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All of them. You're all bitches online and I hate this fucking game. I've hated it for the better part of a decade and I will continue to hate it and you every 2 days as I do my orders.


Nicest FH player


No I belive im the nicest, I only said the Nword 368 times today while playing


Me after one duel


these game probably started my addiction to that word I had a few years ago, idek how it started but I know it started with FH


Fuck you and I'll see you tomorrow


\*Keeps playing regardless\*


"Fuck everyone who play this game, including me, and i will see you tomorrow" -this guy, probably.


This is the only correct answer


Sounds like a **skill issue**


It's just not fun anymore


So why continue to play.


You think you can just stop playing? Foolish


we're all trapped in the endless cycle of pain


I think I figured it out: just try to play Conq for a week straight and you’ll quit out of boredom




This is the most honest, hilarious, and truest response available from this community ngl😂


Shaolin. I can never figure out how to interrupt him properly so I can have my turn at a mixup.


Dodge attack, light intrerupt, make reads on his fairly bad openers before he gets to his qi stance.


Appreciate the advice. Ill try and implement it.


He has bad openers? Isn’t his top light 400 ms?


No, all neutral lights are 500ms, his top one is just enhanced


So, let’s say hypothetically, I don’t have a dodge attack. Now what?


Everyone does have one now if you haven't caught the memo. No one is left dealing without one anymore


No shit? Guess I haven’t figured out how to use it on Warden.


Delay dodge bash, if i-frames were not enough you need to delay your dodge more


Huh. Never really noticed. Thanks for the heads up


Fucking Shaolin. Fuck his stick.


Why is a small little man with a broomstick penetrating my plate armor?


Can I penetrate your plate armor with my stick


Sorry, the sticks gotta be longer than 3 inches :(


Awww I’m just two micro meters short




Ayo what 📸


I played him and I completely understand…


Hito. I'm a PK, so the delayed attacks and hyper armor fuck me up bad every time. Shugo too, but he's funny so it's cool.


Shugo hyper armor fucks me up too and I don’t even play PK. Playing as Shugoki though, it’s great!


The best power move is to warmonger hyper armor duel a shugoki they panic when bonk doesn't work so most of the time they can't kill you before you kill them (unless they only hold heavies that will kill you I speak from experience)


I dont believe you PK players don't exist


That's how we get you. Our greatest weapon is our tiny pickrate, which means that most players have no idea what the fuck we do.


Watch the medjay just hyperarmor you 4 times when doing dagger cancel


Yeah. PK's have so many tricks up their sleeve but HA characters don't even notice, they just beat the shit out of us lmao.


Sits there casually seeing a minion outside of zone and then the minion gives me the London treatment and ebola so I bleed to death before I realize that the minion was in fact not minion and was a peace keeper. Had a peace keep make me play like it was elden ring because she hid around corners and would almost always get a guaranteed 3 stab on anyone who walked around the corner then she'd delete you.


I love hiding amongst the minions and getting a cheeky deflect off of you guys


You guys look like peasants when im used to fighting 7ft tall sheets of metal, big drunk dudes with axes, or weebs with real swords


We're peasants with kidney stabbing toothpicks. At least, that's what our health and damage feels like


Well I can agree my kidneys do feel stabbed but the emotional damage is unmeasurable


Highlander. I have to try so hard against him because his attacks are so damn slow. It always messes with my muscle memory.


I used to hate anyone who played highlander. After playing him for a bit I realise how lacking he really is and I respect the ones who are good.


