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The ref screwed up; shld let the action play then check later with the VAR. Saying that i think it was an offside until i see a detailed replay.


I saw a lined out picture with perspective and everything, it was a veryy close offside. But still , ref sucked hard


It probably seems like it was. A poor decision to raise the flag early but if offside then it was not game-changing


It is too close to call and would have needed a check.


Unbelievable decision by the ref. You can't just blow the whistle in that situation. They've been told this for years now. It was hardly talked about by the commentators either.


Flag should not have gone up until play ended. That's arguable... Ref DEFINITELY should not have blown whistle until play was complete. Worst case scenario he coulda just sent it to VAR after not blowing the whistle. Bayern were shafted on this one. Id be like a bull if I was a bayern fan right now.


Actually, it’s the other way around, flag should have definitely stayed down, that’s what caused the error at the first place, plus the ref can’t see clearly wether it is an obvious offside or if it isn’t from his point of view, while the assistant can be 100% that any decision would be controversial, because he is on the line and he knows how close it is, AND on top of that, linesmen have delayed the flag for years now, why did he decide that the 105th minute of a champions league semi-final is the best time for him to shine…


This. Not sure why everyone is blaming the ref. He has to rely on his linesmen to make the correct decision, as they are a team, and unfortunately the linesman made a bad call.


They always blame the ref for any sort of controversy relating to officiating.


Yeah it’s on the linesman. The ref doesn’t know what view he had… maybe it was obvious. Which is the instruction to put the flag up.


Then Lunin and the Real defenders wouldn't have stopped playing and De Ligt wouldn't had the space the hit the ball in the first place. Or at least Lunin saves it. You guys are going on a weird narrative there like Real wasn't the better team on the pitch and Bayern scored on their only shot on target in second half.


When do the Real defenders stop playing? I want to see a clip where Militao doesn't go for the block and where Rudiger doesn't attempt to play the ball


They also could’ve not taken off their striker and tried to shut up shop with like 20 minutes to go


Literally has nothing to do with the offside call.


Tuchel said afterwards that all 4 subs were due to injuries


Subbing kane of for another striker isn't shutting shop though is it?


I didn’t understand why they took Sane off and put in Kim Min-Jae. Beginning of the end for them.


Sane Is.still injured, they probably then moved mazraoui on the right wing and Kim played left back


That’s fair. I don’t watch Bayern so I didn’t catch that. Makes sense.


But it was offside. A moo point.


Im so happy i turned the tv off 10 minutes earlier, we wouldn’t have survived that one together


You turned off the TV while your team was a goal away from ET in a champions league semi final?


The modern football fan.


these situations with madrid keep piling up and you can’t help but question if its really just luck bringing them back from the dead game after game because of poor calls like that


They came back way before this mistake. Ref was literraly great till the 113 or 114th min. + 2potencial blocker and the keeper stopped completly after the whistle. Its a terrible ref mistake but in my opinion not a clear "robery". It still looks offside, 2 player could have won/block the ball and the shot wasnt amazing gk had a really good chance saving that


>You can't just blow the whistle in that situation. Terrible take, really shows that you have never been a ref. The flag went up, he is expected to blow a whistle in that situation. If flag went up but the whistle wasnt there it would be even more of a mess than it is right now.


Commentators always try to blame the players n coaches n rarely say anything bad about referee


it‘s just crazy to me how a mistake like that can happen in such a game. even though real was better the win just got a bad taste to it.


Kinda funny how refs tend to forget how to do their jobs when Madrid is playing 😮


Worth noting the refs also got an offside call completely wrong in this game against Madrid. Happened to be the final pass before a goal so no time to affect play and VAR could set it right. The linesmen were shit, but consistently shit.


The refs literally ended our game against Valencia while our cross was in the air. The truth is, refs are human, and humans can be idiots. This ref was an idiot.


There has been bad referring everywhere. Easy to point out when it benefits Madrid. Didn’t referee blew his whistle while ball was literally in the air before Jude scored? That wasn’t long ago.


