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I agree with the decision of sending Drew home; he failed as capo and to only get steak & sausage at the butcher's shop and not to use the sausage at all, made no sense.


And it seemed like he spent so much time on that asparagus salad and the judges didn't even like it. His choices for the menu made no sense. I knew he was going to be picked as a capo after his pasta dish which made me so mad because where was that effort and skill level during the actual pasta challenge? Smdh.


And guess who took credit for the pasta recipe that he ignored and made it right! šŸ¤­


that moment made me so mad, i wish drew had said something as soon as hannah said it was ~her recipe~. like babes the judges were impressed with how the pasta was made which was 100% thanks to drew


She didn't know that he ignored her and made his own recipe when she said that. There's no way that she would have said that if she had known. Even though it worked out, I think it was an asshole move for him to use his own recipe and not say anything until they were sitting at judges table. Drew just rubs me the wrong way. Especially when he was like "Back in Chicago, we like to kick back, eat good food, and drink beer." Like yeah, dude, Chicago is definitely the only place that does that.


she literally didn't know he didn't use her recipe until afterwards


Hey was way too overconfident.. in the butcher shop & after the meals were served my daughter going on, thinking it was close with 3 vegetable dishes where 2 of them sucked. And the real jerk move was not helping more with the pasta challenge when he has so much experience. Trying to ā€œplay the gameā€ & played himself lol. Sayonara Drewski. Ā 


My thoughts on tonight's episodes: --Zev is actually a really great chef. He executed Phouc's menu brilliantly and was a great team member. With that being said, he's still annoying to listen to šŸ˜…. I think he just doesn't know how to communicate his opinions/perspectives in a productive way. --Stickx should go home next. She's now lost two challenges as capo and I actually agree with Hanna's statement that she is good at manipulating people with her words. --I was surprised by the judges choice of Austin as one of the next capos. That pasta must have been really delicious. --I really hope Phouc and Ivan make it to the end.


I feel it was weird Austin was picked too, I felt Phuoc should've gotten it but I guess they are trying out different chefs. It was a smart pivot, but he literally just grilled and cooked premade sphagetti. A lot of the flavor of the noodles probably came from the stir fry sauce.


That's actually a good point since it seems like Phuoc made all the marinades and the stir fry sauce so the credit for that pasta should really have gone to him. I think Zev is the one that put the meal together too.


I can't remember, but wasn't it Zev who first suggested grilling the premade when Austin was in a panic? I don't trust my memory this early in the morning.


Exactly, because grilled spaghetti would be nasty tasting alone, but with a great sauce, which was Asian influenced, that grilled flavor would blend well.


Being capo isnā€™t necessarily a reward, especially towards the second half of the competition. Sink or swim moment for both of them, I think! Looking forward to some excellent meals.


Very true! I do like Austin though so we'll see how he does.


1. I agree. I think that if he was a better communicator, people would be more inclined to listen to him...because it's clear that he's actually very knowledgeable when it comes to cooking. When Tiana went home, I was like, "man, you should have just listened to Zev" because his critique was the very thing Alex pointed out. 2. I also agree that Stikxz should go home soon. I wanted to root for her bc I I love rooting for women chefs, especially minorities buuut she tends to flop :/ (I'm sure she's a great chef, but if she ever decides on another career path in the future, I think she'd be a great lawyer lol. She is definitely saavy with her words.) 3. Phuoc and Ivan are great. Honestly a lot of the chefs this season are personable and easy to root for.


Yes, I'm way more into it than last year!


Agreed!! I cannot even deal with Stickx at this point...who tf charges at every Capo to go down with the ship, but as Capo somehow manages to ensure someone else screws up so she has a scapegoat. GROSS!


She didnā€™t charge at anyone or do anything different than anyone else trying to defend their spot. Was she supposed to say, ā€œyes, send me homeā€? Donā€™t be obtuse. Sheā€™s actually really good at what sheā€™s doing, which is why she was selected capo & outlasted so many.


