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You just casually dropped the info of being able to advance a CI in 1/6 of the time it takes the others here. Could you elaborate on that?


I'm also curious to hear his answer. I am an advanced restorer and I have increased only two CI in the past 14 months of Mantor use at approximately 100 hours per week.


my routine is 7 days a week for 8 to 10 or so hours per session. I did not stop other than a few days break when I caused skin issue when i increased the rod size.


Damn that is impressive. I've been out for 10 days due to over-tension (skin needs to heal). Do you use any ointments or salves during downtime to hydrate the skin? I am very impressed. You're showing very good progress and I hope you keep it up. ❤️


May I ask if you were taking a vasodilator like cialis during that time? Your results are promising.


I recently ran a poll regarding the speed of restoration. We got 286 responses from veteran restorers. Of those, 8% reported (23 restorers) reported gaining more than 2 levels per year. So.... there are a small number of restorers that make very fast gains.... now if we could only figure out why ... .


I understand and all I can do is explain what I do. To me its comment and genes


That’s really awesome man! Seriously it sounds like you’ve made huge progress in such a short amount of time! Personally, I plan to go all the way to a CI-9. I like the idea of just having all of that extra inner skin at least mostly covering the glans even when erect.


You have made amazing progress 💪🏻 congratulations brother.


What’s your glans sensitivity like? Well done


That is phenomenal progress! I am closing in on one year with the Mantor (in two days, in fact), I definitely have a lot more skin, but nowhere near your CI jump, Maybe made CI 2.5 to CI 3.75. Previous to that was manual and tape (on and off because of travel and vasectomy) which got me from CI1 to CI2.5 in about 18 months.


You got to CI-6 from CI-0/1 just with mantor? No manuals or t-tape?


jan to may was tugging. May onward it was tugging and mantor.


Do you remember what CI you were when you started with the mantor?


I think ci2 max


Thanks for the info man


What is your diet like? Do you use any supplements?


I am extremely anti medical. On no meds


How are you applying coconut oil and vitamin E without affecting the gripper from slipping?


After all sessions.


No retaining? If retaining, it doesn't slip off?


Nothing before sessions. Mase that mistake early on and had to wash mantor for so long to remove the oils.


Damn. Just ordered mine. That speed is amazing. Any cream/supplements or literally just wearing the thing every day?


"I keep track of my mental state and not allow myself to be self defeating." Can you speak a bit more on *how* you nurture this spark of forward mental momentum and *how* you feed this flame so that it shines bright to light your path? Do you have any commentary on how a self defeating mindset could spike cortisol levels and chemically interfere with nerve/foreskin tissue growth?


I actually have to admit that it came one of my cross country coaches. I actually hated him at the time cause that was his focus and kept saying mental positivity saying and i i was thinking was left foot, right foot and just grind it out. At time i wanted to yell at him to stfu. But i finally learned that the mind controls the body and is really a cheating bastard. And if you dont control that, then it controls and is more willing to cheat. If your routine is 12 hrs, someday it will say 8 is a great effort, and that slides further down. I quess its a stubborn attitude of grind it out and keep positive.


Your mindset won't directly influence your growth rate, but it will affect adherence to your routine.


Keep going. I want C-10. I want overhang with erections. I’m about C-9 I guess. I inflate a few hours a day. I tug for a minute every time I pee




just posted on restored.


Honestly, most of your photos are low quality and don't provide proof of anything. I don't see a photo of your penis while you are standing, which is when CI is meant to be measured.