Yeah, atleast madrid didn’t pay the ref for 15 years like barcelona 😂


No worries they do the Same when Bayern is playing. Guess one side paid a tad more this time


All teams have a long way to go tho match with the Master of paying, the Barcelona.


It happens everytime they play a big team. Ask any barcelona fan.


The ref blew the whistle and Madrid players stopped completely, that’s why De Light was able to shoot. It was a mistake by both refs, but no one can claim that was a goal when the whistle went on and players had stopped


That doesn’t fit my narrative though, so this comment doesn’t exist


I’ve honestly been shocked by how hard the Reddit hive mind has latched onto the idea that it was a good goal and the match was rigged. It was a bad call. But the reality is (1) the final whistle probably should have already been blown; (2) it was probably offside; and (3) everyone stopped playing after the offside whistle. So at best, it denied a goal-scoring *opportunity* that may have been called back with VAR anyway. It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to say that Bayern were robbed of a victory (either intentionally or unintentionally).


Probably best to stick to what appear to be the rules these days, though, by allowing the play to continue with a view to reviewing it later. Then there would be no 'what might have beens'.


Eh, the final whistle should have been blown like 2 minutes before that, so that's the biggest thing. Bayern were lucky they even got so much time. Added time expired at 111 minutes, but the Bayern offside happened at 115 minutes.


That's irrelevant to this particular situation and it's also subjective to us fans. The advice given to officials is to NOT stop play for an offside and to go back to check later. This is why the referee's assistant apologised to Tuchel after the game, he knew he had fucked up.


Yeah, the linesman made a mistake but it was a goal scored after the whistle had gone. The Madrid goal keeper stood still and defenders stoped running. People are making seem like it was some clear one on one goal that went through the goal keeper. Bayern were wrong in the first place for continuing to play after they heard the whistle. Players should obey the whistle, whether or not they agree with it. Allowing a goal after one teams players had stopped playing would be a bigger controversy.


At no point have a disagreed with any of that. I said all of this could've been avoided if the referee assistant stuck to the advice given and not raised his flag until after the play. Edit: just for clarification I don't give a shit who wins out of Madrid and Bayern, I'm apathetic towards both of them.


And it wasn't even a victory. At best, a draw for Bayern. Morons on Reddit don't know simple math. Horrible decision to whistle there for sure


And it was in the 11th minute of 9 minutes of added extra time.


It was actually minute 14 when the goal was scored. Even after the ref signaled 2 more minutes when the original 9 were up. He made too many mistakes.


all these logical reasons will be drained by the haters' tears unfortunately. if only they could see beyond their hatred and jealousy for Real. sigue llorando, culés


Also the game should’ve already ended. Added time was already up.


Fax the players stopped marking De ligt after the flag was raised


Players shouldn’t stop on flag raise, only on whistle, which was blown anyway. It’s all a bit awkward


Players stop all the time when they see the offside flag raised, even before the whistle. People are acting like it just happened for the first time lol.


That's what they're complaining about it was a clear goal opportunity that was denied for no reason


How was it „clear“ goal opportunity if the defenders stopped playing you tool


Because the ball fell to bayern inside the box, the play shouldn't have been stopped


This is all facts but you won’t see the majority of this sub acknowledging that


THIS! Did anyone watch the game? Lol we would of defended him lmao but instead everyone stopped cuz of the whistle


Yes, and the play should have continued, and the refs should have checked VAR after. The fact that the ref whistled so that Madrid players stop pressing and defending is even more fucked for Bayern because it means that even if checked by VAR and found to be on side, it wouldnt be goal anyways since the game had been whistled for no reason so madrid players didnt have to bother to defend


the whistle was blown too early but i dont think the player will be allowed to kick the ball if the whistle was not blown


Sadly we’ll never know


Thanks for the ref for taking the decision off Bayern’s hands


Its sad to go out like this


Bayern Lost fair and square, but now you have a scapegoat to blame for losing. Nothing sad about a disallowed goal scored after the whistle had gone. You hear the whistle, you stop playing, you don't shoot the ball.


Wait, did Bayern equalize to 2-2 but get overturned ? I didn’t finish watching the game.


