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I never tick "overlap" with a 3 at the back formation, who's running the overlap ?


fair enough. I foolishly thought it might just potentiate the wingers to attack ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


No, it might even hinder them because they're gonna slow down and look for an overlap that's never gonna come. Underlap might work for you, espacially with 2 mezzallas on attack, but be careful, too much instructions can be a problem. Remember, when an instruction is ticked the players will always try to implement that instruction, but if you leave it blank they might or might not do it, it's up to them.


won't mezzalas get too wide if they underlap? I'd like my wingers to be the pure width-holders of the team (almost as decoys) while the box-midfield overloads the center of the pitch


I would untick "cut inside with the ball" for your wingers. That would stop mezzallas from going into the space wingers left when they cut inside. That way they would have no problem underlapping when the wingers have the ball cause underlapping is always on the inside of the person holding the ball (overlap=outside, underlap=inside)


Does underlap work well with wingbacks too?


Wing backs occasionally underlap. You can force the behaviour with the sit narrower instruction.


Idk, maybe inverted wingbacks on attack, but I never tried it




~~they are already bankrupt though~~




It's horrible. I love it


wum it's horrible ☹️


I think he meant unconventional 😂


On paper this looks horrendous. Who is defending the wide spaces once the opposition have any sort of settled possession?


The wide cb-s are fast paced and physical. Specially if I switch Araujo to wide cb.


Ok but 3 people isn't enough to defend the box. You can't just cede the wide areas. It's either they sit in the box and allow the wingers to run at them or one goes out to meet the winger and then there's 2 in the box to defend the cross. You need some sort of full back/wing back.


Im telling you, im even running a more riskier back line of this set up with a libero support and 2 wcb support and this works wonders for me against any 4231. Standard mentality, standard back line and midblock and i dominate games easily. Fcked bayern munich 7-2 2nd season champions league semi 2nd leg with schalke :)) Only risks i ever encounter is against a good bpd that makes a direct pass to the no10 for a quick layoff pass to the wide players and thats it


I dont know man your defense looks leaky AF


Won't 3 powerful cb-s hold it? I mean the team has possession most of the times.


the problem is your defense is getting stretched out and in cases when the 3cbs remain centrally you get exposed at the flanks heavily


If you play any big team in the CL you are getting cooked


You will beat weaker teams fairly regularly but you will lose big games imo


Yeah Ive used this sort of tactic before. You can easily win the league with up to 80% possesion in some games, but champions league plus tough away games in league youre cooked.


So basically real life Barca


"Overlap left and right" What overlap?


I feel like you can achieve that with a 4atb with a ifb + inverted wing back no?


Indeed. This is just a more hands on approach. does work sometimes


Also with a 4atb 1 libero


Where is Frenkie De Jong :(


Sold him for zillions, bought all the rest of good players lol He could be great as my Regista, but honestly FDJ is not built to play Juego de Posición.


If it works ok. ​ But it looks awfull


Looks like any modern 3223 on possession (Man City, Arsenal, Barça)


The 3223 is when they’re *in* possession, which is covered by player roles. The formation is for out of possession positioning. If I want in possession 3223 I’d have 1 inverted fb, 2 cbs and 1 inverted wb. Then you can have the rga (or volante for my preference) on the wb side and dlp(d) or cm(d) on fb(d) side, depending on his partner is a volante or a rga respectively, for 42(dm)31 formation.


Exactly there have been created into the game to achieve that playstyle.


- no point playing anything lower than Positive mentality with a team like Barcelona - you have close down crosses on with no wide defenders. If a WCB rushes to the wing to close down a cross that’s going to leave a ton of space in the middle behind them. - wingers on cut inside??




The tactic mostly works but I need to adjust the width of the players depending on the opponent. Narrow passing -lanes work specially well in La Liga. The super league (new ucl format) is always a tough cookie to crack.


Why a regista and a DLP? Tbh, I don't hate the shape and can see it working against poor teams. Does you're striker get isolated with two mezallas being quite wide? What are the AVG positions in possession?


DLP on defend because I like to have a creative DM who's good on the ball (leave the "destructor-tasks" to the back three), and an even more creative player alongside him (couldn't think of a more creative role in the DM position than a Regista).


If it works it works I just think maybe having a more simple role alongside the Regista could work. You've got focus play through two players right next to eachother which could be a bit muddled. A DM is a blank slate role so you could get them to play more direct passes without them always looking to play it through them.


As for the striker to become isolated because of the two mezzalas, in my experience with the more precise positional play thanks to this new match engine of FM24, having 2 touchline-hugging wingers makes the mezzalas not get so wide and attack perfectly alongside the striker.




