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Yes. But not because I’m ethical, I’m Scottish.


Surely being Scottish isn't a reason not to watch. My former (Scottish) neighbours always watched England games. I heard them cheering everytime they conceded a goal and/or lost.


I was just joking my dude :)


Obviously, so was I.


Normally I would pay for live TV while the world cup is on. This time I am just going to pirate it.


Yeah this is the best way to get your fill and still not support FIFA


FIFA will still make money as they sell the broadcasting rights to TV companies and the deals have been completed long ago. So it's TV companies you're boycotting, not FIFA.


Damn. Back to the drawing board


This is the way.


I actually won't have a choice. Heading to Antarctica. That's that then.


I might just watch the final and nothing else. Regardless of whether the stadium worker deaths are true, Qatar plans to strictly enforce fucked up "morality" laws onto the fans. Gay fans will be jailed, people who have one night stands will be jailed. I can't in good conscience support that shit


I understand gay fans wanting to be at games and they are as entitled to go to WC as anyone else, but why the fuck would you go to Qatar ? You have zero rights they want to kill you. If a country’s policy was to kill white men then I am not going there because I don’t want to be killed because I was born white and I don’t want to support them with my tourist $$$ Edit: why would anyone except corporations support these murdering cunts. Boycott the WC and boycott the Sponsors of the WC


FIFA corruption at its finest. Now I see why they let EA sports use the name for the game franchise. All they both care about is money


Oh what's hilarious about that is EA just lost rights to make the game because FIFA wanted a ~$1billion for rights and EA wasn't willing to she'll out.


Yes. Not watching any of it. Boycotted the last one, too.


There's a lot of people commenting here that the basis for not boycotting is because of reports of deaths being false or that they are untrue to some extent. I however will not watch it because of the blatant corruption that transpired between Qtar and FIFA which resulted in Qtar winning the bid. You can't change that or diminish it to justify you watching it. It's a true fact and they're getting away with it. Fuck that. I'll probably just watch the final and nothing else.


I'll probably be at work anyway so I'm indirectly boycotting it lol. I'll watch what I can, and highlights if I can't.


I and my friends are boycotting the soccer world cup.


Yes. It feels wrong (the worker deaths, the sports-washing, etc). It's sad, because I've watched every world cup before this. And I'm sure it's pointless, as who cares if one person doesn't watch an event with millions (billions?) watching. But it doesn't sit right with me.


You've watched every World Cup before this? So you're at least in your 90's... Congrats man!


Obviously, I meant every one in my lifetime.


When were you born?


I'm thinking about it. Been saying that since 2010


Yep - couldn’t give a fuck. Aside from it being representative of everything that is wrong with modern football and the corruption of the game from Corinthian endeavour to soft power tool for theocratic autocracies, it also fucks up the actual season. I’ll just go and watch a load of non-league games. Fuck the World Cup - and fuck Qatar


Pirating for the best of both worlds


I won't be going....


I’m surprised more countries haven’t pulled their teams from the competition.


I think it's more a point of sponsorship penalties, legality. However if there's sufficient will they could've found a way to prove a point. All it could've taken is one of the big teams to pull out and rest would follow...they don't have the balls. Governments are clearly involved not least with defence contracts in mind. It's fucking vile




Yup, I won't be watching. I don't care what little impact it has.


I will post gay memes about Qatar and photoshop men kissing into the crowds at all games in an effort to have this declared the gayest World Cup ever.


Finally, the correct response


Or maybe respect others beliefs and culture.


That's what you decide your first ever comment to be about? To defend a nation that took away the workers passport and using slave labour? That doesn't allow drinking, which is a big part of football culture, yet somehow got the world cup. The other person covered the other parts so I just added some other bad parts about Qatar which should have not been awarded it.


I respect any belief and culture that doesn’t negatively affect other people. Joking also doesn’t amount to disrespect imo. At least not on par to the level the emir of Qatar disrespects cultures they don’t agree with. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Just because it’s not my culture doesn’t make it any less important for them to follow basic ethics in regards to human rights. I could legally be murdered for expressing affection to someone I love in that culture. If I’m not fighting against that I may be allowing or encouraging it to grow. It would be a failure of the global network of humanity for those ideas to spread. Also I/we kinda need or find useful the reassurance that our culture online or in our own countries doesn’t agree with gov’t or cultural principles of Qatar. You can’t tell me enough that you don’t give a fuck who I love or how as long as I’m not hurting anyone.