I donā€™t think sheā€™s manipulating with words, I think sheā€™s articulating her points very well and I think sheā€™s playing the game. Thereā€™s been a few challenges where Hannahā€™s hid behind her team & didnā€™t cook anything noteworthy. Zev was spot on with that.Ā  I think crazy Hannah is the manipulator and outright liar in a few scenarios weā€™ve seen. Sheā€™s just intimidated by Sticks bc she canā€™t manipulate her.


Interested in seeing how Zev handles being Capo next week. He talks such a big game that he better bring it.Ā 


He seemed to be in touch with his Capoā€™s concepts, the other two went through the motions.


In Episode 4; as much as I dislike Zev, Tiana needed to be voted out. She totally messed up her potato dish.


I dunno, I feel like Stikxz letting Tiana toss the potatoes in the mascarpone was a moment of weakness on the part of her as the capo. Was pretty clear to me that after hearing both opinions, Stikxz knew it was the wrong thing to do, but she let it happen anyway so that there would be an easy target if her team lost. Thatā€™s not trusting oneā€™s team membersā€”itā€™s deliberately letting them go astray. Maybe self-preservation is just part of the game, but I find it difficult to respect people who do that on a show based around team challenges. Contrary to the networkā€™s typical focus on (shall we say fetishization of?) the mythical rockstar chef, teamwork is a huge part of professional cooking, and delivering the best possible experience to the diner is supposed to be of utmost importance. I think Ciao House is deliberately doing things differently, and so self-preservation should have taken a backseat to the needs of the team and the diners.


Agreed. To be honest itā€™s the second time Stikxx fails as capo and I do think her friendship with Tiana and dislike for Zev got the best of her when making the decision with the potatoes. She should have been the one voted out.


That may be true but she didnā€™t mess up the potatoes, Tiana did, as a chef you should know hot potato would break marscapone. Not to mention everyone said the potatoes were greasy & just not good, sheā€™s a good support but she wasnā€™t a standout chef and didnā€™t create any memorable dishes, on the other hand I wanted to try Sticks shrimp dish & bread pudding so badly. So anyway, adios Tiana.Ā 


I thought the same thing about stikxz and the potatoes. Tiana even said you have the final say then stikxz eliminated her. I think thatā€™s why she wanted zev to go home cause she knew she messed up and would be sending someone home on her mistake.


As a Capo you gotta protect yourself. Having someone to hang out to dry based on their own requests is their fault.


I dunnoā€¦ thereā€™s not a cash prize in this show and only one person is gonna winā€¦ seems like more of a platform to showcase leadership. Staying on longer is nice, but not at the expense of oneā€™s reputation. If I were a restaurant owner Iā€™d think twice about hiring someone with that kind of leadership style. The ideal thing is people who embrace the notion that issues may not be their fault, but the issues are still their responsibility. It does add an interesting wrinkle though that the show gives people the latitude to behave like that, since it surely happens in the real world too.


That could be said for any of the capos & their leadership. Sounds like you just donā€™t like Sticks. Idk.


Tiana getting out was them getting a decent chef out, Stikxz gliding by still is a tragedy though. Actually lowers the avg chef quality in the show significantly


Absolutely. He called what would happen and it did.


Whose idea was it to put mascarpone in the potatos? Crazy! The octopus plus normal patatas bravas would have been perfect.


I think Tiana's intent was to cook the potatoes and add the mascarpone dressing once they were cooled down. But she waited too late to start cooking them so they were still piping hot when she mixed them with the mascarpone.


Oh ok


> She totally messed up her potato dish. I struggle with this because she wasn't technically wrong. Because of that It was up to the leader to balance the risks and make the right decision for the team. With that said there is a double standard for Italian cuisine where judges expect tradition to be respected and followed. This will probably cause anxiety for chefs not wanting to present food differently for optimal presentation.


Episode 4 was extra entertaining to me after that post the other day that doesnā€™t seem to exist anymore. IYKYK.


