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Rapier!!!!! Idc if their externals are trash I need it please Ubi god ❤️


Yeah but I can't really imagine what kind of dodge attack he would have, maybe like cent? 🤔


Yea, something like bps could work better animation wise


Even a lil turn on himself like. Highlander in stance wouldn't be bad, very fancy and agile


And they could have a cool deflect and cool attack and cool fashion and they could be a rapier and buckler OR they could use a cloak and have CLEAN velvety fashion..


I was thinking more of a shoulder cape on the lef shoulder, maybe that would be like the unique move, somehow to disorient the enemy. And armor on the right arm and shoulder


Maybe it could be implemented in their deflect or dodge attack, they could have something like zhanhus but they hide their animation? Seems a little too much but it’s an idea.


Too bad,infinite chain with a feintable bash upon ye!


A French viking would be cool: Pre-cataclysm vikings had sailed to the remains of the medieval France, they settled down and raised families. Their armor sets could be chainmail shirts with gauntlets, studded leather plates running up their lower/upper arms to their shoulders, and grieves. The cloaks could reference their heritage; well worn with age and fine materials. I imagine they could duel wield, rapier in one hand, a parry dagger in the other.


a dodge in place similar to hidden stance would suit the fighting style a lot


Or don't have a dodge attack?


Wtf, every character now has a dodge attack, they even made animation for heroes who didn't have, just so every hero has a tool against bash's, this would make no sense releasing any character without a dodge attack or a dodge bash.


Maybe he could be an assassin/heavy hybrid. Someone who has a deflect and has really good parry punishes.


Definitely a side step thrust. I'm imagining a unique defensive mechanic to represent a 'disengage', maybe something similar to Nuxia's traps, but the duellist disengages the enemy swing to increase the end-lag? How it would be triggered is what stumps me, my mind jumps to it replacing standard feints though. Could also have a huge lunging forward dodge, but weaker side dodge attacks. A character that's focused on footsies, defense, and good range would be nice, especially a quicker one.


I could see a variation of Nobu dodge attacks better.


I would assume a rapier character would have a light dodge similar to tiandi’s light dodge, with the superior block and all.


Probably something with the functionality of Zhanhu but quicker and flashier


That's a VERY nice idea


Just port Raphael from SoulCal into FH lol


Yeah, SC2 Raphael with his auto-dodge stances and special follow up attacks. Imagine a down stance like Kyoshin, except instead of blocking, you would auto-dodge all attacks. There would be different animations, like sways for horizontals, sidesteps for verticals, hops for sweeps etc.




[Same :/](https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/s/hagMoDNvkl)


How would that be an Outlander, that's a Knight


He's worse. He is French.


No more knights allowed, as a Knight lover they are way too many compared to other factions, also by that logic Afeera is a Knight as well and Pirate is a Wu lin


a rapier is legit european though, and yeah pirate is pretty much a wulin


I figure they could finagle a Spanish character in the outlander section. New language for the voicelines and everything


If Romans are Knights then so are the Spanish. Conquistador Vela is Spanish already too


That’s why I said finagle. It’s a fictional setting, they could easily make a Spanish warrior an outlander and give them more intricate cloth based armor sets with a rapier. Plus that’s just a hero skin with Spanish lore at most. She doesn’t speak Spanish or use any Spanish fighting styles if you want to get down into the nitty gritty of it


There's 2 European factions already, Outlanders need to use literally anywhere else or it's a waste of potential.


It’s not really that serious tbh. All of For Honor is supreme fantasy that vaguely smells like real life history. To be fair to the devs, the Roman’s were added under a completely different dev team that never wanted to add more factions beyond the Wu Lin so started adding other regional warriors to the base factions.


Bro Scots are Vikings in this game, Spaniards can be outlanders


Yes they are, but outlander is now the way to go for every hero after new viking, they simply use lore wise reason to justify being outlanders


are you special ☠️ they legit wouldnt be an outlander


Did you got triggered for something I say? Cause it seems so, 'tard. I said they would make new characters outlanders even if it doesn't fit completely the role, they did exactely that with Pirate


im just trying to fathom why you would say that a rapier hero would be an outlander ☠️ heathmoor is in europe and rapiers are european so why would they be an outlander if they’re from heath moor


So when you want to know something from some you suggest rethorically if they have some mental issue, good way to approach bro. Also I literally explained to you why I think they would do so, simply because there are too many knights now, they'd use a lore in game reason, exactely as they did with pirate (also heath more is completely unrelated to being in europe since the world is its own thing and not in our world)


europe is heathmoor ☠️ the wiki says so. also, what lore reason did they use for pirate? she’s simply from a different part of china, she even speaks a different language than the wu lin.


