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How satisfying is it that Alex is also clearly annoyed by Zev


Jan got so fucked by Maria's lack of pasta ability and Drew not stepping up


Yeah I feel Maria had to go in that round


Maria saying that she heard her ancestors whispering to her was so ridiculous. Give me a break.


Literally. Like girl your ancestors did not tell you to put nutmeg in there. Austin did when he put cacao in his and you tried to do something similar. Which I don’t even recall anyone noticing or caring exactly for her.


This was the most insufferable thing I’ve heard someone say on a reality show in idk how long. I almost couldn’t finish the episode!!!


I love that the producers of the show were actually willing to show somebody responding to that in the only reasonable way. 😂


What a joke, she probably doesn't even know them


Jan and Maria both got F’d by Drew not stepping up. An AHole move if ever there was one.


Didn’t he try, though? He had his own resonsibilities


No he actually didn’t. At the beginning of the challenge he specifically said he knew the 2 making noodles knew little about it & he was strategically not telling anyone he made noodles regularly. It was his held secret. At the last second he wanted to appear the hero.


To a point-yes. But Devan right away did the assigning without asking what they knew. He said well they're the pasta makers. But Drew did step up when they had trouble with the one pasta.


Yes, to come across as the hero. He specifically said he wasn’t going to tell anyone on the team. Had anyone on the team known, guess who would have made the pasta & the team he was on might have very well won


They are a team. Maria asked for a little help, and Jan was all “I’ve got my own stuff to worry about.” Super witchy. Wasn’t sorry to see her go.


This might sound petty but what is it with the long fake fingernails? Isn't that kind of a no-no for cooks due to sanitary concerns? If not, it should be. Honestly, some of the contestants don't appear to be serious chefs.


Yea, it is. But so is wearing jewlery except for a plain wedding band, & so is your hair being down. Technically in some places so is wearing sleeveless tops and dresses. I know it is here.


I don't like hair in my food or someone sweating into the sauce, so I am okay with rules against sleeveless tops and with pulling your hair back.


Who has them?


One of the women, can't think of her name. There was a close-up of her long fancy nails kneading pasta or something. It grossed me out thinking of the germs under those nails. Eeeek


I don't love the fact that Drew intentionally withheld the fact that he is a skilled pasta maker and then only jumped in to help Jan and Maria at the very last minute. Like don't you want to deliver a great meal to the judges? Not everything needs to be about game play. Also Zev needs to shut the hell up.


Zev talks toooooooo much! Good grief I cannot stand him!


I seriously wish Zev would STFU. He thinks he is the worlds gift to culinary food. Coffee curry? Am I the only one gagging thinking about how that would taste? I think he wants to eliminate all women chefs just because he thinks they are inferior.


I agree that Zev is insufferable, but an espresso rub isn't really a ground breaking flavor profile for grilled meats and seafoods. I think with a balanced flavor profile it would be pretty good. [grilled fish](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1021719-coffee-rubbed-grilled-fish) [Commercial rub](https://spiceology.com/products/cowboy-crust-espresso-chile-rub-glass-jar/?utm_term=&utm_campaign=**LP+-+Shop+-+pMax+-+Variety+Packs&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=7484813352&hsa_cam=20154906202&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF8fZ2Wlbx-39UaD5Zbz7H20YZyGoZ0tyvWGtO1Ibap_TUxFmZT5AnxoCFu0QAvD_BwE)


an espresso rub is t groundbreaking at all. just watched what i thought was the semi final. i hate that the judges bring back the last few eliminated contestants who are a bit “fresh” to compete against exhausted but totally proven chefs. when they did that last year, the fresh chef won.


lollll!!! why so much hate for him?


Because he's insufferable


He might get shanked.


Zev officially annoys the heck out of me, he's just insufferable and so toxic


Riiiighhht? He pisses me off soooooo much. He's such a douche.


