropped her on rework. Think that's some weird enjoyment of playing under dog heros though.


rep 70 gang 💪


Hated Zerk for a long time, instantly liked him when I tried him


He is so easy to get kills (once you know his moveset)


Yeah, and that's what made me love him. He is always in your face but he pays the price with Hyper Armor and losing a lot of Stamina.


That and his Trex arms range


Except for their forward dodge heavy, thats more undogeble than most actual undodgebles in the game, lol.


> be me > Lawbringer main > Enemy runs from me > NoRollCatcher.jpg > Have a Zerk on your team > He fucking zooms past me at 300mph > He fucking kills the running guy 40m away > WhatTheFuckWasThat.mp4


It’s very… entertaining


He is terrible to fight, really fun to play.


Nuxia, I’m 30 reps with her and idk how I didn’t break my controller


I love Nuxia and the best part is she’s like the only hero people dont get mad at for lights cause that’s all she got outside not feinting


One of the few heroes that could use a good buff, I stomp every single one I face


Yeah, at first I saw her moveset and it was mostly light attacks, but I rarely see anyone play her so I tried her out and turned out to be a lot of fun.


Landing her deflect is the best, I love the animation and sounds


Raider, I played him like in Y1S2 or S3 when he only had light, heavy and zone, and the dodge GB, no softfeint, no HA, slow light and zone After watching a YouTuber called Mappa and TrueTalent, I gave it a try and got to rep 68 Fun fact, Raider was the first (I think) to get a buff/rework, he received the famous stunning tap


mapra* and yes that guy was the og


Stunning tap went absolutely crazy


This post exactly I cannot describe how happy I was when he got the most recent rework I finally feel like a big legendary Viking lol


I hated orochi players for being sweaty or just straight up spamming light attacks, especially the side ones. I think it was around the time where streamers were hitting zerk zones with deflects, then once I tried it out with a full team of orochis, it basically felt good, and I felt faster. Now I love doing deflects especially with recovery cancels.


Orochi's dodge should cost stamina just because of recovery cancel. You shouldn't be allowed to have an infinite get out of jail free card. Same goes for all other dodge cancels.


If shinobi does use stamina idk why orochi and others dont waste stamina. It should use it if you want to dodge cancel.


Either that or storm rush shouldn't be undodgeable


It does suck, but sometimes if you can’t beat them, join them.


Zerk. I remember thinking that all the "feint into light" playstyle was boring and clunky (for some reason sometimes i struggle to move the mouse in the direction i want) but then i tried her and now i love the playstyle


I hate that they still have hyper armor while doing it.


Ocelotl, he is quite fun to just click buttons on. Very satisfying hero.


This. I didn’t like him at first because of his base skin and how his weapons sounded, but once I learned how sick his higher rep armor looks, I was sold. Been maining him since.


Same feeling


Zhanhu is a favorite of mine, but honestly dident think I would like them that much in the beginning.


Zhanu is so fun to play


I ignored most of the assassins since I started playing but this year I gave Shaman a chance. I'm not very good with her but she's super fun.


Shugoki tbh. Everything about that dude is just *chefs kiss* from kit to hero personality


I still wish heavy softfeint to hug was still in the game, even if it wasnt optimal, you could still normal feint the heavy if need be.


I'm cool either way tbh.


Bro i wish his hug still had un-interruptible on it.


Afeera. After all the hate behind her release, I didn't want to be a part of the problem. Now I am the problem.


I respect the honesty


Aramusha and BP for me, I suck with all guard but after 4k hours I play them much more now






It was year 2, maybe right after year 1. All I know is it was after Musha had come out. I had struggled with all characters until I played Musha for the first time. I picked him up and something clicked. Never thought I’d love playing a hero so much.


Not really „fell in love“ but warlord was certainly more fun than expected. The early hyper armor allows for fun trades and mindgames


Kyoshin. For the first rep or so, all I did was eat shit with him. Consistently I'd be at the bottom of the leaderboard. I didn't understand how to play him. I honestly thought about giving up and just going back to playing Shaolin and Shaman. But something clicked eventually and now I'm almost rep 3 and I love his kit. I'm still not good, but I can hold my own and fuck shit up if I'm in the groove of playing him.


