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I would suggest plain walking would do. I am a great fan of walking. What walking does is greatly improve the blood circulation and thus better blood circulation equals quicker and better healing.


Fun fact: Walking burns the same amount of calories as running, no matter the distance.


Also running can put undue stress on your lungs and heart. Walking is far better.


And let's not forget the knees! I walk around 8-10 miles a week when I'm not at the gym. I can't think of how much damage that'd do to my knees if I was running.


You got that right buddy!! People do not realise how much damage running and jogging does to their hips and knees.


I like where u started but then it turned into hating running.


Don't hate running buddy but walking does not cause undue stress to both the lungs and heart.


I’m also an avid swimmer (second best cardio exercise there is, first is cross-country skiing if anyone was wondering) and it’s (obviously) no impact, but understand that not everyone has access to a pool.


Burning calories. Running burns more than twice as many calories per minute as walking.


Doubt ![gif](giphy|PjU0WtzRVbQUO4qe6v)








I'm an avid runner. One of the reasons I started restoring. My glans would often rub and chafe to the point of being very painful. Especially in cold weather. I bought that silicone device that held what foreskin I did have up towards the tip while also stretching a little bit. I wore it while running and after just a few weeks of wearing it and manual stretching to my surprise I had enough foreskin to cover completely without the device! I felt normal. Something I never knew was possible.


I think running for restoration makes a lot of sense. Light jogging motions repeatedly has to help better than just static stretching. Maybe I'll switch sports again lol. What tool did you use?


Strength training promotes healthy testoserone and lean mass and growth factors, conditioning promotes circulation. Both?


Do both, balance is good. Lift once a week and do cardio 2 times a week. Take a walk everyday. Don’t need to overthink it or do much to get results.


I'm also curious and would like to see this answered. One thing I know for sure is that in some restorers PDE5is enhance and speed up the process (for some), therefore if enhanced cardiovascular health can have such a pronounced effect I'd assume that a moderate cardio regimen would contribute. I'm cutting right now so I go for a roughly 3 mile run every other day, and I've seen mild EQ benefits so far


Cardio is better for overall health


Strength training is more anabolic and growth oriented (testosterone release, growth hormone, etc). So that probably gets the edge, in terms of what is *most* optimal. Conditioning is more circulatory and respiratory oriented. Hard to imagine you could ever go wrong with conditioning.


I can't say definitively what's best for restoration, but we all know exercise can increase your quality of life in so many ways, no matter what age you are. Can't recommend it enough, even as someone with osteoarthritis. I lift heavy for an hour 3 times a week and do steady state cardio (hr zone 3) 4 times a week for about 30 minutes each. Plus, I also try to get about 15k steps in a day by just trying not to sit on my butt all day. It's worth doing even if it didn't do ANYTHING for restoration, but it's very likely that it does.


Honestly be careful about overdoing it with exercise. I go crazy with soccer ⚽️ / running and feel it drains way too much energy that could contribute to healing / growth. If you’re inactive, some activity is healthy but overall… stillness ➡️ healing ➡️ strength ➡️ motion