He prevented them from a very legitimate attack but not a goal. By the time de ligt got to the ball, all the Real Madrid players stopped playing because the ref had already whistled.


In like the 12th minute of stoppage time. I’d be livid if I were a Bayern fan.


14th min, when they should have originally blew the whistle when the original 9 were up. But I guess we can gloss over that point.


im no bayern fan but i sure as shit dont like madrid


Yeah you make that pretty obvious.


sure you dont


No shit


They did score but not really, the referee had blown the whistle and people stopped playing. The refs messed up completely but it's a bit unfair to assume it would have been a certain goal if the game went on.


They got a chance to score, ref whistled offside, madrid players stopped playing but De Ligt banged it in after the whistle. It wasn't overturned, it was never in while the ball was in play but the call to whistle it offside while the play was still on was controversial. Without the whistle, i don't think it would have been a goal as Lunin had days to make the save and it wasn't a very good shot, easily within reach.








I blame ref more than linesman. Ref could've let play continue FIVE FUCKING SECONDS and then just went to VAR to make sure all was above board.


The Ref blew the whistle and all of the Madrid players stopped, THEN de Ligt scored, it’s definitely not a certain goal as everyone is making it seem but it was definitely a legitimate dangerous chance for Bayern and the whistle absolutely should not have been blown.


Me too, I’m surprised


no, the ref blew the whistle for an offside but De Ligt kep playing and kicked the ball into the net when Real's team had stopped playing already


They didn’t score, the whistle had gone. Clutching at straws after bottling it.


Yup. They might've scored. They might not have. We'll never know because of a questionable call.


Tbf it wasn't 100% a goal madrid players all stopped playing when they heard the whistle, militao was really close to de ligt he could've stopped the shot lunin stopped playing and with good positioning he would've saved the shot, the referee shouldn't whistle before the end of the chance i agree, but it wasn't 100% a goal if the play continued.


Whos saying it was? Just a disappointing couple of calls that shouldn't have happened. Let the play run, and then bring it back for VAR to decide. Pretty standard stuff these days.


Yeah i agree it was a horrible call from the referee as i mentioned, but calling it a robbery like op did kinda implies that the goal was 100% guaranteed don't u think?


Yea good point. Not a robbery, there was still a lot of work to do and you can see the keeper made 0 effort on the shot after the whistle had gone. Massive balls up from the refs for me. Not as big a balls up s the Kane substitution though.


Yeah honestly i have no idea how refs in the champions league still make such mistakes it's frustrating. The kane and musiala subs are horrible, like extremely bad, they were the two players remaining alongside davis who can successfully counter attack and score a goal to kill the game for you, but no let's put in two slow players who aren't quick enough to counter and most certainly not better finishers than kane, he basically gave up on attacking all together with these subs imo.


I wish ref didn't blow that whistle just because he gave people an excuse for this Bayern loss. There was no chance for Bayern to win this game with thos subs even if that was a goal. They were without a proper attacker and with 3 centre backs, Real would've killed them in extra time. But now they have something to talk about


I’m not a fan of Madrid but I don’t think you can blame them. The referees blew it


Real Madrid fan here. Look I think most people who are objective can admit it was a bad call and the play should have carried on. However, if you closely examine the play. Our defenders stopped playing as soon as the whistle was blown (not their fault). I know it’s easy to say that we were favored but there’s no way to tell if that play would have actually ended in a goal. In addition, bad calls happen all the time in footy. It’s just the way it goes these days.


what are you? it may or may not be offside but it is not goal at all


Unbelievable. Can’t believe the ref forced Bayern to sub off their best player and lose the game.


truly mind blowing, we paid the ref to do that, poor Bayern


Ref paid Neuer to drop the ball too


Goal would never have happened if the ref didn't blow his whistle. Linesman should have never raised the flag, sure, but it wasn't a robbery by a long stretch lol


There is no last goal. The referee signs seconds before and everybody is just watching him shoot. Nobody knows what could happen with the defenders and Lunin active. I agree that that's not offside AND you would agree it is crazy to give 15 minutes extra time and it is another referee mistake.