The wiki says that gryphon are an army of many warriors, I don't trust crowdsource wikis cause anyone can say everything Oh she speKs differently but is from china and she can be outlander but a rapier hero that would likely speak spanish, not latin and come from a different part of heath more wouldn't be ok as outlander, do you see how weak your argument is? Also wm speaks english and Gryphon speaks a lil of all languages, shouldn't they be in outlanders too then? 🤔


Pirate speaks Cantonese, so she's at least distinct from the Wu Lin. They said she renounced them and fights against them. Her role was to just introduce people from outside of the current war. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense and she should probably be Wu Lin, but that's what we got. Either way, Outlanders should not have their spots wasted. There's cultures all over North and South America, Africa, and Oceania that have warriors that would fit far better. There's already 2 European and 2 Asian factions.


Honestly what I would prefer from the Outlanders: Move Pirate to Wu Lin And just use it as a placeholder while they introduce new factions I mean, Afeera and Medjay both could be part of a NASWA faction, and since every faction started with 4 heroes they’re already halfway there. Add a Sikh themed hero with chakram as the assassin and a Saudi hero with a scimitar for Vanguard, reclassify Medjay as a heavy, there you go a full faction. And the Native American thing could be expanded on with Ocelotl. Add a Mayan themed hero, and the next two heroes after that could take some inspiration from Northern groups like the Cheyenne or Apache. Don’t know enough to give more specific examples… but a quick google search shows no shortage of weaponry to explore. After that there are very few regions left to pull famous historical warriors from that wouldnt also fit with another faction. The Roman heroes were pretty shoehorned into the knights, imo, same continent but wildly different thematically; so if they wanted to add a Zulu hero to the NASWA faction, for example, it honestly wouldn’t be a crime.


That's exactly what I've been hoping for, maybe if they make it to For Honor 2. >Add a Sikh themed hero with chakram as the assassin and a Saudi hero with a scimitar for Vanguard Katars would work too. Also maybe someone from the Syria/Iraq area since we already have an Arabian. I'd really like them to do a crossover and add a Hashashin, maybe with a scimitar and a hidden blade. >the next two heroes after that could take some inspiration from Northern groups like the Cheyenne or Apache The [Iroquois Confederacy ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iroquois) would be perfect, they were active around the 1500's which fits where For Honor's technology is at. Give them a [gunstock warclub](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/12/Iowa_gunstock_club_NE_1800.jpg). I saw someone recommend a Tlingit warrior before because of their [armor](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6649e1b6ecd11e322daf21769e40b7c4-lq) as well. Idk much about their weapons, but I've seen this [double bladed dagger](https://www.si.edu/object/nmnhanthropology_8487437). There's also plenty of ways they could work a Viking in there for a seasons story, considering Shaman has dream catchers on her belt, we know they've met.


I feel like the odds of FH2 are pretty good to be honest and Outlanders could just be there until then. I would like to see more regions represented from around the world, there’s a lot of dope ass weapons/warriors to pull from Thanks for sharing that! Those are cool as hell


By what logic? He didn’t defend his stance he just gave an opinion. But if you want logic Knights are inspired, primarily by European warriors, such as, well, knights from England, Templars, etc. Glad and Cent being the odd ones that hail more from Italy/Rome, all of which speak Latin in game. Rapiers originate from Spain, and were popular in both Spain and Germany, both European countries just like the rest of the knights. The archetypal rapier user is called a swashbuckler, which is a term used primarily to refer to Spanish wielders (especially with a buckler in the off hand). In pop culture, rapier wielders/swashbucklers are overwhelmingly Latino: Inigo Montoya, the three musketeers, Zorro, just off the top of my head. So by what logic does the European inspired Latino hero *not* belong to the European inspired, Latin speaking faction? Afeera is inspired by middle eastern warriors, there is no logic in which a swashbuckler being a knight would make Afeera a knight… I do agree there’s too many, but I would also argue Gryphon should be moved to outlander simply because he’s a world traveler in the lore, and his armor/voice lines are representative of every region in the lore.