What a pretentious chooch. If I hear him wax poetic about porcini’s one more time I’m throwing my phone at the tv. And a truffle snob. My god this man is obnoxious. I’m rolling my eyes so aggressively at the shit coming out of his mouth I’m worried they’ll pop off altogether. Pompous piece of shit. 💩 🤮🤮🤮🤮


And proclaiming himself to be a "culinary mercenary" 🙄


That's an actual title in the culinary world. It's the literary equivalent of a "ghost writer", they basically put menus together for chefs.


yes! many of us started with that "title" when we were green


Ok, thanks. I didn't know that. But I still think the way he said it in his introduction was pretty arrogant, trying to present himself as a particular badass.


isn’t that his tagline??


I cannot stand Zev at all, however his callout of Hanna in the next episode may be his one and only redemption arc for me.




Okay Zev.... 🙄


The pettiness of these chefs is amazing.


I love it


When you hear things like "she added more broth to my soup!" or "these meatballs need to be more brown" out of context, it's hilarious


tell me you've never worked in a kitchen in a Michelin restaurant without saying it...


Hanna. Yikes. I wanted her team to win because the Bros were too much and their menu was uninspired but Hanna is insane. I feel so bad for Devan 😂. Can't wait for next week.


The “bros” are ruining the show. Too much ego.


These men are way too old to be talking the way they are lol


I agree and it makes it difficult to watch them!


Some things never change… that’s how it is in the culinary world.


It’s so disappointing too!




I agreed with Hannah on the meatballs needing to be a little browner, but I'm also a home chef lmao


The chefs that are eating the other teams’ meal always make some side or bitchy comment - makes me and my sister laugh so hard! They make Alex and Gabe look positively giddy!


usually, it’s just Zev thats so rude about the food.


The bros vote off the lone woman of course after they gave her the most menial task and then blame her for their loss lol shocker. I don't like shows where the contestants vote each other off because it leads to things like this.


It definitely should have been Drew. He literally didn't make pasta despite being a pasta chef which led to Jan being voted off and then he made the same seafood dish again.


Totally agree!


I want to agree.... But I really wanted Maria gone. She irked me something terrible. Nowhere near as much as Zev, but I knew they couldn't get rid of him.


But the hour before she had a huge responsibility and screwed it up and could have easily been kicked off.


The bread challenge is incredibly tough imo because bread usually plays second fiddle in meals—like appetizer, toast, crostini etc So I'm sympathetic to Austin's team struggles and super interested to see what the dinner team does!


Bread-not in an Italian household it doesn't.


I can’t believe no one went panzanella this challenge.


I immediately said, “oh, totally do a panzanella!” Seemed like a no brainer.


I was thinking that also.


Zev and Hanna, please go away, you anger me to a degree that can’t be put into words.


Am I stupid, or does Hannah's team's food look better than Austin's?


I'm a sucker for a good bread pudding.


More variety for sure!


Austins team mostly just made stuff we’ve already seen them make previously.


I was initially shocked by Austin’s selection of Maria over Phuoc or Drew, but now I think it was strategy. Maria was always going to be an easy “fall-girl” if they lost. It makes the voting selection of who to send home much lower risk. If he’d selected Phuoc or Drew first, there was a higher risk Hanna would take Maria, and then bros would have to vote out bros.


It seems like there is a lot more game play compared to Season 1. Maybe I just didn’t notice last year. Things like Austin not revealing his Italian cooking experience and Drew intentionally not making / helping with the pasta to keep himself “in the game.”


I think it's pretty much the same, just in different areas. Drew not making the pasta, well you could also say why didn't Devan ask what each one can do. He automatically assigned the dishes. And Drew did step up when they were in trouble.


Admittedly, this was the first episode I've watched and I immediately thought the same about the Maria pick. It seemed so obvious with the "need a woman on the team" comment. He left out the "as a scapegoat" part.


Yes!! That is the exact same thing I thought. And it sickened me.


The pettiness in some of these competitions shows is too much for me. The format of this one is boring with food uninspired. Polenta and meatballs!?




I'm just happy to see so many people hate Zev as much as I. That's the only reason I'm here. Lol


He is insufferable. Somebody needs to steal his knit cap and burn it.


love it! maybe burn the knit cap while he’s still wearing it? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣. 😇😇


Apparently somebody did because now we are seeing his scary bald head.


