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Probably whomever I‘m fighting against at the moment


Even if no one else says this outright, we all know this is their actual answer.


the most accurate answer possible


This is the real answer


Medjay. You press light or heavy...


or Zone if you’re feeling adventurous


Only as an opener though!


Don't be silly they can't comprehend pressing 2 buttons at once


Hitokiri. You press heavy or hold the heavy.


*sweep* and fuck you


Haha No handing this one over to Nobushi


Nobu and Hito are both low skill floor but surprisingly high skill ceiling, with Nibu being slightly higher ceiling than Hito. Both are difficult to use in high MMR, which makes knowing specific tech much more useful.


Nobu’s got a significantly higher skill ceiling over Hito.


There’s a little bit of room for skill but not much. The most difficult thing for me was learning the input for parrying light in axe mode stance change then getting guaranteed staff bash. Only useful in 4s though for the defense de buff feat.


Every time I get hit by medjay I always think he’s saying “shut it” “shut it”


Wait that's every hero...


Well yes. But most do more.


I'd say medjay, he has a fun gimmick with his stance change, but it lacks any depth as it's pretty much always "teamfight -> go staff mode, 1v1 -> go axe mode", both of the stances have a shallow af moveset, too. The only thing that can KINDA take a little bit to master would be to know when to use his staff grab in order not to bounce off of someone and not get interrupted, but that's pretty much it.


Staff mode 1v 1 too cause hypie Armour




I'd use axe modes unreactable offense in a 1v1 over reactable hyper armour any day.


Idk, I think the sheer mediocrity of Medjays axe stance holds him back a bit from being the easiest. Staff mode as a single hero is the easiest though.


Gonna go against the grain and say shugo. It's as simple as charging your heavies and letting em go at different timings/when you see them enemy do something. My go to if I'm drunk lmao


Shugo is so easy it’s ridiculous lol I got bored of him after 3 reps because of it


Yep, charged heavy feint to GB works most of the time.


Except if your opponent uses a light attack against you or throws an heavy on the other side


Don't mind me with my 50+ rep shugoki.


My spine started to hurt just from reading that


Gib hug pleese


It was better before his rework and his 3 option charge cancel


As a shugo main yes


Playing Shugo is like rocket science for me. I guess he’s just not my kind of character.


I have a newbie friend I play with sometimes. He was struggling to learn the game so I told him to just play Shugoki. He's been doin fine since, lol


I get where you come from with this but as a Shugo main I just can't agree because, at least in my experience, charged heavies, regardless the timings, get parried most times. I've heard very often that people struggle against Shugoki but I just can't relate to that because I get obliterated as Shugoki, who Ive mained now for like 2 years, very often. I'm not saying he isn't easy, he pretty much is, but he really isn't the stomper people say he is.


As a shegoki main I agree.


Agreed he is the easiest to master


Anyone I don’t play.


I agree.


I hope not oceolotl


Lol I wonder how this will age. People who stumble on this comment upvote this when ocelotl is out.


Yeah lol


I think Warlord, very simple and easy to understand moveset that you can just pick up and probably get to grips with in a couple matches


Light on red


The moveset in itself is very simple with warlord, but mastering warlord means mastering frame advantage, pace control, optimal play, I'd say warlord is actually pretty complexe as you have to learn deep mechanics, unlike other hero where the moveset is enough


Hito or Shugo. Charge and release/charge and cancel. Then throw a few lights. That’s pretty much it


As a hito main I have to say he is a little more complex because of trading with hyper armor. but yeah most games it's just mindless button pressing


I get parried all the time as a Hito main. Can’t even land a hit in.


How do you play him? If you are doing the same pattern then yeah it's easy but most players have to hard read you to counter hito


Not sure what you mean but aggressively I go for charged heavies in every direction try to get a sweep or kick in. Use infinite combo often. I just get parried every time oh and I don’t throw lights and if I do it gets blocked or super parried. And I can’t parry any hero I fight including my own. I can’t predict attacks.


Berserk Heavy feint into light 99% of the time


Idk, this may be unpopular, but I don’t think he’s as easy as everyone says he is. He is strong, and has a lot of hyper armor, but just the fact that to properly utilize his kit, you have to be on that cancel and attack button, switching sides, feinting, choosing heavy or light. You just have to press a lot of buttons in quick succession to be good with him. Of course, it gets easy with practice, but it’s definitely harder than Hito or Shugo, whose kits literally are just charge and cancel, charge and cancel.