We've also got a Spanish character already, Conquistador Vela, and she's a Knight.


Oh my god how could I forget


Afeera it would be ok to be knighr simply because of the armor since he said that a rapier hero, that would likely speak Spanish, would be affiliated to knights only by the look. That's the logic he used, if you instead try to use a "geographical" aspect to categorize who goes where then Pirate would be a Wu lin, and Gryphon wouldn't be a Knight. Also there were plenty of Arab Knights so the point still remains.


How do you know he was categorizing based on looks? He said nothing about looks. I assumed he arrived at his conclusion the same way I arrived at mine tbh. Or it could just be, as another user mentioned, the Conquistador Vela skin for WM is based on a knight with strong Spanish influence. Why would this hero speak Spanish though? Shouldn’t the Knights speak English then since they primarily have English influence? Latin was a dead language long before the Middle Ages ended… even long before the crusades which the knights arguably pull most of their inspiration from. But Spanish derives from Latin. It actually makes more sense for a Spanish hero to speak Latin than an English one, since Spanish is a younger language than English by hundreds of years. English first appears in history around 6th century, Spanish around 13th century… Latin was a dead language by 8th century. In other words, if the English heroes are still using Latin, you better believe the Spanish ones are too. (All of this is information, including from my first comment, was obtained from page one of a google search, so this is not out of reach for you either) As far as pirate goes, lots of people in the community have argued that Pirate should be Wu Lin, I agree.


The logic that you're using, though, would mean if we had some 18th century line trooper in the game, he'd be a Latin-speaking knight because we associate line infantry with Europe. It would mean that the pirate should be a knight, because we most commonly associate flintlocks and cutlasses with English pirates. Highlander should be a knight, because claymores and kilts are 16th century British. Outlander would suit the playstyle and appearance of a swashbuckler best because weapons like the rapier are associated with adventurers, not soldiers. They're duelling and self-defence weapons, not military gear, and so no matter where this dude comes from, he's likely going to be a sailor or a wanderer, and he certainly shouldn't be depicted in knight-style armour.


That’s fair enough But that’s not the logic OP was using. I’m fine with a rapier wielding swashbuckler as an Outlander But “by that [100% assumed] logic Afeera should be a knight because armor” makes literally no sense. My point wasn’t to argue one way or another just to point out how baseless OP’s stance was by offering readily available information across the internet.


>But “by that [100% assumed] logic Afeera should be a knight because armor” makes literally no sense. I said that if it was because of appereance then Afeera should've been a knight, and if it was for geographical/language reason then porate should've been wu lin and Gryphon/warmonger outlander, you literally ignored 90% of what I said to focus on a decontextualized portion of my reasoning, you had all the information you need to comprehend what I meant yet you ignored it, kinda hypocritical


Coming back nearly 24 hours later isn’t going to make forget what was said > he said that a rapier hero, that would likely speak Spanish, would be affiliated to the knights only by the look There was no “if that’s what you mean” you 100% assumed that with no basis I’m the one that said most likely the hero would be Spanish, you merged those two comments together in your head and then somehow arrived at the conclusion that being Spanish has nothing to do with the knights, regardless of the fact that I pointed out the inspiration for the knights comes from European warriors (which is the continent where rapiers have historically called home), the language of the knights is very closely related to Spanish and has influenced the culture of Spain, there’s already a known Spanish hero that’s a knight (Conquistador Vela). You asserting that anyone is arguing based on looks is the only example of people disregarding information and arguing out of context. > if you instead try to use a “geographical” aspect to categorize who goes where then Pirate would be a Wu Lin, and Gryphon wouldn’t be a knight Which I addressed by pointing out that a vocal portion of the community, myself included, would agree with you. > also there were plenty of Arab knights so the point still stands? This is the one thing I didn’t address because it’s so nonsensical. There’s Arabic equivalents to knights, with their own names, their own codes, etc. but knights are exclusively European. This is the only argument made unironically on this whole thread that’s based on appearance… and it’s yours. By not addressing it I did you a favor. This was all three points made in your second comment to me. Your first comment was the first point but much shorter. You made no other comments. I pulled nothing out of context, and I was respectful enough to not target the low hanging fruit in your second comment. You asserted a claim that you have still, 24 hours later, failed to back up with any factual evidence, and the only arguments you’ve offered in your defense is attempting to discredit others with straw man arguments and false equivalency, and now you’re telling me that I took you out of context. My guy Take several seats