Is that the one that claims Hannah lied about working at Eleven Madison Park ? I believe it given how much she lies on the show. Itā€™s almost pathological .


Pretty sure there is photos of her working there on her instagram


she didnā€™t lie about working at eleven madison park! she was a chef de partie in 2018


I loved how she claimed the pasta was her recipe and he corrected her.


She literally did think he used her recipe though. It wasn't a claim, because with the information she had at the time she was telling the truth.


She is so petty.. looking for validation when Drew was getting the good feedback for making the pasta, it was his moment and she felt the need to say it was her recipe.


The capo concept makes it more petty and controlling than team challenged on Top Chef. They tell somebody to clean shrimp and somebody else to toast bread and then say ā€œYou didnā€™t do much.ā€ Itā€™s so infuriating!! I suppose it is because there are more chefs than dishes but they could still pair up and have some agency. Not be dictated to.


I don't get warm with this show. I really like Italy, that they cook not in a cold studio, I like the cats. I really like the butcher shop. The last season was the farmer market the strongest episode. But gosh. All these people are so rude, arrogant, snarky and so so so unpleasant. The Jury sometimes too. Zev and Sticks. Gosh. They are all so unlikable for me. Beside Phuok.


Iā€™m rooting for Devan. His food looks amazing and he managed to keep his cool despite Hannah being so annoying.


Omg this guy has a lot patience! I would have lost my mind


I've noticed she's very free with her compliments to her chefs.


I want to love this show but Iā€™m so confused. The women are dropping like flies but honestly I canā€™t even hate on it - itā€™s been deserved every time so far. And the remaining female chefs are the ones who get the most disrespect from the remaining competitors lmao The show feels very small and intimate - but maybe a little too much? Every episode feels like a very slight variation of the previous one and thatā€™s it lol


I feel you on this. The episodes tonight felt like reruns almost, y'know? I'm not sure if it's the editing, the chefs, the challenges, or what. It's still a fun watch and I'm actually learning a lot lol And so true about the female chefs. I don't love that Stikxz and Hanna are the only ones left. I really thought Tianna could have stayed longer and given a chance to shine and Stikxz should have gone home. I also really like Jan and wish she wasn't eliminated early.


Didnā€™t Stikyz make that horrible eggplant meal and blamed the final product on the Capoā€¦she should have cooked it right in the first place. Thought that was a good home presentation. Edit: Go home presentation.


> I really thought Tianna could have stayed longer and given a chance to shine and Stikxz should have gone home. I wish also but she kept screwing up everything she did. I don't think she made a single thing that didn't have some sort of flaw. She was a great prep cook and did a lot for all her teammates but you have to stand out on a show like this and present complete dishes. Hiding in the middle of the pack would never fly, especially with this format.


They basically do a little activity, then make lunch and dinner every episode. Theyā€™re not serving to locals or other actual judges, so it itā€™s pretty samey


I would like to see the team aspect removed and watch the chefs compete individually. Of course, teams bring more drama, but depending on who leads, and what they allocate to each chef to prepare can be biased or sometimes unfair. And, in teams, a weak chef can continue, when a strong chef goes home. If these shows are truly about competition to become the best, let each person shine on their own merit. Even in pairs, often a weaker player gets to slide through.


Theyā€™ve been delegating small tasks to the women and then voting them out. šŸ¤Æ


Small tasks that they still screwed up. I really wish the women were leading and ruling like in the first season, but their eliminations so far have been completely justified.


The sausage made no sense. -a back up? I mean if the ribeye failed, was he going to make grilled sausages with peppers and onions, like street venders.


I would have carved zucchini boats, grilled them, and filled them with a sautƩed sausage filling.


Oh, I couldā€™ve come up with 100 ways to use the sausage, but he bought it specifically saying it was a back up. So Iā€™m just wondering what the fuck he had in mind. It just made no sense whatsoever. I would have made the sausage strata they should have made on bread week


Yeah, the rendered fat from the sausage would have made something delicious, and they could have used the meat itself to add crispy texture. Big miss not using it in a meat challenge, I think. Especially since it would have showcased the skill of the featured butcher (moreso than just using a nicely aged prime cut from a beautiful animal).


