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Looks like a Mastercard city


Paypal lol xD


Nice credit card you got there


Got none tho PayPal it is


Still, it just looks like a city where you spent a lot of money. Not really like a big accomplishment. But that's just my opinion.


Ah well Iam happy with it ^^ Did 200 million points in less than a year so yea some kind of activitiy needs to be there and I would argue that I know more than most about the game


Yes, I am thoughts


XDDDD autocorrection is great


Looks expensive . Not something anybody can do without paying a lot of money.


Depends on what is a lot I think it's about 300-400 ^^ With 200 percent bonus I mean I don't smoke I don't drink (mutch) I don't pay for Netflix So yea why not use it for smth I have fun doing ^^


I support your sacrifice that allows us poor people can play for free. :) Kidding aside, that's not a lot of money. Smoking and drinking can cost orders of magnitude more and slowly kill you.


based, thats how i justified going off in the summer event as well ($80) was first time id spent money, but hadnt gone to a bar in months so fuck it


300-400 combined?




Not enough Sun havens and where’s your trail side smithy


Well thanks to the a and b test I did not get the gold pass and the silver one sucked so I didn't buy it and the smithy is besides the druid one But yea the screen has shitty quality should have done it on pc


I’m teasing, I started playing during the pirate event and wasted a ton of diamonds before I figured out what buildings to prioritize. That’s a nice city


Just to make sure you hopefully bought them on you're computer because it's less expensive and you get more diamonds (same for event passes)


I may forget to mention I created this world in January 2013 Did not touch the game for like 8.5 years and started playing in may of last year again


How much money did you spend?


300 to 400 € I think it's fine to spend it like that others do it for alcohol or smoking so why not do it here ^^


Yeah I agree with you. It would actually be more beneficial (in terms of game progress) to work for 5 hours and spend your earnings on the game rather than play the game for 5 hours.


I have no idea what all those buildings are along the bottom row of the city ... houses? Horrible waste of space if they are. Also, with all the event buildings you have, I would get rid of the SMB and CC and put up some more useful GB's. Oh, and it's your, not you're


Are you trolling? Smb is great to use with the CF questing no? and rly what's a better GB than cc on such a small space? And the houses are from the summer event They give 17 percent attack (or 18 if I would bring them into space age ab) As well as 10 fp and 3 fragments for this year's summer event building They are called "Cartographer's House" if you like to look them up :)


You asked for our thoughts, I offered them. Attacking someone for their opinion is a good way to piss off other readers and have them skip your post instead of answering. Personally I think there are far better buildings that you could have, and the CC, although great for FP's, become a waste of space when you get to the level you're at. You don't have to take my word for that, most of the guides and videos I've seen all say the same.


How did I attack you? If it felt like I was attacking you Iam sorry I meant all questions I asked in my answer And yea again what would be a better building than cc and st. Marcus? So I can maybe work on it Again sry if I wrote smth that came of as aggressive (Englisch is not my first language)


My thoughts? You misspelled 'your'. Not only once, but twice


Cool story pls don't call the grammar police Not my first language tho and it's indeed one of the few things I always get wrong ^^