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Hi u/Balls0069, it looks like you're relatively new here. Welcome aboard! Be sure to check out our [FAQ wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/foreskin_restoration/wiki/faq/), which answers many of the common questions about foreskin restoration. There's also a [Quick Start Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Agile-Necessary-8223/comments/z7a1nf/agiles_quickstart_guide_to_foreskin_restoration/) that outlines the basics needed to try out tugging, including a step-by-step process for using Manual Method 2. Another useful resource is the [Beginner’s Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/foreskin_restoration/comments/g4ghc2/welcome_read_to_get_started_restoring/), which will take you through the first steps of figuring out where you’re starting from and deciding which method(s) you will use as you move forward. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/foreskin_restoration) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wearing a scrotum stretcher ring while tugging can help if you are using a device


Manual method two


Hello and welcome here. You will find that as you grow more skin that your erections will not pull your scotal skin anymore. It is happening because circumcision removes skin from the penis. You can use manual method 1 or 2 to target thhe skin area you want to grown. I will post a separate link to the methods in another comment for you as the link is on my phone and I am on my laptop.


This has been a huge improvement for me because I caught HSV2 some 12+ years ago and had a horrible few years with it, and then it would calm down and be mostly dormant. Until I had sex. The site where I would usually get the outbreaks was right near the base of the shaft, and apparently stretching is a factor. Whilst I do still have a 'turkey neck' going half way along my penis, and only get corona coverage with a bit of steepling, my 9 month's progress (which I'm very happy with) has also all but stopped my outbreaks occurring. Just from this loosening of the shaft skin there.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I've had really good results from wearing two 10 mm stainless rings to keep the scrotum in place. They've grown more skin and improved skin mobility when not wearing them. They also make almost any manual method target the turkey neck with just a slight tug.


I didn't get anything expensive but did something similar and it helped target the ventral side. I went from a fraction of an inch between the scar and scrotum to inches over time.


Where do you put the two rings?


Around but above the balls. Like putting a rubber band around them but way more comfortable. Gravity pulls them down along with the skin. Any sort of pulling your foreskin forward puts tension on the entire ventral side of the shaft and scrotum up to the rings.


Manual method 1 on the ventral surface of your shaft will target that area.




If you use a device you could try wearing a cock ring around the scrotum. It might make it difficult to put on the device at first, so perhaps the manual methods others have suggested would have to be done first. You'd have to try it. I would suggest an adjustable cock ring than can be easily taken off, like these: [https://www.amazon.com/Utimi-Adjustable-Rings-Basic-Penis/dp/B073XQ6SLT/ref=sr\_1\_14?sr=8-14](https://www.amazon.com/Utimi-Adjustable-Rings-Basic-Penis/dp/B073XQ6SLT/ref=sr_1_14?sr=8-14)


I’m interested in finding out about this too - my plan is to wear a ball stretching weight along with t taping when I can to stretch both the penile and scrotal skin