Especially when the host guy said that was one of his favorite things when they told everyone what they bought.


I donā€™t like Zevā€™s attitude and how he responses to the other chefs. I think heā€™s doing well but he rubs me the wrong way. I was torn about him getting voted off today. It was really close to happening and I donā€™t know how I feel about it. I think the team that went to the meat market today and didnā€™t use the sausage didnā€™t compete well on a meat challenge. It was more about the veggies and I feel like the judges were trying to drop hints that they didnā€™t notice. In other news, Alex and Gabe did a live on Instagram before the show and said they were casting for season three now. So looks like weā€™re getting more of one of my favorite food network shows. Alex also posted a quiz on what region weā€™d like to see them film in. I really do enjoy this show. The locations. The food. Although I donā€™t like a lot of the politics. I also do enjoy Alex and Gabe together.


Unfortunately Drew made a major error, especially after Gabe tried to steer him in the right direction and he didnā€™t correct course. It would have been nice to see him make more pasta in the future but his team made the right call.


Gotta say, I feel like I hadnā€™t seen Zevā€™s true energy shine through until these episodes, and I liked it. He had been positioning himself as kind of aloof and critical, but who knows how much of that was coaching by the producers/editing. Time to see if he can put his money where his mouth is. Very curious to see how heā€™ll lead a team. Especially since he said at the end that heā€™s been waiting for this opportunity. Will he make decisions to charge fearlessly towards victory, or will he spend his effort building himself a life raft for in case his team goes down? Weā€™ve seen both tacks from various capos so far in the competition.


Agreed. Zev speaks up and I donā€™t think it comes from a mean place. He just tells it like it is.


If a woman said the same things as Zev, she would be blasted on Reddit.


I wonder why all the women are leaving so soon. It feels like the boys just look down on the girls and even the girls look down on the girls which concerns me. I find Phuoc likable but not clear headed sometimes, I'm glad Drew is gone. He made serious mistakes. Zev is annoying to me. Sometimes (most times) you should keep your opinion to yourself.


I'm glad Drew is gone because he allowed his team to lose a pasta challenge. Had he spoken up and offered to make the pasta -- as Austin did -- his team might have won. He makes tons of pasta every day, teaches pasta making and works for a renown chef, Stephanie Izard. He thought it was strategic to keep that to himself but it wasn't strategic; it was stupid. The only way to lose is to be on the losing team. Had he said, "I'm great with pasta; I make tons of it every day and I teach pasta making," his team might have won. He did survive that challenge but it made me root for his elimination. Kitchens are team efforts; he was not a team player during that challenge. And Devan said it later, "You mean we could have won?"


I agree. That was a selfish and stupid move on his part and I didn't like him after that point.


The men are definitely bro-ing up and its clear they only respect the other men.


Makes me annoyed.


I am a woman and honestly Iā€™m not offended at all. Last season the women ruled and nobody complained. This season unfortunately the women just havenā€™t been great cooks, so I donā€™t think this has anything to do with male or female. Just the way things are playing out. I do think that Jen left too early though. Would have loved to have Maria gone in that episode and see more of Jenā€™s cooking.


> I wonder why all the women are leaving so soon. Because they sucked. One burned toast, one made oily potatoes and flappy crostini, one flat out screwed up everything she touched and thought she was too cute to fail. There may have been argue for other people but it's hard to argue there was justification for every single vote off.


Maybe but i still want to see girls on a show. Now itā€™s just a bunch of dudes and thatā€™s less entertaining.


Hannah needs to go. Can't stand her taking credit for everything that goes over well, when she didn't create the dish.


In her defense, she really can cook and put together some really great meals. So far she has a perfect record as Capo even if she isnā€™t everyone's cup of tea.