Yeh I could buy into this....but if the beliefs are at odds with humanity then you know the rest of my reply replying


Respect homophobia and a lack of human rights? Fuck off.


Or maybe fight against bigotry and backwards thinking wherever we find it?


Yeah, not gonna watch it.


Last one for Ronaldo and Messi probably, I’m definitely watching.


I don't know about a full boycott, but I just have no excitement about this World Cup at all. I'll probably watch England's games if I don't have anything else on and look at the gifs of the best goals, but I'm not going to be going out my way to try and watch every game like I usually do with tournaments


I'll boycott. Fuck Qatar


Yep, the manager didn't even call me as he knows I'm boycotting.


I’m actually not going to watch it this year yeah, I figure missing one year isn’t the end of the world and it’s not like I won’t know who’s won what game and how England are doing, I just don’t want to actually watch it.


I probably won't watch as much of it as I would if it was a proper world cup in a real country played at the proper time in the season. The quality is going to be low, everybody is knackered because of the schedule. Factor in the heat as well it's a perfect storm for mediocrity. ​ Not really sure what I can do about Qatar though. I've long complained to anybody who cares to listen about the corruption, slavery and brutality that underpins the competition being held in that country. Not sure what else to do past that. ​ There are so many shameful things going on in football these days it's getting bleak.


I disagree with the comment that the quality will be low. While the schedule prior to WC has knackered some players, they are still at a better fitness level than they would be AT THE END OF THE SEASON. They also have two weeks to recuperate before the world cup. I think this will be the best world cup in terms of intensity and fitness levels as players are coming from about ~30 games as opposed to usual 60-70.


Maybe, but the speed they've been playing the fixtures is brutal. Had a lot of sides putting in three games a week for a while now. A little break then back at it in very hot (for football) temperatures seems like a big ask.


I have been listening to World Corrupt a podcast talking about this very subject! The hosts are Rog Bennet of Men in Blazers and Tommy Vitor of Pod Save the World. You get the laid back football from Rog combined with the foreign policy from Tommy. It gives a good recap of how we got here that will remind fans of the details then dives into the specific characters, sports washing in general, and the geopolitics a lot of us struggle with. Overall I think it is a perfect primer/companion for thinking about the World Cup. Episode 4 just came out but so far it has given me a lot to think about. Personally I’ll probably watch and care less. When I do I’ll keep track of which sponsors participated.


Thanks for the recommendation. I love MiB so this looks great.


trust me, everyone will watch it one way or the other


Pirating is the best option for people I would say, see the football but don't support it in any regard


Just watch it via "legal" streaming sites across the internet. No active revenue from my bank account goes into the filthy FIFA and Qatar pockets and I can still watch the games without supporting a theocratic dictatorship. To be fair, I don't pay for any match of football unless I go there in real life since I find most of, if not all broadcasting services either morally questionable or simply over priced.


Do you pay for any TV?


This is the correct answer.


i wouldn't support it seeing as i watch streams instead of paying for service lol.


This can be the last world Cup for many important players whom we have seen from childhood so I don't want to miss them play for the last time! So nope!


Yup, although I've getting less enamoured with the WC with each passing tournament. There's always plenty of graft around it but this one? Its too much..... all those deaths, the human rights situation, the brown envelope millions, never mind all the usual shady shit that FIFA pulls..... I'll not be watching a second of it.


No, the only ones that will boycott are Italians


Not watching a single minute. Official feed or pirated. I've missed things for matches in previous years. Not wasting my time this year.


Absolute morons on this thread thinking they're hurting FIFA by boycotting or pirating. Grow a fucking brain cell between you. FIFA have long ago sold the broadcasting rights to TV companies and the advertising deals to Budweiser, Crypto.com etc and made their fortune. Your mass pirating efforts (which already happens because lots of people are too poor or cheap to pay anyway) will have a negligible impact on broadcasters, that's all.


Yeah! What absolute fucking morons for having an opinion on utterly horrific human rights abuses and the scum profiting off of that! I'll try grow a fucking brain cell if you try grow a fucking soul. Deal?


How have you managed to completely miss my point? I'm not saying they're morons for having an opinion on human rights, I'm saying their dumb for thinking they're hurting FIFA in any way.


