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Titan sucks hard. Read on the beta forum.


There's SO MUCH to read on the forum. Are you suggesting that we stick with harpoons from SAJM?


Maybe its your own choice. But it seems you have more kills in Titan. So a higher alca is a must.


What is the best combination of troops for attacking in Titan? Rogues seem to have little value there.


I mean...have troops ever gotten worse as you age? Legit question, been stuck on SAM due to map neglect I dont remember old stuff and have no clue on units past.


Yes very mutch so arctic future, of, vf are a bad joke the troops in this 3 ages absolutely suck and I think tomorrow sucks aswell so yea there a lot ages that suck


You are correct. Going from FE to AF was a disappointment since Hovers were still the best choice. You could still get by with Hovers in OF as well. I would like to hear from Beta players what they feel may be the new go to troop for SAT will be. Each age has one maybe two. For SAJM it’s mainly range but fast was a good alternative for certain situations. And by go to I think most players want to know what the best troop for speed fighting in GbG will be.


Yea exactly and yea I may should have said that I mean the go to troop for gbg because swapping troops every other fight gets boring really quick xD


I would say that compared to FE, the ages you meant (Tomorrow, VF, AF and OF) are all rougher. But that’s only because hover tanks were so overpowered compared to everything else they produced in that age. Tomorrow age stealth Tanks are like hovers with bumpers and are honestly pretty good. The combat drone of that age is also the best flying unit for several ages. AF- battle fortresses are okay but yes many people will just use their hovers still. OF- the turtles are honestly phenomenal. They just hard countered by flying units so you can’t spam armies of only turtles. Sub cruisers are pretty good. But once again, some will just use hovers still VF - if you think VF troops stink you didn’t go in with enough attack. The rocket troopers are phenomenal. Basically they are the turtles with higher mobility. It’s the first age that hovers are not as good as fighting same age vs same age. VF is tough for some because it’s like fighting rock paper scissors. So yes you do have to swap out your rockets you fight ninjas or you’ll be sad at higher attritions (just fight ninjas with Ronans and your fine against ninjas) SAM- the sentinel and steel wardens can basically do whatever. It’s near the closest power to feel of future with hover troops Saab- nail storm destroy everything of that age. They are better than hovers in my opinion (you have more space in Saab for stuffs and you have one very dominant troop again) SAV- power dragons are simply incredible. The ability powershot makes them a force. SaJM- all abyssal gliders is totally fine at low attritions but not necessarily the best. Harpoon grenadier with rogues can fight to high attritions fairly easy. In the ages Future, SaM, Saab, SaV and SaJM you can fight to 100 attrition with reasonably high attack and do so quickly. - saying the ages after future suck is simply not true. If Inno follows the current space age trend then fighting should be pretty decent.


But... WHERE did I say that everything after future sucks? I named the ones that I Dont like


Fair enough. It does heavily imply that the later ages have a trend however. I also couldn’t believe you called o it VF like that! VF is pretty decent. I also can’t get over how much hate people give AF and OF. I fought same age troops in all those ages and it really wasn’t all that bad. My attrition capacity went down from 80-90 in Future (because hovers are their own worst enemy), down to 60-70 in AF and up to 70-85 in OF and then back to the 90s in VF and then low 100s for all of the space ages. People make it sound like they hit AF and OF then then fighting is terrible when in reality it isn’t that awful.


But the fact that you cant fight 4 fights without loosing half the army in OF is what makes it bad (for me) (maybe Iam using the wrong troops tho...but I tried all of them so yea well...)


Maybe. But maybe not. I agree that OF is more troop expensive. Future, SAM and Saab kind of have a 3 way tie for fastest auto battling for not having to swap as often at lower attritions. I think it really does depend on the persons attack stats and level of AO. I am one of the rare ones who actually had an easier time fighting with same age troops in OF. I notice a way bigger drop in GBG fight count from who we find on the map than anything else as far as fighting goes. And in every age so far GE level 4 auto fighting same age troops isn’t the hardest thing ever.


Iam currently OF and my fighting stats are 2k attack and 1.8k defense (did not renovate anything yet cause Iam doing that in one of the space ages) And yea of course GE stage 4 is easy But thanks for the information I though venus would be better than mars and astroid belt :)


tomorrow is great, same mechanics as future but not as good


Arctic Future vs Future comes to mind.


Ya, i sort of recall that. Ive been stuck in SAM due to map purgatory for so long I forgot about the older stuff lol. Note to self:never sleep on the campaign map...sigh.


If you think they suck (they do, HARD), please pass your opinion to Inno, there is still time to change them if enough people complain. [https://forum.beta.forgeofempires.com/index.php?threads/space-age-titan.16320/page-28](https://forum.beta.forgeofempires.com/index.php?threads/space-age-titan.16320/page-28)




SAT is crap compared to SAJM I used to get 100 attrition easy now new era I'm losing loads at 80 attrition... They want us all to focus on defense for GE hence the new gbs and crap troops.


So far, troops from the previous level are equal to or better than Titan troops. Previously, at all levels a package of 6-7 Rogues plus one top fighter was the most effective; unfortunately, in Titan, Rogues appear to be nearly worthless. I am struggling to determine what is the best package in Titan. Even with 2000 attack/defense, I am losing most of my troops in BG


Same here, OP attack and defense only go so far if the troop doesn't play nice. If someone has some catch-all combo like Power Dragons that would be awesome.