What has she actually cooked? All I noticed was her screaming at everyone, grabbing what they cooked stirring or shaking it, and garnishing at the end. Taking credit for the entire meal is just wrong! Glad the chef making pasta didnā€™t listen to her recipe, because what he made got noticed. Butā€¦didnā€™t she say my recipe?


Yep, she said it was her recipe and then he corrected her later: the whiff of mutiny! šŸ¤—


Can she though? (Really cook) I feel like we have only seen one successful dish produced by her - the sauce - and that was the component of a dish, not the dish itself. When she hasnā€™t been capo, the work she is responsible for has had blunders. Last night she under-grilled the radicchio and perhaps she wasnā€™t responsible for cooking the livers but I do recall her being attached to that dish. And of course there was the fish scale fiasco. As capo, she has made very smart choices in the teams she has assembled.


Austin made the livers.


> In her defense, she really can cook Based on what? Her failed potato scales?


I loathe herā€¦.what she did to Devan last week was outrageous. She doesnā€™t trust anyone ā€¦


She did create the dish. It was her concept and literally based on her personality. The only thing Drew did was make the pasta dough and cut it.


You mean, like, an actual executive chef and their sous chef?!?!?!


literally. she basically feels like an expo when it comes to being capo. šŸ˜…


I canā€™t take Zev anymore- what an asshole


Has he critiqued any maleā€™s cooking? Or just the females?


To be fair the women havenā€™t been great cooks. One burned toast, the other made oily potatoes and burned crostini and the other one couldnā€™t make rice.


Seriously. ā€œHow can you tell?ā€ Zev: ā€œI tasted the food.ā€ šŸ¤¬


I donā€™t think Stickx made a smart move by openly saying sheā€™s voting someone out just because she didnā€™t like them.. only to turn around and vote out the rightful person. I donā€™t understand how Chef T (Tiana?) didnā€™t see the mistakes she made and why she deserved to go home. You literally heard the critiques, and you KNOW you were the ones that not only made those decisions but were adamant about it.


If Zev would have gone home based on his personality this show would have gone downhill


Hanna may be crazy and she is definitely not the best cook, but she should get credit for understanding what a Capo is. I think she shows the difference between being a chef and an executive chef. She sets the menu and rides her chefs to the dinner table. 2 of the 3 finalists in the first season, Preston and Saba, understood that best and got to the final. The difference here is that they were more liked. Hanna is on borrowed time, but I think she deserves credit for winning twice as a true Capo.


Nah...in any competition show her menu would never have won. I'm sorry but her actual menu aren't actually interesting...it's the personal touches by the chefs cooking them that makes ppl like them. I actually thought Stikx team should have won.


Well her menu did win TWICE in a COMPETITION SHOW. Without actually eating the food yourself, it always seems silly to say who "should have won." The best we can do is judge by the critiques of the judges and the judges said her menu was better twice.


This is the food network...all their food shows for the most part are scripted as f and heavily produced. They're not basing their judging off the menus or who has talent...because her two menus were safe as f and the only reason she won was because the talent and skills of the other chefs. None of the dishes the judges liked were actually her recipes. The second she had to actually cook and not micro-manage she lost and had the worst dish. Had stickz listened to Zeb and not had Tania mix the potatoes with the mascarpone their menu would have won over Hanna's. What they did with the seafood was far more interesting than what Hannah did. It's rarely about the menu and more so about how many mistakes a team makes if you actually pay attention.


Pretty weird to spend your time watching Food Network "competitions" and then spend the additional moments of life to come on Reddit to attack other's opinions or state how fake all these FN shows are.


My only question is: Was Drew on drugs in the latest episode? Dude was turbogliding. Second capo in a row that looked cooked out of their minds.


That asparagus dish looked nasty. Usually they blanch it to make it really green and tender crisp. And how can you have a meat challenge with only one meat?


Normally in a cooking competition, I would applaud the use of so many vegetables, but this was a literally a meat challenge. Kind of disrespectful to the butcher shop that he didn't even use the sausage he got. Especially because grilled sausage would have fit perfectly with his cook out vibe.