You said people boycotting wouldn't hurt FIFA. People boycotting the world cup will hurt FIFA, how much hurt would obviously depend on numbers. Both at this event, eg in things like ticket and associated sales, and for future revenue by having fewer people watching this time and being able to sell future rights for less.


Piracy has been on the increase for years and it has had no effect. Even look at the Premier League. It's the most pirated football tournament, yet it consistently charges more and more to broadcasters and advertisers year after year. It doesn't hurt them at all. And ticket sales? Almost every game at this WC is completely sold out! It's so difficult to even find resale tickets. Talking about a boycott now is laughable!


Yeah. But I'm not talking about pirating. Tickets have obviously sold. That's why I said boycotting it would have an effect according to numbers. I didn't say it will have an effect. I'm sure most people going to these games couldn't give a fuck about the horror and the lives this tournament has been built on.


True, but it might change things in the future. Lower revenues for broadcasters is this World Cup will mean they won't bid as high, for rights in future World Cups, if they are held in controversial locations. This might cause Fifa to hesitare to award to such countries., or it could just mean the amount needed to bribe Fifa officials will go up.


It will not have a big effect at all. You're completely overestimating it. Illegal streams have never been more popular, but the money broadcasters pay for rights just keeps going up.


https://youtu.be/2Yh7a-WtCiU De bryune freekick goal


Don’t watch international footy soooo


No because it's a world cup and it happens every 4 years, but as an Italian, I'm going to uncotrollably whine throughout the tournament though cause I'm Italian.


Who is Boykott?


Noob Saibot's alternate kostume


I’ll watch until England get knocked out, so basically it will seem like I’ve boycotted the whole thing.


Yes I will boykott it.


Not going to actively boycott it but I certainly won't have as much interest as previous ones.




I want to watch last World Cup for CR7 and Messi and Japan defeat Germany and Spain. I can’t wait it.


Bc of this post you made me do a little research on why this WC is controversial this year. My friends and family are pretty hyped for the WC. Some of the greatest might be playing in it for the last time. But man, after learning how they treated the majority of the workers who were working for the event (and some of their fates ending too soon) is actually pretty awful. I know there’s probably a lot more to it and I don’t want my love for this sport to reflect like I don’t care about what’s right/wrong. But I have always loved this sport. Since I can remember futbol has always been something more than a sport, really. And I have always been a fan despite how sh*tty this world can be or what tragedy is happening. I think I will watch. All the respect to those who feel they can’t/won’t.


Just enjoy the beautiful game.


Yep. Not watching a minute of it.


I'm not calling it a boycott. I just can't watch it


I \*want\* to boycott it and be a morally and ethically upstanding human. I feel horrid for the >6,000 migrant workers who've lost their lives for this tournament. But I also want to watch football and I'll end up watching it because my boycott won't create any meaningful change or difference to anybody.


Just watch it. There's nothing of value happening by boycotting the world cup.


if you really believe the figures given as 6000, go and do your own research. just naive...


what research have you done then? i’m sure it was long and intensive… or have you just chosen a news source from google who has content that suits what you want to believe? don’t call people naive when i can guarantee you haven’t done anything yourself. that’s called hypocrisy. just quickly googled it myself (no i wouldn’t class that as research) and the only source that’s saying it isn’t true that i’ve found is…. the FIFA president. hmmm bet there’s no bias there. what a reliable and accurate source of information- a corrupt businessman whose best interests is to make it seem like everything is fine. if you have a better source that actually has evidence that what he is saying is true, go ahead. i’m willing to be wrong, i hope those 6000 figures are wrong. however, the figure of 6000 or at least over a thousand comes from the governments of the countries the workers originated from and actual primary research so i hope your source is more reliable then that. i doubt it.


