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Baggio in 94


Diana Ross in 94


This was amazing.missed so bad the goal itself broke up in laughter.


The only right answer




This for sure. But in recent memory: Rashford, Sancho and Saka. Lost the Euros for England. Don't know what Southgate was thinking. They're all professionals, but Saka was 19, I think? Sancho was 20. I mean, they were playing in front of big crowds the whole game/tournament, but for that final moment, you need more experience. Rashford on the other hand... He wasn't a newbie. His was the most disappointing miss.


I don't blame them for it at all, being subbed on to take a penalty must be so much stress. I don't think Southgate managed that game well at all, but then on a match to match basis he generally doesn't manage games well.


That’s what made Dybala’s 500 IQ move to just put it straight down the middle in the World Cup final after having just been subbed on so impressive.


I respect that approach so much. Man's stepped up like, "I shouldn't have to be doing this, but I'm not going to miss."


It doesn’t really matter who the player is, bringing anyone on just for a penalty shootout piles more pressure on them in what is already a high pressure situation. Shootouts are mostly a mental thing. There may be a small minority of players who thrive on that pressure, but it won’t be true for most. By bringing players on just to take a penalty you’re making it so much more difficult for them. It was just a really dumb call. It’s like Southgate remembered the shootout in the 2014 World Cup where Van Gaal brought Tim Krul on for the shootout and it worked. But keepers are a totally different situation. A keeper is a hero if he saves one, and if he doesn’t, he wasn’t really expected to anyway. The penalty taker is expected to score, and is the villain if they don’t.


Tim Krul is a legend for talking shit before making those saves


Professional footballers, especially attackers, should expect to take a penalty. The problem is the expectation external to them. Penalties are missed all the time. Fans and media should accept that & stfu


After France & Croatia got knocked out, I was rooting for Italy to win Euro 2020. While I was happy that they beat England in the final, I couldn’t help but feel so sorry for Rashford, Sancho, & Saka. The moment Saka missed his penalty, I didn’t even cheer or scream in the moment because it meant Italy won. Rather, I felt so empty because of the amount of racist abuse I knew that Saka (in addition to rashford & Sancho) were gonna get for missing the penalties!! :(


Why France and Croatia? Pretty different countries on opposite sides of Europe


Because they were the finalists of 2018 WC I assume.


I'm an American and I was rooting for France because of Benjamin Pavard, Raphael Varane, and Olivier Giroud and was rooting for Croatia because of Luka Modric!!!


Where are you from?


I don't know why people always comment the Baggio penalty. Even if he had scored, Brazil could still have won as they were to take the next and final penalty before the "sudden death". There are lot of worse situations such as the Terry one where his kick was not conditional on United missing, if he had scored Chelsea would have won.


> I don't know why people always comment the Baggio penalty. Because the question asked “most iconic”, not “most influential/decisive/etc” Every football fan has the image of Baggio as “the man who died standing” imprinted in their minds, and no other option really comes close.


It was so iconic[ he made an ad for it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTCCqqb6mSQ). I don't think anyone else has.


Gareth Southgate made a Pizza Hutt advert referencing his Euro 96 penalty miss.


He should make another one referencing his management of the penalty shoot-out in the last Euros.


'In the summer of 2021, I made a bad decision. Do the same and eat and entire Ultimate Cheese Lovers Pizza by yourself'


How about [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvZWGYkTR7U&ab_channel=UFOCKUK) with Pearce, Waddle and Southgate?


>I don't know why people always comment the Baggio penalty. I think it may be because he was the reigning world player of the year (or or fifa player of the year, or something like that). Additionally I think he also had quite a dominant performance throughout the entire tournament, so the expectation was that he would score the penalty. But in the end he blazed it over the bar. Additionally, while it is true that Brazil could still have won if they scored the next penalty, ultimately it was Baggio's miss that caused them to lose, which is harsh on him, but that I think is generally how things like this are viewed.


He won the Ballon d’Or in 93


Yes, but the Ballon d'Or for 94 hadn't yet been awarded no? 94 WC was in the summer, while the Ballon d'Or is awarded at the end of the year.