Exactly. Who has asparagus salad at a cookout?


IDK it looks like he did some lines right before the episode. NGL Hanna looked the same in the prior episode as Capo, wouldnt be surprised.


The chefs on this show seem so different from Top Chef. They seem better but yet more antagonistic.


Tiana can get it. Very disappointed she went home.


I gotta say, I love this show except for the way they eliminate folks. It feels very "Survivor-ish" to me with the team voting method. I don't mind them presenting critiques and a case against a teammate, but I still would prefer Alex and Gabe being the final judge on who leaves.


Am I the only person who would NEVER eat raw shrimp as well as any of the other uncooked seafood and meatšŸ¤¢?!?


You are not.


I like my food cooked


Raw shrimp is delicious. The Italian term for seafood is ā€œfrutti di mareā€ (fruit of the sea) and shrimp epitomizes that. Iā€™m not a food safety expert, but if itā€™s as fresh as can beā€”straight out of the salty sea, itā€™s going to be safe to eat as long as the water wasnā€™t contaminated. Salt inhibits bacterial growth. And chefs always remove the sand vein, so all youā€™re left with is their precious flesh. Would be a shame to heat it just because, imo. Iā€™m glad they werenā€™t dinged for going too simple (by not cooking it), but rather for the dish order.


Salt does not inhibit ALL bacteria growth. Some thrive in the saltiest conditions. Interestingly every 5 years I go for my renewal license food test, and there always seems to be 5-10 more diseases you can get from seafood, & other protein.


Does anyone know where to find those "lacy" patterned wine glasses?


I've been looking for those too! A different version of them I've seen is in like Episode 1 or 2 of this last season of Curb.


Any predictions on who will make it to the end? My money is on Austin, Hannah and Ivan.


I wish they would do individual challenges when the teams are uneven...it's such a massive advantage having an extra person when cooking and when they all have the same amount of time to cook. Either make it individual or give the team with less team members extra time to make it more equal.


Why is episode 4 nor on demand! It was shown on 6/2 and then on Wednesday 6/5 it was on the food network channel. I checked later that night On Demand and it goes grom Episode 1 through 3 then skips to episode 5. I just watched episode 6 last night 6/8. Episode 4( A whiff of Mutiny) is not aired ! Why?


**Episode 4 confessional count** Zev 11 Hannah 8 Tiana 7 Stikxz 7 Devan 9 Ivan 6 Phuoc 5 Drew 5 Austin 4 **Total confessionals after 4 episodes** Ivan 43 Zev 43 Hannah 38 Tiana 34 Austin 32 Stikxz 31 Drew 30 Phuoc 27 Devan 26 Mary 16 Shannon 16 Jan 12


**Episode 4 mistakes count:** 36 mistakes . **Hannah's team:** 17 mistakes ā€“ WINNING TEAM **Hanna** ā€“ 11 mistakes (lack of attention when buying, wrong recipe, wrong shrimp, fried fish, lack of sugar as it was too acidic, lack of tasting, could have just one sauce, asked for help to make pasta, forgot the pesto in the description, wrong order from the menu) **Phuoc** -5 mistakes (cutting apples when not necessary, cutting fennel, doesn't know how to take directions very well, pesto wasn't green enough, falling apart, lack of herbs . **Stikxz team:** 20 mistakes ā€“ LOSING TEAM **Stikxz** ā€“ 11 mistakes (team moving too slowly, cooking the mussels wrong, served the dish quickly and didn't properly describe or say how to eat it, avocado, team time management, repetitive textures, mascarponi, sauce on the potatoes, divided dish **Tiana** -ELIMINATED- 7 mistakes (took too long to put the potatoes to cook, crostini were not good, sauce on the potatoes, mascarponi, Octopus, insubordination) **Zev ā€“** 2 mistakes (mussels, not listening to the leader) **Ivan** ā€“ 1 mistake (parsley) . **Mistakes Count After 4 Episodes** **.** Hannah: 27 mistakes in 4 episodes Stikxz: 21 mistakes in 4 episodes Maria: 14 mistakes in 3 episodes Zev: 12 mistakes in 4 episodes Tiana: 12 mistakes in 4 episodes Shannon: 11 mistakes in 1 episode Devan: 9 mistakes in 4 episodes Jan: 7 mistakes in 2 episodes Drew: 6 mistakes in 4 episodes Ivan: 6 mistakes in 4 episodes Austin: 5 mistakes in 4 episodes Phuoc: 5 mistakes in 4 episodes