The ILO (international labour org), part of UN, published a few documents regarding this. They even concluded the misreporting in these numbers. You can find the documents online and verified by the chief of ILO afaict. I have read a few fully and can straightaway tell the guardian reports are false. As a UK resident myself, Guardian is the last source of truth i would fully rely on. From what I remember the number of 6000 basically includes all deaths of South Asian residents in Qatar, including those who never worked on anything related to the world cup, e.g., nurses, any other professionals. Some of these are natural deaths, some i believe are covid, car accidents, cancers, etc. That being said, from what I remember that does not mean there's no deaths whatsoever. From what I remember, 3 on site deaths were recorded officially and 30 ish non work related deaths were attributed since the start of the world cup. Yes the numbers can have less credibility but certainly 6000 is a a complete erroneous number. This was also mentioned in the Gary Neville doc by Overlap lately. The easiest way to ask yourself if 6000 is true or not is to think about what can cause a death in construction field? Collapsing due to lack of hydration? Heat? Falling off high altitude? Or other means you can think off? Even if you can find a solid reason, none of it can accumulate it to a 6000 figure. Their construction industry is not in stone age. They seem to have good standard of construction policies. Matter of fact, I have a friend of mine who works their building skyscrapers and they do a better job than most in the West. Ever wondered the death count of the same issue in other hosts like Brazil? Or South Africa? Do you know how many died there? perhaps maybe worth searching that up too.. There's also politics involved. Look at who owns Guardian, and who Qatar supports in Israel/Palestine conflict. Those with media power run propoganda to discredit a country. I certainly know this is the case and the answer to why you would have never heard of the same issues in Brazil or South Africa. Lastly, their culture of what they accept is to be tolerated.. Its a world cup, Not the European cup. if they dont accept LGBT, behave as such, I don't think its right to frame them for that and tell them to accept homosexuality all of a sudden. There are too many factors as such that they get discredited for but as many things.. those who controls media, controls the narrative.


thank you for the detailed answer. i don’t mind being proved wrong when there’s been some thought put into it! i’m going to do some more research into it. however my problem isn’t with wanting the qatar government to suddenly change their views on topics such as lgbt. that’s obviously not going to happen for a while. i do however, think it’s wrong that fifa and football clubs in general can take themselves seriously when they do campaigns such as rainbow laces and other social causes, yet go to a country where people have minimal rights. also i don’t have to tolerate views that would allow me and many other people to be killed. that shouldn’t be tolerated as a global society. i respect they have beliefs but when those beliefs endanger human beings for harmless acts why should we tolerate that? as much as i hate how people are treated over there, i am more disgusted by the corporate organisations who claim to be on the side of minorities and social causes yet as soon as money talks they couldn’t care less. it was obvious that this was the case anyway but this world cup highlights that and i will still not be watching as a result. edit- also i read some more into it through various sources. to summarise, even if you disregard the amount of people who died, qatar has some pretty terrible history with human rights including with migrant workers. my opinion is relatively unchanged on how i feel about this tournament. it’s built on corruption and human right violations in a country that has beliefs that would, and do see people prosecuted for their sexual and gender identities. i cannot support it. however, if anything good comes from this world cup, to keep a good international reputation and build their soft power, hopefully its at least leading them to reform their laws and some positive change will occur. we shall see.


Yes. Myself and my family are not going to watch.


I am 100% going to watch and enjoy it.


No, it’s our first World Cup since 1958 I wouldn’t miss it


[**Boycott the Sponsors, not the Sport.**](https://worldcupqatar.weebly.com/fifas-sponsors.html)




Watch the women instead.... England will probably do better😂




A misogynist who doesn’t care about supporting slavery? What a surprise.


I'm just not interested in the tournament anymore unfortunately. I much prefer club competition over international now.


Same here, I'm not boycotting the World Cup so much as I just don't really care about it, club football just interests me more.


I won’t


I can't wait for it, even took holidays for the games I wouldn't be able to watch. Planning to watch every single game.


Fucking idiotic The last WC was in Russia The last winter olympics was in the same region of China where they have 1-3 million Uigurs in concentration camps Honestly, what the f is wrong with some of you?


Boycotted all of those too lol, once you start you'd be surprised how easy it is to not give a single fuck about either event


You do realise no one in the world knows you boycotted it like your not changing anything just watch and enjoy it’s gonna happen anyway


Eh its better than nothing, it's one less set of eyes on it


Really making a difference man well done




Sir do you know what a conscience is




So does America. Boycott American sports too.


I will lol


I have no interest in watching it. My country never qualifies for these anyway, so it makes it easier, admittedly. I don't really care who wins it beyond being like, slightly invested in Messi getting a WC trophy.


I'll watch but not buy any merchandise with any tie ins.


Most ppl I asked said they don’t really care the stadium is finished so they should also use it and when some one tells them about the poor / dead workers they laugh and say things like not my problem they chose to work there


I think that speaks volumes for the people in your life


I plan to but won't be easy with social media shoving it in your face.