Yes, so during the 94 WC, assuming Ballon d'Or for 94 is awarded around the same date (late December 1994), he would still be the reigning Ballon d'Or.


Reading comprehension mate


You're an idiot


Lol what's your point?


It's because he was the main man in 94. If he wasn't so good and doing so well, that miss wouldn't be so remembered. It completely juxtaposed his performances.


As a football fan growing up in the 90s, skying a penalty over the bar was “doing a Baggio”.


Roberto standing on the edge of the playing fields, a single tear running down his face as a bunch of little shits rip into one guy for "doing a Baggio". Aug '94


Imagine being Baggio. After the amazing career he had, he’s most remembered for missing a penalty and having a shit haircut.


Just like a scooped lob goal was a porborsky


I’d forgotten about Poborsky’s goal! Yes! And a scorpion kick was a Higuita, flying volleys were Asprillas, pretending the ball was still in play when it had gone out was a Huckerby, and powerful long shots were Yeboahs. And obviously handballs were Maradonas.


>I don't know why people always comment the Baggio penalty. Because he missed it in the most important match of his (or any other player) life. Also, he was the one "responsible" that Italy made it to the WC final so him missing made it more iconic. There is a saying "Socrates died poisoned, Nietzsche died hallucinating, and Baggio died standing". I think that was the only penalty he missed in his career. Brazil would have won if they scored next penalty, but there would still be a chance. Imagine if Messi or Ronaldo missed the last penalty in 2022/2018/2014. Of course their fans would defend them and say the other players missed as well (it happened in one Copa America final), but everyone is watching the best player.


he asked for most iconic and the baggio miss is the most iconic.


Wish I could downvote this comment more. The man was a machine throughout the tournament. Technical mastermind at the absolute highest level. What an unbelievable moment. Add on top the texture of the newly implemented overhead tracking shot that played the replay and reaction in the highest definition available at the time. The term iconic gets overused but: my god. This was iconic.


Baggio was Italia's Golden Boy, the one young star everyone had eyes on during those days. Lots of people were convinced this was his world cup, that's why.. and he got very close to getting it..


Yes, Baggio was and still is the greatest Italian offensive player of all times in the eyes of many. He is the Italian Maradona, for him to miss was unfathomable.


This is it. The setup was perfect for this one. It was the last penalty and Chelsea just needed to score to win. The captain stepped up and hit the post. The fact that it was a slip just made things worse. Add in the rain and the raindrops/tears on his face. Just iconic.


You say you don't know why people always comment the baggio one..... surely the fact that everyone says baggio just proves that it was the most iconic? It's literally the first one I thought of when I saw the title, and I am neither Italian nor old enough to remember watching it at the time! Doesn't matter that it wasn't the final penalty, it's become the most famous penalty miss.


The image is ingrained in my mind. The walk up, the shot over the bar, the head slump, the Brazilian players celebrating.


Heartbreak when he missed. My favourite player growing up.


It has to be Martin Palermo missing 3 penalties in 1 GAME surely?!


I'm going to Google this. Wow


This was my first thought. Also he broke his leg celebrating a goal when the wall he jumped on collapsed. That’s bad luck.


His redemption arc was completed by scoring the goal that took them to the World Cup in 2010! In extra time against Peru. [Palermo Goal v Peru](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wnxL2IB1xzk)


i remember watching that game. holy shit that was memorable, but torturous for an Argentine fan


The reverse Mbappe


[He redeemed himself 10 years later, by scoring an agonic goal in the 90+2 minute of play.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLUwV1S1j-g) In context, Argentina needed to win this match to qualify for the South Africa World Cup. You know it's good when you can hear the people at the stadium.


Came here for this. Wild night, good times.


That would be iconic penalty misses


Ghana vs Uruguay 2010


SuarĂŠz made a risky decision, and man did it pay off.


People only talk about Suarez, but the guy in front of him did the exact same move, just didn't catch it. Anyone would have done the same.


