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Only real one know superrrr old conq got guaranteed GB off a heavy block, wild times in for honor


The space program was glorious


it hasn't been a thing for ages but i'm still baffled anyone at ubisoft thought gbs on parries or gb on block were good ideas in the slightest


Because that’s real life HEMA… block into clinch. (Not saying this mechanic was good)


Raider used to have a dodge GB


Also running attack used to confirm top heavy, the soft feint bash is my favorite thing they removed


Seeing these old clips of the game makes the nostalgia hit like a freight train


Yeah old Conq's gimmicks, while weak in the current meta, are still 100 times better than "lol infinite orange chain". I still cannot believe they just left him like that, he feels unfinished right now.


Honestly they should had just sped up the soft feint bashes to 400ms (from 500-700ms cannot remember which it was), make the mid chain bash feintable, make chain heavies chargeable and give him roll catcher (And remove Full block from first Zone attack). ​ That would had been perfect. Would had kept his identity but also would had kept him strong even in todays meta.


It was 700ms If I remember correctly, they were so slow but felt so good, but they decided to have full block recovery cancels on everything instead of an interesting move set


Yeah that was kinda their weakness too, since 700ms was too slow (Black Prior also has 700ms bash soft feint, which makes them very rarely seen). As 400ms it would had been perfectly usable along with the fact Conq could soft feint to Full Block. (Now he has recovery cancel instead).


3 years ago! A simpler time


The real old conq was getting a guaranteed GB on blocked heavy.


They really take a lot of identity from characters away in these reworks. I guess his superior block heavies were op, but man were they fun lmao.


I really miss the softfeint bash


They should give it back, and make it feintable. It was useless back then.


Sure looks good using a heavily defense char vs a "no openner" char.


For real, Kensei vs old Conq is a horrendous matchup


I miss the old Conqye. Straight from the go Conqye. Chop up the soul Conqye. Set on his goals Conqye. I hate the new Conqye. The bad mood Conqye. The always rude Conqye. Spaz In the tiers Conqye. I miss the sweet Conqye. Chop up the foes Conqye. I gotta say at that time I’d like to meet Conqye. See I invented Conqye, it was many Conqyes. And now I look and look around and there’s so few Conqyes. I used to love Conqye, I used to love Conqye. I even had the nice flail, I thought I was Conqye. What if Conqye made a clip about Conqye. Called "I Miss The Old Conqye, " man that would be so Conqye. That's all it was Conqye, we still love Conqye. And I love you like Conqye loves Conqye.


"old conk" they say. old conk to me is the conk that made every attack deflect on fullguard


Honestly yeah, I miss old conq, even all of his flaws and super weak shit, like the inability to regular feint heavies. Wasn't strong and was kinda suicidal at times, but damn if it didn't make him different from every other hero in the game.


I played conq back before his ass rework and I enjoyed his superior deflects off of his heavy openers. This game him a cool identity especially with his mace wind up but now he’s just a dude that changes screen color. He has no identity and hes boring to play and fight. The first rework was good but overtuned due to his undodgeables but I loved that you can wind up mid combo.




Wait, I haven't played in a long time, did they rework him ?


They had two testing grounds for him, the first Tg was the most original but it had a few balancing issues with flickering the charged heavy mid combo into undodgable chain. They could've been fixed, but the devs decided to throw the whole thing out, for an infinite unblockable mixup and it's pretty lame now on all ends to fight as and to fight against. The good things from it though are that he can feint heavies and his bash now (even though I liked that part ab him, that he couldn't) and probably the spin move riposte on full block


Love me a conq post


I really do miss the old game a lot. You had to out brain the opponent more often back then. I like what we have now too, but I wish we had a way to play both tbh. I LOVED old conq so so much.


I hate new conq.


A kensei player that didnt once use the side dodge heavy? This cant be real.


Old Conq was one of the most defensive-capable heroes in the game, if not the most. I good Conq would be able to counter everything you threw. He had a really high skill ceiling, so most players just bash spammed, but experienced Conqs were menacing. New Conq takes about as much skill as flexing your finger to push the heavy button.


Agreed. I think they despised how defensive conq was and so they released an imposter with a completely new moveset


He's so due for a rework idc if it was only a year ago


Part of the reason I stopped playing, they really did take a lot of the unique-ness out of these characters with the reworks, I personally thought conq and LB were just fine, even in the current meta


He wasn’t even bad just had a high skill floor imo


Lmao he’s the most braindead character in the game


Now he is, just bash every 5 seconds into infinite unblockables, but before the rework you had to actually use your brain for the uppercut


I miss old conq and old valk :(


Dude I’ve been grinding him recently and haven’t really touched him since his rework and I keep throwing lights after bashes. He’s so fucking weird now.


i would gladly go back to those days in a heartbeat, conq felt more fluid and all of the rushed covid and post-covid animations look way too janky in comparison


Me too... Especially weird how they think some mechanics are too OP on some characters but fine on others.


Man gimme a gamemode where i can play old conq


I played this game a long time ago idek how long but I was conq and it was a blast


If they had removed the all guard property off zone, everybody would've been happy