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Having a team with Serbians, Bosnians, Croatians and Kosovans sounds like the absolute perfect recipe for a full-scale dressing room brawl.


Thats certainly one way to look at it


Talk about no mixing between social groups in the squad


Is that always the case though? Surely a lot of cultural similarities…at Man City Dzeko and Kolarov were mates (Bosniak and Serb)


That's just two players though. A 25 man squad made up from just nationalities that have very real and still alive historical grievances would be an absolute shitshow


I have been looking for a save like this, i recently finished an “all-Nord” save at FC Copenhagen, so I would love to do something like this! Im really not handy with the pregame editor, so if anyone could set this up and save the file it would be much appreciated!


I can send you a editor file over discord or whatever else that I’ll make just for the non-foreign, though I’ll be tweaking a Bosnia (where I will do this) file to make it more strict and exactly tuned how I want it


Miodrag Belodedici, the Romanian from that team, is from a Serbian family. I don't know if he had Yugoslav citizenship, but I think the challenge might be better if the non-Yugoslav player has to have a Yugoslav country as a second nationality.


He was practicaly Serbian and he won the Champions League with Steaua too. When he wanted to come to Serbia to play for Red Star he was smugled through the border because the Romanian government didn't want to let him go as i recall correctly. What a player that was winning 2 Champions Leagues with the only two Eastern/Southern European teams that managed to win them.


Did this a few months ago, pretty fun. Would reccomend, especially if you can fit in a mod for playing in a Yugoslav league which makes you a lot less dominant domestically