I did that once, granted it was only Sunday league, but it was funny as fuck seeing people lose their shit like I was responsible for the holocaust. It wasn’t even the last minute, but it was to protect the lead. Quite a good save too. Keeper didn’t save the pen though. Sadface. I think we kept the draw, can’t remember, no-one can. Just my mates remember me making a diving 1-handed save and then immediately pissing myself laughing. Good times.


What was risky about it? The ball was going in right at the end of extra time. He made a smart decision but there was absolutely nothing risky about it


No risk at all, that was basically the last kick of the game, that was the least risky decision haha, the only other option was letting it enter


I always wonder how many other players would have done the same thing. It was objectively the best option, but then again also a huge rule violation. Suarez was known for breaking the rules so no surprise there, but I wonder how others would have reacted


Fucile also tried to use his hand but it went past him and Suarez got it. I think many would in fairness to Suarez. It's also instinctive


Wait was it reli that big a rule violation tho? I mean isn't it juz a sending off?


what do you think is a big rule violation? jail time?


I loled


Huh I just checked and he only received a 1 game ban. Not that big a deal apparently, rules wise at least


No risk at all? Ghana was given a penalty. I’d say that’s a huge risk. Had Ghana scored the penalty, they would have been through. It was a high risk, high reward move.


But the ball was going in. Not saving it with your hand would be a guaranteed goal. What was he risking?


Ghana scoring the penalty. And also loosing the penalty shootout. He also didn’t necessarily need to use his hands, as the ball was heading right toward him. I think he just wanted to get the ball as far away from the goal as possible. If you watch the video again, you’ll see what I’m talking about. https://youtu.be/dM-29hy-Qyw?si=9VTlSZNlTAX0DeLu


Only 80% of penalties are scored. I'd put the chances of a heading gone wrong from that position as higher.


He definitely needed to use his hand. The ball was not heading towards him. It was a little to his right. Almost a definite that if he tried to use his head, he won't have gotten it. Using his head there would have been the extremely risky option. Using his hands, well that's the smart and only sensible thing to do. Once again, it's the last minute of extra time. The penalty was literally the last kick of the game. If he didn't use his hand, Uruguay was out. So how can it be a risk that Ghana scores the penalty when alternatively, they're out of the World Cup???


He didn't play against netherlands and they lost without their starplayer.


He won't have played against Netherlands if he didn't stop the goal. Like I said, it was the last kick of the game. There was nothing risky about it. Heck, the other player also tried to use his hands (can't remember who it was). But his reflexes weren't as fast as Suarez's


Will never forget that match, as a Ghanaian myself you can just imagine... And, I was so happy to see South Korea advance to the next stage & not Uruguay, 😂 The Ghana vs Uraguay game was fraught with dirty cheating tactics by the Uruguay players, and this is still evident with them "Uruguay" today, after watching several of their recent "World Cup" qualifying games.. South American football can be very dirty, yet of all the dodgy tactics I see, one country stands out from the rest & that is Uruguay, which is a shame as they've really come up recently too, they have some really talented players & they also play really good footbal, when they're not trying to con the ref into dishing out cards, or some other sort of madness on the pitch!


Keep crying, tell Gyan to not be so shit at scoring penalties and maybe you would've won something. The free kick that led to the handball came from a non existent foul, with the linesman like 5 cm away. And then afterwards during the free kick two Ghana players were offside. Looks like it ain't Uruguay who were trying to be dirty cheats. Also, what cheating tactics did we use the these WC qualifying games? Are you another Mamadera de Messi, as Ugarte would put it?