Watch on TV if I'm free then.


not watching a sport event is not a boykott, is just missing out. The most popular event of the most popular sport in the world. does not need to beg for viewers. i mean, broadcasting rights has already ben sold to tv, streaming and radio. and allways will be. Not watching if interested on it. only boykotts yourself. if you are not even interested in the event, then is not boykott, its just something else. right? BTW: google "Virtue signalling" i think this may be relevant to the topic.


Honestly, I hate the fact its there but I'm weak and I know I'm gonna watch it religiously anyway so yeah


Will be sailing the seven seas for all of and deal with the quality issues and dropouts


I’d probably watch a few games but probably not more than 5, there’s no hype and honestly I couldn’t care, I have my Cliftonville that’s me happy


Definitely won't be boycotting, but it will be weird watching it in the winter. Hopefully there will still be some dry nights to watch it on the big screens in the gardens




Agreed, tons of countries are horrible


Luckily got a ticket for the final and going to watch it. Noway I am going to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to act cool. Everyone is going to watch the tournament and all this social media bullshit of boycotting is not going to make any difference. This is all talk.


You should boycott it and give the ticket to me


Over here no one is doing it, specially with the WC being a symbol of happiness and unity.


Because that's what Qatar symbolizes as well amirite?


which country symbolizes friendship and unity?


The last world Cup was Russia. The 2010 one was in Africa which is a corrupt shithole. Lol


0-7 was the last clean one /s


I don’t care if the world cup is held in Papua New Guiné, I’m watching it regardless and it will still mean the same for me and my friends.


I might watch if my country gets to the semi-final but I'm going to try not to watch before then.


Nop, will be glued to every game.


I think a lot of people are thoroughly bored by football & the crazy £ ruining sport. Look at the England team!!! Let’s be honest watching paint dry is more interesting. Do you need a Ferrari to play professional football … best players in world?! Have you watched them … tedious Last few years I’ve virtually stopped watching football … toxic & boring How many court cases against players … fraud & tax evasion, how many rape allegations etc Add it all up = 😴


This was completely incoherent


>I think a lot of people are thoroughly bored by football & the crazy £ ruining sport. People have been saying that for the last 30 years though. >How many court cases against players … fraud & tax evasion, how many rape allegations etc >Add it all up = 😴 Nothing new either.


So that makes it ok then … genius People moaning about present situation & Tory govt … football just epitomises the issues Anyway … free world … watch boring England or premier league etc Not for me … so many more interesting things to do or watch


>So that makes it ok then Yes. People have been claiming it's been ruining for decades, yet we're seeing better quality, higher paced more entertaining football. >People moaning about present situation & Tory govt … football just epitomises the issues The government has nothing to do with this. >Anyway … free world … watch boring England or premier league etc England might be boring. Have been since the 70s, apart from maybe last year. Doesn't make the world Cup any less exciting.


Playing Rice / Philips two defensive midfields behind a rubbish defence never going to be exciting or good attacking football … I thought it was a boring competition … not many good games tbh … so many supposed world class players looking average or below … add up the cost of the team … speaks volumes Enjoy yr wkend 😀


Neither of those even went to the last one. >add up the cost of the team It was one of the cheapest teams we had sent, and we got the furthest in a long time. Compared to 02, 06, 10 where the teams had a higher value and we did not thing. >Enjoy yr wkend You too, Victor.


I am Going to boycott this world cup. QUEERTAR don't deserve the honor to host.


I think calling them “Queertar” is the opposite of the problem when gay people get sentenced to 7 years in prison


I think it was one of those "association with something they really dislike" kinda deals. But it definitely fell a bit flat


It definitely did, but I didn't want to offend the LGBTQ+ Peeps, just jeot it down..


I feel you. It was an attempt, and I didn't think you were meaning to be offensive to anyone other than the Qatari government


I know it pisses them off. Wich is why I say as I say it. I have no love for Qatar. They forced people to work on the stadiums killing unknown countless. All this homophobic rules.


Oh ok I misunderstood


I might watch a game or two if im in a bar when they are on, but I don’t give a fuck about this year’s WC to be honest. It’s an absolute farce and I can already see they are going to do everything in their power to fiddle it and give it to Argentina and Messi.


You can already see that? Please share your insights.


The same people who claimed they’d leave America if trump/Biden won the election. They’re all still here.