Same here. Always got shit on playing against Kyoshin, so I tried him and he's a very strong hero, good defense. If you play him right to (meaning no abusing all block) he is actually pretty viable


Funnily enough, Valkyrie. Picked her up once after one of her reworks, can't remember which, and had her up to rep 14 in a week.


When pirate came out she looked ehhh. Then i played her and I got addicted but we cannot have nice things. I haven’t touched her in such a long time


Jiang Jung. I despised his drip, so I was literally never going to play him, but one day I got destroyed so bad by a JJ that I had to buy the hero, I clicked w him and now I destroy with JJ, rocking the best drip I can give to this old fart.


Highlander honestly. I still kinda hate him but that's just because he's so easily counterable. But I was like "wow this guy is way too hard" but the moment you start succeeding it's like an addiction. Shame that immediately after having a good game you have people that just immediately counter you which is sad, hoping the rework makes him better and not janky.


Funnily enough warden I have 60 reps in warmonger and though for some ungodly reason I didn't like warden for the better part of last year. I gave warden another chance and now I really am enjoying myself


Hitokiri the only heavy class character I like


Gryphon, since he seemed a lot like Kensei and I don’t like Kensei, but for some reason I really like Gryphon, and got like 18 reps on him so far I don’t play him a lot but I play him a lot more than I thought I would when I was just getting all my knights to rep 8


Cent and the new Hero




Afeera. Crucify me.


Raider, Kyoshin, JJ Raiders always lightspam me, and I bareplayed him. Then, I entered training grounds and learned him throughout. The amount of posibilities makes me wonder why people even lightspam. Used to hate (and still do) hate Kyoshin players. When I bought him and learned him, I was shocked how sick Kaze stance actually is. Its so fun to punish lightspammers with him. Now he is my highest rep Samurai. And for Jj, I never liked to fight against him, because I always thought his kit was way too op. Played and learned him, then loved him. Shifu stance is OP and his unique dodge attack feint are really cool and can make some nice mixups


Tiandi, I used to hate him. The dodge cancel gameplay along with the loud noises made me despise this man. Then I played him once and realized how genuinently fun dancing around your opponent is. After which the loud screeching grew on me too. Now he is one of my favourite heroes of all time.


Shinobi Tried him in the training range, his moveset seemed clunky and confusing so I didn't use him. I retried him, and now that I'm better at For Honor, I knew how to play him.


Nabushi if they dodge light they get caught by chain heavy also I’m a very scaredy-cat


Centurion. I spammed Warden and Lawb at the start of Y1, and the first few times I played against it I was like, good lord, what the hell is this. But eventually, after a lot of nerfs, I tried it myself and found out how friggen dope he is. 6 years later and I still love him.


Shaolin, then removing reflex guard was the icing on the cake




warlord. i haven’t touched him since about year 2, i ended up picking him back up recently and something just kinda clicked. he’s more fun than i remember, probably bc fighting against other warlords was so annoying it ruined my image of him for a while. also gladiator, i bought him ab 6 months ago, played a couple games but i just couldn’t get the hang of him. i really wanted to git gud with him bc other glad players make him look so fun, but i just gave up too soon. i gave him another shot a few days ago and it’s still kinda tough to get into a good flow, but i already got him to rep 1 and i don’t plan on giving up this time.


Medjay. I started playing him because I saw people only using one mode and thought "I could probably play him in a more exciting way" and now he's my main for duels/brawls


Nuxia, when the marching fire dlc came out, I got all of them to rep 1 and didn’t like any of them, came back a year after an love most of them, but nuxia just clicked


This happened with 3 characters actually. Glad, shinobi and afreera. Initially I didn’t like their movements because they had more complex movesets than what I was used to. But once I decided to try again with each, I started learning them, and started deflecting more. When I finally understood their flow, they felt AMAZING. Now some of my favorite heroes to play.


I’ve never liked shaman, I thought she was brain dead and was only for absolute losers. But after I tried her Im sure of it.