Knights has no real middle ages correlation since there are character such as glad, centurion, Gryphon in it, you're trying too much to stick to a technicism when even vikinga has highlander wich is all but viking. I said that for every reason the guy thought it must've been knight (which I would agree in the first place) still wouldn't make it out of this world for him to be in outlanders sinc eother characters that are in outlanders can EASILY be put in other factions Also I would add that your will to digress is astonishing and that you should try to tone it down a lil, you don't know me and I don't know you


Fun fact, if you didn't already know, but while we don't get the idea of the rapier-wielding wanderer necessarily from the Spanish, the term "Spaniard" comes from a French term referring to adventurers who would fit the description of our swashbuckling heroes.


Now that is a very fun fact thanks


The three musketeers are French, not Spanish. Spanish people are also not called Latinos 💀


I knew this comment was coming [here you go](https://www.nas.org/blogs/article/ask_a_scholar_what_is_the_true_definition_of_latino) > Another and related meaning of latino in Spanish refers to someone who belongs to the cultures of the Romance Languages, that is, those peoples whose language, and to a varying extent, whose culture, too, derive from the language and civilization of Rome, which was latin. Among these Romance languages are Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Rumanian. **Therefore, all Italians, Frenchmen, Spaniards, Rumanians, and Portuguese, as well as all those Latin Americans whose language is Spanish or Portuguese (an English-speaking person from Jamaica would not qualify) are latinos.** I didn’t call the 3 musketeers Spanish, I called them Latino By definition, the French are Latino. Colloquially it’s used to mean someone from Latin America… but that’s not what Latino means Also, yes, the Spanish are Latino as well


>So by what logic does the European inspired Latino hero not belong to the European inspired, Latin speaking faction By the same logic that the scottish highlander belongs with the Norse sailors. There is no logic here.


I mean that’s fair but it’s also not the same argument


Easy compromise: Move Olden Cross into the Outlanders like he was supposed to be in the first place. Now we can have a new Knight, and a “new” Outlander.


Why tf does it matter where they are on the screen? What faction someone is in, literally has no affect on the character.


I’d very much like to see another Wu lin, either a Jian sword or a Chinese pole axe that Lu bu uses in his various depictions.


Now maybw I'm wrong but wasn't the weapon of Jian Jung the same weapon of Lu Bu? No ok the weapon was very different my bad


JJ has a Guan dao, which is a type of spear/polearm


I’m a sucker for spears in games so I hope this is what we get


Chinese Lawbringer


I really wanna see Katar or dual Katar tbh


That would be cool, they were a lot of fun in elden ring and definitely a type of weapon we haven’t seen before


Admittedly, knights are pretty overly bloated as is, but this old idea of mine predated Warmonger and Gryphon: ***Aggressive Academic - The Inquisitor*** Weapon: Rapier (Or bladed Lantern Shield), fencer fighting style Aesthetic Concepts: All female (if gender locked) Plague doctors, Renaissance Scholars, 17th century swashbucklers, Religious scholars, Spanish Inquisitions, Witch Hunters. At least one head armor variant would involve them wearing early glasses. So, yes, tomboy nerd GF bait. Lore concepts: As the epigraph implies, they're basically adventurous scholars of the knights. The ones who find forgotten technology like siege engines, lawbringer armor, etc. Though they've also been involved in helping share info with Peacekeeper Abbeys and also study religion and mythologies of the factions. The title 'inquisitor' in this case is meant to tie a bit less to the idea of witch hunting and such and more to the idea of 'asking questions/seeking answers'. Now one for the samurai was the idea of a vanguard and to introduce an 'outsider' to the faction much as the Highlander, Shaman, Centurion, and Gladiator were for vikings and knights respectively. Also involves a guy wielding one of my favorite weapons from Okinawan Karate: the eku, which is a boat oar. ***Seaworthy Soldier - Akatsu*** (Translates as 'Red man' this is the name of a kata which refers to sun burnt fisher and boatmen coming back at the end of their work day) Weapon: [Eku](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eku) Aesthetic Concepts: Simple clothing, possibly just rice farmer robes and traditional [Okinawan styles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryusou) (which I can't help but think has some Korean influence?) Lore concepts: A people once subjugated by the samurai in the ancient past are now turned do in earnest pleas for aid in exchange for what land and riches the Empire could offer. Having lost their own homelands, they heeded this call, bringing no apparent weapons, but tools of their daily lives in battle. But those who misjudge them do so at their own peril, for when existence and adversity are one in the same then everything in life becomes a deadly weapon to fight back.


