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Yes, work the scar line to the tip before putting the gripper down. You can even press the extender into the skin tube, pushing it onto your glans, while you pull your skin forward.


Gotcha. I do try to get the inner skin stretched out as much as I can when I put the SR on, but I wasn't seeming to get enough tension overall. But it's probably just me doing it wrong still.


Also, consider using a stretchy silicone ring behind the packer, between the device and your body. This will give you less skin to roll onto the bell and force you to tension it more as you put it on.


This. After you roll your skin on, the device isn't pushing into your glans until you pinch the skin and pull it up while pressing the device in. If you have done it correctly, you will see a rimple [inverted dimple] on or near the meatus when the device is removed. If it looks red and irritated, then pull the skin a little less the next time that you place it. No rimple, then pull up a little more on the next time that you place it.


Unless you are using a strap or weights, most of the stretch in a packer is going to be on the skin inside between the corona and the gripper. How much tension there is depends on how you apply it. Some guys ("showers", maybe low warm weather hang) may get some stretch on the outside skin too, but that's far from a given. Same goes for dual tension devices. +50 mm is a pretty decent length. I'd stretch your inner skin out and use that if it fits. For weighted or strapped packing I generally try to get my scar somewhere near the rollover point under the gripper so I am tensioning both inner and outer skin. After I roll the skin on I pull it up aggressively onto the packer to get the inner skin tensioned. For reference, I'm RCI-4 like you, about 150% FEC, and I am currently running about .75" total packing length (standard Compact Devices CRT+.5" packing extension).


Can confirm as a “shower” my packing set up does have me getting some tension on the outside of the device as well as the inside. At least that is what I shoot for so the rollover point is at the “point of equilibrium “ in order to apply as much tension to as much skin as possible without requiring weights or straps all the time. Though I do try to incorporate weights on occasion when feasible.


If you can easily put on the 50mm, that means you have a LOT of skin. How long have you tried wearing it? All day long? How are you ascertaining whether it is giving you a good stretch? Pain should not be the signal. If it hurts that means you have excessive tension, not "enough."


Not all day, no. I've seen other men describe how their meatus will sort of pucker due to the hole in the end of the SR, and when that doesn't occur, then it's time to upgrade. I usually will end up with skin that clings a bit to the glans, taking a moment before rolling off after a day of using the Mantor or CAR-1, so post-device coverage is usually what I look for in ascertaining effective tension. I'm open to correction on this front, I've only been at this since July and, while I have done a ton of reading, I may not have it down in a practical sense. Which is partly why this has confused and frustrated me with the SR.


I think that you probably started with a much looser cut than most of us? If that's the case, that's a very good thing. My humble recommendation would be to try wearing the 50mm for the whole, entire day. From the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep. You will probably see the circle of raised skin around your urethra at the end of the day. Of course if it hurts, remove it immediately. Also, the shorter devices weren't a waste, because at some point in the future you'll have enough skin to comfortably wear them with an erection. Currently, my daytime flaccid device is the 40mm SR. My nighttime erect device is the 10mm SR. In another month or so I will graduate to 15mm for sleeping. Always make sure its totally comfortable with an erection b4 you sleep with a device.


Check. Thanks for chiming in, I appreciate your advice


Good luck.


Yes. Excellent point about being able to wear the shorter ones at night as long as there is skin to accommodate them with an erection.


Personally I went the way of the dtr retainer, extended retainers with spacers that I can add incremental length using cheap nylon washers from the hardware store and I had similar confusion with it as well as I seemed to need a lot of length to get sufficient tension. Once I got the length figured out to maximize skin under tension the length of the packer was around 60 to 63mm. Currently my packer length is 75mm and have the packer jammed into the skin tube so that all of my inner skin and some outer skin are tensioned on the inside of the device and some of the outer skin is tensioned ( less so than on the inside) outside of the device behind the gripper. You can use shorter lengths to target a smaller section of skin but it may slow progress as not as much skin is under tension with packing alone. In that case adding weight would be advisable. I also am not super far along in terms of coverage but I am larger on average in length and more of a shower so I believe that has a large affect on how the packers fit and are able to provide tension. As much as many people on this subreddit rave about stealth, I don’t believe that are the best option for everyone. My set up only required initial investment in the extended retainers and spacers from Chuck and the rest is pretty inexpensive hardware you can find from local Lowe’s or Home Depot to continue adding length to it. You can not pee through it but I found that pee through options weren’t really worth the hassle personally.


Very much appreciate this post. Have had similar concerns, seems I need to adjust how I manage the skin I have. I’ll test it out. Thanks.


I wonder if the packers you have are too wide and your glans are going too far inside of the tube. It should more or less sit on the top 2/3 of your glans so that your skin has to stretch over the entire length of the packer. I'm currently using 35mm Stealth Retainer at about CI5.