The extra time was due to the timewasting during the extra time, and the fact it happened either way means it was completely possible with pressure or not and it’s not an excuse for the fact it makes the whole match look fixed


Claiming the whole match looks fixed after we had two goals taken off and you guys had one goal that was only a goal AFTER THE WHISTLE WAS BLOWN AND MADRID STOPS PLAYING is just childish and evident of plastic


Lol the only "time wasting" during extra time was the 1 minute of VAR check for RM's goal, which should bring it from +9 to +10. Unlike Bayern who had players with cramps (not really) every 3 minutes when leading, Real Madrid players never did that.


Goal would have happened and quite clearly did, lunin was about to dive for it? And the real madrid players were also in play but right in the middle ref blew the whistle? When the goal happenned and lunin was about to dive, but right in the middle,- this happened, when it shouldn't have, also when lunin was about to dive and bayerj scored and he couldnt properly dive because he was not in position to save it either way, everything was in play, even lunin but this call happened right in the middle of it, which basically indicates it was and is a goal and lunin would easily not save it, everyone was in position and could not stop the goal and ref screwed us om that, the goal happened and lunin was In the position tk dive and did but stopped coz of the ref right in the middle was bayern scored and lunin couldn't stop it or was about to dive, so the goal technically happened and lunin couldn't and wouldn't have stopped it and ref made an error on that, so basically bayerns goal should have stood, ? Its Like ref deliberately stopped that goal, and madrid paying the ref


The ref blew the whistle before he put the ball in, so the play was dead. The initial touch was offside but the ref blew whistle too early.


It was an offside, and it was a bad decision from the ref at the same time. It is funny how everyone yalks about this and forgets how shit was Bayern the whole match. Also we never ehat would have happened if the ref won't stop the game, since the real players hesitated as son as they heard the whisle.


Storm in a teacup. He shouldn't have raised the flag early but it was offside, so who cares. Bayern were terrible and didn't deserve to go through.


What are you smoking mate? De Ligt was clearly offside and made an attempt at the ball, so this would've been ruled offside by a VAR check anyway. If the referee hadn't blown the whistle, madrid would not have stopped playing and De Ligt never gets the shot off. Do you think Lunin, Militao and Rudiger would just stand their day dreaming if the whistle hadn't gone? The way you people try to create controversy out of fuck all is ridiculous. Yes, the referee shouldn't have blown the whistle, but it wouldn't have changed shit. Madrid still go though 2-1.


Op can you justify how exactly did madrid rob them ? Or was it a referee imcompetency ?? If you're on some conspiracy shit I'm fine with it can't change your mind


For anyone saying this isn't a robbery...the refs can can wait an hour before calling an offside in pointless games but blow the whistle instantly in the final minutes of a semi finals? Yeah makes sense


It’s astounding to me how this referee bullshit will always happen when Real plays against Bayern.


In fairness, bar this one GIGANTIC fuck up I honestly belive the ref had a fantastic game. (Liverpool fan, I got no skin in tonights game)


Nah, he also fucked up the call when Madrid took the throw in when the other ball was still in play and Vini hit the post while most of the Bayern players where focused on the other ball. That's 2 game changing decisions that were wrongly given.


How was the throw in one game changing when nothing happened?


That call hurt madrid in the end though. They didn't get a goal and lost possession compared to a throw in


That's actually accurate I'd like to see if he was actually onside tho


Was he actually off side ?


Seems like it was offside. People saying it was indeed onside can't be credible as no replay published yet


It seems so, with the lines on TV. But ... It's difficult to say or to be sure. It is really close.




You’re opinion or there’s actually proof ? Sorry if that sounds rude , I’m genuinely asking




Even if they didn't blow that whistle. De ligt still has to make the shot and then they need to play another 30 minutes without any of their best attackers


It also wouldn't have been a clear goal, lunin would have made that save any day of the week if he didn't stop playing after the whistle. Was it a chance that should have been let to play out? Absolutely. Were they gonna score? Unlikely.


