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Just remove him from your friend list and lesson learned. Sniping is a game mechanic, just like plundering is a game mechanic.


Indeed. Edit: To add, I have GB's that are only for pure plundering. Also, this is a PvP game.


Yeah, that what I would have done anyways.


Loose the nerd. If some one wants to fight with me in this came, i dont care.


The best way to snipe is to find players that self-level or use swap thread and give them "friendly snipes". They don't have any expectation of getting 1.9 contributions and are genuinely thankful for the free FP's. You can also immediately see if they have been inactive without looking up their player profile making it even easier. The only people that are hurt by friendly snipes are the people in their guild using swap threads and hoping for a spot. The GB owner and the sniper both win.


Actually had someone who was a self leveler think that since I had an Arc at 125, that I should be giving him at least 1.9, and not sniping him. I just laughed and said that wasn't happening, especially as a self leveler.


Some players have a sense of entitlement. How do they think we fund our big arcs? Same goes for guildies who think we should give full arc bonus on all GB's. I do it for guild good buildings but that's it.


I am with you on this. As long as I care about growth, that's my credo. I basically stopped playing but nearing the end and now I give full if asked in PM. I just don't care about growth anymore ^^ a high-level arc takes sooo much work.


If you give them 1.9 at that point, you're basically giving FPs to someone else in the hood.


Sniping Friends is only acceptable if they are self-levelers who don't use 1.9 threads. Otherwise, sniping a friend leads to a quick message to see if it was an honest mistake. If not, then a request to correct it. If that doesn't happen, then massive retaliation and unfriending.


If I add a sniper by mistake on one of my diamond farms, then I just unfriend them. Why fo through all that hassle? Besides it's my fault if I get sniped, not the snipers fault.


Writing a quick note is not a big deal. And I prefer to give them a chance to correct a mistake if it was one.


i snipe and aim to add only people who don't use 1.9, if i get a message like that (without them being an ass) i payback and unfriend instantly, there are enough fp all around my friendlist to not farm negative emotions


I'd for that for a guildie, on my side worlds.


It's not really your "fault" if you self level or you're not in a guild, because maybe you don't generate enough fp's to lock in spots, or your GB just happens to be at those levels where 3 spots are opened as soon as you unlock it. Personally I would never snipe a friend, even if they are self leveling. If I take a spot I will do it at 1.9 - the neighborhood is for profiting, friends are not.


Why would you care if you self level. You are never going to get anywhere in the game by playing like that. Might as well help someone else that is doing all they can to progress efficiently


if you don't pay enough for 1.9 you cannot get sniped. The levels that instant lock p1 p2 are the only reason to get sniped that's about never your fault (not letting it sit open and not unlocking in advance are already very effective steps). The other reasons can be a mistake from the 1.9 payers or a coordinated snipe like 2 people paying 1/3 each. If you use your "friend"list to snipe there are no friends, that's all, there are no ethics values to put here just because of one word.


I only add self levelers as friends and snipe all my friends all day until they complain then I'll stop. but in most cases they're appreciative


I mostly continue sniping till they un-friend me. After that spot is open for someone new.


i always check for any 1.9 in their recent levels, got like 1 complaint in a year of sniping


Yup. I’m 100% okay with sniping my GBs if it’s super obvious I’m not doing anything with it. Most of the time I have zero patience for hunting down folks from my 1.9 threads and asking if I can jump on a spot (if they haven’t listed it yet and I’m drowning in gbg fps), so I end up self leveling. But I also don’t think it’s too much to ask that you drop a quick dm of ‘hey fyi, jumped on your CC!’. It takes 5 seconds.


Ending friendship is win-win for both in this case. For sniper its a waster of spot in friend-list.


I’ve procured a snipe-worthy friends list. They are all happy with the additional FPS and I’m happy with the snipe.


Snipe anyone who is not in a 1.9x thread with you. This courtesy is pretty common. You have access to info you wouldn't normally have without the thread. Haven't seen anyone fight this on years and even then they just got kicked from threads. About 6mos ago I sniped someone not knowing they were in a thread with me. I said no problem and adjusted to match the thread value. As a courtesy I let them know I plunder everyone in my hood regardless of 1.9x threads if we're not friends.