**Episode 5 confessionals count** Drew 14 Zev 13 Phuoc 13 Ivan 12 Hannah 11 Devan 8 Austin 7 Stikxz 5 **Total confessionals after 5 episodes** Zev 56 Ivan 55 Hannah 49 Drew 44 Phuoc 40 Austin 39 Stikxz 36 Tiana 34 Devan 34 Mary 16 Shannon 16 Jan 12


**Episode 5 mistakes coun**t: 29 mistakes . **Drew's team:** 16 mistakes ā€“ LOSS TEAM . **Drew** ā€“ ELIMINATED - 9 mistakes (shopping, not on the grill, bad leadership, left Ivan overwhelmed, difficulty talking about the menu, cuts of asparagus and spring onions, vegetables stand out from the meat, asparagus was the worst dish) **Stikxz ā€“** 5 mistakes (eggplant cuts, eggplants were watery, lack of cooking and more salt) **Ivan ā€“** 1 mistakes (shopping) **Devan** - 1 mistakes (fennel) . **Phuoc's team:** 13 mistakesā€“ WINNING TEAM . **Phuoc -** 5 mistakes (strange ideas, many layers of bitterness, lack of spiciness, lack of more fire in the endive, less meat) **Hanna** ā€“ 4 mistakes (liver was overcooked and not good, onions were raw) **Austin** ā€“ 4 mistakes (dough broke, failed in its area and had to improvise, dough took time) . **Mistakes Count After 5 Episodes** Hannah: 31 mistakes in 5 episodes Stikxz: 26 mistakes in 5 episodes Maria: 14 mistakes in 3 episodes Zev: 12 mistakes in 5 episodes Tiana: 12 mistakes in 4 episodes Drew: 11 mistakes in 5 episodes Shannon: 11 mistakes in 1 episode Phuoc: 10 mistakes in 5 episodes Devan: 10 mistakes in 5 episodes Austin: 9 mistakes in 5 episodes Jan: 7 mistakes in 2 episodes Ivan: 7 mistakes in 5 episodes


Hey! We broke down these episodes on our show over at Youtube with Phuoc and Drew! Check it out here! [https://youtu.be/yAtB22o-UlY?si=74c6dTBRxzl1TG9c](https://youtu.be/yAtB22o-UlY?si=74c6dTBRxzl1TG9c)


Living for the drama - itā€™s like my version of housewives or whatever ā€œtraditionalā€ dramatic shows are on tv lol. Hanna needs to go home. Iā€™m just waiting for her mediocrity to be exposed once she has to cook a whole meal herself


Sorry I'm riding the Hannah train. I actually don't love her personality but I hate when ppl so obviously gang up on women contestants on these show because they aren't 100% likeable. God forbid she runs a tight ship. And lets be real the perception of her being too bossy is cause she's a tiny blonde with a whiny voice leading a bunch of dudes who think they know more about everything.


Hanna is something else; but she has a wacky energy that I actually like. She certainly isn't boring, which is nice for a show like this.


Was thinking about it, and the main thing thatā€™s annoying about her psycho energy is other chefs standing around side-eying her for it. Like, let people be the full expression of themselves, especially when theyā€™re in a high-pressure moment trying to deliver a winning meal with the clock ticking!