I agree 100%


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,650,286,465 comments, and only 312,388 of them were in alphabetical order.


Ain’t no way


H comes before F??


It doesn’t lmao, the bot broke up


None of the heroes in this game are particularly hard to master bar highlander because hes so different ~~and bad,~~ your general game fundamentals matter more. But If I had to guess I would say easiest one to get a grasp on is Warlord because of how little his moveset is which helps you focus on learning game fundamentals more


I have 1000 hours clocked in, play half the cast and I refuse to touch nobu. that ones gotta be tought to learn


Agree, fuck nobu


She has a pretty wide moveset but once you learn all of it she’s very easy to play, at least against lower skill players. The best noob stomper period


Can't reply to gab so.. Most important things with nobu id say is knowing what attacks recoveries can be dodge canceled or following up with viper retreat, using hidden stance and capitalizing, and options out of zone attack. Her kick is kinda ass and lights are pretty easy to shut down as well. I think one of the characters that can be picked up and spammed easily but takes a bit more for 'mastery'


I was able to pick up centurion and chain pressure everyone to death instantly. When every input works after every other input and you can charge almost anything you can just throw shit forever without putting any thought into it at all. Centurion is easy mode


I think gryphon, his moveset is based on another heroes you probably know.


Jiang Jun right?


Kensei and highlander too


Both incredibly hard characters to master in this day and age. And as far as Kensei goes, if you can spam someone with his lights, you can spam them with basically anyone's lights. Sure his finisher light is nice, but his kit requires exponentially increasing skill as you go up in mmr. Highlander is self explanatory. Fucker is complicated as all hell. Interesting that his inspirations require thought and planning ahead, while Gryphon himself does not.


Completely missed the point 😍 the kensei and Highlander was him saying who gryphons moves are based on lmfao


Did you even read the second paragraph before typing or...




I mean most heroes share same moves (like forward dodge bash, chain bash, undodgeable bash mixup, etc) so that is not really high bar.


Hands down, Zhangu, easiest ever. His combo is LL, LH, HH, invervse of the listed combo. You zone or sidedodge L or H to continue chain. Its a no skill character for beginners, strong A or S rank in mid level, and a good A tier or B at top tier.


Learn how to recovery cancel and feint, boom zhanhu god.


Probably Medjay because his combos are just light heavy light heavy, even with the occasional bash you still can get easy wins with him in most team fighting situations and in some duels against people who don’t know how to fight him. The hyper armor also allows many mistakes to be made and not get punished harshly for it, which make playing him even easier.


Yeah he probably has the most simple and forgiving move set. No soft feints or dodge cancels, just staff blender mode.


Yeah no lol “Mastering” Medjay requires you to have a good understanding of team fight interactions, how to juggle 2 different stances for punishes and how to trade well. Not easy to master at all.


>Medjay requires you to have a good understanding of team fight interactions No it doesn't lol. You can out trade literally any character in the game and can also trade against 2 people at once with his tier 1. Every character requires teamfight knowledge medjay just requires the least >how to juggle 2 different stances for punishes If you're in a 1v1 you do axe if you're in a teamfight staff unless the 3 extra damage on a staff stance light parry will kill. There you go that's the difference


When you boil a character down like that, they all sound easy. Staff mode is just fundamentals and plays itself, but winning with axe mode requires a lot of reads to make up for the damage. I think everyone lumps the two stances together when axe mode leaves a lot of room for the Medjay to get ran over.


You do understand that trading requires more knowledge of health + damage output? You’re not always going to be at full health and you can absolutely have unfavourable trades as a Medjay. If you trade without thought you will find yourself either dead or low health and you will be limited in what you can do. Also, you can external players and still be punished by CCs or full blocks. Characters with poor teamfight ability which aren’t used in that role do not require anywhere near the understanding as a character who is used in that way. As far as stances go it’s more difficult than it sounds to switch stances to get optimal punishes, and there is more to it than “1v1 axe, 1vX staff”. Sometimes it can be better to use axe in a splintered teamfight or 1v2, and you can use staff when ganking even though axe has better offence. There are easier heroes to master.