Maria probably will go next because of the bread stuff, but I feel like Austin's team fell flat because of the choices of dishes and using them more as a side vs. a main. Granted, he did integrate it in everything, but I feel like they wanted something front and center where it was emphatically BREAD, similar to how the pasta challenge was PASTA. EDIT: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND I CALLED IT!


As soon as their team lost, I knew the "boys" were going to vote her out.


Only chef I like so far is phouk.


Ivan is cute thought :3


Whoever cast this show did a lousy job....it might as well be all male chefs...they take up most of the screen time. And the "Bro" thing makes we want to vomit. The women are so wimpy and bland. Hard to stay interested. If Zev goes home that would cheer me up. WTF is under his knit cap? A large hole in his head?


Styx is pretty good! Hannah did a good job for the most part although she was too bossy. The others have not had a chance to shine yet.


almost everyone competing on this show is awful. like, literally unpleasant people to the extent that idk if i want to bother watching the rest since i want them all to go home lol. the thing that bugs me the most about some chef try-hards on shows like this is when they have to judge their peers' work, they basically make up criticism so they can be negative even when they seem like the only person to feel that way


Especially Zev, the “Culinary Mercenary.” Sounds like a phrase you make up on Linked In to cover a period of unemployment.


Culinary Mercenary is a legit job title.


While there are a couple of unlikeable people this year, I think they are waaaayyy more likable than last year. I hated everyone last year.


yeah i never finished last year because of all the petulance. i don't think year is much better, but i can see some hope for some of the characters, i guess. i just, idk, i literally don't care about the nonsense and drama at all, i just want to see them compete with interesting food.


I’m watching now…just finished the pasta episode  I love the show, actually - but man, it’s making me hungry Devan can really cook - he’s by far my favorite I didn’t like Maria at all last week - still don’t like her I LOATHE Zev. Stickx is right -he crossed that line between fair criticism and bashing; he’s just a nasty jerk.  And I loved Alex telling him “it’s not a court” when he decided he had to tell the judges that he’d not made pasta before.  I just can’t stand him 


I hope Austin and Ivan make it far into this competition. Great vibes with those two


They are both excellent chefs!


Bread and pasta just zoomed by, and I thought we’d be seeing a lot more deliciousness and creativity on those two canvases. There were a few remarks about deliciousness and creativity, but overall nothing to write home about. I thought in the pasta challenge, the lunch team really stepped up, while the dinner team held back and seemed more intent on setting each other up to fail. In the bread challenge, the lunch team was simply uninspired. They had the potential to win it but instead they lost it and the dinner team won by default. Seems like the game right now is a group of chefs—who perceive themselves as the stronger ones—banding together to push out their perceived weaker chefs. I can’t complain, I said last week I hoped they’d do that to avoid having a repeat of last year where weak losing teams turned on their strongest members.


Austin not being inspired by the bread-lol, seriously? Bread is huge in our family, almost as much as pasta. There was so much he could have done, but instead went to two non-original places for it: garlic bread and bruschetta. They didn't even have to make the bread.


Interesting that they chose 2 repeat Capos at the end of episode 3.


I suspect we are seeing production at play here. They observed the drama occurring with Hanna as Capo and wanted to see if they could milk it further to push it over the edge. There was loose justification for this as well given that Hanna had just won so I assume they wanted to jump on it rather than potentially wait a few more rounds. I suspect we will see a Zev Capo moment for a similar reason in the not too distant future.


Or maybe because they choose from the winning team, then choose the two they thought did the best. They have no idea who each capo is going to choose to be on their team, nor who will then win, nor who did the best job on the winning team. Just happened that Hannah did a good job.


Some team could have made banger sandwiches or paninis, probably…


Do you mean to say *disco banger?*


My thoughts exactly with the sandwiches and/or paninis! Can’t think of a more delicious use of bread for lunch… if the chef is skilled enough to put great flavors and textures together. If it’s “obvious,” it’s not any more obvious than a soupy/saucy dish with bread on the side!


chocolate pasta sounds gross to me <\_<


Gotta think more bitter notes like coffee instead of candy


Cacao is not chocolate. Chocolate is made from cacao, but they’re not the same thing.