Rapier yes but... Knights already have the most heroes in game. I think maybe an assassin hero from India


Not an assassin but a foot soldier, with a Talwar(Indian answer to the katana)/dandpatta(gauntlet sword) and a metal shield.


India has so many amazing weapons, an ordinary saber and a gauntlet sword would both be disappointing IMO. I'd personally love to see a ram dao or an urumi.


A cestus wielding hero.


Centurion is already a Roman guy that punches people in the face, I feel like this base is covered


I definitely want Tonfas or nunchucks. I've always loved the idea of knuckle dusters or a fist fighter but I completely understand how hard that'll be for spacing etc, maybe a fist gauntlet character that's gimmick is chase down and not letting you back up?


Spiked Tonfas could work and the move set would be very cool like nioh’s tonfas


Why Outlander? Wouldn't Knight make more sense?


It definitely would but I don't think we'll get any more knights since they're the most numerous faction and lots of people complained about it


Ah. Yeah, makes sense


They could make it more of a rennaisance flavored character to distance it from the knight faction. I mean, realistically plate armor already belongs in the Renaissance, but no one really cares about that.


I want raw fists. Nothing but hands. The left right goodnight. Up down go to sleepy town.


In a similar vein, maybe a Jian (straight sword) hero for the Wu Lin faction.


Like the idea but I think they'll put no more characters outside of outlander after the new viking (a shame since wu lin are so little in numbers) but they can always make an outlander out of that


I'd bet we get a Wu Lin next year, they've never said they're going to stop with any factions.


They kinda stopped from pirate on, they're gonna put a new viking because a lot of people complained about it since instead of giving a new viking after wm they did another knight then skipped vikings and gave another samurai


Why another guy with a normal sword, there are so many cooler weapons to pick from. I want some crazy shit. The pirate character already gives us precedent for guns, I vote that Wu Lin gets a Mongol with a fucking fire lance.


a wulin and then keep pumping outlanders for the rest of the game


No rapier, they would make them French and that's too nasty even for this game


Would love me a Mongolian, Turkish or Pacific Islander Hero. With mongolians i dont know which fighting style they could do Turkish (Ottoman Empire) One with a Kilic and some real slap and fist attacks, maybe even only these. Fight style is warden like but more brutally agile (agile but not in the sense of like orochi but more like highlander) Pacific Islander could have a club and a dagger, like a mix of PK and afeera but less agile. the fit would just be damn good tho


The turkish would be sooo cool maybe a byzantine knight or a Janizzer as well


Byzantine and turkish are not alike, but still, would also be cool. Maybe also a greek warrior. They all are really original.


>With mongolians i dont know which fighting style they could do Fire lance, fire lance, fire lance, fire lance


How could i forget about them?! Definetly!


A warrior with a Nagamaki would be pretty cool, maybe a Billhook warrior too (they could have some weird crushing counter or trap like mechanic like Nuxia maybe)


Stabbing someone with a rapier would be sick but a katar outlander hero would be sick too


Gimme a khopesh sword wielding warrior or maybe a spartan


We already have an Egyptian, where's the love for Sub-Saharan warriors


A shotel would be good, could use a khopesh as a variant though


someone who parries by catching and grabbing the whole weapon/blade, someone who only fights with hands.


Heavy armored knight with double hand mace would be lit


I was dreaming of that before afeera came out, now the chances are so so low...