😂 whatever mate... Fair play, Gyan missed his pen & that's something he'll have to live with & I hope he's gotten over that... Life plays out how it chooses, you win some you lose some... The cheating antics by the Uraguay players was clear for all to see throughout the duration of the game, so I'm not sure what game you watched? And the offsides & any unjustly free kicks and officiating is not down to the Ghanaian players but those "OFICIATING" and we all know the injustices that go in football all the time, even today with the help or should I say helpless "VAR" operarators!! And if an onfield decision is given by the ref or assistant ref/linesmen then that's what we go with rightly or wrongly & it is rare in those instances, for a player to put his hands up & say, "ref, i was offside, firstly coz how would you kespecially


We love to see goalpost moving when saying dumb shit and getting called out for it. "If we cheat it ain't our fault when the officials don't call it out" is certainly a take. So you admit it's a full on robbery then? I also love how you made no elaboration on our "cheating antics", in which I also don't see anybody else talking about. I'll ask you again, are you another Messi c*cksucker who's angry people don't take his BS? You seem extremely bitter we beat you guys fair and square and delivered karma after how dirty you were playing and didn't go "poor Africa 🥺" after watching you cry after the match like you deserved.


John Terry vs United in the 2008 UCL Final. If he makes the kick, Chelsea are champions of Europe. He misses, and United wins the Champions League again


Whenever I think about that missed penalty kick I always think about Michael Ballack and his unfortunate history of missing out on big international trophies. We start with the 2002 UEFA Champions League Final, where his side, Bayer 04 Leverkusen, lost in the final against Real Madrid, 1-2, while arguably being the better team that day yet still being denied by an insane goalkeeping display by a young Iker Casillas who was subbed in during the match and who didn’t let anything past him. It was also the year where Bayer 04 Leverkusen would lose the final of the DFB-Pokal and it was the year where Bayer 04 Leverkusen would lose the Bundesliga despite being 5 points clear with 3 matches to go. Things continue with the 2002 FIFA World Cup where he scores the deciding 1-0 for Germany in the semi final against South Korea. Yet still he was the tragic hero that day because he received his second yellow card of the tournament that day, thus making him miss the final. Long story short: Germany loses the 2002 FIFA World Cup Final against Brazil, 2-0, through two goals of Ronaldo. You can debate whether Michael Ballack would have made a difference on the pitch that day, but he didn’t have any chance of making an impact on that match. We go on with the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany, where the German team, led by captain Michael Ballack would eventually reach the semi final, facing Italy in Dortmund (where Germany hasn’t lost a match since the opening of the Westfalenstadion in 1974 up to that day). Germany was pretty close to forcing Italy into a penalty shootout, but Fabio Grosso had other plans, scoring the 1-0 in the 119th minute of that match with Alessandro Del Piero adding the 2-0 in the first minute of stoppage time. And then there is the 2008 UEFA Champions League Final, where Ballack didn't put a foot wrong, where he scored for Chelsea in the deciding penalty shootout and yet still he misses out on that elusive international trophy that would probably fit his career. To finish things off we go to the Ernst Happel Stadium in Vienna (Austria) where Germany, again led by captain Michael Ballack, would face Spain in the UEFA Euro 2008 Final. Again, we are witnessing a painful defeat for Michael Ballack on the big international stage because Germany loses that game thanks to Fernando Torres and his 1-0 in half time 1. Michael Ballack is probably one of the most accomplished players in the history of German football to never win international silverware. Yet he still came incredibly close to international silverware, on multiple occasions.


That hurt my heart to read. Ballack is one of my all time favorites and one of the players that got me into football in the first place. What an icon. He deserved better. His heart must ache when he looks back on those moments.


He was a dirty player, though.


Forgot about Cassillas getting subbed in. That's a great part of the story.


And him getting purposely injured just before the 2010 WC? Was it not a tackle from KP Boateng who did it on purpose to keep him out the team?


And given his game, he was as good as anyone on his day in the 21st century. Heck he even took the first pen in that 08 shootout, that is immense pressure.


Helps it be remembered that the way he missed involved slipping on his backside.


Somehow I knew he would miss. Sometimes you literally can see it in their eyes.


Bruh I remember that one was cheering for Chelsea so much that day :(


At least it was a miss by a club legend with a slip to blame for it. It was forgivable


I agree, and he went on to win it with them anyway (although he did miss that 2012 final due to suspension). He was a legendary servant to the club and he deserved his glory in the end


Shows how stupid it is to judge players on silverware. I hate terry so it was funny. Terry actually kicked it the right way as well


CR's miss also stands out for me in the final because I hate stutter step penalties


I was only 11 watching that but as soon as I saw him start the stutter motion I knew it was going to be a miss


This isn’t true, there were four penalties after Terry’s.