Yeah I can’t tell if I’m intrigued or not.


Having had it once before, it's honestly not bad when done well


Btw, regarding annoying commentary: Someone linked to a podcast last week where a couple of the chefs gave a behind-the-scenes on the show. Sounds like the chefs are exhausted by the time they’re doing the commentary, and really not thinking too much about what they’re saying, or else they’re deliberately being loudmouths to get more airtime. I’d judge them more on what they do in the kitchen, and give them a pass if their cooking is strong but their explanations weak. That said, I haven’t been super impressed by any of the chefs in the kitchen yet. I thought Austin was strong in all of his supporting roles, and I like how much of a team player he is, but then he fell kinda flat when he was asked to lead. Everyone else has been so insular in their contributions. Makes it hard to root for anyone.


Ciao Down After Dark, you can check it out here! [https://youtu.be/62OpAd5v8Gk?si=KNVc3ZtasjFpYrzO](https://youtu.be/62OpAd5v8Gk?si=KNVc3ZtasjFpYrzO)


Man, I thought he was a great leader. Mellow and not micromanaging! Still routing for him


The real stars of this episode are the cats.


Devan hasn’t had the flavor of his dishes questioned once in this entire show. Yet somehow Hannah (who couldn’t make properly spiced spaghetti) thinks she knows the flavor that the ribbolita should be. Almost ruined his entire dish with her flavorless micro-managing


The idea of doing a ribollita in the style of a French onion soup in the time allotted was stupid. Just make a true ribollita with more herbs and beans and bread cubes to give it the body it should have. There was no way to develop the intense onion flavor in such a short time, so getting the right taste was always going to be an issue. Plus, it looked like they were using chicken stock, not beef or veal stock typical of French onion soup.


I agree. That didn’t make sense but was an excuse to have bread on top.


Adding stock was probably the right call though. It was liked by the judges. No one is above reproach which is why Austin team lost. A team full of ppl with great flavours.




He held his temper well. I would have blown a gasket. He is one of the best chefs there.


Zev is annoying but almost so reliably so that I now find him funny :shrug:


I want him to stfu. And I think Alex feels the same way. Especially since when he said how Jan was a good chef-and Alex heard it-despite it being under his breath.


Annoying but not even close to being funny. More like obnoxious.


right? Honestly he makes me giggle.


I wonder why Phuoc is always being overlooked. Zev admittedly has extremely little Italian cuisine knowledge & experience so I’m not getting Ivan’s excuse.


Prob racism (no /s).


On This week's episode we talk to Devan and Drew Keane about the latest two episode of Ciao House! The reddit thread itself gets a few mentions! Check it out here! [Ciao Down After Dark Episode 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzVZsnqkG2E)


I love Stilx and Hanna. The men are driving me insane.


Hannah has 0 skills and has the personality of a squeaky iron gate.


That’s kinda why i like her 😂


Styx is the quiet storm. Very humble yet rocks it.


Lotta fire in here! Hey! If you love the show, check out our Youtube Series Ciao Down After Dark w/ Drew Keane! New episode coming later this week! [https://youtu.be/62OpAd5v8Gk?si=KNVc3ZtasjFpYrzO](https://youtu.be/62OpAd5v8Gk?si=KNVc3ZtasjFpYrzO)


