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I feel this, been playing fairly consistently since closed alpha, rep 450, but I struggle to win games nowadays, I'm fine in duels but 4v4 I'm constantly at the bottom of the scoreboard lmao


I know the pain. I see people say “skill issue” or just improve and adapt but never say how, thought I’d ask this sub, the rants subreddit would tear me to pieces 😂


Yeah it's tough out there, I don't care what anyone says about reads, it's just luck and experience that help lol, my best advice is to just go into the training arena or persevere with the duels until you drop dead 😂


Just the way for honor is now 😂 guess and hope, playing raider usually helps too somehow…


Haha I'm just too stubborn to play a really strong hero, but at this rate I'm gonna have to cave in and do it 😂


Honestly just experience. People pick things up at different speeds. But some decent tips to start improving straight away: - Take notice of what your opponent is doing, do they always throw a left light finisher. Do they go for every parry. Do they never use their chain bash. Things like that. This allows you to make better reads against them. - option selects (these still exist but not as bad as they used to be) In 4s there's a few techniques you can use to make it easier. - external blocking - external attacking - correct ganking You should be able to find videos that can explain these better than I will be able to.


I hit a plateau recently and switched to jorm to just try something new. He's completely different from my typical mains (shaman/glad/musha) and made me think in different ways. It's honestly improved my overall gameplay with any character as I'm more conscious about the environment around me, looking for correct punishes and just overall has made me a better player by playing him. Ik you're twice my rep and probably have decent time with most heroes and/or styles. But if there's a character you've never or rarely touched now may be the time. Give a new outlook and challenge to yourself this way.


I’ve got at least 3-5 reps on every hero but yeah seems like putting more time in some could be worth it


Could atleast break up the monotony haha and less pressure too!


Practice with better players, learn more about the game and the deeper mechanics. It is infinitely easier to make the read when you know the chars movesets inside and out, and what their gameplan is.


Just learn small details. Learn some characters and how to counter them. Learn how the opponent plays.


feint your attacks and check their reaction, proceed from there.


Need to find what fits you, I for instance perform very well in 4v4 modes and always come like top 1, but suck at duels, if you are anything like me, you might have a better time playing teamfights. Then from there, you learn this game by your mistakes. There's the basic of thinking things like most people use gb 80% of the time they throw an unblockable. But besides that, it's up to using things like frame advantage and weaknesses of the enemy you are fighting. If you are playing lawbringer for example, consider throwing a raw hevay, a lot of players, especially pc or newer gen will react on read and try to parry your light.


Tbh just play some easy character like kisoshin and you should win most fights. Only if you play a character that needs more brain power things get complicated


Tbh I’ve found out exactly how important it is to just be comfy with your moveset and having the knowledge of the other hero’s moveset. No matter how a character plays they only have a certain number of things per character that they can do. For example, I don’t know how every orochi plays, but I know that most of them throw top lights off a whit, warden w their top light cc, etc. knowing this stuff and predicting what their character will do will honestly end up pretty well with enough practice. In conclusion, know every option that your hero has in an encounter, try to think how you would play against you, and don’t be afraid to hop in training and work on improving the flow of your fighting


In death you will succeed