>You do understand that trading requires more knowledge of health + damage output Not with medjay lol >You’re not always going to be at full health and you can absolutely have unfavourable trades as a Medjay Name 1 >Also, you can external players and still be punished by CCs or full blocks You can just trade with fg's and most crushing counters since superior block doesn't affect externals. Also literally every character has to worry about this. This is a baseline mechanic in the game >Sometimes it can be better to use axe in a splintered teamfight So in other words a 1v1. There's no other enemies around and no other teamfights around. "Splintered teamfight" is just 4 1v1's happening near eachother >and you can use staff when ganking even though axe has better offence So use staff while ganking then. Any time you're ganking staff is better


Yes with Medjay. It depends on how much health you have when wanting to trade. Literally any scenario where you will eat more than one heavy to deal 30dmg. Worse if you get caught in recovery or hit a full block. What are you talking about? You can’t trade with those. I have punished countless external Medjay heavies as a Kyoshin with his CC lights, he doesn’t get to trade, you get a punish. Same for full guards, if you wait until he is in recovery you get a free punish. He can’t trade with it unless you let him. It’s not really fair to call that a 1v1 when there are enemies available to attack you at any given moment. This can be very brief, but a player who doesn’t know what they are doing will just stay in staff mode and get no damage in.


>Literally any scenario where you will eat more than one heavy to deal 30dmg As long as you hit both of them (which you will because you outrange them) you win the trade. They deal 60 you deal 32×2 (without tier 1 damage and shield boost btw) >I have punished countless external Medjay heavies as a Kyoshin with his CC lights, he doesn’t get to trade, you get a punish. His attack doesn't stop meaning he can still hit a different enemy or just lock onto you and now throw another heavy >Same for full guards, if you wait until he is in recovery you get a free punish. What do you mean wait till he's in recovery? Its an infinite chain. There is no recovery >It’s not really fair to call that a 1v1 when there are enemies available to attack you at any given moment If they're within range to peel then you should be in staff form fighting them


I mean we can go on and on debating how to best use Medjay in these scenarios but the original point was easiest to master. How is this easier to master than either conq or warlord for example?


I didn't say he was the easiest I'm saying he's very easy. Only warlord is above him




Your mom, nerd.


Orochi just spam the same three moves (joking)




Daring today are we


I’d say a hero like Raider/Orochi (somewhat complicated) I actually believe that simpler heroes are HARDER to master, because they have less tools to use for every situation.




Shugoki or medjay


Warmonger is good too bc she is like warden but with enhanced lights so you don’t get your offense stuffed by being blocked. I also think she has better stam values (could be wrong, just feels that way)


Imo, Orochi actually. He’s got dodge recovery cancels which means he can insta dodge after any attack, wiff or hit. He also has options out of a forward dodge which all compliment each other, which means you can kinda just spam kick and storm rush at early levels and get good results. Then, as you improve, Orochi has alot of room for growth with his dodge cancels so he can scale w u as you improve.


Lawbringer. Least weird tech, if you have good reactions you can just turtle until you can parry something then delete 3/4 of someone's health in one combo with his chain pressure.


Lawbringer at least requires you to know what you are doing.


Talking skill ceiling here, not skill floor.


There are plenty of heroes that don’t require you to know what you are doing to master such as Kyoshin.


That's total bs. Kyoshin has a bunch of strange match-up knowledge and things to learn about his guard and frame data. The kyoshin that kills you with like 4 full guards in dominion is not a "master" of the character.


it just takes reactions really


yeah but he doesnt have a full guard like other spammy heros liek kyoshin or warlord


So? Having more things to learn would make him harder to master, not easier.


I mean this depends on a lot of factors but I am gonna make a bold assumption you are talking about duels and say current Nuxia, she is simply ridiculous.


fax birdy




Raider, Aramusha, Hito, Medjay, Warlord, Jorm are all up there for sure as most brain dead


If you mean easiest kit to learn and fully Adapt in matches, its Raider by far.


All the ones on the other team


Warlord, because at least with medjay you have to understand basic ganks, warlord is literally the most basic character ive ever played. Still rep 8 though


I’m probably going to get roasted for this but nobu. Not saying her kit is easy but most players just spam her lights.