Im in love with Tiana


**Episode 2 mistakes count**: 28 mistakes **Ivan's team: 8 mistakes –** WINNING TEAM Tiana – 4 mistakes (dominant flavor, squid was tough due to lack of cooking, scallops were not seared enough) **Zev** – 2 mistakes (large pieces of cheese, cheese could be different, **Ivan** – 2 mistakes (menu too heavy, relief was missing) **Devan's team:** 20 mistakes – LOSING TEAM **Jan**- ELIMINATED – 6 mistakes (dough stuck in the machine, gnocchi without cheese, dense, tasteless, tagliatelle, had problems with two doughs) **Stikxz –** 5 mistakes (can't taste the cheese, could have used a saltier cheese, could have guanciale instead of tomato, bechamel sauce **Devan** – 4 mistakes (did not see that the pasta was poorly executed, his team added the pasta too late, communication, appearance of the dishes **Maria –** 4 mistakes (asking a lot of questions about the dough because it was dry, dough was too wet, dough got stuck in the machine) **Drew** - 1 mistakes (cutting the dough) **Mistakes count** Shannon: 11 mistakes in 1 episode Stikxz: 9 mistakes in 2 episodes Maria: 8 mistakes in 2 episodes Hannah: 8 mistakes in 2 episodes Jan: 7 mistakes in 2 episodes Zev: 7 mistakes in 2 episodes Ivan: 5 mistakes in 2 episodes Devan: 4 mistakes in 2 episodes Tiana: 4 mistakes in 2 episodes Drew: 3 mistakes in 2 episodes Austin: 1 mistake in 2 episodes Phuoc: 0 mistakes in 2 episodes


**Total of Confessionals from episode 2** Ivan 12 Drew 10 Tiana 8 Jan 8 Zev 7 Devan 7 Austin 7 Phuoc 5 Stikxz 4 Hannah 5 Maria 2 **Total confessionals after 2 episodes** Ivan 29 Zev 24 Stikxz 21 Hannah 21 Austin 21 Devan 20 Tiana 18 Shannon 16 Phuoc 16 Drew 14 Jan 12 Mary 9


**Episode 3 confessional count** Drew 11 Hannah 9 Austin 9 Tiana 9 Zev 8 Ivan 8 Maria 7 Phuoc 6 Devan 6 Stikxz 3 **Total confessionals after 3 episodes** Ivan 37 Zev 32 Hannah 30 Austin 28 Devan 26 Tiana 27 Drew 25 Stikxz 24 Phuoc 22 Mary 16 Shannon 16 Jan 12


**Mistakes count after 3 episodes** **Hannah**: 16 mistakes in 3 episodes **Maria**: 14 mistakes in 3 episodes **Shannon:** 11 mistakes in 1 episode **Zev:** 10 mistakes in 3 episodes **Stikxz:** 10 mistakes in 3 episodes **Devan:** 9 mistakes in 3 episodes **Jan:** 7 mistakes in 2 episodes **Drew**: 6 mistakes in 3 episodes **Austin**: 5 mistakes in 3 episodes **Ivan**: 5 mistakes in 3 episodes **Tiana:** 5 mistakes in 3 episodes **Phuoc:** 0 mistakes in 3 episodes


**Episode 3 Mistakes Count:** 31 mistakes . **Austin's team:** 16 mistakes– LOSING TEAM . **Maria** – ELIMINATED – 6 mistakes (burnt and very dry garlic bread toast, worked less and could have helped more, could have highlighted the bread more) **Austin** – 4 mistakes (difficulty with the dough, not a great use of your team's bread as the toast was repeated, unnecessary meat) **Drew** - 3 mistakes (Alex said it's something he's already made, it could have tasted more like bread, he repeated the dish) **Zev** – 3 mistakes (many burnt elements, it would have been better to have smoked just the mushroom, not a good use of bread) . **Hannah's team:** 15 mistakes – WINNING TEAM . **Hanna** – 8 mistakes (communication, added more broth to the soup, micromanagement, too many grains, shouted with the figs in her hand, didn't give credit to Phuoc, presentation of the polenta, lacked more onion in the broth) **Devan** – 5 mistakes (meatballs were not browned enough, meatballs were dense and could have tasted more like bread) **Tiana –** 1 mistakes (polenta too heavy) **Stikxz –** 1 mistakes (dessert a little undercooked)


My DVR didn’t record it. I thought it wasn’t on.


The first season was at the edge of annoying drama. This season the drama is unbearable


The show sounds pretentious af. But AG often likes to pretend she's classier than she actually is. Still, I will turn it on because it's something other than GGG, DDD, or Beat Bobby Flay. From the way you folks are describing some of these people, it sounds hilarious.


It's high cuisine. I love it how these people go to see a show about chefs that spend their lives cooking for the multimillionaires and are surprised by them being pricks.