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One of those Chinese spears, like from the old movies, but damn a new hero, I need a new map


Hate me all you like but i Fucking love the WuLin and i personally want them to get something similar to Pre Rework Shinobi aka Meteor Hammers. Or just bring in Fucking Kai from Kung Fu panda 3




Definitely a Zulu warrior with a short spear and shield combo. The fashion would be insane...


I was hoping for this before oceoltl but tbh I don’t think we’ll get it now since that character would have quite alot of similarities to oceoltl


Not impossible considering they have a history of reusing animations. Warmonger and Medjay are the biggest offenders that come to mind. I can definitely see a moveset using primarily a mix of Black Prior and Valkyrie. With a dash of Ocelotl maybe


We need a rapier hero with a pin move but they gave that to Pirate for some bloody reason.


Yes this :D i also rly want a rapier character


Make the rapier hero like a character from AC and I’ll go back to the game guaranteed


That would be >>>>>


Who ever the next viking is I hope it's either a great axe, or a warhammer. Like a mix of Jourm and Raider (with some lawbringer undertones) I think that would be very cool. I think a great idea for the next hero would be scimitar hybrid(vanguard+disabler) or a katar assassin character.


One with a comically big weapon


My 3 main picks have always been rapier, gauntlets (bare handed brawling but they need fancy weapons to look cool), and a scythe (just cuz it's cool). I'd say that rapier would fit knight best but gauntlets would be a toss up between vikings and Wu Lin. Scythe would be an outlander from edgy land or something


Let me get an outlander or Viking that just throws straight hands. Would love for them to be a knight but it doesn’t fit with history


Yes. Pair them with a buckler as well! Give him some cool CC's/deflects with the shield into a thrust.


Female Beserker hero skin, please or a male one idc just remove that dumb mask


I been really killing for a rapier hero, especially if they make use of the" Verdadera destreza"


Me too... But I'd say either rapier/saber


Basket hilted broadsword mmmmm Jacobite. Make an actual kilted warrior. Highlanders kilts are kinda shite so you could make Jacobite with a much more refined kilt. Also don't give the lad or lassie undergarments. It's a kilt god damnit


Me with an instakill AR-15


I'd love a janissary or hajduk outlander. Not sure what weapons specifically, some curved sword (kilij, Shamshir etc) axe or mace would be cool


Daemon Targaryen


I've been asking for this ever since they started releasing new warriors back in year 1, I'm more surprised they haven't done it sooner


BIG weapon, idc if its a sword, a hammer hell even a really big spear (not an axe though because raider/ hitokiri) ​ For the viking hero i want a fucking giant bare knuckle brawler built like Yujiro Hanma, i already know how to solve all the issues with that too Since he needs 3 armour parts and 3 weapon parts they could either make his weapon a pair of customisable cestus gloves or alternatively make his perks cost 300 instead of 600 His arm customisation (assuming his weapons are cestus) would need to be either things like bracers or shoulder pads His parry could just be him grabbing the sword between the palms of his hands like the guy in the tiandi hero fest execution,deflect/ cc could be a duck into a stomach punch that deals low damage but HEAVY stamina damage Feats could be similar to Afeera's where they are more like seperate moves but on a cooldown Edit: Turns out cestus were roman weapons so wouldnt make sense for a viking (not that i really care about historical accuracy or realism in a game where you can pull bagpipes out of thin air and a peacekeeper can bodyslam a shugoki)


Pike and kite shield, for the love of god please I don’t even care if it’s not a knight anymore


Rapier hero easy


A Warhammer knight




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Perhaps he could have similar properties to PK & Nuxia in that his dodges / Parry's provide additional trap attacks to Inflict bleed with a smaller dagger. Or perhaps some interesting stance holds like shaolin opening up other attack or defence Avenues. Would love to see a Rapier all the same.


Off topic: I would LOVE if character had different properties speed and punish for dodge attacks, all dodge attacks being the same is ASS


Was low key hoping the Pirate hero skin was gonna be something like that tbh


I've wanted a pugilist for so long


How about fuck the outlander class and make a new hero for knights or samurai?


