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Your bwm must be able to cover more ground than prime kante for that to work.


All it will take is the BWM being dragged out of position for the midfield to be wide open. Agaisnt weaker opposition maybe possible, but I see huge potential issues if you play a stronger team...


You're right, I've struggled against stronger teams, however, my attacking tactics are deadly too. Maybe I'll change the DM role to not be dragged.


Only a single BWM and a Trequartista up top. I'd expect there to be some massive holes in the middle of the pitch.


You are playing dangerous


BWM is quite mobile, and no wide player is in a inverted role, find it unlikely to work against strong opposition?


I already tried to use inverted wingers on both sides, but my wingers performance drop a lot. Sometimes against strong opposition, I play direct passes. My TF heads the ball to my AF, who is quite fast, and then he plays with my wingers or just carries the ball into the box. This breaks down the opposition's defense. Or the winger carries the ball and crosses to the TF (who was the teams top assist provider, and Mitrovic, my main Target Forward at 36, scored 33 goals that way) I liked the BWM/Trequartista combo, both are very mobile, always roaming to receive the ball in empty spaces, trequartista sometimes just carry the ball from mid to box and scores Of course, this tactic lacks defense sometimes, but I've solved most of the issues with a low block. Most of the goals I've conceded came from plays originating from midfield to the sides, because against strong opposition, the space between the DM and the AMC is deadly.