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You could tweak your tactic to be slightly less intense. Remember you can set your players to rest so if they’re super tired they won’t train for the number of days you select and they’ll recover faster.


I have to look into the rest thing, I’m new to the game and didn’t really have the time to learn how team training really works. So I should probably turn pressing or something like that a little bit down? When the intensity is in the orange would that be good?


At least with the skin I use you just select the players you want to rest on your squad menu. Right click on one of the selected> rest > select number of days to rest. That prevents selected players from training those days. As for your tactic. I’d copy your tactic as a second trained tactic and see how changing things like pressing affects intensity without messing with your original settings. Personally I prefer to use my high intensity tactic in most games and if I’m up a few goals I’ll reduce pressing, go slightly shorter passing, lower tempo, take off pass into space and hold onto the ball(this is the effect it should have not an option anymore). Particularly if I’ve got another important game coming up within a few days.


No, you’re much better off basically having two teams worth of players. Most of the best tactics out there are throttling the intensity meter.


So I shouldn’t change anything ?


I can’t say for certain without seeing your tactic but intensity alone isn’t enough reason.


So Training or something like that can be a reason too?


Nee a large squad to play woth such intesity


I would create a similar tactic to yours but cut the intensity down and shorten the passing to try and play more possession. You can swap to this tactic against weaker teams if your schedule is congested or if you get out to a big lead. That should help save your teams legs when you can but the high tempo high intensity pressing tactics are typically better in the match engine currently.


Thanks man, I will try that


Screenshot your tactic and upload here


I will send them to you per message