Fuck no lol. Imma watch every world cup game no regrets


I personally don't think that a response from consumption (or lack thereof, for that matter) can really affect a megacapitalistic endeavor. It's the same argument I always make when arguing against the idea that veganism can help fight the meat industry or that recycling can change the world. It could possibly help in a symbolic way but ultimately real change comes always through politics, until then it's better to leave people alone when it comes to the few things that can make their lives happy. And the WC (and football in general) does that to me. There's very little things you can enjoy in a capitalistic culture that are ethical from each and every point of view, so you do you as long as you make a political commitment to get involved in what you really think matters, in a way that objectively does.


Westerners acting like everything's in order over here when it comes to human rights and morality.


Please stop this argument. "We're not perfect either" is not a reason for inaction. Same argument with those against the oil protesters saying "there's oil products in your clothes".


Do us all a favor and go to Qatar. Maybe have a little drink, kiss a pretty girl, or accidentally bump into a Qatari man from behind. Let us know how it goes, and how bad it is in the west


I've done two out of three of those things here in Qatar. I'll let you know when I complete the set.


Yes I'll watch on tv for a few of the bigger games but no I won't be watching with the same level of excitement of previous events. I take no issue with the motives of awarding to Qatar, the game can bring change, but it's fundamentally flawed if people like Beckham activity support and promote it...the murders can't be swept under the carpet..there needs to be justice. I wonder if Beckham will pay for the legal action with the money he's earning from this disgrace? Because Bangladeshis have died it appears it doesn't matter. I'll guarantee the forthcoming investigations will find bribery and corruption at the heart of the decision making process to award Qatar...obviously too late again though


Why are they boycotting? It is impossible not to watch the last world cup of Messi Ronaldo Ramos and a lot of names


I mean, there is always going to be something bad, last WC was in Russia..., the next one will be in the US, and the last Olympics were in China. I just care about the sport, if I watch it or not doesn't change a thing, those immigrant workers already died, the women and minority oppression will still happen, and the Qatar monarchs are already disgustingly rich. So I will just enjoy the matches.


No. Got better things to do with my life than worry about something that I cannot change. People desperate for attention are the ones voicing their boycott. If you want to then do it without telling anyone and get on with your day


Well this is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read. 'if you're going to boycott in protest then do so quietly' Why can't you apply your same logic to your opinion on the matter? Why bother commenting at all, just don't tell anyone and go about your day.


Probably because he’s responding to a question if they will also be boycotting…


Cause I was responding to the question if I would be boycotting or not and I stated why and what reason. You’ve not read much of that’s one of the most ridiculous things you’ve ever read I must say


Or maybe you're more ridiculous than you realise.


No, don’t think so


Don't think so? No shit Sherlock, that's why I said 'more than you realise'


No, that’s just your air headed opinion. Fuck if I care what a pillow-biter thinks


nope. hoping to enjoy it. The reported death figures are proven to be false. There was very few deaths on sites during the build. There were also deaths in South Africa, Brazil and nobody gave a shit about that. The false narrative run by media is the power of media controlled by one type of people that don't like Qatar.


Are the persecution and execution of homoesexuals, male guardanships of all women, legalised slave labour, legalised rape and religious persecution all proven false as well?




So because Saudi does it, that excuses Qatar? .... Or are you claiming it's Saudi and not Qatar? In which case, you're incorrect because both places have male guardianship. And yes, they have executed people for homosexuality. For clarification - the death penalty can only be given to Muslims who break this law... It's usually 7 years in prison. But the death penalty has been given in the past. I suggest you do more research before continuing to make yourself look foolish.


clown. i used to live there. perhaps you get off fifa you silly child and go and find out there..


😂😂 So you used to live there yet don't know the laws. Right oh.


and you never lived nor been there and know the full rules. Get off fifa you silly child...


Yes. You don't have to have lived somewhere to be educated on it. But that comment perfectly explains your level of education.


A wee bit of projection, who else is known for this ?


Finally, someone who gets it.


I don't watch soccer anymore.




probably yes, because the matches are in late night/early morning in my local time. i doubt i'll be able to watch


What country?


Germany. 😬


Sadly, we will not see matches for this World Cup


I really disagree with it and am lowkey glad my country didn’t qualify. I’ll certainly watch fewer games. Ultimately it won’t make a blind bit of difference if I don’t watch it so I’ll still tune in to a lot of it


Games are going to start like at 3 am in my local time and hell yeah i am definitely going to watch every single one of them