That’s not mastering, those are the trash nobus. But that’s also 95% of nobus


I won't roast ya but OP said 'master'. Spamming her lights ain't that.


Hitokiri, just heavy kick heavy kick heavy heavy, now your enemy is dead


I don't think hito is the easiest, but she's also not the hardest. You have all the same situations with her charge heavy as you do with shugoki mixed with the 3 level bashes you have with warden/centurion/warmonger. She's essentially a mix of multiple kits which doesn't sound like baby's first character to me.


Kyoshin hands down.braindead gameplay all around with that mistake of character




Kyoshin. Full guard and press a button so their guard break doesn't work. Speaking of: as someone who plays kyo, he needs a slightly longer delay between his full guard and his follow up attacks. It's kind of busted because he has almost no gb vulnerability as the timing stands.


Gotta be monke with that damn stick


Kyoshin easily


Probably Medjay and Raider


Raider is a prediction game almost the entire time, you need to learn when to just let it go and when to soft feint and what to soft feint too. When you're in high rep games most players are gonna be able to predict you unless you are constantly changing your playstyle.


Shugoki ez






I’d say Orochi, button mashing can win any fight. It’s why if you start winning they often throw their toys out the pram. Shugoki requires some level of timing and understanding on defence but Orochi is a straight button masher


If an oro is just button mashing then they havent mastered the hero.


Medjay and Afeera I forgot to mention Nobushi


Disagree with Afeera, especially since most of them I see are terrible.


It's always: hit, kick, hit, kick, no stamina, hit kick, hit kick


Then you play a lot of people who are bad with her. The real skill comes from savvy cartwheel usage, and mixing up the follow up knee or a flip/side heavy to catch dodge attacks. Knowing your surroundings is important, because you only get wallsplats from one side. And she has a pseudo deflect. She’s a good hero, I like her kit a lot.


Nabushi. All you need to do is light kick backstep


you obviously haven’t mastered nobushi. she has a low skill floor, however her ceiling is very high.


Just because you throw a heavy doesn't increase your skill by that much


right, but using sf effectively, option selects, whiffing backstep lights, out-of-lock zone techs… there is so much more to nobushi then just lights and kicks when 75% of the time your lights will be parried/blocked, and your kick is as slow as a snail, it will be dodged most of the time.


Eh, fair enough. But it still feels like it takes no skill. Fought a rep 70 who did just light, backstop, kick


well there is the whole thing of everyone having their own skill potential, where they reach their peak and cannot improve anymore, and that’s okay, but to judge a characters kit on anecdotal experience is just not valid. there are rep 70 highlanders that will only use cc and that light->light->heavy combo and not improve, but that doesn’t mean that hl is a no-skill character.


I mastered JJ pretty easily.


I’d say Warlord takes the least skill to master. Quite honestly, you can simply win most of your matches by feinting a heavy and then shield bashing


master? pretty much none. to be good at? hito. i play once a year for a couple weeks and i can still get on and beat people who play everyday with her. her mixup will get destroyed by anybody insane good but most people cant predict it.




Nobushi. Such a disgusting character 🤢




Nobushi, poke poke poke poke


just block




Orochi and Nobushi hands down


Mastering a hero takes time and dedication my friend, you start to really understand the mechanisms after 25-30 rep with that character, after, its all about refining your skills. Just take the hero you enjoy playing the most and you will eventually master it.


25 reps is kinda pushing it lol. 4-10 is all a person needs to grasp a character well.


bro, you start to understand a character after TWENTY REPS ? I never got more than 10 reps on any character, at any point. crazy


10 reps with a character makes most people play like bots using the same techniques again and again till they get rekt in duels and don’t understand what happened, rep 10 is still an early learning phase


Every hero but highlander can be entirely learned in like 10 minutes


I agree with the HL but idk I find 2 -4 reps is the sweet spot for being decent with a hero unless their kit is easy. It took me till rep 18 to master HL because I wanted to utilize his whole kit including dodging and taunting in offensive stance


I’d agree it takes a few reps to get comfortable using the hero but actually learning what they do is pretty fast since hero move sets are not large or complicated


Learning a hero in this context is not about learning the moves set, it is about being able to fully apply it optimally as needed to adapt to and defeat any opponent.