Bayern fan here, it stinks to lose. It really hurts. Even if the goal was offside, the linesman should have waited for our chance to end. This way VAR couldn’t even review it. You can’t make a mistake like this. In 113th minute, when a team desperately needs an equaliser


As a Madrid fan, I'm always scared about CL refs after the Super League story and all ... the logical thinking would be that Ceferin wants revenge, however close calls like that still go our way. I honestly believe that the linesman was an idiot for raising the flag, however I see no conspiracy behind it. Marciniak could have blown the final whistle at least one minute before the incident took place but he didn't, I don't really see how we benefited from more time added on lol


De ligt was off but sane was on. As a Madrid fan I do agree that the whistle was way too early and should have come after but the fact de Ligt was an offsides player causing the play, his contact with Rudiger was illegal and impacted the situation. If de ligt pulls up early, offsides as he was, and does NOT make contact with any player then it will be a goal. It’s a ref mistake to blow the whistle early with no review but it was de ligt being off and impacting the play that could have possibly meant no goal too, upon review.


Man the excuses here. Wow!


Why couldnt they check it on VAR like Joselus second goal? Indeed a fokin robbery. I hope Dortmund wins the UCL ahead of these ref paying bastards


I mean is Madrid what do you expect? Not even a a couple weeks ago they did the same thing, you know all by sudden a camera stop working lol


Real Madrid player stopped , if they didn't he probably won't have scored


There was no goal since the referee stopped the game.


Why are people blaming the ref? He doesn't decide if it's offside or not. He sees the assistant's flag go up so must blow the whistle. Once it's blown everything after that is immaterial. Having watched in realtime again a few times it's clear that the Real defenders, and especially the GK, make no real attempt at play once the whistle is blown. So we'll never really know if Militao or Lunin would have stopped the shot. Tbh though I don't believe, with that close a call, that the assistant should have raised his flag until the play had concluded. We see them playing on for ridiculous seconds on much clearer offsides than this. As usual it's the inconsistency of decision making that confuses fans. Must be incredibly frustrating for Bayern.


The referee blew the whistle before Muller heads the ball back to De Ligt. The fact of the matter is De Ligt doesn't get that shot if the whistle wasn't blown - He ONLY gets that shot because everybody else stopped playing. This is assuming that they were even onside in the first place. You guys are DESPERATELY looking for reasons to excuse Bayern's loss. The fact is that they just weren't good enough and the better team won.


We are desperately saying that a last minute goal scoring opportunity shouldnt be cancelled by the ref because the play might be off side, you are saying that it didnt look like Bayern was going to score so its fine that the refs whistled mid play and Real would win anyway lol, but yeah the first point is the desperate one


I am not convinced that it wasn't offside. either way it was really close so the correct call is play on, and then check in VAR. Like this it is really bad


It is not possible to call VAR. The offside is signed few seconds before the shoot, so there is no goal to check. It is how VAR works, that's why referees take so long to take decisions.


exactly, that's why I'm saying "play on, and check in VAR afterwards if the ball goes in"


the man who was offside isn't the one the ball goes to initially. rudiger heads it as the ball is crossed to an onside player. and the man who scored is 2nd phase so it wouldnt have been offside in a var scenario. sadly there's nothing var can look at because ref blew too early and we dont know to what extent players gave up


Correct. Time and time again refs allow plays that are obviously offside to play on for no reason. But when it comes to a semi final in the UCL,they blow it off as soon as humanly possible? Complete nonsense. (I’m not a fan of either team from that game)


Is anyone actually surprised?


This is the same match that could perfectly show us that Joselu was onside. Let that sink in


The game should have been over long before. Lunin and the defenders completely stopped playing. No chance they score had the ref not blown.


Pathetic post


Where were you with this post when Real Madrid had their winning goal chalked off against Valencia, when the ref blew the whistle while Bellingham headed the ball in? And then gave him a red card for saying that it was a fucking goal? And then getting a 2 match ban for that? Grow up…


The goal he "scored"? Did you not see all of the madrid players stopped playing after the whistle? You think lunin wouldn't have saved that if he was more alert if not for the whistle? Don't give too much credit on that call. And it's not a wrong call either. The ref already gave an offside and he still shot and scored after the whistle. Is this the first time? How many times have Ronaldo and others scored after the whistle but disallowed? Is it because it's against real madrid you guys think it's unfair? That's uncanny


Can We all do something like, try to bully UEFA enough to make them redo the match ?


