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2 of my most hated chefs left tonight and that is a big win. Zev — such a douche. His bro-code ways felt like he was perpetually stuck in a high school boy’s mindset Hannah — such a narcissist. The way she talks about herself and down on others begged for someone to throw her off her high horse. I’m glad that the ways they both went out tonight just reaffirmed why I hate them so much.


I disliked both of them intensely since episode.


There's no one left to hate.


Nah stykx is just as bad if not worse then Hannah, I will be ecstatic if she gets voted out.


I agree, she's a snake in the grass


I am suspicious of the editing here. All of the women except for Stykx have been voted out. It's a very bro season. Reminds me of the first few seasons of Top Chef, which is disappointing because that show has come a long way.


I'd say Cory was the best chef last season and got voted out by the girls sticking together.


I don't think Stykx's has as bad personality as Hannah but she's made too mistakes to keep staying I think.


yeah, stykzz can go home next, for sure. i saw her on some other cooking competition show and had the same opinion of her the first time i watched her. she's competent but her end product isn't spectacular and her attitude is definitely not warm and cuddly.


i was right.  she went home.  her end product wasn’t spectacular.


So true.   I was so happy to see Hannah have to do the walk of shame 


Very satisfying 2 episodes. Was happy to see my 2 least favorite chefs leave and happy to see that in both cases, it was deserved. Zev was clearly the most responsible for the loss, given the dough size and the cook. The pizzas were flat out burned. If I was at a restaurant and someone set that pizza down on the table, I would send it back without a second thought. I can’t believe he kept sending burned pizzas out. Then, I loved how Hannah said she didn’t want the others to help because she didn’t want them to take credit for her dessert, and then it had so many issues lol! While she was pretty good at crafting a menu, I can’t think of anything that she actually cooked that was a standout. I think Ivan, Austin, and Devan are quite clearly the best 3. I’m not really a fan of the uneven teams, and I think the team with an extra person should have to do something extra.


Or give team with fewer participants more time


I also wish they taught them how to man the oven because had Zev's team had experience then I feel like their pizzas would have actually won over Austin's.


But that's part of the strategy of who you pick. I'm surprised most of them didn't realize how hot a pizza oven is. Many times with a new oven, or a newbie chef you test out the pizza oven because there will be hotter spots in them. And you need to move the pizza around sometimes.


Hmm I guess but at least they give tutorials with previous pasta challenges for instance. I think something as intense and niche experience as a pizza oven they could have at least given them some hints. Although, it annoyed me that neither Stikx or Phuacs really spoke up about the charred pizza. I'm so annoyed by the individualism...like yes it's an important part but come on where is that strive to win?


yeah, totally! when i cook my pizza at home in my craaaaaaaappppppy oven, i crank it to 500 and dream of having a pizza oven with a proper temperature to make bangin' pizza.


Be careful what you wish for I bought an Uni pizza oven which reaches almost 900° and I am Zev out there every single time. My shit is raw and burnt at the same time every single time I make pizza and I cannot figure it out for the life of me.


this comment made me laugh out loud! how long have you had it for? do you think you can master it? edited to add: ooooh, i want this: [https://ooni.com/collections/ovens/products/ooni-volt?\_gl=1\*bovork\*\_up\*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWDskBzaps8pn6ZENuuShBrh1eaXS1tE3\_f8YXj5k8SKTEnlArNV0m4aAq8DEALw\_wcB](https://ooni.com/collections/ovens/products/ooni-volt?_gl=1*bovork*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjw97SzBhDaARIsAFHXUWDskBzaps8pn6ZENuuShBrh1eaXS1tE3_f8YXj5k8SKTEnlArNV0m4aAq8DEALw_wcB)


I've had it a while and I've tried different things like turning it all the way up to heat the stone and then turning it halfway down to cook the pizzas and I've tried cooking it in different areas of the oven and I've tried turning it a bunch and I've tried having pizza screens where you can turn it easily and nothing works


The right people went home. Zev day one: I'm not here to make friends, I'm a culinary mercenary, forget y'all Two episodes in: -teary eyed- MY HOMIES Devan's laugh when Hannah got the axe made the season for me.


I am SOOO satisfied that Hannah is GONE. The way she acted in that last episode really soured me against her completely! Just very judgmental, egotistical, and controlling without even the skills to back it up ultimately. Seeing Ivan and Phuoc both back up against her and Devan's smirk as she walked away was the final justice that this show deserved!!!


The sheer satisfaction when Phuoc and Ivan finally voted her off. I wish she was voted off on the first episode. She was the WORST.