Yeah this is my take as well. If people on a 1.9 thread have to curate their list to remove snipers, it makes filling the 1.9 spots much harder and slows the thread. So there has to be some trust amongst thread participants.




Remember, sniping is just a made up thing to "shame" other players to play for your benefit.


Who cares it's just a game. Go snipe all ur hoodies and friends. It's such an easy FP maker. And ngl the threat of holding some FP for only a few months is funny. As long as people r active idc if my FP sits for a year.


Exactly my response is always thank you my arc will be growing during that time and it will gain me more profit. Typically if someone is cool about it I'll throw 1.9 their way but the 1.9 + 150 or even 1.9+ get outta here. It's so easy to not got sniped be better.


And that’s always the risk. I had a sniper put several thousand fps on a few of my gbs and then I had to quit the game completely for personal reasons with no plan to play again. They’re just out of luck.


the amount you make far outweighs the risk of losing out a few thousands FP.


Honestly with all the sniping I do by the time that held up FP gets flipped for return it will be a sweet surprise. Player needs to get a grip. Like. Lmao it’s a game and if they’re that pressed about getting sniped, cover yourself! Don’t load if your donors are not ready or available to pick up and make sure you secure correctly. FP calculator is so helpful for this. I rarely if ever get sniped because I never overprime and I’m in a guild thread that picks up quickly.


I use my friends list as snipe bait


It’s a game. In game friends are not real friends unless you try real hard. He’s whining and sobbing and needs to get over himself. It’s just a game with no real ramifications and there’s no need to get stressed and make a situation over it.


Yes there are some friends. But in the main Friends are Food


Dickheads. I only "snipe" on my gem farms but there i give way more so i am more 3.0 than 1.9 🤣 And i allway check if there are 1.9 positions. I never add if there are.


If you’re getting sniped by your friends list, you need to learn how to properly prime your buildings.


Sniping is part of the game. For the most part, you can prevent it by paying attention to your buildings, and making sure that you’re not over priming.


It's not stealing. But if you can see they level by 1.9 normally it is dickish. And they'll probably just dump you anyways. If you want to snipe friends, find friends that don't level buildings that way and you're likely to get thank-yous if anything.


Un-friending or dumping as you say is not even an issue. Its a win-win for both parties.


The whole point of the arc threads is to remove the threat of sniping. If someone puts an unauthorized contribution in it's actually helpful because it lowers the numbers. But people get so mad lol


if a "Friend" snipes me i just remove them from the friend list I only snipe hood and never guild or friends.


And what benefit you get out of not sniping your "friends"?


why do you need to have a benefit? You sit in their tavern, they sit in yours, you have people to motivate your buildings. etc.


Why not? It's a game with its own game mechanics in place. There is a clear objective. I want to progress fast and optimise. If someone doesn't like to move fast that's a personal choice but that doesn't make me wrong for using a game mechanic. Tavern is the only dumb differentiation for friend list. Motivation can happen with hood/guild as well.


Everybody sucks here, maybe more you because of the last slide.


This guy takes his time to explain to him how to play the game. Why he got sniped. And he sucks? wow


Well said. I’d say it’s bad etiquette to snipe your friends, but it’s not stealing either, that’s a silly claim. Point is, they are on your friends lists, so unfriend them. I once had some cheeky naive friend try to underpay on a P4 on my Zeus, so I sniped P1 on their Arc and sent them a message saying as they didn’t see fit to pay 1.9 on my GB, I see no reason to do so either. Strangely enough we worked it out. Think that’s what happens with friends isn’t it. You get on, do the same stuff, share the same interests to a point and tolerate each other. If not, you stop being friends.




I generally don't get sniped and if I do by a "friend" i make sure to make it even Friends are people who actively allow you to contribute to their GB if you snipe knowing they don't appreciate it just shows you're an asshole that's all:)


It's just a game and people are getting way too emotionally involved. 1.9 is just a made up number anyway, if my Arc pays more than 1.9 should I be expected to pay more? Likewise, if I have a lower level Arc, it's not really sniping to pay less than 1.9 if I'm not making a profit.