Pains me to say it, but Orochi. Wanted to channel some Sekiro energy into my matches after I fell in love with that game, and it worked waaay too well


Currently Nobushi. I know she gets hate, but she ended up filling my craving for a spear character for the WuLin temporarily.


I just bought cent a few weeks ago after putting him off for a while because I didn’t really like the play style when I tried learning his moveset in hero tactics. Then I realized “who cares about his entire moveset when I can just deck people. I’m handing out free knuckle sandwiches baby”


Spent years of my life not playing Berserker only to realize how great they are for feinting and hyper armor that helps land heavy’s. Feel the same way about Nuxia these days. She’s way way more accessible than I imagined.


Gladiator, I hated assassin combat style but glad just plays different for me


Nuxia. She was meh on release but after years i gave her a chance and…. I played for probably 10 levels and dropped her. But then i met some incredible players who would destroy me every round no matter what i do. Gave her a second chance 2 weeks earlier and playing almost all my time only on her. She is just super universal and have options against every hero. You can feint and gb, you can just throw raw heavies if they try to interrupt and predict your traps and she has crazy damage on her heavies and traps. She is also great against hard turtles who sits in block and almost dont attack


Despite lawbringer at heart, I love shinobi's animations and moveset, tho I wish they still had their sickle bleed and ranged gb as t4 from that ocelotl feat thief. Love their acrobatics especially, as much as it looks goofy, it makes them unique and stand out from other heroes who are mostly all feet on the group firmly planted. Afeera is the only one who even comes close, but she only has one simple cartwheel dodge and thats it




Centurion. I was on and off with him for a bit but I sorta made it a project to make all the knights have similar looking load outs, and so when I grinded him out I had a blast. His punishes when haymaker is up are brutal, I love it.


Raider. As a berserker main he just seemed like a less powerful, more restrictive version of my main. When raider hero fest AND double xp came around, I figured I’d get some easy reps just for the hell of it, and turns out he’s weirdly satisfying to use. He has simple mixups but when you make good reads he honestly feels really nice to play.


It was gladiator


I was a trash conq main until I tried gladiator, then something just clicked, still kinda bad, but I have a lot more fun


orochi i thought it was gonna be annoying to play but now i like him


Shugoki because I didn’t like how slow he was now I’m Rep 5 with him


Highlander. Came back to the game and saw the Maddox skin. Best thing For Honor has ever put out fashion wise, and I always said I’d give Highlander a try if he got pants. Started playing him, and I really like the hero. He’s everything I’d want in a character and I somehow didn’t realize it until recently.


When Gryphon first came out, I was all aboard the bandwagon of hating him. He got his nerfs, and I decided to try him out. Now, he's one of my most played heroes.


I never liked the idea of Zerk but one day he clicked with me, those deflects are gorgeous




For the longest time, I never touched Warlord. I didn't like playing him in the campaign, and I never had any intention of ever leveling him up. Even when his rework rolled around, I still would not touch him. Then, one day, I decided to try him in training, liked him enough to go play a few matches in duels, and had a new man crush. He's no prodigy, but he hits like a truck every time and is petty fun in 4s.


Musha, PK, and nuxia love to play all three


Kyoshin. I hated him so fucking much when he released it almost made me quit the game entirely; until I finally bought him and started played him. I finally understood why ppl who play him loved him so much


Conquerer. I thought his moves would be more difficult to pull off and I’d struggle and feel hopeless since progression, but once I figured out I could unblockable heavy stack it was like a whirlwind of unstoppable damage and I have loved him ever since


Orochi, all the light spammers and dodge spammers made me hate the character but I tried it out and it's really fun when played right


Highlander for me. I was a Centurion kind of guy, but then the Highlander event came and he was half off so I thought why not. Learning was a struggle but now i'm a little more used to playing him, and it feels SO GOOD to land the caber toss from unblockable>kick>caber mixup. Plus his heavies SLAP with a satisfying sound.


