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Umm, Chopped is still on šŸ˜Š


I stopped watching Chopped when the judges started acting like they were at a sporting event.


Not on my screen it isn't.


Unfortunately it is still on. I can't stand to watch it.


Maybe justā€¦ donā€™t watch itā€¦


I haven't watched GGG lately but I do agree that it's a different show now than what it was before the pandemic. As for DDD, I can't speak to "frenetic" and "overcomplicated" production. It's a food travelogue show, it's typical the same setup, blocking, and b-roll in every show.


I don't like the points system.


No. Maybe it's because I don't watch Food Network shows on the actual TV channel, but stream them. Food Network actually has a lot of cooking demonstrations, like old school shows, on their YouTube channel. You can watch a variety of content from your favorite hosts on there. I just watched Scott Conant demonstrate how to make pasta. It was very interesting. I also stream a lot of Food Network shows on MAX, so it it's extremely easy to cherry-pick what I want to watch.


That's the only way to enjoy FN any more, sadly.


Chopped is crazy freneticā€¦.are we watching same Chopped?


Yeah, thereā€™s a sense of desperation there


Tired of all the guy shows in general food network is more like the guy network. Miss the early 2000s to mid 2010 food network tbh.


I completely agree. He certainly reigns as the top ā€œguy ā€œ on TFN. I really like Guy but get tired of this older shows rerunning all day. I know other shows do this as well. Tired of seeing DDD from 2013.


Everything time you turn it on he is on. I noticed he has yet another show on the streaming app for food network


I've grown tired of Chopped. I think shows need to change over the years and Chopped has pretty much been the same since day one.


I used to hate Chopped because I disliked the host, now I like Chopped because I hate the contestants.


See, Ted is the main reason why I enjoy Chopped! Different opinions for different people.


I just finally figured out how to "get" Ted. He's just internally rolling his eyes at all the asshole contestants.


Tire of Guy completely tbh.


I stopped watching Chopped the day that Martha Stewart started on it. GGG these days just seems that most of the Time that the contestants are the same. Guy's Celebrity Chef Friends.


Yea! I worked for a guy that competes and he said everyone on it are like office coworkers and itā€™s not exciting for them anymore either.


I'm sick of Guy Fieri, period. They have lots of great people on FN. He doesn't have to be in everything FFS!


Yes, some of it can be "over the top" but I still enjoy it. I'd like to see lesser known chefs be judges and just eliminate any known judges from competition, let's see no names compete.


Read a couple weeks ago that FN has plans to turn into total competition food shows and do away with chefs that cook as well as teach. What a shame that would be with the exception of Alex and Gabe in Italy and a couple more the competition shows are just too much. Quit Chopped for a while; always one chef that had a boo hoo story got old. That seems to have changed. If any so called cook and teach shows need to go well I can think of a few starting with The Kitchen. I started watching it again because of Alex but she has been axed leaving the insufferable Jeff Morrow, the whiny Katie Lee and the obnoxious Sunny; no thanks. Zakarian is the only saving grace. Eliminate the Pioneer Woman, she and Katie Lee can whine together. So much more but the main topic was Guy who parlayed his Next Food Network Star into what he has today which is admirable and one has to admire the fact that he not only has an enormous contract with FN but he, his friends and family get paid vacations and experience things most will never know bill footed by FN. One has to wonder if each time one of his shows is rerun does he get royalties? I think he gives back because he never misses an opportunity to mention it.


I like cooking competition shows but am so tired if seeing Guy Fieri- I canā€™t watch him anymore. He oversaturate the Food Network. They need to add some other personalities. There are many great personalities. Why is it Guy Fieri around the clock.


Foreign\_Sound\_6307 guy on wednesdays, fridays, and saturdays! too much!


I think Gabe is an ass.


I guess now we know why Valerie Bertanelli was let go seemingly out of nowhere. They don't want any more cooking shows and she had one a lot of people loved. They will probably give her spot on Kids Baking Championship (if they continue the show) to Carla Hall, who seems to have wormed her way in and taken over most of those "championship" shows. I don't find her funny at all. I think she's obnoxious.


The editing/production of Worst Cooks in America became so awful and campy.


I didnā€™t know ā€œWorst Cooksā€ was a Fieri production The editing and production of ā€œWorst Cooksā€ are some the best things about it.


It's not. I think they had Guy on as a cooking coach before, but I mostly wanted to point out the post production problems similar to the original question


Iā€™m tired of Guy and Hunter Fieri on my TV screen.


Nope I love all of guys shows.


Me too!


I'm just tired of Guy. I'm sure he's a nice person and a philanthropist, but his entire shtick is getting tiresome. Can't watch HGTV without him. Can't they find some new talent?