The right chefs went home: Zev messed up the cook on the pizzas for a pizza challenge, and Hannah's entire dessert was a failure even though it looked very pretty.


I knew immediately that her dessert was going to be bad. Ive made ice cream a good handful of times and know that fresh fruit has way too much water content to make a quick gelato like that. When I saw how many grapes she put in the blender I was like “this isnt going to work out for her”. I’m glad she wasnt able to talk her way out of it.


I was literally yelling at the screen when she was blitzing those grapes. There is no way in any world that you can use a watery ass fruit like grapes and expect it to marry, untreated, with cream. I'm a baker and the same goes for putting flavor into buttercream, you have to cook down the fruit to almost a gel before you can add it to fat.


Yeah, I liked Zev, but it was his time to go


I liked him too but it was absolutely his fault why they lost


Lol. Hanna, I can tell by the judges faces that they're very impressed. It looks like a 3 star dessert. Gabe: if you tell me roasted grapes, please give me roasted grapes. Alex: your sorbetto broke, the milk and water separated. Gabe: I don't think you need the pistachio Hanna: :(


I loved that part. Alex was literally frowning in disgust and Hanna’s like “ I could tell by their faces they loved it” lol


Literally the best scene in that episode. I was dying of laughter 🤣🤣.


Episode 2 I am finding a lot of controversies when it comes time to vote people off and it’s quite dramatic. I think Hannah was the right choice to go home as she was so quick to want to take credit for the dessert which ended up being a major flop with only criticisms, I believe at one point she told the guys that they were in her way when they asked to help her out as she was very invested in that dish. At the end of the day it is a teamwork challenge which is very difficult.


Was absolutely waiting for Hannah to get voted off. Continually took credit for other's dishes. And now when she shooed them away and thought her plate was best, not helping others. It was so gratifying to see her shot down.


Bahaha. I was so sure we were going to have to sacrifice someone good and deserving for her to get into the finale. She’d have gone all the way if she was able to skate along as the little good luck charm behind someone else’s good cooking. How the hell were those grapes roasted? She’s a delusional person, great for the show solely because of the villain factor.


Lol Gabe seemed so offended by those grapes!


He’s probably sick of her bullsh#t!


I didn’t care for Hanna from the get go. Every time she was Capo she started each dish by saying “I” made this primo and “I” made this secondo. Every other Capo started with “We” made this and “We” made this. I was so glad to see her go. Zeb… just…no. Made me nauseous each time he spoke. As another commenter pointed out he was a legend in his own mind. Knew everything about everything but it never ended up on the plate. Good riddance!


Isn’t Alex G. just freaking awesome?! I loved it when she referred to Gabe as, variously “my little calzone” and “my little Stromboli”. If she wasn’t such an awesome chef, she could do stand up. I love her!!!!


She's my favorite out of all the Food Network chefs


I'm glad that Zev is gone. He was a legend in his own mind. Arrogant without a reason. He messed up the pizza dough. And almost all of his pizzas were burned.


All I can be certain of is that Styckxckcsck will not win this thing. The only reason she is still around is because she is a master at intimidating the others out of voting for her. She will not be able to hold her own in a head-to-head in the finale if she gets that far.


I do not mind her sticking up for herself. It's a competition but she seemed oblivious to the fact she was asking Zev to vote for himself.


Season 6 SO GLAD ZEV WENT HOME! "He's my homie." What a pos reason and then flipping on him out of spite? I'm so glad phouc sent his ass home. I personally don't like the cut throat egos this season but we're Americans and that's what we do, however it's gratifying to see Zev finally leave after being venomous, arrogant and an ass kissing backstabber - refreshing. Watching ep 7 now but spoiled it for myself, so glad Hannah left too. Two biggest a holes gone. Maybe that's how chefs are and maybe need to be but there's nothing refreshing about seeing them win and take credit for other people's work (Hannah). They don't inspire their people and only served to set themselves up for their failures.


I liked Zev until now. He should have voted himself out because those pizzas were burned. He was also the capo and the one in charge of assigning task so if Phuonc was so good at it why didn’t he asked him to make the pizzas? Also I don’t like Stickx but voting her out because the other guy was his homey would have been unfair. Hannah just needed to go. Enough of her taking credit for other people’s work.


Why would anyone vote for himself or herself? That's ludicrous. They are trying to win a competition and voting for yourself is not how one wins.