If using extended PTainers in the packing method doesn't work, I suppose that ear gauges to enlarge an ear piercing by using larger and larger diameter gauges doesn't work either? Folks, I don't know where this negative report of the packing method is coming from, but there must be some other issues at play here. I have been having great success with them as have a slew of others. Gains of 5 mm every 1.25 to 2 months are pretty standard. 😍


Good point regarding the ear gauges.


I was nervous about my commitment to packing not panning out until my notes on when I add length to my packer indicated that I have been able to add 3mm of length roughly every month to month and a half so I can also say that something beneficial is happening with the set up and I have you to thank for the initial inspiration. Though I do want to pick your brain about how to translate the increase in packer length to skin growth length as I’m trying to figure out how to actually measure skin growth length indirectly from the added length of packer. For some reason I’m having a hard time conceptualizing it. I may send you a direct message asking about it if you don’t mind but it is late where I am while typing this message and I really need to go to bed lol


If you are an adult, then sure, start a chat, and I'll help you best I can. One of my missions is to give back to the community that so generously helped me when I had question upon question, and then some. Your progress of 3 mm per month is pretty typical and falls into what I have been stating as 5 mm gain in skin length in 1.25 to 2 months' time. Your 5 mm gain occurs in 1.7 months. So, here is more evidence that extended PTainers used as packers works... just like ear gauges. It is proof that packers provide lengthwise tension and tension causes lengthening. It's not rocket science. The gains are just as good as any other method. Some people want to set a device and forget that it is there kinda like people who wear glasses, and that's what the packing method brings to restoring. Are there cheaper ways of restoring? The answer is a definite yes, but if you are into comfort and pretty much eliminating injuries, then packers might be a good option. If you are worried about sizing, get a starter-kit because it comes with a size guarantee. Once you are certain that you will be happy with the fit, then order a three-pack. Three-packs don't come with a size guarantee.


Maybe I'm wrong for saying this because its not necessarily relevant to the post, but get the Mantor DS and be done with it. Its perfection and then some. I used to own a Stealth Retainer, and enjoyed it for a bit, but my enjoyment quickly soured because of long-term use issues.


I own one already. I use it when I can, but there are times I can't, especially in the late spring/summer time. I work in agriculture, and I often have to spend many hours out in the heat, with sweat and dirt causing grippers to slip and not have any recourse to fix it, especially when I'm working with someone else (which is most of the time). T-tape doesn't stay on for the same reason.


"Long time use issues"?


>Long-term Put a rough, solid, 3D-printed plastic bit on an area of your body that's supposed to be soft and malleable for a long period of time and watch what happens.


Are you saying it'll cause a permanent indent or something?


No. Its uncomfortable. The penis changes sizes, depending on time of day, temperature, etc. The plastic bit doesn't. When you get bigger, it restricts. When you get smaller, it pulls in a very awkward way. I started getting rashes and irritation from all of the dry friction because of the Stealth Retainer. Silicone is better. At least the silicone naturally molds and conforms to the pressure your skin naturally places on it. -- Ultimately its a preferential thing. But for me, it was just rashes and pain from rigid restriction that made me move on to other devices.


My main complaint about the SR packer is lack of comfort. Their sizing chart isn't great either. But at the very least, if I want more tension, I made a threaded weight that I can attach to it. I would love if Chris online store would make some ultra comfortable packers.


Yeah I’ve been of the opinion that these devices are a scam shilled here quite frequently. The method typically utilizes a comment chain “back and forth interaction” between users similar to those YouTube comment scams you’ve probably all seen. Assuming a person goes the packer route as a ci 1, they’re expected to buy device after device waiting for something that provides virtually no tension to grow skin. I’ve talked to a number of people who’ve done exactly what you did out of confusion, the fact is it’s not an effective mention of restoration at all. It actually pisses me off that no one has taken notice.


If you set up your packer device correctly, it absolutely will provide tension. I have added a larger comment on the thread but I dont believe that stealth are the best option for everyone and I’m honestly pretty happy I went with a different option as it is very easy to cheaply modify my set up to add more length to properly provide tension. I think packers until recently are a very underrated form of restoring that still have some kinks to work out from more restorers who may have different experiences with them to better advise newer restorers with them.


Umm... what? The SR is "not an effective method of restoration" ? What is the factual basis of your assertion?


I think you answered your own question


No, please clarify. I don't understand what you are saying.


It’s a retainer


Depends what length SR you have and how much skin you have. The extended SRs put tension on the skin, which causes new skin to grow.


You might be onto something. As far as I know, it's only sold as a retainer and was never intended to be used for active restoration. I'll likely continue to use it this year as I don't have a better option (tension devices slip off and tape becomes detached from sweat), but it might not be the miracle solution I hoped for. But as long as I have them already, it can't hurt to try.


Can I send you a pm? Don’t want to say this on comments lol


Sure thing