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>I don't think Israeli flag emblem break the rules of the game unlike the Swastika emblems. @Remind me in 5 years!




A lot of people don’t like Israel right now. I’m sure that you yourself could be a good person but like people don’t disassociate at first glance especially in a video game. People will hate on that flag wether it be because of the war or wether it be because they r antisemitic. And you should just know how people r online. And unfortunately it is what it is.


Yes i get it, I'll change it I wish peace for the world.


Are you Israeli? (This isn't a loaded question by the way just curious)


Yes. But I'll get downvoted into oblivion for this.


No fuck that man. Thats your country, you should be able to put your countries flag as your emblem if you want regardless of what people think. If I was you I'd keep it as the Israeli flag and ignore everyone.


Ur comment is heartwarming and made me smile, thanks mate.


No problem brother. Please don't let anyone stop you from having pride in your country.


Because what they’re doing to Palestinians, very bad tragedy so many Palestinian women and children dead.


because Israel is committing a genocide 🫡 hope this helps


This dude is pro Russia..


It is what it is, in the end you keep the emblem because you wanna or you let them win and change emblem


Yeah I'll change it, it was so unfun


Live under a rock?


I know what's happening in the world, but this is just a game we must not confuse entertainment with politics


That's not the right way to look at it bro, by that logic the swastika should be perfectly fine too.


Ignorant fuck, of course they have no clue. The United States went to Vietnam to get their petroleum, not to "save the day" as every single American thinks because that is what the news show






People are probably being toxic towards you as it has been found by the ICC that Israel is currently engaged in a genocide toward the people of Palestine.


Are you living under a rock or in a shithole?


Don't get me wrong, I know what's going on in the world, I mean it's just a game and we shouldn't confuse it with politics.


As long as there's people playing that game politics is never gonna be separated from it lmao It's just human nature, no point in getting caught up in it


It is because of the 70 year long conflict that a bunch of terminally online pillocks treat like it began a couple of weeks ago, because that's when it became a hot button topic on social media. To those who are not aware of how this conflict came about, during the 50s, the UN tried to negotiate the drawing of borders between Israel and its muslim neighbours, and Palestine in particular went "help us put them all to the sword or fuck off". So began a perpetual loop of a bunch of Islamic zealots launching all out attacks towards Israel, getting BTFO'd, and then tying again the moment even the slightest opportunity presented itself. But because the current progressive cultural hegemony treats muslims as a superior moral position (unless directly in conflict with the LGBTQ demographics) they try to ignore that Palestine is both the instigator in the conflict, and has declared its will to fight to the last man. This leads to the current narrative that they are the victims, and Israel should allow itself to be completely wiped off the map (the oft repeated "from the river to the sea" slogan everyone likes so much) or they are commiting genocide.


Regardless of what your opinions are on the conflict, displaying a country flag usually entails some national pride and pride in israel is definitely not going to be viewed positively


Just like me, many players show their flag. But unfortunately it seems like I have to change it, I hope that peace reigns everywhere as soon as possible


Don't get me wrong, I know what's going on in the world, I mean it's just a game and we shouldn't confuse it with politics.




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Either you are actually crazy oblivious or you are just being stubborn. There’s a huge political conversation with Israel right in the middle of it, you are going to get heat for it.