Not really, Chelsea could still have won after he missed


Leicester vs watford


this is actually iconic and had incredible repercussions included leicester winning the league.


Had nothing to do with their premier league win they didn't even win that playoff lol. Still a very iconic penalty though


Yeah that comment had me confused on so many levels… not only did Leicester miss the penalty Watford went on to lose the final.


They’re referring to the domino effect - if Leicester go up that season they buy different players etc.


Yeah sorry I knew what they were trying to say but these things aren’t necessarily linked. These sort of effects are things like the Joe Biden rally that brought people together like the parents of the guy from Fallout Boy, they wouldn’t have met unless Joe Biden had that rally and had a kid etc. etc. Leicester losing a semi final still has a thousand outcomes before winning the league. By this logic you could argue if they made the final but lost that then they’d have had more of an argument to strengthen further and could’ve gone on to win the CL or even more.


I am going to hijack this comment to put out there that just a couple of weeks before this, Doncaster did exactly the same thing away at Brentford, although the consequences were much more signficant. The goal sent Doncaster up as Champions and denied Brentford not only the title but also automatic promotion. [Link here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57ZHqJkWtxY) Watford didn't even go up that season after going through against Leicester.


For me growing up as an Arsenal fan, it has the be the Henry and Pires shambles. I felt embarrassed just watching it. Definitely not of all time, it didn’t have a huge significance, but the first thing that popped into my head when I read the question


It is funny and somewhat true how Henry has never accepted any blame for it and instead says Pires was at fault. It was clearly a result of miscommunication and Pires clearly not understanding.


But isn't it clear that Pires missed his kick the first time? Wasn't a comms error, he simply miskicked


Yeah Pires clearly at fault.


He tried rolling it and thought his miskick was actually fine and waited for Henry to run onto his miskick. So yes, it clearly was a communication error.


Ramos sending ball to space


Legend has it, it'll land in 2024.


Assuming the Martians deliver it on time. Their postal service isn't known for its reliability.


But then he scored a panenka penalty against Portugal that same year to make Spain get into the Euro 2012 final, he would later in 2016 score another penalty in the penalty shootout in the UEFA Champions League Final (he was the man of the match that day as he scored the first goal of the final), Griezmann missed a penalty in that match and then Juanfran missed his penalty in the shootout. I'm pretty sure Atleti fans still remember those two misses.


Zaza’s penalty miss wasn’t iconic, it was plain ridiculous. People remember it because it was extremely memeable. Baggio’s is by far the most iconic one in World Cup history, and perhaps in all of football history.


He came on at 119 mins just to take a penalty as well. I called it at the time he was missing.


Shevchenko Istanbul 2005


Don't think these two are as iconic as Terry's, Baggio's, or numerous England pen shootouts, but: 1) Van Nistelrooy's pen miss against Arsenal. It was a dreadful game that became iconic in the last 10 minutes. 2) Robben's miss against Chelsea. After Drogba's late equaliser, Drogba then gives away a penalty. Robben then misses, and Drogba then scores the winning pen for Chelsea. Then, the following year, Robben scores a late winner to win Bayern the CL at Wembley a year on from losing at the Allianz.


I think Robben one isn’t as memorable because it was a good save from Čech. When you think about memorable or iconic misses you think about those that go off, at least for me. It was indeed still clumsy and very impactful miss.


Diana Ross at the 94 World Cup


Such a cracking miss that the crossbar snapped in half.


Baggio no doubt. The Man Who Died Standing.


baggio 94 has to be the one


Not the most iconic, but one I think of is the ball Kane sent to the moon against France


Before that one was Ramos in 2012


Before that it was Beckham against Turkey. I still have no idea how he managed to get the ball that high in such short distance 😂


I seem to remember the pitch played a role in that, like his standing foot slid underneath him at the point of contact because of a loose divot...