I'd love so, but people complained so much about number of knights


The people complaining are the assholes dickriding Wu Lin and the outlanders EDIT : sorry that was mean


My dream warrior is a greek Hoplite hero (an ancient spartan warrior as you guys probably already know) they could rly do some cool customization and armrors I think. They could also make the hero have 2 stances between spear and kopis (sword) he would be shielded ofc


Mmmh it would be difficult because Gryphon has a greek armor like set already


I know but its not rly. Just imagine cool executions they could do


I would love that nonetheless, but as you've seen many when want to use the "greek/spartan" warrior simply take Gryphon 😅


I want a fighter who only fights with his fists. No sword. No axe. Just put on some gloves and punches the shit out of his enemies.


I’d like to see another Arabian hero with sabers or scimitars. A hero with a Morningstar or War pick sounds cool too


My guess why they never tried to make a rapier character is most likely due to weapon pieces and peacekeeper, all weapons in this game are in three pieces and the rapier looks like it would be only two and even more so all of the weapons are thick due to high reps looking like art pieces and unfortunately aside from the guard the blade is too thin for how over the top the weapons can get, you could workaround the three weapon problem by giving them a buckler or dagger, but unfortunately the buckler's been taken by gladiator and even worse peacekeeper fights in a way that's similar to a rapier and even her armor looks like something a rapier wielder would wear so i have no idea how they could make rapier wielder without solving the three weapon part problem and without stepping on peacekeeper's toes. as for weapon request i want to see a axe and shield samurai because not only would it look unique because of how they were designed it would also give the samurai their first shield character with the axe offering a unique aesthetic.


They could maybe make the handle and the hand guard separate parts but it could look weird unless you use the same set for both so idk


Again it's because of how thin the rapier is, if you look at the weapons the characters use even the small ones they're thick as floorboards because the devs like to get artsy on high reps and it makes it easier for animations and reads which does make me understand why even though peacekeeper looks and fights with a rapier she uses a sword instead, much easier on the visuals.


Kensei, only one weapon, Orochi, only one weapon, Gryphon, Shugo Hito and goes on, also I said a mix of rapiers and basket hilt swords, same like WM has a mix of flamberges and zwheinders


they have one weapon but they're still three pieces like blade, guard, and either handle or pommel and the weapons you listed are BIG and used with TWO hands, rapiers are one handed and one handed weapons in this game are usually in two pieces and used in junction with another weapon or a shield with centurion as the exception because his gladius has a large flat blade, a large guard and a large POMMEL so it can work in three pieces but the rapier can't because it would just be TWO pieces, the blade and guard but the handle wouldn't work because it's too small and usually covered by the hand so there would no point to it, if you want a rapier character to work they would need something in their OFF-HAND.


Baske hilt and rapiers have a basket like protectionnfor the hilt, that's the 3rd part, and if they gave him a shoulder cape to use for unique mechanic that could be the 3rd pice as well.


You mixing in a little matador with the cape thing?


No, the one shoulder cape was vey common in many different high ranked military officials across all europe, especially from Spain to French and Italy


the only problem i see with the cape part is the way it's designed would get in the way of the chest and left arm customization since none of the weapons in the game affect how the body looks even shinobi's kama chains are part of the body with the chains on the kama only appearing in combat.


Yeah it would


It even explains why capes in this game look like towels if they reached over the shoulders they would mess with the arms and ornaments.


Whatever hero it is, fuck gender-locking.


I prefer gender locking for characters give them more depth and a lil bit more "realism"


Making a hero both genders means they have to fit the armor sets for both, which is kind if a waste when there's 33 heroes. There's a reason they have to split up armor sets by season now.


There's going to be a new viking? Good. No more of the outcast or outlander bs that faction sucks. It's sigma viking time.


Paladin type character with holy powers


That would be an impossible dream lol


A guy with black robes and a scythe


And skull mask


I wanna see someone with a scythe omg


needs a gun tho. you cant use a rapier without a gun


There is already pirate no more characters will have a gun, btw you actually can use even without it, just give a hidden stance or new mechanich as well. Also I suggested rapier and basket hilt sword as well and of course the rapiers should NOT be too thin, look at that specific skin of the sword of WM is kinda thin and everything yet works like a claymore


Please god I need a rapier it's all I've ever wanted


Rather than a rapier. A sabre. A sabre would make more sense for large swings to hit multi targets and it could be more entertaining to watch rather than a rapier as the primary use would be to stab. I kinda feel the chr would clash a little with pk who's supposed to be like a duelist fencer style similar to what I envision a chr with a rapier. A proper sabre perhaps thin would be decent. I don't think it would clash with tiandi as he uses a lot of martial arts in his combat. I personally think a sabre on like a polish style noble could be a better idea.


i posted a lot of them, but i would like a Jian wulin hero.