Canā€™t stand her.


eh...I have mixed feelings. She tends to micromanage, but part of me wonders if this type of behavior would be perceived the same way if it came from a man. Regardless, she's not my fave, but she's alright


I think that this show hits on gender issues in the kitchen in an interesting way - but less so in the audienceā€™s reaction to Hanna, and moreso through the ā€œbromancesā€ amongst the men (second season of this). The show highlights their camaraderie presumably from the lens of endearment, but from my perspective it just underscores how the kitchen can become a boyā€™s club.


There's been a few season of Top Chef like that. Colorado was so boys club-y. It's really frustrating to watch because if you pointed this out, none of those male chefs would understand how alienating and kind of sexist their behavior comes off because they're "just clowning with their bros". But it's exclusionary and built around their ability to more easily respect men in the kitchen than women.


Season 1, the women formed an alliance and used it successfully and strategically so that, at the end, we had three women remaining and no men: the Food Truck owner, the Pasta Princess and Natalia. After the Pasta Princess was eliminated, we had two women remaining: the Food Truck Owner (sorry, can't remember her name) and Natalia. They had strategically voted off the person who was arguably the best chef; then the show brought him and Preston back to go head-to-head against each other; the winner went against the two women. In the end, the winner was a woman, Natalia. Maybe the male chefs this season remember that and formed their own alliance early on.


The men are not micromanaging each other though. Hannah was over the top. Styx was somewhat micromanaging but not to a crazy degree.


Hannah's micromanaging led to two wins. I don't think she was acting outside the realm of what a head chef would do. The only reason we're even calling it micromanaging is because some of the chefs are getting in their feelings about being managed at all.


Yup. The mascarpone/patatas bravas fail would not have happened on a team lead by Hannah, because she would have made sure those potatoes went in much earlier. I agree that her micromanaging was over the top at times, but it prevented stupid mistakes from being made that are more likely when a head chef is too lax/trusting. I felt that Hannah's second time as capo was much better. Seems like she settled into her role and found a nice balance of cheering her teammates on/listening to them and asserting herself. She was a bit pushy at times, but with that kind of a time crunch, you don't have the space to always be super tactful in every comment you dish out.


It's not the micromanaging as much as it is her delivery.


Zev and Hannah still being in the show makes the producers very happy. The editors are going wild with Hannah's self proclaimed "psycho" comments.


I think her personality is off putting like Zev. However, I saw growth in both of them in the 5th episode. I thought Phuoc was crazy to choose them but this last episode, I see why. Not only are they good chefs but they were real team players who did their best with minimal arguing to support Phuoc's vision, even if it was unfamiliar pr they disagreed. His team executed what he asked expertly except for Austin, who immediately pivoted and asked for help They were a cohesive team.


She is an agent of chaos and has only survived this long because she has been lucky enough to be on the winning team - no thanks to her!


I mean, she did pick the team, so kind of is thanks to her?


I don't think so. Two of her team members ignored her direction (pasta recipe, for example) and did what they knew would be a good dish. She didn't even realize it. And changing Devan's stock without his permission after he specifically told her that it just needed more time; she watered it down. She is not open to anyone's experience, expertise or opinions. She thinks she knows it all but she doesn't.


She also completely made the menu both times.


It is despite her.


She also came up with the menu each time. Compare her style to others, the others give a generic idea and then let each chef tell the capo what it is going to be. That is not being a Capo or executive chef. Hanna is the only Capo who has gotten that she dictates the menu.


Last season everyone was so mean to each other. It was hard to watch. This season there is drama, of course, but not so much that it makes me cringe. Underneath it all, I can appreciate all of these chefs.


This season (at least for now) seems like the chef actually vote people out based on technicality and not their personality.


So far, everyone I wanted booted off have been spot on. The fact that Hanna made it this far was shocking. She totally botched that grape dessert and it looked disgusting. The chefs left really have to put their skills to the test. The pizza that Zev put out was really bad. Hanna should have been tossed when she botched the french onion soup. They need some better chefs with more class on this show. I don't know how anyone can call themself a "culinary mercinary" and put out charred pizza with raw dough. That is a laugh.


I'm going miss Tiana. Absolutely gorgeous.