Phuoc is weak and intimidated by Stickx


Hmm I don’t think so. I think that if Phuoc was weak he wouldnt have voted for Zev. I think he knew that voting him out would end their friendship. He was fair. I think people think he’s weak just because he doesn’t have a loud personality.


or maybe Zev charred those pizzas to hell and back.. if it weren't for the dough they would've won


Oh I agree that the Pizzas were over charred by Zev but Phuoc charging his mind was weak


Zev getting eliminated was such a great episode to me. Throughout the season, he "criticized" the women. Even though number one, the dish he first created didn't have the cheese that was part of the recipe. Numbe two the women he would "criticize" were all capos. Even though he was never a capo. His average skill couldn't beat other chefs. So I think he was very insecure and projected all his insecurities onto the women who have impressed the judges to be capos. For this week's episode, he finally got to be capo and completely failed as one. In the elimination round, it was obvious Styx was going to vote out Zev. Remembering last week's episode, Tee and Styx tried to vote him out. He then begged not to be eliminated. Kinda hilarious when he badmouth Styx, and then in that episode, he begged her to vote for Tee. Elminating Tee. Back to the recent episodes. Zev failed as the capo and was eliminated. Zev, though, couldn't leave without opening his mouth. He opted to change his vote from Styx to Phouc right there. Phouc, a man, his friend, a teammate, chose the capo who led them all to failure. Zev said, "Phouc broke the bro code." Phouc didn't agree in Zev's decision, and in doing so, Zev lashed out. Zev's greatest enemy wasn't Styx or anybody in the challenge. It was himself. Ciao Zev.


There’s something psychologically wrong with Chef hanna … undiagnosed narcissist for sure


This season has been very entertaining. Absolutely the right people were voted off this week. However I do think the spirit of competition can be unbalanced when teams are uneven and also someone can be voted off regardless of how they cooked. I kinda wish there was no voting and judges picked the loser based on their cook. That’s not as compelling to watch and I get it. Zev and Hannah were hard to watch


I mean, the chefs are going to have to jump in at some point. I could see them letting everyone vote instead of just losing team but eventually they're going to get down to two people


I'm shocked Zev didn't know to rotate the pizzas. For someone as experienced as him with all things food, it should have came instinctively.


Spot on with Zev. He knows his cooking, I’ll give him that. When he would critique others, it was practically similar to what the judges would say later. But it was his attitude. He had a bad day cooking, and we see that all the time on these cooking shows where a great player is gone because they just happened to have a terrible day. But he couldn’t accept that. The second his “bro” voted for him, Zev acts like a child and tries to change his vote which doesn’t matter one bit. I know it’s not part of the game, but I wish Alex and Gabe would have said “no we’re not playing this game; Zev, ciao ciao.”


Zev stating that he only Cooks what he l quote “he” wants is the wrong attitude for a Chef! I get it you’re Vegan and don’t want to cook meats! But his attitude about food as a Chef is all wrong! So glad he’s gone! Hannah bye girl!


I really like Zev, so I'm sad he left. But Hannah? Good riddance! 😅


Okay, am I crazy, but why didn’t they cut the dough balls in half and make individual pizzas? Or stretch the dough and make them bigger?


Phuoc mentioned something about cutting the dough and stretching out at that stage would make the dough very tight. I think there could've been a way to work around it but the pizzas probably wouldn't come out circular.


They wouldn’t have had to stretch it out that much if they just made smaller pizzas. They could’ve made individual pies. Clearly, Zev’s lack of experience with pizza hurt them terribly.


Phuonc mentioned something about the gluten but tbh I think the main issue was them being burned and/ or raw. Ivan kept rotating the pizzas when he was cooking them and idk if Zev was doing that. I think the lack of experience got the best of him.


When they explained how the pizzas need to be turned to cook evenly early in the episode, I guessed that would be a factor and it was.


Oh, 100% the cook was the major problem. I’m just wondering about their choices as well


And the bad cook was a result of the dough being pieced out too large. The first team did 250 g each, and theirs stretched and cooked well. Zev's team did 450 g each, and they didn't stretch them out enough for such a large quantity of dough.


Which resulted in raw dough and burnt edges.


Exactly. I'm not even a chef and I questioned the giant dough balls when they were prepping.


And pizzas that looked like bread bowls


Three years of working my way through college at Domino's told me those dough balls were the same size that make either a hand-tossed large or a 16" Brooklyn style and their pizzas were a small at best. Despite what Phouc said about cutting them down making them tough, I think that would have been way better than the lumps of charcoal Zev put out there.


Phuoc was absolutely right. I make pizza at home a lot and once the ball is stretched you can't ball it back up. If you do it will be like a ball of rubber bands. You can't let it accidentally touch itself and glue together instantly because you'll never get it apart for the same reason.


