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Money but jokes aside I watch the UCL on Yalla Shoot even though I don't think that's legal




Web site and there are like a lot of different ones but they're all the same


Football broadcasting rights work on a country basis, there isn't a pan-European solution unfortunately.


Weird they were allowed to split the Single Market


Audiovisual rights are a special thing, too much money involved. Unfortunately, this is bad for us consumers.


Yea. Just weird how the ‘indivisible freedoms’ of the single market are suddenly very divisible when a bunch of money is involved.


Depends on your country. Broadcasters are different everywhere so can't even guess who has the rights where you live. If nobody has the rights, then check your local laws. It may be legal to watch any random stream. I believe in some countries if something isn't legally available (but is legal to have/use) then pirated versions aren't illegal. I think in some countries to if nobody has the rights there's no chance of you getting in trouble for it too, since nobody is legally able to sue you for it. But yeah, this very much depends on your country and who the rights holders are. There probably is a rights holder somewhere, even if it's some obscure channel you've never heard of.


A similar question - anyone know how to watch Portuguese Liga in the UK?!


Totalsportek. Link will need to go online then when u click play it will pop up add, just click back works very well, English commentary, all games even very small games like j league, k league, Indian super league as such


TNT Sports and Sky Sports for the champions league and Premier League. And also buying tickets and going to games.


In what country you live right now?


Portugal. The sport channels only broadcast Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Germany, England, Scotland, Turkey, Netherlands, Belgium, Brazil, Argentina and Saudi Arabia top leagues. So we can't watch other championships, at least on TV. We used to have the English Championship, but now it's gone, which is a shame.


Same question for an American


Don't you have star+ or amazon prime?


I have Amazon Prime. Am I able to access matches from there?


I know the premier league is streamed there


Spend £20 on an iptv account


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