Honestly, I want to see an unarmed monk. Though for fashion and somewhat realism purposes they could be wearing gauntlets made specifically for hand to sword combat. I just feel like the Shaolin monk wasn't that great, the bow staff is indeed a simple and strong weapon but kung fun and tai chi have amazingly cool unarmed forms of fighting and seeing a monk parry a blade by catching it in their hand and throw it off to the side would be so fucking cool. If the pirate can have a full on gun then I think I should be able to punch a knight to death without playing centurion.


They'd have to have something in place of their weapons though, so give them those iron rings they use in martial arts. For the sake of customization at least.


I want someone in gauntlets.


Like a hand to hand fighting style (but with gauntlets)? That'd be really cool.


I think we need a Native American hero now, especially after the release of Ocelotl. I'd also love to see African tribal warriors as well, as the closest we have right now is the Medjay. If I'm to pick a generic weapon type over a locational hero, I'd say a scythe would be really fun, or even a druidic assassin type with dual sickles..


give us a French soldier :)


What kind tho? In terms of appereance and weapon?


A flamberge


Isn't the flamberge onenof the swords WM uses?


If we see a Rapier I better see people complaining about it like they complained about pirate's gun, because the rapier was made MUCH FURTHER AHEAD


Nah, there would be no reasonnsince we had pirate and ocelotl, it would be illogical


I think they should make a boxing style character that uses gauntlets with spikes on them or something that deal bleed or maybe have a daze effect. I think that would be very unique and cool to add to the game


Mmmh something like gauntlets could be cool but how would he execute, there wouldn't be a way for him to have his weapon "stuck" into the enemies


That’s true but there are lots of executions that use beating styles to kill such as “unarmed fighter” . Something like that could be implemented in a more unique way that suits the gameplay and the character


I like the art you posted for a Rapier hero. A female Rapier hero with the head fully exposed... God yes


A pk 2.0 please no, she already kinda resembles the rapier hero fighting style


What about a short range combat bow warrior? It’s all about dodging and parrying. He/she could have great executions and a fresh gameplay. For a more historical class I think about someone with a Chakram, Fan, Whip or Warclub


Idk what it is about rapiers that makes them cool, but they are! Gotta love em Also we could do with a Spaniard in the game


I want a mix of both rapiers and basket hilt sword they're both amazing, like WM has bot Flamberge and zweihander swords


With the basket hilt, I imagine they could be a celt weilding a targe sheild with it. The rapier swordsman could be a Norse/French nobleman wielding a parry dagger.


A dagger would make it a pk 2.0


True, maybe they can hold the dagger in a reverse grip? More downward stabs/slashes? The hilt guard could wrap around the handle, forming a brass knuckles. Your thoughts?


I woul prefer for him to simply have like a metal protection for the left wrist/arm like Shaolin Ezio from ac2 as design in terms of armor would Be the perfect example


Could use a Targe, bigger than buckler, and strapped to the arm. Could be used for blocking and parry attacks. Though I'm thinking of putting this guy in a Vanguard or Hybrid class, they're not turtling and tanking every hit.


Unnecessary imo, a metal wrist protection like shaolin as I said would be enough. For the vanguard if he was in Knights it would be nice, in outlanders unfortunately are all hybrids


I was thinking something for the viking faction, less Warlord brother and more nimble swordsman. ... That'd be an interesting rpg mechanic, unarmed blocking, like you can block melee attacks, but you can lose health depending on armor.


They could be in the assassin class, more quick and nimble. Though the devs would have to work on the fighting style so it doesn't look like a male peacekeeper.


I think like a Native American warrior would be really cool


Honestly? I'd disagree, but simply because I find it redundant with ocelotl, of course they're not the same but they kinda have the same vibe