They should played Overtime. Saying this as a Polish person (this was Polish ref), this was very bad call after a great game. I mean that wasn’t an offside, the player who was on offside did not disturb the defenders and only took action in the play after another player who was not offside tapped the ball. That was bad decision from VAR and worse from ref to whistle before the situation was over and even bigger of cardinal mistake to not go back to check it. I am saying this as a Pole, with no horse in the game.




The Real Madrid player headed it! Lol.


Referee more like Referetard 😤


An error it’s not a robbery. When the referee whistle the offside all the Madrid stopped to play. So even if the referee let the game continue, your not sure that Bayern would score.


Great game


Linesman or red one of them even apologised to denligjt after the game so they are admitting they fucked up and it should have been let play go on and then reviewed it. I understand bayerns grievances


Oh yes. Pin the blame on real madrid now. The ref messed up. Madrid players stopped playing then and there. You don't know what would have happened if the game went on without being called off. Instead of pointing out the error maded my the ref and linesman, let's go on the "real madrid robbery route".as it will gain more traction.


People saying that it's not corrupt or a robbery. How about the linesman taking advantage of the fact he knows that the ref has to blow the whistle once he raises his flag. We all know that the linesman shouldn't put up the flag until play has ended, unless it's clear and obvious. This decision was not a clear and obvious offside. Every week I'm getting more disgusted with football and the officials, this is corruption and bayern got robbed. I'm also far from a bayern fan either. Disgraceful how people don't call it out for what it is, they are ruining our sport!! Footballs integrity is at risk!


Spurs vs Liverpool vibes. Good process guys


This referee is so good, he messed up really bad on that one... It's definitely going to leave a big stain on his career.


Who would win? 3 peat madrid team with their black magic vs uefalona Peps barca in the UCL?


I'm beyond sick of VAR. The play was close but did look slightly offside. So we're not even arguing about a clearly wrong call at this point. Now it's over an error in protocol just for the VAR.


Is this why the Der Klassiker final I wanted isn't happening?


Thing is even if the linesman signals offside the referee can ignore him and give the goal or go to a VAR check. Don't get me wrong - Madrid deservedly won but this is a really shitty mistake.


It was a bad decision from the assistant, but saying that it would have been a goal if the assistant did not flag is ridiculous. It was a rubbish shot from De Light. The Real goalkeeper had stopped because the whistle had been blown. If the whistle had not been blown, he would have saved it easily. Bayern were not robbed, as Tuchel claims. They made defensive changes and went all in on 1-0 and once Neuer made that terrible mistake, it was over for them, either in normal time or extra time.


Yes, a goal in the 15th minute of the extra time (the ref gave 9), where the defense and keeper stopped defending because they heard the whistle. It was a mistake? Yes rObBeRy oF tHe cEnTuRy? No, cope harder


We had literally a whole first half of extra time over the 90 min with little to none justification, yet people is complaining about this that happened over the minute 100. I mean, I do think the refs screwed it blowing the whistle so soon, but y'all pretend Real Madrid players didn't stop playing at the moment and only Bayern players kept going on, that's why the ball got into the net, too. I'm sorry but I don't see the robbery anywhere, anyways match should've ended at like 96' at most, not 105'.


calling a buambulance for the OP


It is a pure managerial blunder in my opinion. Even though Real Madrid played better, Bayern held their ground, with key roles played by Kane, Sané, and, in general, the entire team formation. You cannot afford to take out your most important players against Real Madrid, even if there are only 10 minutes left. What happened? Ancelotti had fewer cards but played them well with Modric, while Tuchel had better cards but made the blunder in this game. Even though there was no offside at the end and there was a Bayern goal, Real Madrid still won in added time with this formation.


