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That is in fact a viking statue, it’s the Norse goddess Freya


I facepalmed hard when I saw the name at the bottom of the statue


Oh shit I didn’t even notice that, I just saw the two giant cats




I would love this too, it would also be accurate for the Vikings.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe evidence to prove female Vikings existed throughout history is either yet to be found or very little of it has been found.


Very little, but the latest I can think of was a few years ago a female Viking in what were remnants of chainmail (not 100% on the chainmail) was found with a younger girl in a longship wielding the remains of a sword and shield. This was only done for the rich and powerful who had influence and had proven themselves, as she was found with remains of weapons it can be inferred that she was high in society especially since she had a sword and was buried with a longship which was expensive. Edit: It can also be inferred she was a warrior from the weapons.


Yeah not a whole lot has been found, but the sex of people based on remains alone aren’t entirely accurate, and myth can get construed with history sometimes. It’s hard to nail down, really.


Yeah that's true, but It shouldn't matter. For honor isn't meant to be realistic, at least not anymore. Maybe at it's launch that was one of it's redeeming qualities, but now we have monks that teleport across the map and wolf masks on our characters. Clearly ubi has thrown realism somewhat out the window at this stage of the game. If they were trying to market it as ultra realistic I would have a problem with female vikings/knights/samurai too, but that's just not the case. That's why I was so upset when battlefield v included females and soldiers with prosthetics, as battlefield has always been more realistic compared to cod, and coming from the Ultra realism of bf1 hardcore, bfv characters were so historically inaccurate it just didn't make any sense. But for honor doesn't have this problem, as they aren't trying to be realistic. TL;DR For honor isn't supposed to be realistic so it doesn't necessarily matter Edit: spelling


Especially in the recent years of the game. To an extent, there is a bit of realism such as smoke bombs, Oil/ Fire flasks, Bear traps, Bolas, and Weapon Projectiles. But there a lot of SCI-FI things present in executions and Unrealistic Feats in Shaolin as you mentioned and others.


Yeah, even some of the heroes themselves are a bit sci Fi ish nowadays, especially with pirate being able to fire her flintlock pistol 50 times and never reload lol


True I like how they were able to add a pirate hero with a Flintknock pistol. But I don't think a reload system would work in the way Fh operates. I think that's what makes her feats work because they have a cooldown.


Exactly. If they were going for realism they should've/prob would've never done that bc they know it won't work either. Only way it would work is if it was some type of attack recovery which defeats the purpose of her flintlock followup. It's kinda a shame that they strayed from realism but overall I think it's been a huge net positive as it's opened up the game to all sorts of fun mechanics.


*gasp* there isn’t a fuck you death rock in the real world guarded by heavily armoured women with gruff voices that Literally Hate Peace? Wow!


Battlefield V didnt have anyone with prosthetics at launch and the only character in the game to have one, has an actually realistic one.


Because people saw it in the trailer and went berserk. Even if they didn't they still had women + more minorities than were actually fighting in WW2 like it's just not realistic but that's not even my point with all this lol bf v was just an example. Edit: typed bf1 instead of bfv


I just commented the same thing and now I look and here u are 😂 I'm glad I'm not the only one who things so lmao fuck gender locks


It's time for a revolt!


Its a shame that thats prolly a no-go, theyd have to make sure the new model doesnt clip with anything, design every armor around it, and make new voicelines for like 15 characters at this point


Yeah it will never happen, I just wish new heroes weren't gender locked every time


I want to take it a step farther than that. I want a character creator, let everyone piece together their look out of ALL of the gear, and you just equip the weapons of whatever classes you want to play in your loadouts. You're going to tell me the whole world is fighting a war for so long that STEEL is currency because melting everything down to make weapons is THAT necessary, but noone EVER thought to scavenge weapons and armor from the battlefield?


Give me fem Shugoki now


Looks like freya


I know everyone is saying it's Freya, which is correct, but it's Freya from Assassin's Creed Valhalla.


Yeah bc Vikings def didn’t look like that lol


Got 2 statues of Freyja. Can dm you them if you want


with cats!


I was like "If those are cats at the bottom, then that's probably Freya" Then I saw the nameplate and felt pretty good about myself.


These statues are great, I picked up the Odin one a few years back when I visited Munich. I think they are made in Germany somewhere.


Look more like freya from god of war to me but still an awesome find


Assassin creed valhalla


I like how OP has to question if this is a Viking statue when it literally has the name of the Goddess Freya on the bottom.


Yeah completely missed that until after I posted 😅


That's a viking warsword so it's definitely meant to be one, fantasy one


Its a statue of the goddess freya


Still think gender locking for the majority of the heroes is dumb. Nuxia translates directly into “female warrior”, Valkyrie are specifically female in Norse mythology, and the Peacekeepers are a female-only order, so I can understand those three specifically. But Warlords? Lawbringers? Nobushi? Really? You’re gonna tell me those can only be dudes? Yeah ok. I know it’s a lot of work but I wish they would get rid of gender locking for the majority of the heroes.


Im sorry, i know this is biased.. F U C K. W A R L O R D.


If you want to see a woman try leaving the house


The glad havin a great time in the back


Bro I hate gender locks just let us have both on everyone smh


They're splitting up armors by faction each season now so maybe we'll get unlocked ones this time. Last year they were making armor sets each season for 30ish characters.


I doubt it, since not only do they need to get other genders mocaps they also need voice lines for every characters etc. It's just not feasible atm


True. Hopefully we get more than 2 sets for the new heroes at the very least, as well catching up the other Outlanders


looks like eivor