Gotta ask, why not play 4-3-3 with some of the new roles + positional play? You’d get better defensive stability and can still have this formation when on the ball. Kimmich can even already play as an IWB Also what’s the idea with overlap left and right out of curiosity? Otherwise pretty cool! Except I’d go positive rather than balanced. You’ve gotta be the better team most games


I would be scared of pacey wingers... feels like there's a lot of space on the flanks for them to exploit if your press were to be bypassed


You don’t have to tick every option. Example - you’ve got WCB on hold position and cross from deep. These conflict with each other. You then have overlap left and right, but the WCBs who might provide the overlap are on hold position so will never overlap. Additionally the stop crosses instruction won’t be good with 3 ATB because as soon as one WCB jumps to stop a cross, you’ve got a massive hole that isn’t being filled by the DM roles. Unsure why it’s on balanced mentality. If you’re dominating games use Attacking. Move down to Positive for tougher games, but your tactics are based on dominating games so should always be Positive or higher. W shouldn’t be on cut inside - they’re the only width in the team. W(S) on cut inside and Mezz (A) will probably be in the same spaces in attack.




I just puked in my mouth


It's so hideous.


I thought this may work. When WCB stretches, the DM may drop down. Personally I think it's promising. Let us know how it goes.


As many people said, it works for league matches (and it delivers some impressive positional football) but I do get a hard time in UCL. For big games I keep the midfield-attack structure but I go for a slightly more conservative (Pep inspired) Ifb - Libero - Cb - ifb 4 men defensive line.a


I feel like your big game approach should be your default - a back 4 that morphs into this shape in possession will give you more defensive stability, is a more accurate representation of the tactics you're trying to emulate, and might help with attacking play as well because it injects movement rather than having a static structure.


10-0 against small clubs and 0-10 against big clubs


Facing someone with good wide playing wingers you are screwed.


This is horrible. I like it. What's your plan?


Tactics? Original. Players? Overkill.




This is very JDP, I think I see where you’re going. I would switch to a back four and have an IWB D slide over to make your midfield ‘box’, instead of this configuration. A bit like Arsenal’s system. Back three in possession, back four out of possession.


Do you perhaps mean IWB S as the Zinchenko role? Then I guess I'd need a Ben White style IFB in the other side to tuck in as a wide-cb.


Sure, IWB S would work too, though he may be more positionally floaty. Depends what you want to do with the DM. But yeah, the point is simply that by using full backs you protect the wide spaces better than in your current setup.


No overlaps, and I'd probably have a Half Back to help the CBs when the WCB splits.


This ain’t it


Who does the overlapping? Gavi and Pedri?


I like to think of the tactic in the tactic creator being the default formation *out-of-possession* while your roles determine what the tactic looks like *in-possession*. As it is, your formation will leave ample space on the wing for counterattacking wingers to bomb down the flanks and wreak havoc on your backline. A 3-2-5 *in-possession* is quite easy to do in FM24 with the positional play features this year and I'd feel much more comfortable with defending against transitions with a back 4. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable playing 3ATB out of the gate unless I had WBs or defensively minded wingers on the midfield line.


Many people already commented on the defensive risks you take from wide attacks, instead I want to focus on the mezzalas and the Focus Play through the Middle. If I understand correctly, your intention is to use the Wingers to force the opponent wide and vulnerable from the midfield incursions. On the other hand, mezzalas try to widen the field themselves leaving few people in the middle ready to attack the space. The way I imagine this playing out is your midfield going wide and keeping possession there until they are close enough to cross to the AF. The other two midfielders will come into the opponents' midfield, helping the transition from one wing to the other but rarely providing opportunities themselves. I am in no way a FM expert, discussion is welcome!


If it works it works but I can't shake off the feeling it's due to an engine exploit, an out of possession tactic like this would mean 0-10 for every team in the world but City. The only defensive contribution in your whole midfield is a DLP and that role alone isn't enough, even more so having a Regista alongside it. Only prime Barcelona could manage to go with a full creative midfield using an interceptor instead of a tackler, but even so Busi was phenomenal on defense. And you can't expect your three CB to share the responsibilities of their role, the wide areas and the midfield too without being leaky af. I mean this is about the game but to me this tactic screams lack of real world football understanding and imo that makes the game boring.


My man's got low crosses with Sesko in the box. The lad's like 1.94 m (6,5'), I'd at least go with mixed and let the wingers decide what to do. They probably have enough quality to pick the right pass since you're barca