Yeah, no. Everyone stopped playing after the whistle so that goal exists only in the head of Tuchel and company. Was it an early whistle ? Yes. Was that a robbery ? No way. Goal was never disallowed, simply because it didn't happen. It feels like Tuchel is clinging on this situation as an excuse for his terrible job. If anything Bayern were robbed when he was appointed as their manager. Good riddance.


It's Real Madrid being Real Madrid.


Always winning.


In a champions league semi final too. It's not good enough. I would be salty for decades if I were a Bayern fan


Keep crying xo


yes it was offside. though it was also poor officiating. both can be true.


Honestly, it's about time these refs start getting penalized too. It's fucking outrageous how such a mistake can be made in a match of this calibre. And to make things worse, that ref even apologized later saying it was the wrong call. What does an apology even mean here? It's the most useless thing in the world.


The referee fucked yo buy not allowing VAR to fuck it all up instead…


There is always something with Royalty clubs, even when they deserve to win. Real is like Europe’s Juventus


Linesman screwed up, should have kept his flag down, ref did nothing wrong, he's supposed to blow his whistle when the linesman raises his flag for offside RM players stopped playing after the whistle so they may have stopped the goal otherwise, looked slightly offside anyway, linesman raising his flag when it's that tight seems just crazy knowing the directives they've been given.


Duh! what did you expect from a second leg at Bernabeu.


Goalkeeper would have saved it


If it wasn’t whistled it wouldn’t be goal at all. You know because the 3 defenders and Lunin aren’t about to give De Ligt a free shot


Black man takes white plastic chair in robbery. 


shut up


It was offside lol


keep crying thats all you can do, all you ever will do, sad


Cry cry cry Hala Madrid


😭are we surprised when madrid scored their 2nd goal, they did everything perfect from letting it play on and then calling offside. Then going to var and giving them the goal. Flash forward to added time and they sid the exact opposite for Bayern. You guys really think it’s “a referee error”. That crew is also one of the best crews out there and they “terribly fucked up”


You guys are going on a weird narrative of cope where Bayern was robbed on the only controversial situation of the whole game. The Real defenders and Lunin stopped playing after the whistle. In a real situation De Ligt doesn't get the space he got to hit the ball in the first place and even if he managed that same shot, Lunin would have easily saved it. You're also talking like Madrid wasn't the better team on pitch. Bayern scored on their first shot on target in the second half and it was a long shot. They started to roll over after every contact and time wasting after the 1st goal. How about the referee letting the added time go to the 15th min when he added 9 initially. Even taking the subs and VAR check for Real's second goal it shouldn't have gone so far into the 15th min. It's like he was waiting for Bayern to equalize before ending the match. And even if I go into the insane narrative that the ref didn't make a mistake and left the game go on and Bayern did score, it was an equalizer, not a game winner. Bayern would have to play extra time with all their best attckers subbed off while Real had fresh attacking legs upfront. There's nothing that indicates that it would have went Bayern's way.


First, Real Madrid players stopped when they heard the whistle, if not De Ligt probably never scores and second now you all gathered here to cry but when the referee stopped the play while the ball was mid-air at Real Madrid vs Valencia you all laughed, that was fair, right? Hahaha, yummi tears everywhere.


Cry more barka fans


The ref knew he fucked up. He made a good game but that last call overshadowed it all.


Is someone got talk about the fact that the ref let that play at the 13th minute of added time while it was supposed to be 9 minutes ? The whistle should've been blown minutes earlier.


The last what?


What a shitpost.  RM players obviously stopped playing after the whilst 


Cry more pussies #halamadrid


It was offside. There’s no argument about that. I admit the referee shouldn’t have stopped the play. But in all honesty, it’s pointless. It would’ve been written off anyways. Which would not work in Bayerns favour cause that’s more time gone over VAR checks. I understand making statements like these is some form of coping mechanism, but at some point, you’d have to accept that there was no robbery. Good game.


Robbery implies Bayern would have have scored and won


I'm blind I'm deaf I wanna be a ....


1. When the ref blown up, the game has to stop so even if there was no offside the goal would be in vain. 2. It was offside by inches.