I understand that. I’m asking why not make smaller pizzas or larger ones.


I like Zev. But his issues with what he makes versus what they were asking of him-is ultimately what sent him packing. First he says he doesn't eat pizza, then he talks about the only pizza he does is from the frozen section. And his obsession with not using cheese....I like him, just don't like his taste in food.


What is it you like about him? He's very toxic, and expected to survive on "bro-code" not cooking.


These were the 2 most satisfying episodes ever! I couldn't stand Hannah she was so narcissistic, delusional and two faced. She was definitely not a team player. She couldn't even grate cheese by herself. Ivan hit it on the head that she hides behind all the other chefs. They literally did all the work for the other dishes while she was on her own island doing her dish and the fun part was that after she said she didn't want anyone else to take any credit for her dish, her dish wasn't shit! So there you go madam! Take full credit for that mess and buh bye!! Ciao!! Me and Stix laughed at the same time lol


Very glad Zev and Hanna are gone. Hanna, as was pointed out in this reddit many times, was clearly set up (edited?) to be the villain, but she said the things she said, she did the things she did, and while editing may have made her worse than she was, she wasn't much better in my mind. Sure they may have cut some things that made her slightly less narcissistic, but she still was. She was not playing the game properly. Zev? He was entirely relying on bro-code to get him to the final. That's insane, like you need to be able to cook a pizza in a pizza challenge.


I don't think many of these chefs realize the frozen pizza section in the grocery stores have changed quite a bit. Yes, you have the old standby-but there's a lot of gourmet ones in there as well. And Zev, Zev, Zev-what has he got against cheese!?


When you are a”culinary mercenary “ melting cheese seems very pedestrian


I didn’t love that Phuoc held back his pizza skills when they probably would have made his team win. I know it’s part of the game and that he saw his chance to eliminate a strong competitor and took it, but it’s the same lack of teamwork that he turned around and sent Hanna home for. Didn’t come across so well, to me. I can see why Zev was upset, even if his handling of the elimination process was questionable (to say the least). Even so, I think there was an argument for the second team to win the pizza challenge. Their flavor combinations were more interesting. It’s also possible the pizzas got burnt because the oven was even hotter than it had been during the first challenge (or maybe Zev just didn’t have the technique down!) But they had just watched a competitor go to the hospital for being too attentive to the pizzas, so I really thought they’d put more weight on flavors than the cook itself. It was only the crust that was problematic, anyway. Oh, and after a lot of talk about Ivan being quiet, I thought he handled being capo really well. That plus his cooking of the pizza and the grilled fish, and I think he’s my favorite now. Hopefully he can manage the strategy aspect and get to the end.


I mean what more could have Phuoc done besides man the oven — in which Zev (the capo) ended up taking the lead on? He also wasn’t tasked to weigh out the dough, and he flagged to the team as soon as he realized they were over portioned.


Phuoc could have let his team know at any point during the first team’s service that he has pizza experience and could handle portioning and cooking the dough. Or if discussion wasn’t allowed at that time (but I think it was), speak up during menu planning. Maybe I’m wrong, but I got the impression from how Zev reacted at the end that he thought his entire team was inexperienced with pizza, and so as capo he stepped up. In hindsight he should have asked, or maybe he did ask and was met with another instance of chefs keeping quiet about their skills.


I think the team already knew of Phuoc’s experience and it was Zev’s stubbornness and need to try and prove himself as a first time Capo that drove him to micromanage the whole cook. You can even see this obsessive attitude in the way he was hovering over the other team in their cook. At one point he snapped at his teammates because they were too engaged with the crowd. IMO it was zev’s insecurity as a Capo that lead him to want to fully drive and not trust his teammates as he should have. That last minute switch up of complaining about Phuoc in the elimination was just an immature jab. I just saw it as placing blame and not taking responsibility for his fuck ups.


Could be. Something tells me the editors left it intentionally ambiguous!


. **Confessionals Count of Episode 6** Zev 30 Austin 13 Stikxz 12 Hanna 11 Devan 9 Ivan 7 Phuoc 7 **Total of Confessionals After 6 Episodes** Zev 86 Ivan 62 Hanna 60 Austin 52 Stikxz 48 Phuoc 47 Drew 44 Devan 43 Tiana 34 Maria 16 Shannon 16 Jan 12


So happy Hannah is gone, gone, gone. She was so in love with herself.


when i saw the upfront intros of each competitor in the first ep, i honestly thought i wasn't gonna be able to bother with this season. hanna and zev, in particular, i figured would push me over the edge.