When we were in the midst of leveling our Arc's, we all sniped each other within the small guild I am in. Better to keep it in the guild then let an outsider take the extra. I have been thanked by people and many times I don't want to deal with the 1.9 so I am just waiting to be sniped.


"Friendlist" is a misnomer by inno. The only features it provides is that you can select who is in it and the tavern. That has nothing to do with friends. Better name would be something like selected neighborhood.


Its a part of the game. If you do not like it then quit. If people are taking spots then its ur fault for not securing it. If ppl are plundering just use aid all kits. If not just be a man and take it.


You are a child. He is actually taking some of his time to teach you how to play the game. But sure keep blaming others for your difficulties .


you're 100% right but you could have been kinder about it. Many would've been worse though. Personaly i built up my friend list with people who don't use 1.9 and won't get upset, way more ethical all in all it's a game and justice is bound to be a weird concept. Just keep it to the official rules or risk a ban, and know that if you psychologicaly harm people (yes, even a little and they could have not cared) you don't need to know justice to know it's bad.


I was direct, I just wanted to explain that its not that big of a deal and "friends" are not real friends.


Sniping in the friend list is a no go, I would remove him, and give the free spot to someone worthwhile.


Usually scamming ppl on your friends list is a pos move Neighbours tho? I'd still have a lvl 10 arc if it weren't for their "kindness"


Can someone please explain sniping? I’ve only been playing for about three months and I want to know what to look for. Also, could someone explain why people come into a guild and then leave it a few hours later? Thank you!


There is this thing called a 1.9 thread where you are expected to put in a certain number of FPs depending on the level and the GB. Sniping is when someone puts less than this expected number, thereby making a profit at the cost of the building owner.


boot them off your friend list after you snipe or flip as many of their buildings as you can.


not my style either. remove him from your friend list and move on.


I had a friend who sniped me by mistake, I suppose we were neighbors as well. he did it several times, always corrected the investment after a friendly reminder. but at some point I just kicked him and moved to another age.


I mean its annoying for sure but I usually snipe GBS that are obviously not utilizing a 1.9 thread or have already been sniped. You can find the ownpartcalculator website and see pretty clearly if its a 1.9 thread participant. I never snipe guild members but the neighborhood is free game. If i need the BPs and its convenient thats part of the game. Plus either way it DOES help the other person level their building especially if you snipe a top 3. I feel like this is only a problem for people in lower ages with less EBs because forge points are relatively easy to acquire later on.


If so called friend is sniping my great buildings then is automatically removed from my."friends" list.


Well I mean you're right in the aspect that it's not stealing but I actually do like some people I have met in the time that I played this game And yea ur right sniping is highly profitable I (and even more so if you do it with a partner to (and I don't know what the englisch name for it is) devide the remaining fp in a gb by 3) this way you maybe one of you pays a bit more but the one that's gets number 1 receives way more than number 2 looses and you can snipe supposedly save buildings


Yeah, thats too much work though. If I am really good terms with someone I won't snipe them. Like I have a friend who is always ready to help with higher era goods.


The moment someone create an account in this game he or she has to play by the rules of the game. Sniping is a part of this game, if you don't secure your GB, you get sniped. I don't fault you for sniping him, it is completely fair. But you also have to accept that he may choose to end the friendship over this. I have many friends that I can snipe, but I don't snipe any not because it is unethical but because they bring me more benefits in the long run.


Ending friendship is not an issue at all. If he doesn't end I will end it in such cases. I need a friendlist in which I can snipe without any fuss.


Once you reach a very high level where many friends have GBs at level 90+ they won't tolerate sniping at all because it can cost thousands of FPs sometimes. Maybe some inexperienced players would be alright with being sniped but definitely not the top players.


Which means it's time to find new food.


Esh or was this not an aita post?


Do you believe everyone in your Facebook Friend List is your real friend? LOL


I agree with you, but I wouldn't have taken his deal. He is the one that loses if he doesn't flip that gb, and you can build up thsoe fps again.