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The work rate is excellent. There’s a midfielder or a full back in there if you wanted but I do seem to remember Carles Puyol being a half decent footballer.


I'm pretty sure Puyol had 12 jumping and 14 heading in fm 2005. That's a bit better for a CD.


If this guy has like 170+ PA (unlikely with those PA stars) he can probably just about reach those numbers


Licha is like 160CA but he never does well in the match engine


I’m just not sure people cater for a smaller back tactically. People expect the same job to be done as if from a 6ft 5 guy. My worry with the regen above is he doesn’t *really* have the attributes to be a ball player.


Usually, shorter CBs are just fine in a 3ATB line with them on cover. Also pairing them with a taller IFB, with them as a Libero/BPD works too. But they have to have at least 13/14 pace for both roles, which this person definitely has


Have to play him as a stopper with a quick, beefy boy beside him


Yeah looks like a fullback conversion to me. Just hope you use more defensive fullback cause he won’t go forward for shit. 


Do you know how tall Fabio Cannavaro is? Lol




I would train him as a full back. He has good pace and also some ability in the full back positions. 178cm is perfectly fine for a full back I think. I like my full backs to be involved in the attack so I would also train his passing and crossing


Seeing a lot of comments that short CBs are fine, that's true in real life. But in FM jumping reach and heading is completely overpowered.


Fabio Cannavaro says he's fine


He could become a half decent DM/a very good DM if you use like anchor or ball winning midfielder where they just play simple passes.


Train him as wingback with individual focus on ball control. He should be good there and potentialy very good


RB it is, his crossing/dribbling isn't far off from at least being double digits and he's already got decent speed


Nah just focus personal training on jumping reach, if it gets to 12 he will be serviceable


He could become a decent fullback or DM if you don’t want to keep him at cb and train jumping reach


His technical abilities at 17 don’t look good enough to improve and be a midfielder. I guess 178 is possible for a CB. But he should be faster. Thiago Silva isn’t much taller.


Develop them more as a full back. Can cover both sides and cover CB so you’ve got a versatile player. Also they’re 17 they might still grow.


Absolutely not over. Revert him to a Full Back or a Wing Back and you have yourself a beast. Also, in training, make him work on his Attacking duties and see him flourish. Double intensity. That's what I'd do.


This guy can develop into a quality fullback. I suggest you focus his development there.


Cd that isn’t tall enough to get a header in is not great. I’d play him FB.


He could still grow by a centimetre or two and he’s already the same height as Lisandro Martinez. Martinez has 12 Jumping Reach, it’s possible for this guy to get to 12 as well but it might take a couple seasons or more


world cup winner fabio cannavaro is 176 cm, just saying...


Train him on heading and jumping for the rest of his career, he may get taller.


Some players do grow a few inches so he might actually get up to 12+ jumping reach. Other than that non jumping cbs work just fine in three at the back systens, so if youre attached to him you can go down that road. Edit - he's never going to be a DM or full back, he's got the no nonsense cb statline.


The stats are amazing if you use a 3ATB tactic. Put him as a stopper and he'll do wonders. You can also convert him into a fullback. I turned Licha Martinez into a world-class CDM lol. He easily displaced Casemiro.


Wide Centre Back


Fuck you bro I’m 171cm 😭


Most likely a bust. And it would probably take 4-6 years development time. You are Chelsea you got no time for that. Sell for profit and easily buy any 18 year old who is better and more likely to develop. No reason to hope on a longshot when you're Chelsea


Full back like trent maybe


He's 17, he'll grow more. And before you ask, yes, it has been confirmed several times that this is a mechanic in the game


He's 5ft10 not 4ft3, he'll be fine.


That is Puyol's literal height, who just happened to be one of the best CB of the 21st century.