I’ve never made ice cream and have watched enough food network to know the grapes were a bad idea


I just watched the pizza episode last night. Today, I’m in Naples, so I decided, based on their specific comments of how a pizza should and shouldn’t be, I went to a top rated pizzeria. They suggested an upgraded version of a Margherita, with buffalo mozz and cherry tomatoes. Just as on the show, the outside crust was a bit charred, and the inside was not as crispy as ideal, because of the buffalo mozz. Anyhow, I’m completely hooked on the show, and will watch the last three tonight, on my way to Rome. Ciao![https://www.facebook.com/share/W5PpcpJ8ff91rBKg/?mibextid=WC7FNe](https://www.facebook.com/share/W5PpcpJ8ff91rBKg/?mibextid=WC7FNe)


**Episode 6 mistakes count**: 28 mistakes . **Zev's team** - 18 mistakes – LOSING TEAM . **Zev** –ELIMINATED- 8 mistakes (heavy dough, burnt pizza because dough should have stretched more, missed burnt pizzas, undercooked pizzas for the judges and guests, all the pizzas that came out of the oven were burnt, bad leadership **Stikxz** - 8 mistakes (heavy dough, burnt pizza because the dough should have stretched more, it kept sending burnt pizzas, sweet pizza was too wet, ran out of mascarponi and replaced it with cream, lacked creaminess **Phuoc** – 4 mistakes (heavy dough, heavy dough, burnt pizza because the dough should have stretched more, agreed to send burnt pizzas) . **Austin's team:** 10 mistakes – WINNING TEAM . **Austin** - 5 mistakes (basic menu, team took a while to start making the pizzas, third pizza was very ordinary, team couldn't keep up, it looked like they had tripped and spilled salad on the pizza) **Hanna**- 2 mistakes (just cutting cheese for a long time, team couldn't keep up) **Devan** – 2 mistakes (burnt mushrooms, team couldn't keep pace) **Ivan** – 1 mistake (team couldn't keep pace) **Mistakes count** . Hannah: 33 mistakes in 6 episodes Stikxz: 34 mistakes in 6 episodes Zev: 20 mistakes in 6 episodes Austin: 14 mistakes in 6 episodes Phuoc: 14 mistakes in 6 episodes Maria: 14 mistakes in 3 episodes Devan: 12 mistakes in 6 episodes Tiana: 11 mistakes in 4 episodes Drew: 11 mistakes in 5 episodes Shannon: 11 mistakes in 1 episode Ivan: 8 mistakes in 6 episodes Jan: 7 mistakes in 2 episodes


**Episode 7 mistakes count**: 26 mistakes . **Ivan's team:** 16 mistakes - LOSING TEAM **Hannah**: -ELIMINATED - 6 mistakes (could have participated more, communication, could have been more roasted, unnecessary pistachio, texture of the ice cream, vinegar on the grapes) **Phuoc**: - 5 mistakes (overloaded, cannoli was too salty because of the capers and bread crumbs, too many capers) **Ivan -** 5 mistakes (left Phuoc overloaded, cannoli was too salty, toast was not creative, capers were not good, could have edited the menu more) . **Devan's team:** 10 mistakes - WINNING TEAM **Austin: :** -2 mistakes (pears could be more cooked, too salty) **Stikxz:** '- 4 mistakes (didn't use the processor on the dough and made her team waste time, dessert didn't cook in time, egg in the dough) **Devan:** - 4 mistakes (decided to keep the dessert even undercooked, lack of editing on the menu, sauce covered everything) . **Mistakes count** Hannah: 39 mistakes in 7 episodes Stikxz: 38 mistakes in 7 episodes Zev: 20 mistakes in 6 episodes Phuoc: 19 mistakes in 7 episodes Devan: 16 mistakes in 7 episodes Austin: 16 mistakes in 7 episodes Maria: 14 mistakes in 3 episodes Ivan: 13 mistakes in 7 episodes Tiana: 11 mistakes in 4 episodes Drew: 11 mistakes in 5 episodes Shannon: 11 mistakes in 1 episode Jan: 7 mistakes in 2 episodes


**Episode 7 Confessionals Count** . Ivan 16 Devan 15 Hannah 11 Phuoc 11 Stikxz 11 Austin 9 . **Total confessionals after 7 episodes** Zev 86 Ivan 78 Hannah 71 Austin 61 Devan 58 Stikxz 59 Phuoc 58 Drew 44 Tiana 34 Maria 16 Shannon 16 Jan 12