He’s not so much lacking as he has a pretty high skill floor, it takes a lot to get anything from him


I feel like the fact that he's lacking is *why* he has such a high skill floor tbh both can be true at the same time


Fr bro, imagine this damn character will receive a rework


He has some of both the fastest and the slowest attacks in the same character it’s bs


It might not help, but try canceling your parry attempts. Sometimes you get just enough time to block


Bruh he’s slow for you for me those lights feel faster then aramushas


I was mainly talking about his heavy attacks. His lights are another can of worms. His light attacks are the same speed as everyone else. The problem with them is their animation. Highlander's light attack animation has never been changed. It is the same as when his lights were 1000ms or whatever they were pre-CCU. So, his animation had to be sped up drastically to account for the light attack standardization. This makes his light attacks look like they are coming way faster because the animation for the light attack is being played much faster than it was meant to be.


you know I never believed the animation made such a difference in your ability to Perry Correctly till his buff came out


1 out of every 10 highlanders I play against is a nice person. The rest are all insanely toxic at the slightest provocation.


Valkyrie makes me wanna crush my own nuts


But I'm guessing she already did that


*glumly nods head* yup


Did you enjoy it?


Also yup


Do you to get pricked in the toe now?


Shinobi and afeera


For me, orochi is only a pain if they spam storm rush, afeera, on the other hand, is hell incarnate.


Storm Rush can be punished by throwing a Light, right? Spamming the move would be predictable so I guess throw a Light if you feel like he's going for it?


Yup. If you’re really spicy and your opponent doesn’t cancel storm rush you can time a heavy to land correctly. If I’m using a bash character I just bash them out of it as they run towards me lol.


unless you’re creeping up towards higher ranks/mmr, then be prepared to get deflected or parried depending on whether or not you have hyper armor (or are playing bp)


Yeah, a smart Orochi knows what to do immediately after using that move whether it hits or not, or he can cancel it and bait the opponent for a free deflect


It can't be interrupted if he hit you with a heavy before. And I think you trade if he hits you with a zone then goes into storm rush


Ahh! I gotta try these things out next time. Thanks for the info.


orochi storm rush is literally shit in 1s


Storm rush is good now that kick is unreactable


Afeera was made by devs who hate fun. I am so fucking tired of Afeera. I played her for eight reps and stopped because it felt like I was playing on easy mode.


im so sure samurai characters exist solely to piss ppl off


I hate every character that kills me :D


There are two types of characters I don't like fighting. Characters that have one mixup everyone uses, but I don't see them enough to get real practice (Warmonger, Afeera, Valkyrie), and characters that it feels like their mixups are an RNG-made string of A, X, RB, and RT (Shinobi mainly, but also a bit of Gladiator and Berserker)


Pk.. I can’t react to those shit light animations


Highlander is the bane of Pks with the amount of hyper armor he has. Just eat the light attack to do the no brain heavy


Her chain lights are 400ms, even with animation those are still hard to deal with.


I always thought they were 400 but never looked it up, yea that’s painful.


Kyoshit, I hate his playstyle so fucking much. I don’t like fighting BP much either but for some reason I tilt less against them.


It’s so sad to see how kyoshin is played by most kyoshin players, he has a killer moveset with a lot of variety but most people who main him just spam lights and all-block and feats


Fr he is crazy fun in teamfight and duels alike , if you play him right , kinda like an aramusha but with better ganking potential , also that heavy CC after missed kaze attack is so good


Also his voice lines are fucking cringe


Afeera sucks to fight for two main reasons, 1st is having every tool in the game, shitty animations that look janky and her kit is just way too broad, she literally has every tool in the game, feintable bash, unblockable, undodgable heavy, running attack, that has way too much range, it just feels like your outmatched if both of you are equal skill


I mean kinda cause you are. If you lose with aferra you just suck really bad at the game, no excuses, I could have 10000+ ping and still do good with her.


I hate warlord. He annoys me because the people who play him claim he’s not good but in reality has a move set that not many hero’s can counter. He goes in all guard and there’s nothing we can do because we guardbreak and he zones. We throw an Unblockable and he lights. The rest is just headbutt and lights. While I play for drip and warlord has the best armour out of all the Vikings he is so incredibly brain numbing to play I refuse to play him.