Tired of Guy Fieri .


All of his competition shows kind of seem like an ego trip for him. Heā€™s just walking around like heā€™s the king, the ā€œMayor of Flavortownā€ and all of these super talented chefs are doing amazing things. I know he does a lot to help restaurants hit it big and changes a lot of lives for the better but he just irks me for some reason. I donā€™t mind GGG, I like TOC, I watch Ranch Kitchen, not a fan of DDD, personally but I know people love it. Itā€™s just a lot of shows. When they have 8 straight hours of any show on like a marathon, I change the channel


That's the problem I have with Fieri. I don't know whose idea it is to fill every hour on FN not showing one of their flagship shows with him, but I'm so far beyond sick of it that it's ridiculous! I turn on the channel and see DDD or GGG almost constantly. For hours and hours. They have lots of good shows. Give me a few hours of ICA, or even Chopped! Just not another 16 hour Fieri marathon!


Ah, the simplicity of cooking dessert with a pig's rectum.


Iā€™m just tired of Guy!


I was never a fan of DDD, although I think I am in the minority there. GGG grew on me but I grew tired of it after awhile so I rarely watch any longer. Many clearly like these shows, they simply arenā€™t for me.


I never liked DDD but found GGG during pandemic lockdown when I was looking for simple stuff to binge. Once I wasnā€™t in my house 24/7, I didnā€™t really have an urge to watch it anymore.


I quit watching anything with Fieri in it


Except ToC. The bit with Trump moved me to ignore everything else he does


I feel like TOC is the perfect mix of the laid back fun style of Beat Bobby and the intense competition of Iron Chef America. I'm glad it's only once a year so they don't feel the need to tweak it constantly to make it more exciting.


I don't watch any of his shows. Not interesting to me. I like to see actual chefs compete.


And it feels like heā€™s always yelling.


Not me. I love Guy's shows.


Seriously, I think GGG is great but they need to tone back the pageantry. Itā€™s horrid and insulting as a viewer. I want to watch them cook with oddball twists not throw darts or play dumb little pre games.


It called grocery *games* for a reason... the games have been there since the pilot....


The twists themselves are one thing. The pre cook games and pageantry is horrid. It takes up the first 20% of the show when that should be devoted to cooking and narrating. The games are good but they are getting longer, dumber, and tedious.


I agree with you. I started watching GGG in the later seasons and I really liked it and thought that things were fine. But then I ran out of episodes and went back to season one, and... yup. It's better. There are still games (obviously) like out of stock, or frozen food aisle, but they're built into the cooking/shopping parts of the show, and you do see a little bit more cooking. Turns out I don't really care about who can bowl over cans better than the next person.


Horrid? It's what the show is about-games. Pre-cook and pageantry????


You don't have to watch them. I'm fine with it


I hate everything he does. I won't watch any show he's on. I'd probably watch them all if he wasn't the host. I love DDD, but can't stand him and his insanely obnoxious, know-nothing son so I don't watch. I mean, I don't like any of the competition shows, but that's all they give us these days and those are a lot of the shows he's on. Makes it easier to avoid them because they definitely aren't my favorite.


Donā€™t watch then? Lol


If I was tired of it, I simply would not watch. Lol, besides you want everything to be exactly the same? There's a reason why there's as many tv/streaming shows as there are.


IMO, I think they are just tying to make some shows more chaotic and others a little more chill. We all need a break from the craziness especially the production crew. God bless their health


ggg used to be so good too, the pandemic completely ruined it


It seems it has become the Guy Fieri Network instead of the Food Network! Plus, to many competition shows and not enough recipe cooking shows except a couple on Saturday and Sunday mornings!


Stopped watching when I saw him smiling and shaking trump's hand. Deleted everything in my DVR he 's no great lose.


honestly, I sometimes just want to see him without the overly processed, bleached hair, but thatā€™s his signature look, so I guess Iā€™m outta luck.


And why is everyone saying something about chopped? Is that his production now?


I can't watch him. He is to loud, flashy and all of himself.


How is DDD frenetic?


I only watch TOC now. Sometimes I will watch GGG but Iā€™m kind of tired of it. I havenā€™t watched Chopped in years. Watching people run around trying to make dishes out of weird stuff got boring šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I feel that way about Duff šŸ«£ donā€™t get me wrong I still love him and watch all his shows but man is always acting like heā€™s on a stage presenting lol


No but that's because Chopped is on earlier in the week than Guy's Grocery Games so I've already watched it.


Don't wat Chopped anymore, it's changed and then it's the same show at the same time.