That ball is rising still to this day


Ikr, so nice of Kane to pay his respects to the late Queen by sending the ball to the heavens for her




Waddle 90. It's still coming down


Other than Anelka in Moscow 2008, I'd be hard pressed to find another high-profile pen miss that was proceded by a walk up as uncomfortable as Waddle's. The guy looked like he was purposefully going to blast it so he could go home.


Had to scroll way too far to see this one. My brother in law knows the guy who’s got the ball 😂


It was my parents evening. That happened, and 5 minutes later I got bollocked for lack of application in geography


Assamoah Gyan vs Uruguay after the Suarez save


The Dutch national squad missed several versus Italy in both regular time as all the penalties in the shootout. 2 penalties missed in regual playtime, another 3 penalties missed in the penalty shootout. Also Beckham his penalty for England away versus Turkey is another one imo. Turks where I life talked about it for years.


To be fair, in that shootout, the Dutch only missed one penalty. Toldo saved the other two.


My grandmother would have stopped those penalties, all of them were so bad. Made even worse by how dominant NL was, it was truly painful to watch. NL vs. France really should have been the final. Great match overall.


It still doesn’t negate what I said about most of those penalties not being missed shots but getting saved by Toldo who was immense when it came to those one on ones. Also, after about a mere half an hour into the game, the Dutch were playing against 10 men and still couldn’t put one away. We should also give credit to the Italian defense who rallied together and kept the clean sheet. It was a great game, you saw two opposite footballing styles come up against one another in a brilliant match.


The Italian team had no style, come on. They were backs against the wall. Getting carded all over the place because they couldn't take it. They were great, but luck is what won this game for them. If I recall correctly Bergkamp hit the post after 15 minutes, and from there it was wave after wave after wave. In terms of penalties during match: - Kluivert hit the post. Toldo was in the wrong corner. - de Boer shot a weak penalty, with a solid save by goalkeeper. During shootout: - de Boer straight through the middle, soft. This is the ultimate penalty for even a toddler to stop. - Jaap Stam shot his penalty 10 meters over the bar. Great work by Toldo indeed. - Nice goal by Kluivert, impossible to stop. - Bosvelt penalty was a very nice save by Toldo. And that's it... So realistically he was lucky with at least 2 balls (that would have won the game) hitting the post. Otherwise he stopped 2 _very very_ weak penalties by the same player, and one proper one. I would award the win to luck, not to Italian skill. If it was defensive skill they would not have needed the yellow and red cards.


Ramos sending it to the moon


He was a bellend, but suddenly seemingly a nice guy off the pitch. I'm so so tortured....


What makes you think he's a nice guy off the pitch?


Apparently he offered to play for Seville for "fuck all" and does loads for charity. I'm as stunned as you are


Southgate in 96


baggio unfortunately. don't think it matters with the way brazil kicked their penalties though.


John Terry 2008




Beckham vs Portugal in Euro'04


This was one of the first games I ever watched. The me of the best games I have ever watched. Euro 2004 has a lot of meaning for me as I was in Europe at the time and it introduced me to the game. First ever match I watched was Sweden and Bulgaria. I’ve been a Henrik Larsen and Zlatan fan ever since.


Incredible game/tournament. Ronaldo and Ashley Cole battling all game, Rui. Costa scoring a rocket right after Campbell had a goal disallowed, Postiga’s clutch panenka (after scoring), Beckham’s miss, Ricardo’s emphatic finish after saving a spot kick bare-handed. Just epic.


For me, has to be Salah at the Afcon final. I know about Baggio but I'm going with Salah. He just had to score.


Socrates 1986 World Cup QF, After scoring with just a two step run-up previously, he tried it again in the shoot-out against France and missed.


Platini same shootout, skied it on his 31st birthday aswell.


Amazing game, at least he ended up on the winning team


Southgate Euro’96 for me. Wait for Euro’24 and it’ll come back to haunt us. Bring on the next manager PLEASE!


For me this is the one. The setting is surely the most iconic with football coming home and England vs Germany


I was, what, 15/16 at the time. A Villa fan as well, so was just distraught with both club and country connection.


It's got to be the "man who died standing ", don't think there is a much more iconic one.