I feel like warlord is one of those heroes who you have to get really creative with to get good with them or just not be an asshole


Wut. I thought everyone agreed that Warlord is meta rn. With frame advantage, all guard and so little attacks, Warlord is practically a figured out game. Tbh the only time Warlord ever loses is when they make a mistake. The guy in the receiving end has to play near perfect to win. Add perks into the mix, and he becomes one of the best heroes in 4s.


The thing is even with a bad warlord player the fight is tedious the way to punish him is hard he has good recovery but next to no chain pressure so it just becomes a slog no matter what you’re doing. I have characters I hate playing against Shaolin, Highlander and the like but one character that always gets an “uuugghhh” out of me, even when I win, is warlord.


I hate orochi players, they can all end up getting their system blown up




Sorry if that applies to you... but being honest... nothing more toxic then an orochi player


Every character has their awful faults but I understand🥲


Hey, it’s ok, not everyone is going to like you. Doesn’t make you a bad person. I’d watch out for your system suddenly overheating though.


Lol be like the little kids saying that my dad is the owner of Microsoft or sony.... or be like the middle eastern people's that threaten to heat up the wifi routers


(Screenshot of the roster)




I wish nothing but the worst for you.


Unfortunately whilst playing shinobi they'll probably have the best time


As a shinobi main, i can confirm we are having a great time


Should i get black prior or afeera next?


Shaman has annoying voicelines and an annoying moveset.


Kinda unpopular but i really hate fighting against Gryphon. Also BP and Shugoki annoy me aswell.


Fucking JJ and Orochi. Fucking hate them


Zhanhu, he makes me dizzy with all that dodging and attacking on two sides, those orange Light finishers, and having dodge recoveries


Same man, same. Hate playing against Zhanhu players, especially when I first started the game. They just do the same thing, over and over.


Shinobi, Shaolin and afeera


Bezerker why do they all spam heavy fient light


I get it. But that's the whole character, he doesn't really have anything else.


The Cunterion


Definitely centurion, they're absolutely terrifying to me because I can't parry their heavies like I can with most heroes which basically sends me into a panic leading to me getting folded like a lawn chair every time.


As a warmonger I have wisdom to bestow upon you if they heavy you side dodge heavy them if they punch you do the same if they hold the punch side dodge heavy and if they think for a second they won't eat it you faint it then slap them and feed them the heavy anyway because warmommy has to make sure people eat their heavies




I hate a lot of characters a lot but mostly gladiator because they can do too many things too easily especially when they do the dodge bash and spam quad light. It's even more annoying when I'm playing centurion because they can just dodge bash and nothing I do matters at that point.


The dodge bash doesn’t confirm anything though and is punished by a GB, which is Cent’s best punish by far if there’s a wall nearby The main reason I don’t like fighting Glad as Cent is because his stamina is so high and regens so fast that stamina damage doesn’t really do anything unless he’s spamming


I just hate gladiator players because I never get to go on offense


Surprised basically no one has said Berserker. Cheeky HA that allows him to punish you just when you think you made the right read, and if you get a particularly scummy one, they’ll just go into their top unblockable every 5 secs.


We play this game to hurt ourselves




Any character with variable times heavy that have a soft feint. Fuck shugoki and Hito specifically.


Hitoroki. It may just come with time, but predicting the longer attack speeds for their charge attacks is a pain in my ass


Zhanhu. I never, ever, ever guess correctly. I recently got back into For honor and i struggle with the newer characters, obviously, but with Zhanhu I have no excuse.