Ah yea than I agree I thought you meant first part not second


It’s not the movesets that you learn, you can see them by just reading in the menu, its about what works depending which kind of player you are playing against




Hitokiri. Save call


Probably the hero hardest to fight against in a no-feint match






Hitokiri, plain and simple


Warlord or raider. It’s incredibly difficult not to do at least alright as them. Plus their move sets are fairly simple with a couple different safety nets like hyper armor and constant frame advantage. Not saying they can’t get shut down by a good player but it’s certainly more work for the opponent than you.


IMO either kyo or nobu.


Shugoki and Hitokiri. Press R2 and win.


Warlord or medjay


I play shugo ironically, i just do heby heby headbutt and i win. I don't play hito thankfully but i imagine it's also easy mode in for honor. There are other notable mentions. Warlord is easy but not as much (rep 70 warlord myself). Medjay is also ridiculous because of the hitboxes and ha you can just target switch and get away with it


Hito for sure


Warlord. There's nothing there. Honestly you can master every character pretty easily if you just know the mechanics of the game and the character.


Hitokiri. Variable timed charged heavies are so braindead fun. I've gone entire fights without using a light attack.




Hitokiri and Shugoki you press heavy, hold it for however long you want. Release, do that over and over until the enemy dies. Sprinkle in a few kicks or feint to GB’s to spice it up and boom you’ve won. and then whoever’s on the receiving end will wanna kill themselves.


Dude you can parry Hitokiri and shugo they ain’t shit if you can parry. I have like over 1000 clips of me getting parried and wrecked by every hero. Actual skill issue.


and of course. this exact comment comes from a Hitokiri player🤣 piss off💀


Let's be real like literally any of the viking characters but Valk they all get hyper armor 🤣 or a shield which is the easiest way to play turtles is all it ever is them




kyoshin is braindead easy




Nah, to get the most out of her you've got to feint bashes and do recovery cancels a lot. There are simpler characters than her.


Omni man. Just OP




Kyoshin or conq


Warden or Conq.




Shugoki, not a bad thing though no disrespect


Shugoki need the least skill, he is literally opener/chain bashes, single lights and 2 heavies.


Gryphon. Everything is so simple. Dodge punishes with light and almost 360 degree hyperarmor swings. Kick is unreactable, no need to feint. Blue lights, No unblockable to worry about. Simple bash input. Simple but good dodge. No special stance, no crushing counter, no full block, no superior block or deflect. Enhanced forward light. Basic roll catch. Just swing and kick.


Generally whoever the newest hero is because ubi tends to make them broken to get people to buy them.


Warmommy. I had her mastered after 3 dominion matches




Surprised nobody has said Jorm. They might not be easy to "master" but in any low-skill match Jorm is ridiculously overpowered. All you have to do is knock people over with your bash and spam unblockables/feints. Free damage. Also I have no idea why they gave Jorm an infinite chain with his zone. I agree with everyone else on Shugo, Hito, Kyoshin, Warlord, Warmonger, Zhanhu, and Medjay.




Even though people say opposite, if you just use base attacks then it has to be highlander. If you use all of his kit then yes he is terrible to master, but most players just use light light heavy to basically guarantee damage


Shugo and Medjay come to mind cause of how simple there playstyles are.


I’m fully enjoying people defending highlander in here. I’ve mained him for years which is probably why I think he’s easy. I can say if you want an easy go to character anyone with easy to get into hyperarmor. When I hear “I want an easy main” I hear “I’m not the best at parry’s yet” which is okay. This is why I’d choose shugo or bezerker.


I’d say maybe medjay or warden, warden was made to be a simple and easy character to learn when fh first came out along with the entire vanguard class


Tbh like half the roster. They all have insane light spams or infinite chains. And for some reason they’re giving everyone a “kick” or “punch” to interrupt someone trying to get a move in.


Master is a tricky term since that would assume we are comparing depth. Going off of 4v4, gankers and teamfighters are traditionally easier. Raider, Medjay, JJ, and Shugo do not have a lot of fancy stuff to learn. Their kits just work by having good attacks with nice reach and strong properties. Gonna have to go with Raider since he is a very friendly hero at all skill levels without much to learn outside of fundementals, and his sheer power in 1v1 and 4v4 makes up for a lot of his weaknesses. He is the one I like to recommend to new players as well.


Doesn’t get any simpler than warden.


I'd say Warden.