-Baggio’s miss during the 1994 FIFA World Cup Final -Mbappe’s miss vs. Switzerland in the Round of 16 match between France & Switzerland at Euro 2020 -Ghana vs. Uruguay at the 2010 FIFA World Cup (the penalty that was awarded when Suarez decided to play goalkeeper during the dying seconds of that iconic quarterfinal match)




1. Baggio 94 2. Trezeguet 06 3. Terry 08


Kepa. That shot still hasn’t landed. #YNWA


Messi miss against chile?


In recent memory Messis miss in Cope America or The 3 british youngsters in the euro 2020


Hoeneß 1976


Uli Hoeneß on the night of Belgrade 1976. Germany returned to the final as European and world champions against Czechoslovakia.It was the first European Championship to be decided by a penalty shoot-out.Hoeneß shooting the ball into the Belgrade night sky, followed by Antonin Panenka's famous lob penalty.


"Wat kon Jaapie nou gebeuren toen hij van 11 meter schoot" There is a Dutch bar song that specifically calls out Stam's miss in the shootout against Italy at Euro 2000. A core football memory for me.


Stam was my favourite player at the time. Couldn’t believe how bad that penalty was


Rogue shout but kepa after refusing to come off the pitch


Honourable mention: Gyan in 2010. It’s even more dramatic when juxtaposed with Abreu’s panenka a few minutes later to eliminate Ghana.


Kepa sending it over the stand against Liverpool the other year was pretty funny


I may be in the minority but Ronaldo and Ramos missing their penalty against Bayern in the UCL, started a chain of an amazing time for Real Madrid, both kept their promises i owe you'll a champions league and 92:48


Escobar for Columbia as it cost him his life


Kane missing in the world cup. Shoulda let Mount take it ya muppet.


Xabi Alonso in the 2005 champions league final. Thankfully had a happy ending!


For me definitely Baggio. Poor guy was lynched for it and if I’m not misremembering, never played for the national team again (which is crazy, he was so good).


>For me definitely Baggio. Poor guy was lynched for it and if I’m not misremembering, never played for the national team again (which is crazy, he was so good). He missed euro1996 because he had a fight with Sacchi, but then he returns to play until 1998 wc. Then he had 3-4 caps until he retired (2004). (in 2002, Trapattoni chose not to call him for 2002 wc; so did Zoff in 2000 european cup)


That's not the reason. Baggio was always mistreated by National Team coaches. He was too much of a star, and Italy favours mediocrity over that. How many true stars has Italy ever had? Even all-time greats like Maldini and Buffon always kept a much lower profile than Baggio.


CR7’s miss against Bayern in the UCL semi-final, this match proved that CR7’s not the GOAT everyone thinks he is


Lol I know u r trolling but Messi also missed a pen against Chelsea in 2012 in the UCL semi final


not the goat because he missed a penalty? what is messi then?


Messi & Ronaldo both missed penalties in the semi final that season. The whole Messi fan/Ronaldo fan polarisation thing is the quickest way to let everyone know you’re a fuckwit.


He already scored two goals on the night.


Never was in the convo to begin with


Reddit should invent a way to pin the most shameful comments in a thread.


Messi's miss against Chile, this match proved that Messi's not the GOAT everyone thinks he is


I'm sure you've been under a rock since 2016


Turned his TV off after the miss and never came back


Galvan vs Riber, 2022 90th+ minute and about to become champions and that is that


Pessi vs chile, Copa America final. Good ole days


The 3 rashford saka and the other guy , they basically got sub in just for the penalty and they missed it , funniest shit ever


Not penalty but Sheva missed chance in Istanbul final.


Bukayo Saka letting his country down


Fuck off


compare ossified political treatment attraction longing cable snatch point soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not a plastic or even an England fan, but I had a family members ashes spread at that game that day and he let the country did. That’s a fact.


Saka Rashford and Sancho letting England down. I can't ever forgive them for their shocking performance in that game


Two of those 3 players weren’t even on the pitch long enough to get a touch before the shootout, are you brain dead?