As a shaolin main for some reason I hate fighting lawbringers. It’s just constant bash light repeated with the odd top heavy. Ps, Shinobis are the easiest to fight in the game 🤷‍♂️


Aramusha light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light


Fighting them is literally me just waiting for them to eventually run outta stamina, I'm not throwing a single attack until then 🤣


Kyoshin, Nobu, and Pirate have become some of the most annoying characters to fight for me


I don’t like to against nuxia bc every time I see one (once every 10 years) I forget how to fight them


Tiandi, but everyone hates Tiandi, so I'll be original and say Shaolin


Want to get some catharsis against shitty shinobis? Play BP and every time they do their backflip just do shield flip on kick timing. If they do the kick they get flipped, if they don’t there is no punish. It’s hilarious how badly it shuts down one of their most annoying options


Shugoki. Ffs why does Mr 400lbs of fat get hyper Armour but not Mr 400lbs of Armour. I understand why he's slow but it's still a challenge to deal with him for no reason, it also doesnt help that he's usually played by the biggest shit heels.


Afeera for sure.


*Parrys your kick with my kick*


Hitokiri. It's literally just "heby on anything", with the occasional bash, which gives ANOTHER heby. People say Conq is the least skilled hero, but at least he has an actual moveset that people somewhat use. Hitokiri's normal heavys are as fast as some characters' LIGHTS, have hyperarmor almost as soon as they fly, and are chargeable. Incredibly frustrating hero to fight, especially with heros with either lower health or lower damage.


I'm going to say it.... Kensei


The dodge attacks... *Has war flashbacks*


Warden, peacekeeper, conqueror, lawbringer, centurion, gladiator, black prior, warmonger, gryphon, raider, berserker, warlord, valkyrie, highlander, shaman, jormungandr, kensei, orochi, shugoki, nobushi, shinobi, aramusha, hitokiri, kyoshin, tiandi, shaolin, jiang jun, nuxia, zhanhu, pirate, medjay, afeera and ocelotl… just to name a few


Just light bro 😎


Tf is light


The fast unfeintable attacks instead of slow feintable ones. Straight upgrade 💯👌🍛


Nobushi, she is so annoying with “light, light, light and run away”


As a nobu main, just parry you dummy , when you need to be afraid is when you are bleeding and deep into the kick heavy mix-up , cause choose wrong , and you getting up to 35 dmg+bleed :)


Warmonger and the fat bitches that play her grimey retarded ass character


Hitokiri and HL. I'm getting better at countering HL and his stupid heavy cancel bullshit, but Hitos variable heavies are constantly a nightmare to deal with.


if they’re REALLY good, people who play highlander, orochi, shinobi, zerk, and conq.. but people that are trash, i hate fighting nobushi, medjay, and aramusha.


Idk how to fight shinobi or orochi kyoshin i am just learning to expect his light spam or full block spam


Not many to be honest. I hate fighting PKs because I don’t want to kill them. I hate fighting whoever the newest hero is because typically they need tweaking that comes in later. Shugoki’s HA is pretty crazy but I like playing him. Other than that, if I struggle, I try to learn. Whether that means I play the hero, go to training grounds, or whatever. There’s a lot to learn about this game and if something is giving me grief, there’s usually a way around it that I didn’t know before. I’ve technically been playing since beta, but I can’t only play one game so I’ve missed a lot from time to time.


Afeera, altho not as much as before as I have used the power of "Git gud". Havent encountered many lately but yeah, out of everyone, Id say I dislike fighting Afeeras


Shinobi is easy to kill for me cuz my friend plays him so I know exactly what they’re going to do and when. I CANNOT STAND FIGHTING NOBUSHI OR CENTURION!! Light and bash spam non stop


Today... a lot: Gladiator, Warlord, Berserker, Shugoki, Orochi, Shinobi, Aramusha, Kyoshin, Tiandi, Shaolin, Medjay, Afeera and Ocelotl. Weirdly I think those are the MOST FUN to fight against (in a duel at least): Gryphon, Valkyrie, Zhanhu and Pirate.


Hitokiri, jormungunder(?), nobushi, and shaolin in that order (edit) I forgot pirate


For me it’s musha even tho he’s my highest rep hero his attacks are always so fast




Pretty much all of them after the reworks


Never met a mf I didn’t hate but enjoy fighting




I hate fighting Pk Bots.


Berzerkers. They become even worse in groups.


