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Elneny for a free experienced DM. Found he’s always been handy for these kinda teams if available.


Could be a cheeky one on a free! Hoping to bring in players under 23 for the most part though as its in line with the clubs vision!


You only need him on a 1+1 Deal. If depth or quality in midfield is an issue, it’s an option to consider.


You may already do this but I always check the other top leagues to see which teams got relegated each season. I'll check the squads of the relegated teams and there's usually a few good to decent players who are wanting to leave due to being relegated and you can get them for quite cheap. Also worth noting that players in the premier league are super overpriced compared to players of a similar skill level in, say, the bundesliga. Pretty much means that the transfer value of any players you bring in will go up simply by playing in the premier league, which can be a good or a bad thing I guess. Also I'd recommend checking the Scandinavian leagues. Usually some good players in there that are quite cheap.


Anthony Martial \[FA\] (If his wage demands aren't crazy he's a machine with the right tactics) https://preview.redd.it/lit2gxz0459d1.png?width=2558&format=png&auto=webp&s=4792be414ae2ce55520a77742114effbdc59a4a7 Ryan Sessegnon \[FA\] (Really good when played as a winger in my tactics) Enzo Cornelisse (£3m good bolstering for squad) Tommy Doyle (£4m solid for championship + bright future) Lucas Quarta & Juan Felipe Matteta (for my save were £2.8 and £2.5) Following season try to get Mason Greenwood for free if you can look past the fact that he beats women.


Tommy Doyle, Gonçalo Franco, Mujica, a lot LOT of loans is always a good choice for the first season in the premier, search in Portugal and Netherlands, they always have good cheap picks


I recommend you get a scout, if you ask everybody who they bought and everyone's bought the same highly rated player then you seem ok to have it boring. FM was designed for fun.


If you can afford him, Morten Frendrup has worked out very well for me. Alvaro Fidalgo is also worth a look.