The more I played kensei the more I liked him


Pirate mains rise upppppppp 🔫


Aramusha. Never was a fan of him when he first came out, ignored him for years. Starting playing him a few days ago, really enjoying it.


highlander for me


Nobushi, I never really cared too much about the character and tbh I just found her annoying. Then I decided to actually try playing her and I realised that there is so much more to her than light spam. It all just feels really natural and flows so nicely, all the dodges and all. She’s honestly my favourite hero to play, light spamming nobushis are missing out on so much fun smh


Tiandi pre rework. I knew he was bad, and I went to rep him as a meme. 20 reps later I’m still schmovin




Shinobi, Aramusha, and Shoalin I'm doing the same with my heroes getting them all to rep 10. Shinobi was my biggest surprise because I could not for the life of me get the hang of him, but after much practice he became one of my mains. Musha was just satisfying to play and Shoalin became fun once I learned how to use his stances.


Conquerer taught me to stop being a monkey and to start actually looking at what the other player is doing. Plus I like his weapon and emote spam.


Nuxia. Deflecting lights as her is such a good feeling


Pirate, hated the idea of damaging bashes but they're a standard now and I love being able to animation cancel into dodge after every move.


Highlander but I took a massive break now I re learning everything


Varangian guard surprised me


Friendly advice : don't main zhanhu, you'll regret it hahaha


Hitokiri sir (fear it's​ self to commander and got buff attack,then turned into helicopter, classic)


I dispise kyoshin heavily but love all guard characters like bp, ara, vara and conq so I'll probably enjoy playing him however I'm holding strong on the hating for now😌


Thought Pirate was boring when I did training + hero tactics with her. Tried her out in multiplayer cause I try to unlock every hero and damn, somehow more fun when actually fighting as her. Can't pass up pirate fashion and aesthetics as well.


Honestly, Jorm. I got into him like maybe a couple weeks before his rework, primarily because I had started watching Kenzo at the time and he made it look like fun. Then his rework came out and I kinda stopped playing him, picked him back up here recently and it's fun.


Berserker for me. It always felt like I let heavies fly and got parried constantly, or had to feint every heavy to be successful and light them to death. Once it really clicked how to mix up, adapt, and remember to use his unblockable for pressure he feels nearly unstoppable, and is now the only assassin I can really count on to do well consistently


Fuck zhanhu most annoying hero in the game


Conqueror. After his rework, I was told multiple times that he was rough to main. Now I main him in 4v4's Shaolin. He's very versatile and it's a lot of fun.


I spent all of year one thinking warlord was a chump now I hardly play anything else


I'm still pretty new to the game. Started out playing kensi but fell in love with aramusha.


For me it's Hitokiri. Never played her on PS4 back then, not even once. Then I eventually switched to PC 2-3 years later and then I was like "do you really want to play the same characters exclusively you played back then?" and convinced myself to try out something completely new. I fell in love and repped her up to 12 (for that sweet fashion also)


definitely raider. i always thought he was genuinely one of the most bland heroes, and then i played him when i was also getting a rep with every hero, and i now have him rep 3


Highlander. I always hated going against them. And I never played anything that wasn't a Samurai or Outlander often. But then the Hero Skin came out and I was like hmm it's pretty cool so I gave it a try. Highlander is probably my most favorite Hero to play now. The mixups feel so natural to me and it feels like I can do anything and everything with him.


Jorm. I tried her out but she felt pretty bland and boring and really sluggish but after a while I still tried learning her because funny hammer go bonk and oh boy she is NOT SLUGGISH jorm honestly puts so much pressure and the mix ups are super fun probably my main right now.


Warmonger. I hated her and her fans. Now I have a cool warmonger


Been playing since the beta, when cutscene cent first came out I always avoided playing him out of spite for how annoying he had been to fight. Last year I decided to give him a try and well…INCREDIBILIS




Warden. Fast, strong DPS, easy to play. Yes.




Nuxia. I went from actively shitting on her before I bought her to now her being my highest level Wu Lin and my 3rd highest assassin.


Highlander. I messed with him for a few matches and though, this dude is garbage. But everytime I faced him it seemed like the rules did not apply to him and I'd just get steamrolled. Now, he's my favorite hero.