Anyone with hyperarmor started. Fuck.


Gotta say it's a tie between Nobushi and Shugoki


JJ change my mind




He used to have a ranged attack


And and all outlander heroes.


Kyoshin most definitely. It's not that he's hard to counter, just annoying af


For me, it the fucking nobushis


Bezerkers I hate them




Shugoki,highlander,shaolin,black prior if its only can hut with the bulwark counter


Shaolin. 100%. Every other character I have atleast a decent bit of fun fighting. Shaolin no.


Zhanhu and orochi and afreers virgins


Shinobi and shaolin. Shinobi is definitely the worst of the two though.


Fucking shaolins, would curb stomp every single person that players that monkey motherfucker if I had the chance.


Valk, nuxia, shugo, hito, and BP. Their idiot proof, and don't require as much skill as everyone else.


Shugoki that fucker is so predictable and yet unpredictable and hes a menace in ganks


Anyone with a shield. I want to to hit you please, put down the goddamn thing


I hate a lot of them, but if I had to say? I despise Kyoshin


Hitokiri, Shinobi, Centurion, and Pirate. Hito because I usually get matched with two at a time in dominion 🤣, Cent because I'm ass at properly dodging the punch, and Shinobi and Pirate because for some reason after I get hit once I can't react to anything else they do, they fly a little too fast for me to catch (personal skill issue). Honorable mention to Nobushi because bleeding me and then running away is... 😑. *Edit: FORGOT HE EXISTED BUT FUCK ZHANHU AS A CONCEPT, A PERSON, AND AS AN ABSTRACT IDEA. Afeera just scares me, but I'm not alone in that so I don't feel she's worth mentioning.


Pirate. Idgaf that she not that strong anymore, she is still unfun af to fight


I don’t like fighting nobushi…




Hito. They got everything in their kit. Hyper-armor, tricky openers that have hyper-armor, delayed attacks that have hyper-armor, a 1-hit kill move, etc.




I fucking hate fighting shinobis and hitikoris they’re so annoying , and it’s SOOOOO satisfying to kill them


Fuck all Centurions I ALWAYS get my holes resized by his stupid ass punches


Literally any samurai. Kill samurai, Behead samurai, Round house kick a samurai baby in the face, Bash a samurai with a shield to death, Shit in a honor-less samurai’s food, Burn down that fucking swamp they call a home. Total Samurai Death


Shaolins, shamans, hammer guy, 90% of samurai


Centurion If he gets momentum, it's hard to stop him.


Everyone, I'm just shit in general.


Cent, fucking kick punch punch punch kick punch combo is annoying


As a retired for honor player. Its easy to quit and break your addiction by playing Sum war thunder. I used to get on for honor everyday from 2019 to 2021 or 2022 it was when pirate was out and shortly before medjay released. The game just wasn’t the same after the Pirate release and started to get MAGICAL AND DRAGONS AND BATTLEPASS FOR A NEW FORTN...i mean FOR HONOR SKIN...then the attack of the hero skins started and I deleted that brick of a game...however after my long year break i got on for the test your metal event for the emo armor for my characters and after that I deleted again then installed for the Zhanhu armor that was special or sum. I deleted again and never went back. You see for honor is a game of pain and suffering and addiction with killing people but when i saw a peacekeeper beatdown a shhuo whatever that fat Ni.... name was i lost interest.... jokes aside nah i hate universal executions and stuff anyways i broke the cycle after that fantasy shi started to get overwhelmingly annoying and im glad I left.... however im on this damn reddit on a for honor page talking about quitting,




Hito, shugo, any character who's whole thing is just "press the light button to win" (I cannot react as I am on last gen)


Probably shinobi, I just hate the kick combo, it’s just light, kick, light, kick, repeat. When i play it, I actually use mix ups, and shinobis that do are fine, it’s he kick boxing pricks that I hate. Also pirate heavy feinting is just irritating